Out of the cage

Chapter 1219 Chapter 2531 The emperor can't come on board

Chapter 1219 Chapter 25.31 The emperor can't get on the ship

Because Qian Yun encountered a "strange event" when opening a new base in Qiongdao, Wei Keng postponed his journey to the north to meet the emperor, and decided to go to Qionghai for investigation first.

Wei Keng shook his head helplessly: Of course, the Xian family wants to "remove the evil spirits in the mountains first", and then go to the temple.

"Hermit, master" has to be pretended, of course, if Bai Linglu is here, he will comment: This is the axis, deliberately dragging and boiling those who sit on it.

The progress of the Reclamation Group's construction in Qiongnan began to be delayed due to injuries. Of course, there is also the problem of Qian Yun taking actions without listening to the command center that needs to be dealt with.

Before leaving, the Supreme Board of Directors of the entire Dayuan Island held a meeting to unify everyone's thinking. After all, Qian Yun dared to go alone, it was by no means a matter of him alone, it was someone from the inner group who supported him.

In the entire small auditorium, Wei Keng pointed at all the members of the "Southward Development Team" and began to emphasize: what is required in large corps operations is discipline, and any campaign-level decision-making actions must be reported before execution. The same is true for industrialization construction. As the lower grassroots, you can have opinions on the center, but you must not go alone.

Wei Keng criticized: "What is this special bad habit brought about by feudal thinking?"

(Bai Linglu: Hmm, Haotu thinks the same way. Dimensional Wei Keng retorts: Don’t interrupt, Haotu’s side, I’ve never been with them from the beginning to the end! I haven’t asked for special benefits from their organization. Rebellion is justified. My crossing oath organization is the original space-time administration.)

The central department established by the Kentuo Association before the exploration of time and space, repeated orders and repeated applications, all involving "biochemical anomalies" are at least second-class events, and if conditions permit, they must first report the situation to the central.

After the meeting, the atmosphere in the entire central department was different. In the storm and thunder, plans for various emergencies appeared on the list. Wei Keng implemented all the follow-up drills for a certain plan.

Qian Yun's assistant, and also the backbone of the "Southern Movement", "think about failure before winning", this is the new atmosphere that a project should have. …

However, when he reprimanded in the telegram, Qian Yun at the Qiongzhou base didn't know the situation, and he was still stubborn. He claimed that he had obtained the order for the fleet to go south to follow up.

The time and space management meeting of the Kentuo Association saw him quibble (at this time, no one who supported him before dared to come out to support him), and emphasized again: "The mandate given to him has ended after he chased the lost person. When the center of the Reclamation Association did not continue to invest in resources, he decided to pursue it without authorization."

Su Qianheng, the military leader in charge of the time-traveling on Dayuan Island, saw blood for a while: he (Qian Yun) failed to report on time for two full days when the serious consequences of core personnel injuries had already occurred, and he was about to rebel. "

Wei Keng was so easy to talk, it would not be an exaggeration to be shot a thousand times under the military law of the main world.

...Wei Keng has always protected his team very well, but once the consciousness of the heavens is high, selfishness will arise...

On August 23, Wei Keng arrived at the Yashan base. Seeing the situation of the army, when it was announced that Kentuo would deal with Qian Yun as a "big mistake", seeing his dissatisfaction, Wei Keng directly used his mind reading skills.

Wei Keng couldn't help covering his forehead, good guy, this guy not only disobeyed orders, but also had very problematic thinking, with a strong sense of morality.

When Wei Keng was reasoning with him, he found that he was associating with Chao Gai and Song Jiang in Water Margin.

He thought he was Chao Gai and Wei Keng was Song Jiang

(Master Wei made various compromises with Daming and sought Zhao'an, which really made this Qian's traverser who felt that his ancestors took away the Zhu family's country feel uncomfortable)

Qian Yun complained to the people around him: the reason why Chao Gai insisted on going to Mangzengtou City in the end was that he had not done anything for a long time and could not grasp the route after "Shangliangshan". Now we are all crossing, why should we listen to him. .

In the interrogation room, Wei Keng sighed when he heard the other members of Qian Yun's team report this.

Returning to Qian Yun's side, he handed him a cigarette. —— Wei Keng began to reflect: Maybe he really managed too much.

Mr. Wei, who raised the bar countless times in modern times, knew deeply: 'The truth does not necessarily become clearer with debate, but more likely to become stiffer with louder noise. Adults cannot be persuaded, only beaten. ’ Wrong thought can never reflect if it does not allow its self to experience the wall of reality.

Wei Keng didn't expose his mind-reading skills, let alone refute everything he thought in his mind. The more he refuted him, the more he might be greeted instead of admitting defeat, but a grinder (Wei Keng judges others by himself).

When Wei Keng described the organization's decision, Qian Yun began to explain the reasons for the "adventure" he had found for himself.

While recording, Wei Keng made a memo to himself: "Don't expect any loyal loyalty, if you are a human being, you will have a rebellious mentality."

And Qian Yun perfectly inherited the "speculative nature of the ancestors of the Qian family" from the Daheng Dynasty.

At this time, Qian Yun had actually started to feel guilty about the heavy losses he had caused in his last mission. Now he was trying to reason with Wei Keng on the stage. The more he used various reasons to justify, the more he appeared to be strong, but in fact the more flustered he was.

Wei Keng thought to himself: It is normal for comrades in the organization to be rebellious on certain matters, at least it is much easier to deal with than people like himself who "lie down" below.

After a cigarette, Wei Keng took off his mask, made himself a cup of tea, and tore open a bag of spicy sticks to continue talking with him.

Wei Keng finally gave a gentle reminder: "Leaving aside some ideological differences between us, this matter needs to be resolved right now? Unnecessary casualties must be avoided. There is something wrong with your plan. You haven't investigated clearly the enemy's strength. , act rashly.”

This time Qian Yun did not speak. Because when Wei Keng came this time, all kinds of actions were just for him to clean up the mess.

Now in Wei Keng's follow-up treatment, all the wounded have been treated, and everyone's hearts are turned towards Wei Keng. Not him.

In the medical room, Wei Keng met with Qian Yun's companion who was injured in the previous operation, and never mentioned the organization's treatment of Qian Yun. Did not magnify the contradiction.

Wei Keng recorded the situation one by one according to Qian Yunna's impulsive exposition.

Announce recuperation arrangements for the injured and promote those who "handle well in the crisis".

In contrast, Qian Yun vented his violent emotions, but Wei Keng did not spread this emotion. In the Central Plains dialect, this is: doing things is very "moderate" (third tone).

...The gentler Wei Keng was to Qian Yun, the more powerless depression Qian Yun felt. …

Being a leader requires showing the utmost responsibility. And as an opportunistic politician, you often only focus on the loudest voices. Qian Yun felt that his wanton torrent could not move the thick soil in front of him at all.

Wei Keng opened the life support system specially approved by the Space-Time Administration.

After recovering the severely wounded, this millet plane technology medical system transferred them back to the millet plane, because people who have been "seriously injured" and "perfectly repaired" continue to perform tasks on this plane. When doing things, there will be a false bravery of "speaking lightly and dedicating oneself".

Therefore, in the disciplinary rules set by Wei Keng, this group of people must leave the Daming plane.

And in the process, even the six natives of the Ming timeline were accepted by the space-time team. Wei Keng declared to the organization to review these "courageous and resourceful" men on the Ming timeline and absorb them into the organization. Among them is Wang Shan who "calls the soul".

For these Daming people! They couldn't believe it: this group of Danzhou cyclists would give themselves the chance to be in the fairy class! All of a sudden, from the beginning of admiration for the immortals, it has become a subjective devotion to the "immortal way".

Wang Shan and others volunteered to go to Miaojiang to help the immortals investigate the "biochemical information" after they got the places in the "immortal class".

Even though Wei Keng declares the Rubik's Cube for Time and Space, letting Daming people join the space-time shuttle has nothing to do with the interests of the Kentuo team's first wave of super-space-time teams.

But Qian Yun and other time and space visitors from the Zhenwu plane will eventually understand that it is impossible for them to fight for power with Wei Keng on the Ming plane.

The so-called middle-of-the-road Wei Keng, when convincing people, never pays attention to "forced style" to make others admire, but always keeps in mind "whether justice can be taken care of, hardworking people."

Wei Keng: "In ancient times, when the technology and national power of the United States disappeared forever, the charm of Hollywood movies also disappeared forever. Only morality and justice can make people continue to cooperate."

After Qian Yun finished the inspection (self-defense), Wei Keng told him that he could continue to be responsible for the follow-up matters at the Yashan base in Qiongzhou. After Wei Keng helped him deal with this battle, he would leave Qiongzhou. He is still the leader here.

As for Qian Yun, he also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved that this test has passed.

But he didn't know it, he thought it was over, and he got through from below instead of jumping from above.

During the short four days when Wei Keng presided over the work, he quietly promoted several other people who had acted with him before, and on behalf of the organization, he affirmed that those people made correct decisions during Qian Yun's wrong actions and encouraged them to work together in Qiongzhou. Give full play to your right to speak in things.

The most powerful imperial technique is this. It does not directly suppress the opponent when the opponent makes a mistake, but divides the opponent's team when the opponent makes a mistake.

After rearranging the work tasks, Wei Keng looked at Qian Yun's energetic appearance and felt that he wanted to make a comeback so that he could make a comeback.

Wei Keng couldn't help shaking his head: "Young man, I'm too impatient. Before you rush to complete a certain project, at least take a look at how many potholes there are on the road you chose."

In this regard, some old foxes in politics will not make such a mistake, first let the young people finish the thunder, and then make a move after they are sure that they are sure.

Thinking of this, Wei Keng slapped himself and shook his head: "I've become an old fox too." Wei Keng laughed at himself for a while, and immediately corrected it.

Wei Keng: We must leave a way out for Qian Yun, it depends on when he wakes up! At the same time, you have to give him the bottom line, give him a hand when he steps on the death thunder, um, three times at most, no more than three things.

…After the Qiongzhou Nanjin faction and other traversers suffered a loss, they suddenly felt that Wei Keng’s plan was much more reliable than Qian Yun’s...

On September 1st, after Wei Keng planned the two-step plan of "clear hand" and "dark hand" for the team. I began to take on the more dangerous "smart hand" tasks.

Wei Keng came to the northern part of Qiongdi and met the county magistrate in Chengmai.

Wei Keng was dressed in sportswear, with Qin Shi's short bun on his head, and his expression was quite extraordinary. The yamen servant did not dare to be too negligent when he saw it, so he informed the master that there was a stranger outside. After a stick of incense, Wei Keng led him to the reception hall back. Wei Keng saw the county magistrate and asked to stay for three days.

In the reception hall, the county magistrate looked at this young man who didn't look like a monk and had an overly young face. He picked up the tea and wanted to send him away. Wei Keng smiled, and holding a bell-like ultrasonic sound driver in the lobby, he immediately leaned forward and grabbed the master next to the magistrate.

Just when the county magistrate was shocked and shouted: "Yamen servant!", the master immediately lost his mind. After a few seconds, his face began to turn pale, and then he opened his mouth, and something slowly came out of it.

Wei Keng said to the county magistrate: "This matter is weird, master, you'd better keep quiet."

Wei Keng took out the medical hook, and pulled out the long thing from the master's mouth. This is a parasite. It also belongs to the "strange organic matter ruled by biochemistry", which is the sorcery of this world.

During the whole process, the county magistrate had a chill on his face, thinking that when he first came to Qiongzhou, he felt unwell (not acclimatized), and began to wonder if he had also been poisoned. Hastily putting down the ceramic teacup in his hand, Wei Keng glanced at it and confirmed that it was a "cup bow snake shadow".

A few minutes later, Wei Keng looked at the wriggling worms in the glass bottle, put it away, and asked the county magistrate again for a temporary stay, and hoped that the government would send a few local yamen servants to follow him to help local affairs.

The master who came back to life on the other side was covered in cold sweat, and hurriedly explained: "Immortal Elder, help me, that monster forced the villain."

The county magistrate here is also not alarmed at all. He called his servants and dragged this master down to rest. The people around him were controlled by demons. This matter was his negligence. If it was reported to his colleagues in the officialdom, it would be a joke Yes, so right now, let's drag that embarrassing thing down first. As for Wei Keng, he sighed with emotion: "Gangchang", it forced everyone to maintain their own style.

At this time, the county magistrate asked Wei Keng very flatteringly: "Where is the Taoist fairy town?" "When did the evil spirit appear in this county?" "How to solve it?"

Wei Keng blurted the past one by one, so that the county magistrate didn't need to worry: "Zibuyu speaks strange powers and confusion, Confucius said, knowing what you know is knowing, what you don't know is not knowing. This thing is a microscopic creature, like a poisonous snake, insects and ants, so there is no need to make a fuss."

The so-called talking about people when you see people, talking nonsense when you see ghosts, and talking about family classics may not be listened to by the county magistrate, but Kong Sheng's words make the magistrate awe-inspiring. Laugh at yourself to solve embarrassment.

Wei Keng asked the county magistrate to send messengers to spread the word to the village: "Everything that is imported should be cooked before use, and white water still needs to be like this. As for rice and meat, it is hot in summer, and flies are easy to carry diseases. If you leave food in the morning, It still needs to be steamed at night. In addition, the drinking water source must not let the corpses of birds and bats fall into it. Keep away from feces. I saw that there were many public wells in the village, and there was a herring swimming in it as a warning. This is very good, very good.”

The magistrate of the county wrote down these words one by one, and he was going to ask the government servants to go to the townships to read them out.

As for Wei Keng, he let out a sigh of relief: "It's easy to kill the foreign blood monster, but we must control the secondary consequences and assume the worst. We must strictly prevent these European evil spirits from playing with biochemistry."

... At this time, you must not look at the West with a "civilization" filter, and the perspective has come to the other side of the world. …

Biochemical warfare is a traditional art skill of Europeans, and it is now the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. The world is at peace in the East.

But just over twenty years ago, on June 24, 1534, the Inca king was executed. An army of 200 people wiped out millions of people in the Inca Empire, and the virus distribution must have been done.

According to the information compiled by the Society, there is "black magic" in this world. This black magic is the control of various microbial pathogens.

According to the urine nature of Europeans, if they succeed once, they will try a second time elsewhere. Don't think that if they can come to Daming, they will suddenly become civilized. It's just that the oriental background is much thicker than that of the Inca, and the accumulation of traditional medicine for thousands of years can bear it.

Master Wei has experienced "European, American and Western civilizations" in the history of the main world.

In the 18th century, smallpox blankets were given to the aborigines. In the 21st century, intelligence organizations bought informants to deliberately spread pneumonia. These pus-filled bastards haven't changed their minds.

...The outer port of Quanzhou, the ship from Dayuan Island, is now flying the king's flag and coming to this big port...

It is worth mentioning afterwards that the ship does not need to report when it comes to Quanzhou Port. As long as the emperor doesn't say anything, the officialdom will turn a blind eye and close one eye in the future. This is the "sophistication of the world" in the officialdom of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and even later generations in China.

Later, when the Eunuch Party was rampant, Wei Zhongxian didn't want to give official positions to his subordinates, but he wanted to give them power. What would he do? This "errand" is not to make things difficult, but to do things for the sake of fame.

"Three-legged toads are not important." The important thing is that you are acting for the emperor and my Eunuch Wei. The people below don't dare to stop you. As for when the superiors don't want this "temporary worker", it's just a matter of one sentence.

Although the "official" Wei Keng seldom rolls around, he still understands, so when dealing with Jiajing, a big leader, he understands that when he needs himself, he also knows that maybe letting him wait will have a better effect.

After Wei Keng was sent to the imperial envoy, he stated that he "has some urgent matters to deal with for the time being". …

When the imperial envoy asked: What's the matter? How long will it be delayed?

Wei Keng: "There is an evil in the south that violates the laws of heaven! And it involves changes in the earth's veins. I need to go there, half a year at most, and three months at least. It is not intentional to neglect the emperor's edict."

Afterwards, Wei Keng went all the way south on a steamboat and began to catch monsters. In the eyes of the world, this is "the image of a cultivator who is hard to find".

When Wei Keng came to Qiongzhou, he played both light and dark, and Wei Keng was the bright line.

The dark lines are. There are sixty-seven people in the three tactical teams of the Space Force Corps, wearing the power armor of the future technology tree, carrying weapons and equipment not limited to sniper rifles, infrared detectors, battlefield drones, etc.

The tactical teams have a unified command and maintain communication with each other.

And this strategy of revealing half and hiding half seems to be much safer than the previous direct aggressive.

It completely compares Qian Yun's previous wrong demonstration.

Therefore, while the Yashan Reclamation Team perfectly obeyed Wei Keng's orders, they began to restrain their restlessness.

These space-time travelers trying to go south may not be able to change their restlessness, but they already know that if they are restless, they will not be able to succeed unless they find a stable person to preside over them.

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