Out of the cage

Chapter 1211 Chapter 2525 (Part 1) Martial arts! Essence, condensate.

Chapter 1211 Chapter 25.25 (Part 1) Martial Arts! Essence, condensate.

The dimensional perspective came to the timeline of Yichou (the plane of Zhenwu where the aura was revived).

This is the starting plane of the No. 1 space-time worm "Magic Cube Space".

At this time, it has been the eleventh year of the spiritual recovery, and the political order of the world has collapsed, and organizations centered on families and company groups have been formed.

Because after the spiritual energy is revived, there will be no people with public weapons on this plane.

A large number of soldiers and ordinary workers who were originally loyal to the government and order did not benefit, but were suppressed by the order and missed the dividend of the times! In the early stage of spiritual recovery, due to duty and work, I missed the best period of martial arts training.

On the contrary, people who did not participate in social production activities in the past, such as Taoist priests, nobles, and even bums on the street got the opportunity to jump up!

Therefore, Wei Keng, as a middleman, looked at the loss of justice and expressed emotion: In this world, what reason does he have for meowing!

At this time in this world, anyone who can take care of a little bit of people's hearts can be regarded as decent.

The Baili Group has just become a decent "peer foil". In the Baili headquarters in the Qishan area, big red characters hang on the building, "There are steelyards between heaven and earth, and the weights are ordinary people."

Since the first year of Zhenwu, the Baili Group has absorbed a large number of soldiers and civil servants from the old order, and conducts recruitment assessments every year. And still strictly maintain the promotion mechanism within the system, which is unique in the era of spiritual recovery.

Because this is after the establishment of the Rubik's Cube, the original high-level members of the Baili Group are now focusing on other plot lines. A lot of vacancies have been left for the upper layers of the local timeline, and people in the organization are constantly rising, so it is naturally full of vitality.

The development of the space-time plane also brings great benefits to the Zhenwu plane, such as the biochemical plane virus!

Biochemical viruses will mutate after the human body accelerates and grows out of control, but before there is no mutation, it is a fetish that can accelerate the body's metabolism, suddenly stimulate vitality, and make it exuberant.

According to the medical theory in martial arts, "biochemical viruses" are evil things that "return to yin and return to yang".

After injecting a certain "biochemical virus", the self-stimulated yang fire rises, and the qi and blood are forcibly enhanced. At this stage, the appetite is strong and the spirit is high. Of course, when it reaches a certain level, the essence will overflow, and the (variation) state will turn into yin. Then the organs will start to be infected by evil qi and start to mutate.

And according to ancient medical theory, what if you use strong medicine to suppress the imbalance of yin and yang in the body if you are stuck before the mutation?

In the Rubik's cube space system, among the several major forces, the people of the Baili family started "life system engineering" in Zhenwu, technology and other planes, accumulating a large amount of data.

The real qi cultivation on the plane of aura revival, at the micro level, is the resonant frequency of your own metabolic protein and the magnetic field of heaven and earth. Now the major forces have started man-made magnetic fields, and then cooperate with the breathing technique to accelerate the refining of essence into stellar qi.

How big can the scale of the protein that finally fits with the magnetic field of the sky and the earth become? —— Based on the timeline prediction, Wei Keng determined that the strong will be able to face the nuclear bomb after four or five hundred years in the later stage of the plot line.

Narrator: The executives of the Baili Group have no pressure on this now. When two hundred years from now, there will be a strong man with a nuclear bomb in this world, it means that the world will collapse. At that time, the markers of the Rubik’s Cube space will smash the vacuum and immigrate to other places. The world line, the group takes all the technical backbone and civilization materials and slaps the ass and leaves. If you force yourself to be strong, this world will only be left to you.

The so-called space-time worm is when a world (plot line) is completely necrotic (plane is promoted), it will move to another sub-world, just like the rice worm hustling the rice in the granary, resolutely not entering the five internal organs temple with the rice, and turning into a rice farm.

...The members of Rubik's Cube space are in power o5 boast: jumping out of the three realms is not in the five elements...

Going back to the plot line of Zhenwu, this plot line is the stage for the talents of heaven, such as Qian Shengzhao, the Dragon Emperor of the Daheng Dynasty.

Rubik's cube space counts in multiple "Zhenwu plot lines": According to the aptitude of normal mortals, the essence refined daily is limited.

Wei Keng's ego was substituted into Wei Keng's information: In the era of spiritual recovery, the best period for human beings to practice martial arts is from the age of eight to sixteen, when the metabolism is the fastest and the essence is the most abundant.

In the current era of revival of spiritual energy in the real martial plane, most people who seriously go to school and work have missed this martial arts foundation-building age.

In order to expand the range of people who can build the foundation of martial arts, the Time and Space Management Bureau of Baili Group began targeted research

New plan: Let the volunteers in the group retreat with abstinence and rest for a week, and then after confirming that their physiology is stable, inject biochemical viruses to accelerate metabolism. Refining Gang.

This is a bug in which the card virus proliferates essence, assisting martial arts to build a foundation.

The advantage is that it allows those who have not completed the accumulation of boy skills before the age of twelve to have the possibility to enter martial arts. (Most of these are well-behaved children of ordinary middle-class families during the Great Destruction)

Of course, for young and middle-aged people after the age of twenty, this kind of foundation building is quite exhausting. They need to pay attention to various data of the body at all times, and adults need to be stable and coordinated.

For example, when the "yang fire is on the rise" (the virus changes the cell metabolism and accelerates), follow the schedule every day, do exercises and take medicine, restrain your impetuosity, complete regular breathing, stretch your limbs and other exercises. With the redevelopment of the body, a large number of nervous systems will return to the juvenile. Although the body is still in a stable line and has not collapsed, the suddenly strengthened muscles and movements are uncoordinated, and the nerves need to be redeveloped.

…Wei Keng: Oriental medicine seeks supplements in balance, not something out of thin air…

If it is said that normal martial arts training is refining essence to transform Qi, practicing Qi to transform spirit.

Using "yang poison" (biochemical agents) to stimulate true qi, this is the other way around, refining the spirit and nourishing the essence, refining the essence to transform qi.

If adults do not have the willpower of adults, this road will not work. And the most universal method of "strengthening will" is to continuously improve test scores while young and strong study hard.

Obviously, the large number of "civilized establishment" people gathered by the Zhouxing Group are the biggest beneficiaries of this route.

Wei Keng's concept of the attitude of the people: not to make way for easy walking, but to make the road wider so that more people can walk together.

In the eleventh year of Zhenwu, the Baili Alliance began to undertake the political functions of the eight western provinces.

At a time when the general trend of spiritual recovery has begun, the five provinces in western China are the only local forces in the world that maintain nine-year compulsory education, encourage vocational education, and pay close attention to public higher education.

Wei Keng returned to the "World of Martial Arts" again. In the missile base in the Qinling Mountains, he watched the educated youths selected by the Baili Group and said slowly: "I thought I was talented when I was young, but when I grow up, I understand : On the big road, you can’t win with others, but trying to surpass most people on the small roads and corners, that is the way of self-spiritual victory.”

The young generals of the Baili family shouted to these knowledgeable, disciplined, and ideal young people: "Don't look at the air of those people (martial arts) in this world, we are not playing a game of chess with them!"

Following Wei Keng's words, the space-time door behind him opened. Although the youths of the Zhouxing Group had done their homework, seeing the opening of the "Gate of the World" with their own eyes aroused their enthusiasm.

Wei Keng stared at these young people. Although their consciousness would become slender and slender when traveling between sub-planes after a few hundred years, just like those dignitaries in the Rubik's Cube space who "under the control of the thinking system", but now, they have the It's a bit like "pastoral travel through the times".

In Wei Keng's deeper calculations: the time-space worm (the Rubik's Cube space) will also fall to death, and before dying, it will leave seeds, and in some sub-space-times, a new generation of space will develop.

From then on, "time and space flow" began to be endless in the entire system of the heavens.

As Wei Keng yelled at the sub-world traversers in the sub-world Rubik's Cube space, a world variable was aroused. Of course, such a variable is absolutely not, and the supervisors of Haotu are happy to see it.

Just as ordinary people like the wonderful vitality of young people, it is this vitality for their own use. Listening to this old man, it is definitely not like a brat throwing stones at the furniture he has carefully manipulated.

At this moment, Yuan Fei (the supervisor of the same class as Yan Beixiang) in the Time and Space Management Bureau of the Heavens was watching all kinds of causal chaos in the time and space flow of the world of the Sons of Heaven.

The logical verification of various plots is extremely complicated.

Yuan Fei immediately wrote a report to the above: the space-time worm group has caused a lot of trouble in the quantum world, and this year's dimension import (plane promotion) may not be achieved as agreed. The time and space expansion of each territory slowed down.

In words that people in the 21st century can understand: the farmland is plagued by insects, and this year all regions have to cut down on food and clothing.

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