Out of the cage

Chapter 1210 Chapter 2524 Good and Evil Dao Demon

In the 43rd year of Jiajing, although Yan Song returned to his hometown in the Ming court and his party members fell from power, natural disasters and man-made disasters continued in the north and south of Ming Dynasty.

The Tatars in the north seem to have frozen their cattle and sheep to death, and they are plundering southward more and more.

After Hu Zongxian was implicated by the downfall of the strict party, the "Japanese plague" began to make trouble along the coast of Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Many villages were harassed by pirates, and the county government's properties outside the city were looted.

People from the Fujian-Guangzhou area have come to work in the Kentuo Association. The so-called "Japanese plague" means that Ming Dynasty couldn't solve the problem of employment, so he went to sea to start a business.

As for "wo"? One real Japanese is mixed in one hundred people.

Near the port of Keelung, Wei Keng put on black rubber shoes and black rubber pants, and was teaching the locals how to dig a fish pond with a small boiler.

Fish ponds are a labor-intensive industry. Excavating two or three acres of fish ponds requires earthwork. In the feudal era, it was impossible for a family with less than ten men to do it. Only in the industrial age, when a small boiler and steam engine could Fish ponds in rural areas can only be popularized when shovels are tirelessly digging the soil.

Fishponds produce important meat resources. Currently, Kentuohui does not have the ability to mass-produce antibiotics and build modern chicken farms, so eggs are considered a luxury at this time.

In the era of the Ming Dynasty, eggs were generally not eaten by humans. They were needed for raising war horses and building city walls.

Although the current output of fish ponds is not as high as that of domesticated aquatic products in the 21st century, it can still reach a yield of three to five hundred catties per mu.

The women organized by the Reclamation Association in the village will dig the yellow mud pond, wash the harvested grass, dry and dehydrate to feed the locusts, and then dry the locusts and store them in jars with lime bags for storage. Of course In spring and autumn, the insect corpses are directly mixed with the oil residue after oil extraction from rapeseed, and thrown into fish ponds to fatten the fish.

The green kun (grass carp) here can grow to seven or eight catties. After being salted, it is a specialty of the Huizhou region.

And those dry-cured ducks. In Wei Keng's memory, when he was a child, this thing looked like a mummy. He couldn't figure it out, and felt that the saltwater duck in the south of the Yangtze River was not as delicious.

But later I learned that the cuisine in Jiangnan is the cuisine of official houses in big cities.

The inner house can get fresh chicken, duck and fish at any time, and although Hui is still in the south of the Yangtze River, it is too inland, and the umami taste is difficult to preserve, so pickled meat is the main force of the cuisine here.

The Keelung coal mine in the distance is emitting black smoke, and the daily output of nitric acid has increased to 70 tons, laying the foundation for "chemical industry". In this sixteenth century, the chimneys are emitting wonderful smoke.

Relying on Jilonggang Coal Mine. Steelmaking, explosives, glass, soap, various industrial productions (workshop level) are activated.

In particular, the increase in the output of diatom mud passivation explosives has contributed to dozens of quarries. During the process of violently obtaining stones on the mountain through explosions, those gravels were turned and smashed by steam engines to form good road construction materials.

On Dayuan Island, a large area of ​​undeveloped land began to appear roads hundreds of times faster than in the past.

The increasing number of working people has begun to stimulate a large demand for light industry and agricultural and sideline industries.

Mr. Wei was fed up with the taste of instant noodles and monosodium glutamate in the big pot of rice. Started cooking alone in the kitchen.

For the meal on the first day, chop the salted duck into small pieces and steam it, then take out a small plate of mixed egg liquid, put it in the rice cooker, and finally when the steamed egg is on the plate, garnish with a little green onion. And a pot of rice is filled with a plate of fried cabbage and two or three bowls of dry rice.

For the next day's meal, before going to work a few days ago, Wei Keng saw boys wandering in the street, and threw them a few big ones, asking them to dig some mud for himself. I receive three pieces of money for one penny.

Almost when Nakato came back, he could harvest a big bucket from these boys who got out of class early.

Wei Keng put the loach in clear water to spit out the mud for a day or two, then changed a few pots of water, then cut off the head, processed the internal organs, mixed the salted fish with tofu and steamed it, prepared the casserole and put the loach and salted fish tofu together Put it in and cook it for two hours to form a fresh and salty taste.

On the third day, three salted duck eggs were found on the street. The yolks were taken out and ready to be made into crabs (that is, the egg yolks were mixed well and then fried with green onion, ginger, and garlic). into biscuits. Then steaming crabs are wrapped in sesame seed cakes.

Then on the fourth day and the fifth day, after resigning as the supervisor of the industrial area, Wei Keng turned on his private stove, his face became more and more radiant, and he hung a toothpick after dinner every day and started to work.

As for the security squad deployed by Wei Keng, all the powerful local men also ended their days of canned fruit and licked their faces to come to Wei Keng to make a living.

Wei Keng, who opened a small dining table, began to cook full-time for the working group of the Reclamation Association where he worked.

For example, one dish at the beginning of the month was braised fish. Twenty fish were wrapped in dry cloth and placed in the ashes of the stove to precipitate excess water to prevent the subsequent frying and peeling. I suddenly couldn’t find the salt tank), the stomach was stuffed with onion, ginger and garlic, marinated with wine for 20 minutes to taste, added wide oil chili peppers, rolled over high heat, dipped in oil and fried until golden on both sides, added garlic and pepper to enhance the taste, Finally, add soy sauce and simmer for 20 minutes. Sprinkle soul scallions on the pan.

As for Mr. Wei's house, there was a neat box of compressed dry food and glass cans of sugar water, which really became emergency supplies.

Today is full, Wei Keng patted the broken fish bones on the table and picked them, pointing at the person on duty today: "Come here and do the dishes."

The guard surnamed Lu who was about to leave could only stay and start sorting out the kitchen waste.

Wei Keng didn't use delicacies from mountains and seas on the stove, and the chefs of rich families looked down on these "difficult to be elegant" village-style ingredients.

However, the villagers who can obtain the same materials rarely have a large amount of oil and salt for practice.

Therefore, in the eyes of a guard surnamed Lu who was cooking together: Wei Keng, who was thinking about how to catch more fish in the pond, did not look like a wealthy family, but he was not a hooligan either.

The guard surnamed Lu has been quietly recording something, and Wei Keng knows very well that this is the hundred households of the Imperial Court Jinyiwei.

Of course he's just recording, and hasn't sent any information so far. Also did not move him.

Similarly, as long as he doesn't confess his secrets for a day, other colleagues around him will be promoted and become colonels, and even generals, but he will stay where he is, just a captain.

On the Ming Dynasty timeline, Wei Keng currently has no main goal of overthrowing the Ming Dynasty.

In the staff department, the plan to fight the Ming Dynasty military is a backup, and now economic and cultural means are used

After staying in the Ming Dynasty for a year, as the situation stabilized and the risk of a big war decreased, some people had begun to return, and now there are more than 300 people left, divided into five waves of rotation, maintaining the Xin Chou No. 3344 here (Da Ming) Timeline development.

This Ming Dynasty timeline corresponds to the rules of the corpse tide plot line. Although the origin of the virus obtained by Umbrella Company later came from the African Sun Ladder, there are actually "plot elements" all over the world

When large-scale population gathers in the future industrial age, plagues will break out.

There is no doubt that Kentuo will develop ahead of time in this timeline, and will also encounter "origin level biochemistry".

In the Reclamation Association, there is a special microbiological experiment department, which has the "Mohist holy artifact".

These twenty-first-century microscopes and monitoring equipment are top-secret equipment. Only travelers from modern time and space are eligible to use it in this era, and closely monitor the signs of rabies, plague, cholera, schistosomiasis and other severe infectious diseases.

As for the locally recruited doctors in the "Ministry of Heaven and Engineering", the time traveler is currently guiding them to establish a medical care system. Research the nature of miasma.

The local doctors of the Ministry of Tiangong have now discovered various microorganisms by collecting various samples in the coastal area of ​​Daming.

These microorganisms, invisible to the naked eye, are the foundation of this plane. Here, the clearer the cognition of "bacteria" and "parasite", the more stable the cause and effect of the downstream biochemical plane.

...The most ancient cause and effect of the biochemical plane on the plot line is the African "sun ladder" virus, so what about in the East? …

In April of the 43rd year of Jiajing, the reclamation team directly arrested a "Taoist priest". Good guy, this guy can call a soul!

"Calling the Soul" is very similar to Lu Yadao's Long Nail Headed Seven Arrows Book in Fengshen Yanyi. It is rumored that writing a person's name on paper and hitting a person's spirit with a hammer can remotely traumatize a person's spirit, or rumors, To be evil, you only need to write the name of your enemy on the wooden dummy, and put it by your side to absorb that person's spirit!

It sounds particularly evil. If it is in the main world, people who insist on materialism think that it absolutely does not exist.

But in this timeline, this thing exists.

After the interrogation, during the "soul-calling" step, writing the name of the person whose soul was called on the book is a cover-up.

The Ministry of Science and Technology handed over this demon to the "immortals". After the time and space investigators carefully tested the blood on his body: Good guy, there are dozens of special viruses, including typhoid bacteria, and he didn't know that he was 'asymptomatic. Infected', he only knows that he has demon powers.

According to the dictation of this "demon Taoist" named Wang Shan: As long as he comes into contact with a certain person, after he infects the target with demonic power,+ he can absorb the essence of this person from a distance

Wei Keng mobilized the dimension system to confirm that the protein in this plane has a quantum transmission effect, so the virus infects another person, and he, as the infected person, will get remote feedback.

The reason why this demon named Wang Shan got off the hook was because he tried to infect Wei Keng.

Immediately after Wei Keng's immune effect was strengthened dozens of times, he was "backlashed" in reverse.

Oh, that is, Wei Keng's immune protein appeared in his body and attacked his healthy cells, causing this Wang Shan Yaodao to be allergic. His whole body was swollen, and his face was as swollen as a pig's head.

Note: Wei Keng is also aware of this process, and can clearly feel that there is an external "evil energy" (bacteria) invading his body, causing his own immune system to react.

After the demon Taoist failed in the fight, he saw Wei Keng and murmured something about the "Pure Yang Body". Obviously he was convinced by the shock, so he confessed everything honestly.

In his religious concept: Ling Chi was the most caught by the court, and if Wei Keng was offended, he would be out of his wits.

And through the "inheritance" explained by the demon way, Wei Keng also got a glimpse of the existence of a "alchemist" in the Great Ming at this time.

On this timeline, many histories have the shadow of these "capable men and strangers".

For example, the Renyin palace change in this plane: a dozen palace maids suddenly went crazy and tried to torture Emperor Jiajing, and this monster swore that it was a "spirit control technique".

And after Emperor Jiajing dealt with those court ladies, Wudang and other famous sects also sent disciples into the palace gate to make alchemy and eliminate evil for Jiajing.

When Master Wei sneered and asked, how can lead and mercury exorcise evil spirits? Then he was stunned for the first step.

Wei Keng in the plane of Pandora has practiced "medicine stone" medicine: I know because if it is a parasite, or a microorganism, a virus, poisons such as lead and mercury can indeed be detoxified as long as the dosage is appropriate.

According to "regulation", there are many minerals that can be used as medicine, and the more exotic ones are realgar: pungent, warm; poisonous. Return liver, large intestine channel. Detoxify and kill parasites, dry dampness and eliminate phlegm, cut off malaria. For carbuncle and swollen boils, snake bites, abdominal pain due to insect accumulation, epilepsy with convulsions, and malaria.

Most of these ore medicines attack poison with poison, overdraw other parts, damage nerves and blood vessels, and cause fatty degeneration, necrosis and carcinogenicity of liver, kidney, spleen and cardiac muscle and other solid organs. The doctor who prescribes needs perfection in the control of "dose toxicity".

Wei Keng whispered: "Severe illnesses require strong medicine." During the great epidemic in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Treating Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases, the "Cold Food Powder" prescribed by Zhang Zhongjing also had countless lives.

Biochemical viruses, which can mutate the cells of the whole body in a few hours and regenerate wildly, need to be given strong drugs such as lead and mercury.

As for the emperor of the Ming Dynasty playing off, he was keen on the "medicine effect" to be significant, and then he did not follow the doctor's advice and took more. The result was off.

There are too many such cases in traditional Chinese medicine in modern times. For example: rhubarb is a medicine for sweating, but the taboo is that after eating a pair, you must never eat it again. Some people took a medicine after a cold and sweated profusely, but they didn't follow the doctor's advice. They were a little tired at night, and they took out the dregs and boiled it again.

Wei Keng was determined: "In this era, there are sorcerous inheritances using microbes, so there are also decent inheritances such as lead and mercury alchemy. As the old saying goes, a poisonous snake must have an antidote within three steps.

In ancient times, when soldiers were used, the army was deployed far away, and when a serious illness suddenly occurred, it was necessary to ask the local people. In the age of great navigation,

Westerners develop in the name of sacred religion, and every time they go to a place, they will inevitably destroy the culture of a place, and this is likely to destroy the local information that the relevant local people deal with. ——What about China itself? It also lost a lot when entering the violent turmoil of modern civilization. "

In the plot of the downstream corpse tide plane, there are too many situations about the drastic changes within a few minutes of human beings being infected with the virus.

According to the "Medical Way" theory here, as long as the evil spirit does not attack the mind, it can be cured with acupuncture and elixir. ——Of course, all of this depends on God's will, and people with weak health still can't bear it.

For most people, instead of expensive vaccines that need to be stored in a freezer, an emergency method is needed in the early stage.

In the plot of Resident Evil, a large number of people are helplessly watching themselves being infected, and there is nothing they can do.

Wei Keng: The situation with no cure is the most desperate. During the Black Death, the Europeans feared that the entire city would die. What firm belief did they use to resist this despair?

Right now, the Ming Dynasty and the downstream corpse tide plot line are the same timeline, and the upstream has not been exterminated by similar plots, which shows that there are many ways to restrain it.

Coming back to the topic, there are also monsters on Dayuan Island, just when Kentuo will land on the island. In the central jungle of the mountains, the natives here also began to prepare to use the "skill of witchcraft".

In front of the dark cave, they began to sacrifice to the gods. They sent the young warriors as sacrifices to the cave. These people lay on the stone and cut their wrists. When the rock wall continuously flowed down and touched the bottom of the stone platform, black mud appeared under the abnormally raised stone platform after absorbing blood. This black mud seemed to be a living thing, following the red blood flow, it began to infect the blood countercurrently. During this kind of contact, the blood gradually turned black like a fuse, and the black lines penetrated into the wounds of the soldiers lying on the platform like snakes. These fighters twitched and twisted quickly, beginning to mutate.

The priests danced faster, and under the light of the torches, the physique of the mutant warrior began to grow.

Out of the ten people, only three of them mutated successfully in the end. The seven people melted in total darkness and penetrated into the bottom of the stone platform to become part of the black mud, leaving only pale bones on the stone platform. The remaining three are six meters tall and have become "mountain gods".

But a robot worm from the top of the cave has a full view of it.

Wei Keng across the screen: Mandrill! Next to Wei Keng was the yellowed atlas found from Wang Shanna. (end of this chapter)

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