Out of the cage

Chapter 1218 Chapter 2530 The Hawks of the Kentuo Club

Chapter 1218 Chapter 25.30 The Hawks of the Kentuo Club

The angle of view returns to the waves of Nanhai, because the time-travel team is receiving envoys for all tasks, so as to ensure that there are no accidents. So the black magic ship still disappeared under the surveillance of the Reclamation Society.

The iron-ribbed destroyer of the Reclamation Association was definitely lost in the northeast of Qiongzhou Mansion, and they returned to the base camp to report in desperation.

Kentuo will generate electricity and sternly reprimand: "What the hell are you doing eating?"

This matter was brought up to the General Fleet, but they responded with a sentence: "The map is wrong, and it needs to be re-mapped."

After checking the information, the traverser team in charge of the Nanyang trade line silently accepted the fleet's response. ——They were lazy and copied the satellite maps hundreds of years later when drawing the map of Nanyang.

The topography of Qiongzhou will undergo tremendous changes within a few hundred years, and the biggest change will be caused by the Qiongzhou earthquake 40 years later. Seventy-two villages in the northeast will be directly submerged.

This quake would be very rare for an entire piece of land to sink into the sea.

This catastrophe, because it happened in the outskirts of the Ming Dynasty, was ignored by the Rubik's Cube space traveler who followed Wei Keng this time. This kind of direction is not Wei Keng's responsibility, but it is easy to make such mistakes.

After all, the entire space-time reclamation team only has 1,500 people, and now there are only 400 people left after stabilization. A large number of historical materials related to the future are top secret, and it is impossible for the natives to know at this time. With limited personnel, the manpower to process future data is also limited.

After learning about the situation, Wei Keng organized a meeting and recorded a demerit for the "Nanyang Trade" group.

Wei Keng thought silently: "Therefore, it is urgent to equip the Space-Time Expeditionary Force with artificial intelligence assistance."

However, Wei Keng thought about it and forgot it. If artificial intelligence is equipped, the traversers here (sub-world) will have a heavy dependence, which is not good for the growth of consciousness.

It is worth mentioning that: Compared with the stable and normal plane that was deeply cultivated before, in the sub-world, the mental health of the traversers deserves more attention. Relatively speaking, it should not be sacrificed for "world exploration tasks".

Because the fate of the "sub-worlds" under the system of the heavens is doomed to end. Rubik's cube space trains traversers to transcend the plot.

Wei Keng built shuttle facilities such as "Rubik's Cube Space" to carry the "seeds of civilization" and shuttle with enough variables before the catastrophe arrives. Guarantee the continuation of as much original consciousness as possible of the subworld concept.

Bai Linglu understood Wei Keng's thinking.

Bai Linglu: In the traversal of pastoral generations, the most ideal indicator for the traversal is "the great unity of wisdom within the dimension". A "positive fruit" system is left inside.

For example, in the early years, Bai Zhaodi and Zhao Xingchen, who sought longevity on the plane of China, finally achieved positive results. After several generations of consciousness regeneration, they are now in the supervisor group.

Even the "obsessed" have opportunities in the pastoral generation. Unlike the current Haotu time-space bureaucrats, not only do not help the new generation to think of a "way out", but also deliberately throw out those "low-level roads" such as those Haotu sub-worlds for you to delve into and innovate. He also paid lip service to "encouragement" that was not true.

Wei Keng has a very long-term plan for the traversers in the sub-world. Of course, it is difficult to understand because it is too long-term.

Just like junior high school and high school students have difficulty understanding the control of parents and teachers in their studies.

...Daming Time and Space Reclamation and Exploration Team, some contradictions began to gradually develop after contacting the Ming Dynasty...

In the 43rd year of Jiajing, it was in the south of Qiongdao, far away from the prosperous area in the north, and belonged to the Shengli world.

Looking at the entire terrain of Qiongdao, the northern half is basically a plain, and the southern half is basically a mountain. Daming is strong in the north, but in the south?

Qian Yun, a southern advancer in the reclamation team, got off the boat and arrived at this piece of land far away from the base camp. He let out a long breath and said arrogantly in a hip-hop tone: "I fell grass here, the Taoist emperor won't blame me, right?"

In the Reclamation Association, he requested the establishment of a port in the south as a foothold to open up the Annan stronghold.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of Jiajing’s reign, Annan was in the late period of civil strife in the Li Dynasty, and it was about to enter a period when Mo, Houli, Champa, and Longping stood side by side.

The Southward Staff of the Pacific Corporation made a plan to "divide Annan into four equal parts", a plan to re-control "Toe County" through economy and culture.

A high percentage of the company voted in favor of the plan, but Wei Keng voted against it.

The reason is that this plan should not be carried out prematurely. Wei Keng's plan is to repair the water conservancy of the entire Dayuan Island first, and then fill it with a million people before making the next step of expansion.

Wei Keng has a conservative personality: since he decides to occupy land, he must stand firm.

Wei Keng's "unpleasant" behavior was not only unbearable to the supervisors, but also the traversers in the sub-world.

The Qionghai Fleet dispatched to station at Yashan at this time was led by Qian Yun, and the Reclamation Association had already landed on Yashan just after the negotiation with the Ming Dynasty.

Qian Yun sent a call back to the Headquarters of the Reclamation and Expansion Association: Li Daosheng refused to accept Wang Hua and educated for Daming.

Ps: This game was played by Zheng Zhuanggong two thousand years ago. He first cut the wheat of Zhou Tianzi, and then pretended to be sorry to Zhou Tianzi. Zhou Tianzi was so angry that he gave ten carts of wheat as if he was begging. Zheng Zhuanggong took this as his king Give, fake life to attack Song Dynasty.

It has to be said that Wei Keng "compromised" and "conceded" to the Ming Empire.

Such "weakness" made the travelers who came from the Zhenwu plot feel "too much".

The timeline of Zhenwu is that Daheng replaced Daming and gained the right to speak as the victor in the industrial revolution.

Therefore, when describing the "Ming", it is often described as corrupt and harmful to the country. Daheng's official history has taken this trend, and then emerging film and television works have added fuel and vinegar to adapt to the general environment. So much so that the time-traveling team's attitude towards "Ming" is the same as Wei Keng's attitude towards "Qing".

So Wei Keng's repeated concessions to Ming Ting have already made the team members very dissatisfied!

In other words, they didn't actually want Wei Keng to step down. After all, Wei Keng's overall planning ability is not enough. They just wanted to deflect the steering wheel.

Among the dissatisfied board members was Qian Yun.

Speaking of Qian Yun's ancestors, that's a big deal. He is the Queen of Jing.

King Jing of the Daheng Dynasty's historical line in the real martial arts world, Wei Keng commented that "he may also be a time traveler".

It is said that when Daheng was born, we have to mention the spread of the Guochao lineage. The emperor enfeoffed the brothers of the same clan.

When other disciples of the Qian clan asked for high officials and generous salary, the emperor's younger brother, later King Jing, refused the emperor's entrustment.

He said frankly: "I had a brother who was the emperor during my lifetime, and I don't need to add a name if I really have one. I respect the elder brother of the emperor as a citizen."

King Jing came to accompany the king as a "people" and successfully avoided the "Northern Xinjiang exile" of the entire hero group by Taizu Daheng (Siberia will give you tens of thousands of acres of potato fields.)

And the emperor, who holds the final interpretation power, didn't reward his younger brother, so how could he forget it.

After the founding emperor established that the crown prince's succession was stable, he entrusted the crown prince with the entrustment of King Jing.

This King Jing was a peace-of-mind merchant in the founding court, enriching the royal treasury. His business involved salt drying and steel smelting, and he sent carts of silver to the inner treasury every year.

Prince Jing thoroughly implemented the principle that his elder brother is still not separated from the family.

Of course, he was also deeply trusted by Taizu. Let go and let him further involve in all commerce and ocean trade that can be involved.

In the later period of Taizu's dynasty, King Jing overseas completed the expansion of Nanyang. After seeing the prosperity of three crops in one season, he had some ideas. So, imitating the feudal system of Zhou, he asked Taizu to provide all the descendants of his line. Enfeoffed to overseas, Ping Fan Celestial Dynasty

Ever since, Luzon, Australia, and Chile all had feudal states established after King Jing.

This great enfeoffment brought the Daheng Dynasty into a period of overseas expansion. It also completely allowed the Han Kingdom established by the Qian family to spread across many places.

Guns, gunpowder, Neo Confucianism, and the distinction between Hua and Yi also expanded to most of the world at that moment.

The first batch of Qian's children who went to sea were the children of King Jing. After they overcame all difficulties and established their own colony, decades later, the descendants of Taizu's line continued to expand overseas.

The speed at which Qian's bloodline expanded was no less than that of Liu's in the Han Dynasty.

The whole of Southeast Asia, the Equatorial Islands, the west coast of North America (the piece in Los Angeles, California), the west coast of South America (the piece in Chile), and the Ottomans in the Middle East all have descendants of the Qian family.

So don't be surprised to see the Qian family with high nose and deep eyes, because after the 17th century, there was such a Qian family who especially liked the Ottoman ocean horse.

Speaking of how glorious the ancestors are, the descendants of future generations will not be able to walk down from the psychological high ground,

For example, the effects of Poland and Turkey are that they can never forget their glorious times. After being dragged into globalization in ancient times, they only occupy a corner and always like to bluff on the Internet.

Since Qian Yun is now, in the original timeline, he is a diehard loyalist of the Daheng royal family, and he prides himself on being a descendant of the Qian family.

Although the upper echelons of the Daheng Dynasty didn't care about his marginal bloodline at all. So when Qian Shengzhao was the Dragon Emperor, he was just a member of Wanguku. But it does not prevent him from having a very high sense of family honor.

In Qian Yun's view, the leader of Kentuo Club at this time is just following the path his ancestors walked.

Moreover, the Reclamation Association led by Wei Keng did not have a dragon and a tiger like his ancestors. ——He complained: "Baili Xiaoer (Wei Keng) is not a hero!"

In the Reclamation Association, Wei Keng is a "dove", while Qian Yun and a small group are proper "hawks".

At this time, he was a hawk, but he always felt that he was suppressed by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng once talked to him: "First take down the sea rights in the Beibu Gulf, obtain important minerals, and increase the annual output of steel to 500,000 tons, and then talk about toughness."

Qian Yun's response to this was rebellious, and he cursed secretly in his heart: "If you have strength, you should prove it!"

...Master Wei has different political views on the hawks of the Reclamation Association...

In the 43rd year of Jiajing, the imperial decree to recruit Wei Keng to enter the capital was already on the way, and the exploration team of the Reclamation and Exploration Association started the battle to eliminate evil in the Yashan area of ​​Qiongzhou.

In summer, Dengmai County, when the frogs outside the county croak,

On Qiongzhou Island, Qian Yun and fifteen other martial arts monks began to establish good relations with the locals on the border of Qiongzhou. But that's exactly what happened, and I happened to bump into the Western monster who "mutilated the common people" here.

Qian Yun was on the roof of the local Li family mansion, looking at the blood demon who dared to try to suck the blood of boys and girls right under his nose. He pulled out the snow-white steel sword, and with a slight bounce, a cold light shot out from the steel sword.

Now all the traversers who have rushed to the timeline of Daming, like Wei Keng, have the true energy of martial arts.

Wei Keng's middle-of-the-road attitude will never allow himself to be too special. But Wei Keng's true martial arts strength is unknown.

A female team member next to Qian Yun seemed a little nervous.

This female team member was his companion since he was a child, a level five energy user. This lady has accompanied him to study at night with Hongxiu Tianxiang since he was a child, and now she has traveled with him through time and space.

Qian Yun: "According to intelligence, the residents here have been repeatedly harassed by blood demons since the 190th year of the Ming Dynasty."

Female companion: "In our equipment, the number of silver nitrate warheads is 6,000 rounds."

For the source energy of the blood race that is rich in a large amount of divalent iron in the body, silver nitrate will be replaced, destroying the "blood energy" that is superconducting at room temperature, and then it is highly toxic to the blood race.

All fighters with optical cloaking equipment are in ambush.

Four hours later, the blood clan came to the outskirts of Li's house, and a shadow fell in the night.

When this tusk descended from the sky, it was as elegant as black velvet, but it gave everyone in the house an inexplicable chill.

The sirens sounded, and Qian Yun's team initially planned to use microwave transmitters to capture this "rare humanoid creature" but failed in the end.

After the blood clan came, the blood energy formed a "cover", and the naked eye could see that the blood clan energy rolled up the black iron sand, and the iron sand precipitated from the ground formed a field with a black iron smell along the magnetic field. Accompanying black in red is not evil.

Any conductive metal that enters this blood energy field will be restrained. Therefore, the swords, guns, swords and halberds of mortals will be rolled by the blood energy and cannot be swung out. Even the muskets that get up early will be swept by the blood energy containing iron sand, and they will die in Shaka.

According to other timeline information from the Reclamation Association, the blood of the blood race in this timeline has a strong magnetic force.

...the gods fight, and the mortals suffer...

The local master Li was pacing at this time. In the past few days, every night, livestock in the surrounding villages died suddenly, and some women suddenly disappeared when they entered the yard in the middle of the night, and the whole village suddenly became tense.

And year after year, a total of 27 cows were sucked dry, and three people were missing, so the villagers felt that it was a monster,

Although the Li family is a scholarly family and doesn't talk about strange powers, they are unknowingly afraid of such tricky things.

At this time, the knights surnamed Qian came and claimed to solve these problems on the premise that they would sell the wasteland in the upper reaches of the river in the county to them. He agreed, but it was not a good land anyway, and no food could be grown without water.

However, as he was pacing, there was a chill in the hall, followed by the sound of "thunder" (the sound of gunfire).

He suppressed his panic, wanted to be calm, but found that he couldn't move, and then the black shadow flew to him, biting his neck, his eyes looked at his hands, like yogurt being sucked dry Like the bag, it dries up quickly.

After a stick of incense, a claw suddenly appeared on his neck, and then he felt a slight pain in his neck, and after losing a lot of blood, he lost consciousness and left this world.

The wounded vampire looked at the mummified old man Li in distaste, and then felt the buzzing sound (drone) in the sky, his face changed drastically and he ran away immediately. A few minutes later, Qian Yun, who punched open the wooden door, saw the dead collaborator, his face was livid.

…In this "exchange" between the East and the West, both sides were caught off guard. …

The confrontation between the two sides of the human-ghost war here is over, and the evil spirits who came to do evil are the oriental descendants that the countess collected here this time.

This descendant of the East is a woman, the third wife of the clan. Since the man died, she did not give birth to a son, so the family property was sealed off. She was half-crazy and half-crazy, and was about to hang herself on the ridge of the field. In the end, she was gently turned into a descendant by the countess .

At this time, the black-haired woman fled back to the mountains with serious injuries under the firepower of the burst gun. But her dripping blood was found by the village dogs by smell.

Qian Yun's team chased to the forest and set fire to the forest. I can only stay outside and "Feng Lin Mo Ru\

,"This group of blood monsters who had just established a family in the east saw the eastern warriors with bursting firearms chasing after them, and they "sweared" and output, their eyes were blood red.

Those blood heirs who were originally oriental women, when they heard words such as "Jiaofangsi's lowly beast". I was so angry that I wanted to go out and fight.

Ms. Yang stopped it with a smile: "Mu, don't be impulsive." Although the old blood lady had a smile on her face, she looked at Qian Yun's team solemnly.

Just now, this group of orientals, armed with strange muskets, could not only shoot continuously, but without any gunpowder smoke, they had punched big holes in the bodies of blood descendants, which made her feel very miraculous.

The blood junior: "Miss, his arrogance is a humiliation to us."

Ms. Yang: "Humiliation? I don't think he attaches great importance to us."

At this moment, her fangs at the corners of her mouth were closed for half a minute. As a western lady, she has a proud figure. The most rare thing is that her skin is as smooth as that of an oriental woman. The only flaw is that she is too white, so white that it penetrates people.

…The black blood mist escaped into the depths of the forest, leaving both sides to savor their pain. …

On Qian Yun's side, this is the leader of the Yashan base. Looking at the three wounded on his side, his complexion is not good, especially the seriously wounded is his female companion, whose abdomen was almost pierced by the banshee, thanks to the chest. The armor is made of steel, otherwise the blow would be critical. Those who follow Qian Yun's hawks through time will "pass through the intestines"

After Ms. Yang's blood team left, Qian Yun returned his attention to his injured companion, choked up and said, "Hold on, we have the best life-support medical equipment, this injury can survive."

A few minutes later, Wei Keng got in touch with him.

Master Wei didn't hold him accountable for disobeying orders and acting without authorization, but after inquiring about the current situation carefully, he responded dryly: "I will return with medicine and support within two days."

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