Out of the cage

Chapter 1220 Chapter 2532 Lightning Lightning Kills Demons

On the streets of Qiongzhou Mansion, in the dark night where you can't see your fingers, a black shadow ran across the street, fleeing in a panic, but this black shadow rushed left and right, but always hit the wall.

Bang, bang, one after another, the city seemed strange to the fugitive. Once she accelerates to the "sprint" state, a wall will inevitably appear in front of her. If she wants to escape to the sky, the walls on both sides will grow taller as she goes up.

This woman (who was transformed into a blood demon) who was once a widow in the Eastern clan once heard a storyteller tell about Journey to the West. At this time, she was inexplicably terrified, and she was afraid that she would fall into the "Five Fingers Mountain".

Of course, if you look at it from the real perspective of the outside world, it's not that the surrounding space is distorted, but just trapped by the existence of the formation, the vision and hearing are distorted.

Wei Keng launched this "drawing the ground as a prison" spell at night, which is based on the refraction of light by air temperature difference and the distortion of sound transmission by dust.

This monster, like a dazed bat in summer, slammed into the surrounding walls without thinking, and the people in the government office had already shouted to every house during the day, to close the door at night, and never open it.

As the cock crowed in the sky, the people of the Qiongzhou government government heavily suppressed the monster with water and fire sticks, and then put him in the cage. And those idlers on the streets of Qiongzhou came out and called all the young and old to come and see this monster. Although the yamen servants were separated, there were still people rushing forward, so that Wei Keng had to come out, and shouted at the ancestors of the late Ming Dynasty with a loudspeaker: "Get out of the way, the monster is very evil!" Very, don't get into the plague!"

Trapped tightly in an iron cage, the blood demon saw crowds of people on the street, and recalled that her clan was afraid of being "soaked in a pig cage".

But as a few silver needles sealed a few heart veins, her self-explosion stopped.

Then Wei Keng recorded the loudspeaker and released it automatically. The people around watched the loudspeaker repeat the playback, and obeyed the order despite being uncertain.

In this era, the only way to make the superstitious people observe order is to use superstitious methods. What's more, in the current world, superstition may not be superstition. In the case of viruses and other organic matter, quantum information with high information content may be accumulated, and the information will tunnel to the alien plane. The West is connected to the "God and Demon Realm" at this time, but what about the East?

Wei Keng came to this timeline of the Ming plane to use it as a "cause and effect point". After several hundred years downstream, he will reversely land on the "organic territory" during the catastrophe of the plane (plane promotion). Similar to the high-energy plane.

...Narrator: True Immortal Da Luo can hold a sword and go to hell to break his wrists. …

The Tongzhi master in Qiongzhou confirmed that the monster was a prisoner punished by the folk clan, and then waved his hands to escort the monster who hindered his local "no lawsuit" achievements to prison, but Wei Keng persuaded "don't put such evil things in the prison." The city should be placed in the downwind and detained in the downstream of the water source." So the evil thing was transported to the outside of the county.

Outside the county seat, under the thatched shed, it was blocked by Wei Keng's "terrestrial formation".

Oh, this formation is different from the previous acousto-optic interference formation, and belongs to the "killing formation" of the eight classics.

ps: Barrels of gasoline are buried around the surroundings. Once there is an external force to attack, then just have a skewer.

If you put aside your position, Wei Keng's method is very similar to a kidnapper in modern times, holding a gas tank and confronting the other party. At the same time shouting "Come here!".

Yes, it's so cool.

In the reclamation team this time, the organizational goal this time is very clear: to use this blood descendant to seduce the mastermind behind the scenes. Even if you can't seduce her, you still have to use a desperate attitude to make her coward!

Wei Keng, who is on the bright line, said to Qian Yun, who was in an ambush in the dark: "If you say "fight", you have to think about the price you paid for each failure before success. Courage to follow."

Qian Yun was stunned by Wei Keng's ruthlessness for a moment. He had always thought of this "Sun Sheng", but now, seeing the really tough scene, he fell silent. Because Wei Keng's meaning is very clear, in this plan where the collective risk of the price is the least, if Wei Keng, the leader of the "price", encounters an accident, your second-in-command Qian Yun must immediately step up, otherwise there will be less nonsense in the future.

The implementation of any plan requires courageous people to take the lead to reduce unnecessary thoughts in the team.

Wei Keng also wouldn't give the people behind the blood clan extra chances to think, and every step forced the other party to act and waste more costs.

Wei Keng, as a force on the surface, cooperated with the county government and kept arresting these blood hostages. Now he has arrested eight of them, and he keeps arresting them, and is still giving them intravenous drips.

Heavy metal salts were injected into the blood vessels of these iron-shackled hostages from hanging bottles, grinding their blood energy to death bit by bit.

In the past few days, the blood clan side hiding in the dark obviously couldn't bear the miserable howls from the "same blood" companion in the cage. (Biochemical viruses have quantum sensing capabilities.)

These very stimulated blood demons choose to storm the cage at night and rob the execution field.

But the consequences can be imagined. Master Wei's "conservative" formation was full of surplus, and even a guy with the pseudonym Bo Lun just wiped the edge and ran away "disgustingly".

That night, Wei Keng faced many blood monsters with his sword alone, and beheaded three of them with his sword.

Facing the frenzied crowd turning into black mist, he immediately pressed the blast button.

The gasoline barrel was immediately thrown into the sky along with the explosives on the chassis, and after the oil and gas burst out, the hot oil was pulled by the steel wire and covered with oil cloth, dragging flames flying across the air. Directly enveloped the fifteen blood clans including the hostages.

Under the flame deflagration, it turned into a small flying body because it was more exposed to oxygen and suffered more burning damage (blood bats are actually not bats, and it only conforms to the aerodynamic wing surface if you look carefully).

During the autopsy, Wei Keng discovered that the flying wings of these blood monsters evolved from the ribs.

Wei Keng has also experienced these Western sorcery, um, or the "skeleton technique" in black magic. All flesh and blood have turned into transparent soft bodies, which can fade from the skeleton, and the faded skeleton can be like "coral." ", quietly filter-feeding organic matter.

Without the observation angle of onlooker microscope, this kind of "blood skull" is really "mystery".

And when observed with a microscope, this coral-shaped biological tissue is infiltrated with advanced organisms, and the strange quantum energy transmission between organic matter is also extremely evil.

After Wei Keng figured out the rules of these abnormal energies of organic matter, he began preparations for weaponized configurations such as "Dead Wave".

On the evening of September 23, most of the people in the government office were evacuated, and only two or three Xiuwu government servants were left in the rammed earth bunker. Oh, these local young people who are good at guns and sticks begged for "real people" "Bring yourself to eliminate demons.

After Wei Keng couldn't make it through, he asked them to put on armor every day, and then brought medicines, held bursting firecrackers, protected a generator, and the power grid group, and stood by in the bunker.

Wei Keng said to these clever local green suits: Don't come out unless I summon you.

These young people responded with all their mouths.

And Wei Keng himself was leaning against a building similar to a melon shed. At this time, the heat in Qiongdi had not yet dissipated. Wei Keng leaned on the recliner, guarding the cage and waiting for the demon.

As the sun and the moon flickered at the same time, Wei Keng finally found the person he was waiting for. A Western woman dressed in an oriental lady's dress. The bun of hair is black, but the pupils are weird purple, and the bridge of the nose and lips are clearly of Thai-Western race.

When it was getting dark, such a young woman appeared,

Wei Keng paused and turned to the Journey to the West that he carried with him. After reading twenty-seven chapters, the traveler said with a smile: "When Lao Sun was a monster in the Water Curtain Cave, if he wanted to eat human flesh, he would be like this. Either change into gold or silver, or turn into gold or silver." Zhuangtai, or become intoxicated, or become a woman. If there is such an infatuated person, if he falls in love with me, I will charm him into the cave, steam or boil it as he likes; if he can’t eat it, he has to dry it to prevent the sky Shame!"

Those local youths are now hiding in the camouflaged bunker of the mound, but a communication came from the electronic earphones in their helmets: "Don't act rashly, this is a big monster, I don't want to melt into flesh and blood, stay in the bunker now, get ready for lime Powder, if anything sticks to the armor, sprinkle it immediately."

And under the melon shed, Wei Keng faced the "flashing teeth and claws" Miss Yang alone. Ignite a fire on the stove next to it and start making a pot of tea, ready for "hospitality".

At the same time, Wei Keng maintained communication with the rear research institute.

On the southbound steamship, researchers in white coats carried out a "bacteria experiment". After confirming the radio frequency scale of the organic matter in Wei Keng's body,

At the same time, it compared the samples with "dark spots" when the high-altitude balloon was taken by "mycelia exposure" in Haihai a month ago, and found that the two have the same characteristics.

Then, the biology team confirmed that the Miss Yang in front of Wei Keng was the target.

The dark line Qian Yun also found a "black magic ship" moored in a bay, and Qian Yun also reported at the same time: Target No. 038 was found.

Narrator: 038 represents the number of biochemical abnormalities discovered in this plane. The big crocodile that was blown up in the mangrove forest is number 009, and the big cockscomb snake and guardian vermillion fruit on Dayuan Island are number 045 and 046 respectively.

The entire coordination system did all the planning. Including, after Wei Keng failed to bind the monster in the center, he was going to directly mobilize artillery for long-range bombing.

The atmosphere came to the present moment, and the air was moist. Master Wei sniffed under the melon shed, and there was a "sweet smell", muttering: "Sao"...

Yang Yue smiled sweetly: "Master Your Excellency, are you waiting for me?"

Wei Keng: "Yes."

Yang Yue nodded her head. The big buttocks and long legs of Xiyang's frame, Ruoliu Fuyao sat down at this moment, and seemed to think of something: "Did you come from the north alone?"

At this time, after several rounds of confrontation with the Qi trainer she thought was Dongfang, she was quite afraid of Dongfang, and did not dare to act rashly.

As everyone knows, Wei Keng, the "evil sword fairy" who is a famous oriental sect, is not as difficult to deal with.

Wei Keng shook his cattail fan: "Where am I from? What does it have to do with you." After two seconds of silence, Wei Keng suddenly asked, "Aren't we going on a blind date?"

Yang Yue was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't understand the jumpy vocabulary, and asked, "Xiang Qing? Do you want to say that I am like a poisonous snake?"

Wei Keng looked at this "non-human race" who looked like a white man sarcastically: How can a poisonous snake compare to you.

Wei Keng raised his hand, and a "elixir" appeared in his palm, and this "elixir" emitted a circle of light. Oh, this is actually an LED light bulb, Wei Keng hung it on the roof with his thoughts, and it illuminated the place brightly.

Yang Yue is obviously very sensitive to shiny things, even if she doesn't show her attacking power, she can't help being vigilant. She withdrew her attention and said in amazement, "Is this the oriental lighting technique? It's amazing."

The purpose of this light is to cover the local youth in the dark bunker tens of meters away.

Looking at the dark from the light is not clear, but staring at the light in the dark is very clear. When he was sure that Yang Yue was the enemy, Wei Keng hid a fluorescent stick in his cuff at the same time, ready to go.

Wei Keng's leisurely voice sang in the four fields: "I have been to many places. There are worlds where humanity is prosperous, and there are weird ecological worlds where demons are rampant. Of course, no matter what it is, people have humanity, and ghosts have ghost paths. Here are two ways for you. The first way is to follow me, and I will take you into the world you should go to."

Yang Yue smiled and sat opposite Wei Keng. The two peaks were crowded together, showing the abundance of a Western woman, but purple sharp things began to grow on her hands. Yoyo's blood energy (red magnetic organic matter) shot out like a flame at the fingertips.

Wei Keng felt the oppressive force of his opponent, but his expression remained the same. After seeing strong winds and waves, she alone was not qualified.

For example, similar to the plane of Pandora, this Yang Yue's current state is just a low-level elite monster, but when it comes to the interstellar world where swarms of insects are raging, she will be even more ordinary.

Wei Keng stated in the newsletter of the Reclamation Group in a low voice: It is our duty to invite Shura to the Shura Realm and introduce real people into the "Heavenly Human Realm" (the social environment is compared to a united and stable world).

Yang Yue was pretending to be cute, and at the same time, a piece of cartilage appeared in her heel, and she began to accumulate power. This cartilage popped out from the heel, like high-heeled shoes, and because her feet were covered with red blood, they were as white as jade. The instep forms a sharp contrast, which is particularly tempting and dangerous.

Yang Yue belongs to the high-sensitivity unit, and the energy of metabolism is very high at this time, as if burning. Wei Keng also found that she was extracting energy from the organic matter in the distant ship.

But now this person has a thin waist and slender fingers, but Wei Keng dare not ignore his strength.

The steamship at the rear, through the temporary release of high-altitude balloons, sent the latest round of "mycelia culture experiments" on which two dark spots, one large and one small, proliferated synchronously, confirming that the metabolism of the big ship and the excitation amplitude of Yang Yue's blood energy were synchronized.

Of course, if Wei Keng is strictly counted, he is also highly sensitive, and at the same time belongs to high intelligence, that is, he is good at legal damage. - Now the blue bar is also full.

In the plane of Pandora, Wei Keng designed a brain with three hundred times the thinking. Can consume fifty grams of fat per minute.

Right now, in this world where carbon-based materials can carry high-power information energy, the same idea can be used for reference.

Within ten kilometers, Wei Keng is being supplied with organic energy in stem cell culture tanks nearby.

The melon cutter on Wei Keng's waist was ready to stab it out at any time.

The battle started suddenly, and in an instant, the entire melon shed was smashed, and the two shot at the same time, so fast that ordinary people couldn't even see it.

In the first fight, Wei Keng flew upside down, while Yang Yue took three steps back, steadily, but his body was covered with fluorescent powder. In this first wave of contests, Wei Keng took a blow in exchange for a chance to sprinkle powder!

Wei Keng's remarks: For this kind of non-human, weird thing, if you don't spread powder when it comes up, you will be too late when she plays dirty.

In short, Wei Keng didn't think about the success of the first blow, nor did he think about saving his life. He just thought about making his opponent unable to escape.

At this time, Yang Yue looked at her original blue dress (made of mycelium) covered with bits and pieces of luminous objects. She was obviously a little unhappy, and said to Wei Keng in a joking tone: "Strong man, you are on my slave's body." Splashed these unknown liquids, sticky, what the hell is it?"

Wei Keng took off the deflated metal chest protector on his chest, threw it out, and said to Yang Yue: "Huh? Do you want to know? You might as well spread your thighs apart, Master Dao, I'll pour some water on you again, Twenty-year-old evil boy peeing."

Yang Yue paused, and continued to want to talk, but Wei Keng raised his hand with a thunderbolt, and hit directly, her "a piece of fleshy organic matter" that was about to slip out. This is the benefit of powdering, Yang Yue's face changed, and she immediately realized the effect of fluorescent powder.

Yang Yue felt something was wrong in the dark, this man gave her a very threatening feeling, a look of being held by him...

Wei Keng: As a mage, how to add points, of course, is to add intelligence normally. When facing a problem, you must quickly think about the solution, figure out the solution faster than the opponent, and then bring the opponent into your own rhythm.

Right now, Yang Yue is like this. Ever since she started talking to her and thinking about how to suck Wei Keng dry, Wei Keng has already started thinking about how to "step by step" push her down in the mud pit and bind her up.

In this battle, Wei Keng calculated much more than her every second, and used more conditions.

At this time, Yang Yue showed her sharp teeth, her face became ferocious, she inhaled, and began to howl in terror, but the cd required for inhaling was a bit long, and Wei Keng directly stepped forward, aiming the gun at her just opened. mouth, Yang Yue choked when the shot went down. She dodged hastily, but a big hole was shot in her chest. After the shot went down, a large number of bloodshots turned into tiny leeches. In an instant, Yang Yue's abdomen turned into a fountain spraying 'blood filth'.

At this time, Wei Keng's body was suspended with carbon fiber clothes and ceramic armor, blocking the scattered parasites.

At the same time, Wei Keng's brain power was already gathering, and the grass scattered around the melon shed was gathered up at this time, and with the broken grass, it floated towards Yang Yue. After that, Wei Keng immediately threw the lighter and ignited it, turning into a raging flame towards her abdomen. The fountain surged directly, and as the flames burned, there was a smell of scorched protein.

Wei Keng, who had reached the full level of fire control, activated the ejector behind him according to the formula of fluid mechanics, and spread a wave of metal powder towards Yang Yue's back, evacuating part of the air and creating a negative pressure zone.

As a result, the flame that had just been suppressed by the blood energy rolled back directly towards Yang Yue. Her evening dress was instantly reduced to ashes. slim.

Yang Yue was shocked: "High-level flame magic, you are not an oriental Taoist!"

This oriental blood demon named Yang Yue was ready to resist. Wei Keng smiled and started the generator on the ground. The electric current was crackling behind him, forming a loop along the metal dust raised by the force of thought, appearing like pearls and gems. There was a series of ball lightnings, and the magnetic field line tracks in front of these ball lightnings had been formed, ready to point directly to the blood demon in front of them.

Wei Keng joyfully said to Yang Yue: "Tao can be said to be very Tao. Everything I think about, walk on my feet, become with my hands, and spread everywhere, is all Tao!"

Wei Keng, in the remote communication, the team, that is, Qian Yun's team, sent a signal, and the signal was very simple, "Go change home".

...Wei Keng was sure that his open line was holding the opponent head-on, so he started to let the dark line move. …

On the southeast side of Qiongdao, code-named Sanguai Mountain, on a small mound, that is, on the high ground near the shore where Yang Yue's big ship was moored, Qian Yun led a team of professional artillery (28 people).

He was stunned after hearing Wei Keng's order, because when his artillery moved, Wei Keng's place was obviously very dangerous. Although he was at odds with Wei Keng in terms of standpoint, he hadn't thought of harming Wei Keng yet.

He hesitated about the command "change house".

But Wei Keng cursed in the communication: "If you don't blow up her lair, my side has only a 30% chance of winning. If you blow up her lair, the probability of her getting out unscathed is only 10%."

Then, he took a deep breath and began to execute the order. The tractor that was originally covered with grass camouflage nets started to move, and the team members immediately began to divide the work.

Some started to shake the wheel to raise the angle of the launcher, some started to manually calculate the azimuth, and corrected the angle according to the wind direction of the high air flow, and some started to drag the wire to check whether the launch circuit was smooth. After confirming that it was correct, they made a call. Gesture, push button.

In almost five minutes, the launching steel frames of the three rocket launchers were ready, and the people who were busy around the tractor immediately retreated to a distance of 30 meters.

This set of procedures looks simple, but they are all trained. Regular artillery will be assessed every month, and being able to advance by one second is a one-second advantage.

Qian Yun determined the ship in the harbor on the coordinate interface: "Start sending warmth."

Following Qian Yun's words, other team members who had been prepared for a long time pressed the button.

At this time, if Qian Yun had such a little "selfishness" as before, the gunfire might explode, and the open line defender Keng would be cheated. But Qian Yun himself doesn't know what's wrong, and now he doesn't want to be a villain.

Groups of 150mm rockets slid away and began to lift into the air with a large puff of smoke. This wave of firepower can deal with about two to three hundred ghouls on the Xin Chou plane. Now to deal with that A black galleon is more than enough.

On the black sailing boat, the left hand is a crab claw, and the captain whose lower body is in the barrel stretches out the spider crab limbs to move. At this time, the captain straightens his hat with a squid beard and picks up the telescope. At this time, the young lady is talking with The Eastern Taoists met, and those vampires were all in the coffins in the boat, and now he was the biggest, and at this moment, he looked up at the sky, and clusters of light spots flew towards him strangely.

"Enemy attack" Following his cry like a "snake roar", all the wriggling half-human and half-ghost species in the ship began to raise their heads, ready to fight, but it was too late.

The flying rocket exploded in the air, and dropped pieces of angel feathers thermite, when the angel feathers unfolded.

Bright flames burst out from the entire gloomy warship, and the flames could not be extinguished. They stained the wood, the flesh, and burned directly through. Yes, it's "sanmai" -- well, thermite.

The first group of flame warheads covered the hull, and only forty seconds later, the second wave of armor-piercing bullets penetrated the deck at high speed, and then the explosion began, with hot flames accompanied by shrapnel and wooden fragments penetrating from every hull cavity .

Some of the bacterial liquid originally accumulated on the hull walkway, like snot, was ejected from the gun ports on both sides of the sailing battleship and splashed onto the sea surface.

The soldiers and supplies were cut short, and after the ship sank, the countess could not go back to repair...

On the side of the melon shed, Yang Yue fled in embarrassment from the thunderstorm. The scorched black skin of her whole body immediately turned back to snow white following the rapid repair, but her clothes were gone.

Dodging a series of killer moves, she covered her chest, looking at Wei Keng shyly and evilly. It means: "You have no choice, it's my turn."

But a few minutes later, when he sensed that his main ship had been bombed, he immediately lost his composure. Sharp claws shot out from the originally slender fingers.

Wei Keng looked at her with interest, and even whistled while aiming at the seam.

Then Yang Yue rushed up, and then Wei Keng kicked her on the lower abdomen when her strength was greatly reduced, and she flew out. There was no sympathy in this process.

After Yang Yue flew out, she was still surprised: Why did the power in her body disappear so quickly?

Because the young and strong native of Qiongzhou who was ambushing at the side turned on the protein frequency band radiation jammer at this time according to Wei Keng's instructions.

Yang Yue, who had struggled to get up, glanced at the mortal in the side bunker who had irradiated her with an "unknown energy technique", and suddenly understood all this.

At first she didn't pay attention to those mortals hiding far away in the ditch, but now this group of ants became the last straw that crushed her.

After Yang Yue suffered a series of blows, she felt withdrawn. After spreading her bat wings, she felt a pain. Taking a closer look, there are invisible silk threads stretching above, and the pain on her wings is caused by these tough threads.

This is the nanowire of the 21st century, made of carbon fiber material, although it cannot be said to cut steel, but if you collide with flesh and blood, blood will definitely appear on your body.

Wei Keng has already deployed his mind power, allowing the nanowires to be deployed around. The focus is on those seemingly plain piles around the melon shed.

Spreading her bat wings, Yang Yue fluttered less than two meters high, and found that the tough carbon fiber filaments of her wings were entangled, and the more she struggled, the tighter she was cut.

Later generations of marine animals such as seals, walruses, and sea turtles are so helpless when they are entangled in abandoned fishing nets.

Yang Yue suddenly realized that when she came, Wei Keng controlled these thin threads to float into the air, and set up a net for her.

She cursed in Thai language: "Damn, what is this."

Wei Keng said through the translation system: "I haven't seen the one that deals with you. Well, this is my unique technique."

Yang Yue roared at Wei Keng, and immediately turned into a black cloud.

Transforming the body into a smaller streamlined organism to escape is the ability of the titled vampires on this plane.

Wei Keng had already seen it on the previous viscounts, and the higher the rank of the blood clan, the more detailed the escape incident was.

Previously, the Viscount could only escape by turning into four or five big bats weighing seven or eight kilograms. Now Yang Yue can turn into hundreds of bats weighing several hundred grams and escape.

Narrator: Apparently, the smaller the system is, the more powerful the quantum information transmission ability is in maintaining individuals with motor functions of internal organs.

It's just that when Master Wei knew this ability, he made allowances.

When she wants to split and escape, the grid and density of the nanowires can just become the grid density that her bats cannot pass through.

Immediately after she turned into a cloud, she was soon caught like a sparrow falling into a net.

During the wire cutting, blood spurted out, and she was unable to return to her human form under the net cover. Before, the fluorescent powder was completely mixed into her flesh and blood.

After the bats gathered, Wei Keng could clearly see the cartilage tissue of her body through the infrared perspective, but now the nanowires have pulled all the bones, just like a string puppet.

If nothing else is considered, the whole body at this time is like a body stretched by the puppet silk thread, weak and boneless.

But humans are humans, and demons are demons. Wei Keng didn't stop at the start, and as he pressed the remote control around, there was a humming sound from the surrounding ground, which was the start of the six diesel generators buried around.

After regaining her human body, Yang Yue began to be "weak", especially when she saw that Wei Keng had retreated six meters away, with thumbs up on his left hand and thumbs up on his right hand, gesticulating something.

She began to ask in horror: "What formula did you pinch?"

As soon as she asked, the young people from Qiongzhou Prefecture who followed up to help him also noticed Wei Keng's hand gestures, and guessed what kind of mantra Wei Keng was chanting.

In fact, Wei Keng's flower hand is gesturing to the left-hand rule (a wire is subjected to ampere force in a magnetic field).

Wei Keng began to adjust with his mind, and some of the graphite conductors began to build a conductive circuit in the air

Simultaneously draw the right-hand rule, (determine the current direction of the wire in the magnetic field)

Facing Ms. Yang's question, Wei Keng responded in a very gentlemanly way: "It's not some formula, it's science."

After finishing speaking, Wei Keng pointed his left thumb at her and pointed his right thumb at her.

The electric current from the generator set began to be actively connected to the nanometer metal wires by Wei Keng.

The thunder directly entered the top of Yang Yue through the nanofilament, and when it had just gathered, the electric shock began.

The powerful voltage that penetrates the air is directly chopped off from its celestial spirit cover. Zi~hum~pa, the high-voltage electricity once, and then it turned into a Thunder Snake whip, aiming at the central cage to chop.

Yang Yue's hair was instantly burnt clean, her pretty face was scorched black, and she let out a miserable scream.

Amidst the crackling lightning, the victim began to convulse at high altitude. Drops of sweat dripped from the skin like raindrops, and the drops fell to the ground along with the electric sparks.

The native boys who watched from the sidelines saw the way the celestial being subdued the banshee, and their crotch was hard...

When his life was in danger, Yang Yue uttered a clear cry: "Prince Immortal, please forgive me, little maidservant, ah, my ancestors are also from Dongtu."

When Wei Keng heard this, he paused, and said, "You're going to get caught today, and there are still 23 thunder strikes to go. We'll talk about it when we're done."

But so, after confirming that she begged for mercy, Wei Keng still lowered the current.

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