Out of the cage

Chapter 1221 Chapter 2533 Reflection of History

"Your ancestor's surname was Yang, and your grandfather killed Meng Khan during the Mongolian invasion?"

"This hand flicks the bone blade, is it called the Nine Yin White Bone Palm?"

When Wei Keng asked such a few key information from Yang Yue, who was biting the handkerchief and pretending to be poor, he couldn't help covering his forehead.

Wei Keng: This kind of plot line, how much definition of cause and effect does (Haotu) project.

Finally, after thinking about it for a while, Wei Keng came up with a decision, and threw her a sack to wrap it up first. After the original layer of clothing on her body was wiped out in the battle, he ordered her to face the seaside in the waves near the sunken ship. The flopping dark sailor gave the order to surrender.

Wei Keng glanced at the boys watching the battle behind him.

Although these young people from Qiongzhou were very angry, they didn't dare to take a look at them when they saw that they had recovered from scorched black to a woman's appearance after a dozen or so breaths. Instead, he exclaimed in a low voice, "Monster!" "This is really a monster!"

Wei Keng: In an action war, think about how to start and how to end at the same time.

Wei Keng carefully considered the final series of results of contact with this alien number 053. If he really ignored this female vampire named Yang Yue, what if it had branches elsewhere, so that these vampires It is another troublesome thing to board with the Li people on the island.

The most frightening thing about biochemical plots is the spread, and the most terrible thing about the law of causality is that the remnants get chances, and the plot keeps getting sequels and sequels.

Wei Keng whispered, "Mosquitoes are so noisy in summer, they can't be extinguished!"

After all, he drew out the particle light blade hidden in the pillar in the watermelon shed beside him, chopped off the mosquitoes near his ears, and put away the last backup weapon. The sword flower in this hand is quite beautiful, and the empty-twist plane sword technique has not fallen. (Wei Keng, who cultivates both life and life, likes to have a stick in his hand by nature, so every time he goes to a plane, he will practice this stick technique to strengthen his body)

When Yang Yue saw Wei Keng's "Ruyi Length" magic weapon, her originally pitiful expression couldn't hold back for a moment, she was afraid and hid, if she had fought hand-to-hand desperately just now, she would have had no chance at all.

... This story of falling demons ends here...

After dawn, here, the Kentuohui ship landed in the northern part of Qiongdao, and the tractors sputtered black smoke to recover all kinds of waste products and possible biochemical pollutants left on the battlefield. The rumbling and roaring appearance of this tractor was passed down by the natives who followed Wei Keng as "Ink Qilin", and then Wei Keng's leader became the "God of Thunder".

On the other side, the southward team began follow-up work. Diesel engines and rocket barrels could not be passed on.

After returning to the city to report safety, the Tongzhi of Qiongzhou grabbed Wei Keng and asked carefully whether the monster was caught, and whether the follow-up place was safe.

In fact, this old master of the same knowledge already knew a general idea from Qing Zhuang when he came back, that is, the Shangxian of Danzhou captured the demon with thunder method and real fire, but he had the virtue of good life, even though he was captured, he was not destroyed.

Facing the questioning of the master of the same knowledge.

Wei Keng responded: "The demons have been taken down, but they can't be killed. They must be suppressed overseas." Tongzhi: "Why don't they make a mess?" Huluanhua, Khitan, Jin, wildfires are endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates. Therefore, control should be the main thing."

Although Qiongzhou Tongzhi frowned, he also acquiesced to this result, because he couldn't take into account a hundred years later, he just hoped that under his rule, the people would not be attacked by evil spirits.

Wei Keng: "My lord, there is one more important thing compared with demons." Wei Keng then struck while the iron was hot and talked about the catastrophe of Earth Demon 40 years later (Ming Wanli 33rd May 28th Haishi (1605) At midnight on July 13), a magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurred in Qiongzhou).

Qiongzhou Tongzhi was shocked when he heard that, so he asked, "What can I do?" Wei Keng said, "I'm not a fortune teller. I report disasters and ask for money. This catastrophe is the fate of heaven and earth, and it is inevitable. Prepare food, water, and boats. Villages along the coast need to build an earth embankment facing the sea.

Wei Keng took it to Kentuo to draw a map of Qiongdao and marked several points on the sea.

Tongzhi also took out the map of Qiongdi in the yamen of the mansion for comparison.

From a modern point of view, the map of Qiongdao drawn by Tongzhi in the Ming Dynasty is very distorted and only highlights a large number of islands in the northwest. Since the south side is undeveloped, the lower part of the pear shape in Qiongdina is omitted.

If this is the case, it can also be seen that there should be a large number of islands in the north of the Leizhou Peninsula, and these will sink to the bottom of the sea with the "Qionghai Earthquake" decades later.

After Wei Keng finished drawing the lowlands that will soon form a harbor in Qiongbei, he drew the place where the reclamation team is located near the cliff mountain in the south of the map, which is to accommodate the local disaster victims decades later.

When it comes to "establishing a stronghold", I am afraid that there will be a king's land all over the world, and a king's minister on the coast of the land, and talk about the debate between Hua and Yi with Kentuo, and that will be a headache.

Then we have to appeal to Jiajing first for these things. However, this matter cannot be mentioned clearly when entering the court. The Ming court may turn a blind eye to the border land, but if you dare to ask for the land face to face, the beaten Ming court will take you seriously.

In fact, as long as Da Ming negotiated with the biggest leader, the bureaucrats are at ease in the various small details below.

Don't you see, whether it is the Yan Party that fell a few years ago or Wei Zhongxian later, these arrogant guys who have been in the center of the Ming Dynasty have been connived by the emperor, and their party members can act recklessly. The lower bureaucrats of the Ming court dare not be angry. Dare to speak.

Wei Keng was sure that as long as he met Jiajing and got the approval of the Taoist emperor, the fact that Kentuo would "construct" in Qiongnan had already been achieved, and a series of processes would follow in the future to build a county.

Now that he has just witnessed Wei Keng's fall of the devil, the master of Qiongzhou Futai is not hostile, but is very curious about how the immortals built the square city.

Futai reminded that the south is the Shengli area. Wei Keng took advantage of the situation and said: "Sheng Li can be detained, but to be educated, the adults need to send some talented people to teach them."

Then Wei Keng made an offer, willing to hire a scholar with an annuity of forty taels of silver.

The fellow Zhi lord pinched his beard, obviously dissatisfied with the price, then bargained and offered an annuity of sixty taels of silver for the local scholar, of course the money was to be handed over to the Qiongzhou government. (Similar to the so-called annual salary of the Ming army now, the ordinary Ming army pays 18 taels of silver a year, and the Qi family army pays 43 taels of silver, but in the end they can't get a few mouthfuls. Master Wei knows the situation of the Ming Dynasty, and now he is just using this name. to bribe Qiongzhou officials,)

When the topic successfully turns to hiring talents. Wei Keng breathed a sigh of relief, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

At the same time, Wei Keng paid attention to the art of diction, and as he said to Tongzhi, building in the south was "fangshi" instead of "city", that is, a place for villagers to go to market.

A city has a wall, which has military significance. If you talk about building a city, it will definitely challenge the authority of China. If it is just a square market, there is no city wall.

Wei Keng, Qian Yun and his party once again emphasized: When dealing with the Ming Dynasty, you must be tactful, and you must not irritate the officials.

In other words, as long as it maintains a stable relationship with the Ming Dynasty, Kentuo will not need to build a military wall at all. This military base in Qiongnan is going to expand towards the Myanmar-Vietnam Peninsula.

At present, there is no difference between the Kentuohui and the Ming Dynasty in terms of clothing. There is no difference in race and culture, and there is no need to be like foreigners to defend against aborigines. In the era of guns and artillery, there is no need to use cities to protect them.

In the future, as long as the scale of Haifangfang City reaches a certain level, it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to turn its face. Could it be that one or two Jinyiwei and a team of yamen servants were sent to drive away the trading city where tens of thousands of people gathered?

If the next Ming emperor is determined to mobilize the army, well, it depends on whether the feudal mobilization forces in the southern provinces of the Ming army can beat the modern organization in the south. ——Wei Keng studied the standards of the three major campaigns in Wanli. Among them, the chieftain in the south had to mobilize troops to attack when the chieftain reached the point of killing officials.

...The development of the world of the heavens is different from the rules of the normal plane, but the reflection history is the same...

The perspective came to the other side. In the detention room, Kentuo would interrogate Yang Linyue for several rounds, record her hometown and files, and conduct several rounds of experiments on her regenerative ability and blood energy before deciding to release her.

Oh, that's right, Wei Keng decided to release her! And it is also planned to equip her with a ship to go to Europe, to develop in Western Europe, penetrate into the British Isles, and open up great voyages. Information about the Industrial Revolution will also be given to her, and she will also be given shares in Taiyangyang Company.

Wei Keng explained the reason to the board of directors of Daming Plane Taiyangyang Company: the West is not our kind, and if we want to indirectly expand the branch, we must find an agent who knows our strength.

In fact, Wei Keng deliberately maintained the balance between the East and the West, and even the balance of war armaments.

The two sides restrain each other in times of peace. This is an important element in ensuring that the world can be stable. This is the key to maintaining the world's "energy not exhausted in advance".

In short, Kentuo will definitely be the first to let Daming initiate the industrial revolution. But still let the West be the adversary. ——In the historical plot of the current system of the heavens, it has its own "Qi", that is, there are hundreds or even a thousand years before the end. But if Daming is allowed to take the lead in completing the industrial revolution, and snowballs to form the hegemony of the earth, it will cause most people on the plane to enter a state of arrogance prematurely, which will lead to the doomsday scenario in the world ahead of time, that is, the depletion of the world vitality of this plot. "

Outside of the board of directors of the Ming plane, Wei Keng has a higher status. Wei Keng explained on a higher level.

Wei Keng transferred to the Time-Space Rubik's Cube and spoke in the highest authority group: "There are a lot of unusual 'abnormal phenomena' in the history of the Ming plane. These "abnormal phenomena" have been suppressed and only exist in strange novels. The current state is developing too fast, the rules of dimensions are changing too quickly, and other planes are connected (such as the plane of gods and demons), so the Ming plane, which has just started to develop, is really just a piece of cake."

The time-space Rubik's Cube, the "time-space black hand" in the space-time worm of the heavens, actually didn't know that Wei Keng had an identity at the top.

In the dimension, Wei Keng is reporting the strategic level of this time flow with Bai Linglu.

...there is no dividing line for missing calculations...

After Yang Yue escaped from the cell, she came to the pier, and she couldn't believe it when she saw the sailing ship redesigned and built for her.

The pure black sails on this ship are solar panels after unfolding. After the circuit goes deep under the hull, it provides energy for the life support cabins with glass covers inside. Like a girl who opened a treasure bag, she looked at this ship designed by oriental mechanism and felt a little illusory.

After the "Avatar of Blood" was destroyed, she was ready to serve the lord as a slave, but the Orientals gave her a new ship. Oh, this trip to the East is really more miraculous and incredible than what Marco Polo described.

And her blood family members are already on the ship and have begun to learn how to use the ship's electric lifting system and maintain the system. Because these blood descendants were the widows Yang Yue took in in Daming, they were oppressed by three obediences and four virtues all their lives, and they were suppressed by the "Leibu Immortal" within a few months after following Yang Yue's madness, and now they are extraordinarily honest.

On the other side of the pier, Wei Keng looked at Yang Yue, and the nearby armed forces were on standby. After all, the defense must be done well.

Wei Keng calculated: once Yang Yue wants to bite back madly, then the underwater torpedoes and the rockets on the mountain will give him an unforgettable price.

When Yang Yue entered the boat, Wei Keng glanced at Qian Yun at the side and asked, "Are there any objections now?"

Qian Yun is against letting the tiger go back to the mountain, he thinks it is very dangerous. More importantly, for someone who had seriously injured him before, he couldn't be as magnanimous as Wei Keng due to emotion and reason.

Only the winner can be qualified to be "magnanimous".

Qian Yun was silent when he heard Wei Keng's question, and this silence obviously meant that he had no reason to refute.

Wei Keng paused, and enlightened him: "Don't limit your eyes to one city and one place, um, one plane. We are plane shuttlers, and all the time and space discovered by the Rubik's Cube will end in the third industrial revolution. Afterwards, great calamities will ensue.”

(Note, this is the upper limit set by the main world for the planes of the heavens. When the amount of consciousness information in civilization reaches a certain level, there will be a plane transition. However, Wei Keng can't tell people in this "bonsai" world about this. .Because once said, it would be too hopeless.)

Qian Yun sighed helplessly: "How many people are you going to recruit in this plane?"

Keng: "It's not me who recruits, but the organization needs to recruit. It's not how many people are required, but how many people are recruited as many people meet the standards.

During the period of great historical change, the threshold for recruitment is lower. Anyone who is brave enough and persevering is called into the department. During the low tide of history, the threshold for recruitment is high, and perseverance and courage are indispensable. "

Wei Keng said while looking through a series of major events that might be encountered in the future. When he turned to the timeline of this plane a hundred years later, he squinted his eyes and hid his murderous aura.

Because in the history one hundred years later, due to the inevitable cause and effect reflected in history, the existence of rose hips is still rampant, and the raw material of this kind of medicine will poison the world.

The causal balance mechanism of the heavens: it is destined not to allow historical imbalance. Of course, this catastrophe, Shenzhou is also doomed to be unavoidable.

Of course, Wei Keng quickly put away his emotions and returned to a fair and objective view of the historical line.

Everyone has their own historical complex, Wei Keng has it, and Qian Yun has it too, so Wei Keng understands Qian Yun's current state.

... Wei Keng sang the melody in a low voice: When the sea breeze blows for five thousand years, every teardrop seems to express your dignity. …

Ten minutes later, on the ship, Yang Yue was about to get off, and Wei Keng was about to leave. Qian Yun asked: "Are you planning to go north to meet Jiajing next month?"

Wei Keng nodded: "Well, yes, if it's later, I might not see you."

Qian Yun: "In the bright world, I'm not used to staying here, can I change to another place?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, but it can't be the history of the Daheng Dynasty." Qian Yun's eyes were fixed, and he was very dissatisfied.

In the mind-reading technique, Wei Keng knew that Qian Yun's uneasy thought was rising at this moment: "Allow you to prolong Ming's life, but not allow me to save Daheng's luck?"

On the Zhenwu plot line, the Daheng Dynasty also had ups and downs similar to those of the Han Dynasty. After starting in the late Ming Dynasty, it was established in Xiheng, the capital of Jiujiang, Jiangxi. After the Whale Gang (maritime trading capital) set off a great revolution, the Daheng Dynasty had to go north to Yanjing to establish its capital. If this dynasty ended completely, it would be called Beiheng in history.

After the Han Dynasty, there was an uncle Liu Huang who wanted to establish Ji Han, and now Qian Yun inevitably did not want to follow the example of his ancestors and establish a foundation.

Wei Keng used the words Qian Yun could hear and said to himself: "I went to see Emperor Ming, not to prolong the Guozuo of this dynasty, but to speed up history. After I have been there, Ming will prosper, but Guozuo will not be extended. A hundred years later, after the Ming dynasty, there will be no relocation of the capital and the establishment of Ximing."

When Qian Yun never gave up his dream of empire, Master Wei was not going to persuade him, but prepared for him to have a margin after jumping into the pit.

Wei Keng snorted inwardly: "If you really want to add a Heng Dynasty to history, then add it, but it will definitely not be as glorious and glorious in the history of Zhenwu, but a short-lived, laughable and generous clown era."

On the bright side, facing Qian Yun's questioning, Wei Keng replied thoroughly and cleanly: "The timeline where Kentuo will be present is obviously the last dynasty, completely and cleanly."

Wei Keng finally softened his heart and decided to let Qian Yun go to a new timeline to learn about history, um, send him to the late Qing Dynasty.

Wei Keng has a bit of a bad taste. He saw that his ancestor Qian Qianyi was "too cold." Sample.

...narration dividing line...

Another biochemical medieval timeline next door, Qin Xiaohan, who was incarnated as a nun in the Spanish cathedral, looked through Wei Keng’s past documents, and saw Wei Keng’s preference for the opposite sex in the "ancient disk plane" (Chapter 22.27--Pearling of Mengmenghong) Mirage) muttered: "Well, he likes female heroes?"

Qin Xiaohan seems to have locked on a way to entangle Wei Keng

Qin Xiaohan began to search for similar identities to determine the matching degree for his soul wear.

Of course, this round, she couldn't catch up. The cause and effect of the Ming Dynasty has been determined, and Wei Keng’s next thickening of the timeline will not end on its own, that is, historical events such as "the Immortal of Danzhou returns to see the Emperor of Ming Dynasty" will be converted into Rubik’s Cube traversers to complete instead. (end of this chapter)

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