Out of the cage

Chapter 1222 Chapter 2534 Myeongsejong

After settling the Qionghai matter, Wei Keng first came to Quanzhou on a large ship, and went northward from the sea with Jin Yiwei Qianhu who had already been waiting here.

The big ship that Wei Keng was on did not enter the Yangtze River, so he avoided the inconvenience of meeting officials from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places. This was one of the itineraries proposed by the Reclamation Association, which was accepted by the palace.

The Taoist emperor also didn't want the foreigner he had recruited from overseas to be gossiped by the scholar-bureaucrats.

Note: The incident of Wang Zhi being trapped and killed made Wei Keng quite afraid of the depths of Daming's officialdom. According to later historical records, local officials made arbitrarily asserted opinions and undermined Hu Zongxian's strategy of appeasement, but in fact it is difficult to say that there is no factor of maritime trade competition along the southeast coast.

Those in Nanzhili clamored that the royal family should not compete with the people for profit, and they could exhaust political means when they encountered challenges from the people.

Wang Zhi this "capitalist budding" stage. After the local "armed challenge line" to the feudal system was put to death, and the extremely shameful Japanese invasion was recorded in the history books, the only thing left for East Asian capitalism in the following hundreds of years was a compromise with the "Oriental feudal official standard".

Although the Reclamation Society now has a foothold in the southeast, within the Ming system, the lines of interest deployed in the official system are all in Fujian. I am not familiar with the bureaucrats in Hangzhou, Yangzhou, and Nanzhili. Well, in the future, I may conflict with them like Wang Zhi.

So what? Wei Keng: A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. I will not go to the deep pond in the southeast of Daming. I will dig a ditch in your base camp (Zhu Minghuang's court) to unload your water (Master Wei has done a good job: under the literati's pen, it will become a plan to bring disaster to the country and evil ways). Curve to save the country against the feudal system of the Ming Empire.

...The big ship from Quanzhou bypassed most of the southeast coast and went straight to the northern imperial court...

Jin Yiwei looked at the big ship heading north against the wind from the deck, asking questions all the time.

These royal eagle dogs can be regarded as competent. When they knew that the power of the ship was on the tail propeller, they always wanted to rush to the power room to have a look.

According to Jiang Huzhong, people like Jin Yiwei are considered masters. With their vigor, iron chains can be chopped open with Xiuchun knife.

In line with the principle that you cannot guard against thieves for a thousand days. Kentuohui listened carefully to their "emperor's order" at the reception for them, and then said that "these errands involving the emperor can be accommodated."

The working group responsible for the hospitality of the traversers took them to see after completing the safety steps, saving them from breaking in and causing damage.

Wei Keng complained: These days, the secret books of Shaolin Temple are still often lost, and they are always accompanied by murders. Isn’t it the people in the world who do it?

But before watching, the crew on the ship made an agreement with them: "They are allowed to watch because they are the Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty. Barbarians and foreigners are not allowed to run around like this."

So let them sign three non-disclosure agreements, one is for the Kentuo Association to file, the other is to go ashore and give them to the Jinyiwei Yamen, emphasizing that they sent someone to look at it, and the last one will be stored in the pawnshop in the capital.

(Wei Keng looked at these Jinyiwei who put away their smiles, and said coldly: "You guys have a lot to look at, so don't try to separate the relationship after reading it, and wait for repeated questioning from your factory boss.")

After half an hour of safety training, the Jinyi guards wrapped their hair all up, wore specific short-sleeved shorts, and entered the power room to look at the roaring engine.

These brocade guards went in excitedly and came out with their heads buzzing.

The hot steam and the huge pure steel metal shaft made them feel as if they were in the stomach of a steel monster, and claws might emerge at any time, throwing them into the gears and crushing them.

... Regarding the shock of the ancients seeing the future, Wei Keng viewed all of this very calmly, because he was also an ancient person in a long time ago. …

The most critical cargo currently carried in the cabin is a set of generator sets, as well as some bio-sanitary equipment and high-level medical agents.

Since there is no diesel in the Daming plane, the marine machinery has been changed to gas-burning. This requires a huge leather bag to store gas, and there must be a very long distance between the entire air bag and the generator set.

Wei Keng was thinking at this time: There is enough space in Daming Xiyuan. It should be enough even in Taoism.

One of the core purposes of going north this time is to obtain the ancient prescription of lead-mercury ore used as medicine in this timeline, which is mastered by the Taoist sect.

Wei Keng defined traditional Chinese medicine: that is to complete effective prevention and treatment under the condition of insufficient technological productivity and low threshold.

Therefore, when the experimental equipment is brought in now, it is to directly get this ancient "lead and mercury technique".

Hundreds of years later, the worst thing in the corpse wave plane is that if you get on it, you will die. Except for a very small number of the chosen ones whose immune system has passed, the rest are waiting to die.

Wei Keng: Since very few people can survive it, it means that the body's own immunity is not completely irresistible. The theory of Chinese medicine is to strengthen this immunity against a specific pathology as much as possible, and weaken other temporarily unnecessary pathologies. . For example, the body's resistance to "wind cold" and "fire poison" will be enhanced.

For example, zombie viruses, most of the wind and cold are due to deficiency of the spleen and stomach, but the biochemical virus has a strong appetite in the early stage of infection, and functions such as dirty spleen do not need to be protected.

Of course, Wei Keng also made preparations for the "lead and mercury prescription" with little effect, just to eat people to death and prevent the spread of the virus.

But even if this prescription is only 10% effective, it cannot be denied from a "scientific" point of view.

Narrator: When science analyzes the unknown, it often only talks about the degree of relevance, and only "theology" emphasizes "whether".

Wei Kengzai carefully studied tens of thousands of historical plot lines in the corpse tide plane. Discovered a single feature; it is no surprise that during the industrial revolution, many classics were burned during ideological changes, or when capital expanded to promote the development of a certain medical industry chain, it was necessary to quickly reject competitors and make the medical theory single change.

The problem of the plane of corpse tide is not a question of whether the medical theory is not advanced, but a certain kind of simplification force. When it affects the medical theory, it cannot make an "objective" and "multi-angle" plan. , was forced to go to the dark on a road.

For example, the rich and powerful need "health" and "life extension".

If the medical experiment they invest in deviates from their intended purpose and can prevent and control a certain common mosquito-borne disease in Africa, it will deviate from their requirements and waste their funds.

For another example, politicians want to use "biotechnology" to attack the grain production of enemy countries and destroy the ecological balance. As a result, scientific laboratories have discovered that this technology may be used to protect the migration of certain migratory birds. Then when politicians send financial audits, This trivial project should be cut off.

That's right, any science needs funding, and when narrow-minded people have power, then scientific research investment will also be narrow.

For example, medical science seeks longevity, not public health, economics helps a few people make profits, and does not think about rational and fair allocation of social wealth. These are "narrow" leading scientific research directions.

Of course, Wei Keng has no hesitation about such questions, because he had the answer as early as when he was on mission in the Shenzhou plane: do not interfere with the use of scientific research funds by scientists, and only require scientists to maintain an excellent life style. Because as long as the "low-level interests" are eliminated, the life goals of scientists with professional knowledge in their minds must focus on high-level goals.

Wei Keng came to the upper reaches of Ming Dynasty not to compete for the orthodoxy of "Chinese medicine" and "Western medicine".

Regardless of whether the Industrial Revolution took place in the East or the West, all capitalist and overly casual barefoot doctors were wiped out.

An example of bad money driving out good money: When charlatans began to sell various magic medicines in the countryside, and after a wave of deception in a certain village, they immediately fled by train and other modern means of transportation, which ruined the existence of ancient oriental doctors. .

Wei Keng: Although the old model of medical practice has been cut off, the spirit of "Xinglin" of Mr. Dong Feng should be passed on. "Xinglin" represents the benevolence of doctors to benefit thousands of families, rather than the narrow "squeeze other people's lives for profit".

In modern times, traditional prescriptions have always been a threat to the pharmaceutical industry in terms of price.

The ever-improving capabilities of modern medical care are actually focused on severe and rare diseases, but the market in this area has always been narrow.

Young and middle-aged people who really have spending power will pass away when they encounter minor diseases.

If it is still boiled in a Chinese medicine store for dozens of copper coins, it can be done. You will not spend 1,000 yuan to register in a modern hospital.

Can't earn the medical expenses of the young and middle-aged labor force, don't commercial medical companies drink the northwest wind?

In the chaotic era of modern times, morality was degraded, and the oriental businessmen asked doctors to pay kickbacks, so that doctors could prescribe medicines to death. The West is directly developing "recreational drugs" to treat "mental illnesses" that are becoming more and more common in society.

From the perspective of a "successful" medical businessman: so we must get rid of "backward medicine".

Starting from the cultural aspect first, Ding Xiang opened his mouth and regarded "traditional medicine" as witchcraft ideologically.

Plasters, massage, these things that are not considered "Chinese medicine" have been marginalized. In the 21st century, there is no media to promote those simple and ancient health regimens and health correlations.

In the information cocoon where ordinary people live, even various supplements and meal replacements are more related to the concept of health than "plaster" and "Wu Qin Xi".

As for those ancient prescriptions, they "do not prove" because they "have not been scientifically proven". The result is: pseudoscience, effectiveness to be determined, and harmfulness to be observed.

Wei Keng wants to add a big cause and effect to the entire plane of the "Biology Department" series.

…The unreasonable people did not accept the "Biology Department" Tiger Talisman awarded by Qin Tianfang back then, not because of indifference, but because of political disagreement...

The big steamship berths at the Tianyuyu Ferry,

After dozens of carriages were loaded on the pier, they carried a series of goods towards the capital.

Along the way, all the goods were released under the inspection of the factory guards.

These father-in-laws who use fragrance to cover up their body odor, wearing fake beards, come forward to pretend. Wei Keng's thoughts danced, and the boxes opened one after another silently.

These father-in-laws immediately restrained themselves a lot, but Wei Keng then gave them a gift of "doing as the Romans do", which made them look relentless.

Eunuch Liu, the supervisor of ceremonies who accompanied him, was concerned about another matter, that is, the issue of prostration when facing the saint.

Regarding this point, when Wei Keng persuaded the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty with a smile but not a smile, he still said the same words: "The Emperor needs to wear a dragon robe and an emperor's crown, so we can worship the sky and worship him."

Eunuch Liu said gloomily, "Master Dao, your magic power is profound, but we are long live slaves, so we won't be able to tolerate some tricks then."

Wei Keng smiled: "You are a slave of the Tian family, so you should think more about the Tian family."

Wei Keng said solemnly: "The emperor should not be disrespectful, at least he should not be disrespectful in front of me."

During the speech, Wei Keng pinched the internal force embroidery needle that the eunuch popped out from the palm with his fingertips, and then mobilized the nano-magnetic particles in the palm of his backhand to introduce electricity, and melted the embroidery needle in front of the eunuch. ——The lithium battery that is carried with you is still enough to do all this.

The chief eunuch could only smile on his face, so he invited Wei Keng.

In the end, Wei Keng still met Jiajing, and when he entered the monastery, he bowed three times.

After the ceremony, a voice came from the curtain of Jiajing, saying no ceremony, but seat. ——avoided the embarrassment of etiquette.

But when the seat was moved, Wei Keng pushed the wooden chair away. Sitting directly on the ground: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I can just borrow the place where the dragon sits. You have given it to me, but now I dare not accept it without merit."

After Wei Keng sat down, Jiajing asked, "I heard that the Taoist chief came to Daming with the help of the guards."

Wei Keng: "Yes, Your Majesty, this name is also used in Qiongdao. But this soldier still obeys the emperor's order, and can be adjusted or announced. If His Majesty is unwilling, we will send him out of the land of Wanghua."

Jiajing pretended to be displeased: "So, I want to move my people to foreign lands."

Wei Keng: "The soldiers who pioneered Dayuan Island will surely thank His Majesty for His grace."

The supervisor of rites said in a sharp voice: "This Taoist priest, all the rituals and music of the conquest come from the emperor, and you make your own armor and guns. This is an illegal act. How can you argue?!"

Wei Keng: "There is a reason for this. During the Han Dynasty, the emperor set up a capital in the Western Regions. He set up a county in the south of Jiaozhi, and built Bohai County in the north to extend to Korea. At the crossroads, sea routes were cut off, and the race of black-haired and black-eyed Chinese was gradually declining overseas. Fortunately, Emperor Ming reopened, and Chengzu sent envoys to the West to praise the majesty of the kingdom.

But in recent years, Taixi people took advantage of the monsoon and traveled thousands of miles to insult them.

I am sent to overseas Taoist temples, and I am often harassed by barbarians and Nestorians, entangled with natives and hooligans, so I originally intended to use your majesty's power to frighten overseas, not Fengmao. "

At this time, Jiajing opened the curtain in the jingshe. It was the first time he heard that the overseas tributary countries were so uneasy, but as an old dragon who had been imperial for forty years, he suppressed his curiosity at this time.

Jiajing: "Then it happened for a reason, so let's not talk about it." The old emperor was quite generous. But behind the generosity, there is obviously a need for others.

Wei Keng understood that if he couldn't give the old emperor a satisfactory answer, then there would be nothing good to eat next.

Wei Keng said: "Your Majesty's worries, I know, but I can't deceive Your Majesty, there is no longevity technique in the world, those alchemists in Qin Dynasty deceived the First Emperor, and they have been tricked."

After Jiajing heard this, he was displeased, but he still asked in a roundabout way: "Xianchang, do you know the current affairs of Qin Dynasty?"

Wei Keng: "I have been to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, and Song Dynasty." (This is not bragging, Wei Keng is now exploring multiple timelines in clusters.)

Jiajing breathed heavily: "In this world, is there a longevity technique?"

Wei Keng paused for a moment, thought about the explanation, and almost gave this answer: "People in this school (Rubik's Cube Space) have not yet attained Taoism, so there is no longevity technique."

This answer made the emperor smile and then asked: "Since there is no longevity technique, how can the Taoist talk about Qin and Han?"

Wei Keng: "Although I don't have the fruit of righteous immortality (the method of regeneration based on the will after the 27th century), I can go back to the past and present with the immortal order (time and space shuttle), but this is not considered to be extraordinary in the root.

Life is born between heaven and earth, and life is not born between heaven and earth. Although I have traveled to and from the Han Dynasty, I have not been in the world for more than a year, and the rest are all in a big dream. Not longevity.

And Your Majesty, you are on the throne of the emperor, the position of Tiansi, and you cannot be detached. "

At this time, there was silence in the hall.

The eunuch at the side smoothed things over at this moment and said, "President Wei Xian, the items you brought have now arrived at Chaotian Temple." - what he said at this time, of course, was that he found out that Wei Keng was looking for Lan Shenxian to refine medicine matter.

And here, Jiajing, who was denied the possibility of seeking immortality, recovered from his trance and became sharp again. Yes, there is no way to become immortal, but that doesn't mean there is no immortal medicine!

Wei Keng sighed, and said, "There is no way of longevity, but there is a technique of prolonging life. It's just—"

Jiajing said loudly, "It's just that the Immortal Elder won't give it lightly."

Wei Keng: "I brought the technique of prolonging life. However, I am afraid of cause and effect, and I must inform His Majesty in advance of the pros and cons of this matter."

Jiajing was slightly taken aback, he restrained the ecstasy in his heart, and said with a very kind smile: "Sir, please tell me."

Wei Keng: "The way of heaven is to make up for what is not enough. The way of man is to make up for what is not enough. Changing dynasties is the way of heaven, and prolonging the longevity of the emperor is the way of humanity."

Wei Keng: "It is destiny, Your Majesty will still govern the world in the two dynasties." (Wei Keng didn't say the rest, this emperor is a smart man. Knowing what it means, Daming Jiangshan and personally asked about the choice of seeking immortality.)

The eunuch shouted: 'Bold! ’ But Wei Keng remained indifferent.

Sitting in the monastery, Jiajing sighed and said, "It's hard for me to cultivate an immortal, ah, it's hard." After he said that, he slammed on the copper, and the harsh sound made the eunuchs on the side not help dissuading him. "Master calm down" "Master calm down"

At this time, the Taoist emperor lost his temper to force the Danzhou celestial guest to find a way to seek immortality for him, otherwise, his house slave (eunuch) would be rude.

Wei Keng sighed: "Your Majesty, it's helpful."

Jiajing stopped ringing the bell, obviously succeeding.

Wei Keng gritted his teeth and said: "There are benefits, there are benefits, but the way of heaven is long, and losses will still be losses. How difficult it will be for the king of future generations. Fate is determined."

Jiajing closed the curtains of the monastery, and his attitude of "closing the curtain" was "I don't want to listen to excuses".

Wei Keng breathed out and said: "Your Majesty should have controlled the pole for 45 years. If you exceed this number, you should avoid the position of honor (become the Supreme Emperor), and prolong your life to avoid life and death. Please still exercise restraint in drinking and sex. There is no medicine for tigers and wolves." use."

Jiajing who was behind the scenes rolled his eyes, and the eunuch Huang understood immediately, and immediately asked Wei Keng with a smile: "Dare to ask the immortal chief, how much is this life extension?"

Wei Keng: "Prolonging life is not an absolute number, it depends on the condition of qi and blood, viscera, bone marrow, and returning to the prime of life. If your majesty is not at ease, you can choose several old people to try this technique. Well, it is best to reach Jiazi (same life as you) , for comparison).”

Jiajing nodded slightly.

Wei Keng said again: "However, the life prolonging technique has different effects on different people. If Your Majesty uses lead and mercury frequently, there is no hope of prolonging life."

The eunuch asked on behalf of Jiajing, "Does the Immortal have any objections to Lan Xianren's technique?"

He couldn't help but feel that there was going to be a fight in the palace. Once the elixir was fake and Jiajing succeeded in prolonging life, the Taoist temple would be out of luck, and the ministers in the court would fight secretly. If the immortals continued to fight, there would be no end to it .

Wei Keng: "Fellow Daoist Lan's pills are real, and I came here to learn his alchemy. Please give me your Majesty's order to allow me to exchange learning with him."

What did Jiajing catch: "Immortal elders have longevity skills, and they also need the alchemy skills of fellow Taoists of Longhu Mountain?" He obviously had doubts about Wei Keng's professional ability.

Wei Keng smiled: "Your Majesty was born to use only gold and jade utensils, but the art of making clay pots into utensils is widely used in the world. The way lies in rubble, in ants, and in urine. Thanks to the gift of the ancestors, I understand Guangsha, but I also know how to use it." It takes a lot of steps, Confucius said: "Three people walk together, there must be my teacher", know what you know, don't know what you don't know, Zhu Daoyou, you have a good idea!"

Wei Keng's words were a bit arrogant. If it was an ordinary person, the eunuch would reprimand him for being bold. But now carefully watch the master's attitude.

Jiajing in the jingshe was not angry at all, because no matter what it was, as long as it could make him live forever, Wei Keng's wild words at this time were nothing but an adventure in cultivating immortals to him.

Wei Keng complained secretly: Since ancient times, rich people seek longevity. In ancient times, Emperor Qin, Han, Wu, and Tang Zong died of taking drugs. In later generations, countless grandparents bought health care products.

Six days later, the Taoist temple was expanding, and a port was reopened from outside Tianyuyu. A large amount of materials were unloaded from it, and then the tracked vehicles were dragged directly into the Xiyuan Taoist temple in the capital. Of course, there is still an engineering team of 300 people, such a dusty construction, so that the Imperial Guards in the palace have to send more people to keep an eye on the progress.

Workers began to build steel plates along the perimeter of the Taoist temple, piled up cement rooms, built sterile rooms, and matched the power system to the pipelines. At the same time, one forklift and three cranes rushed to work day and night.

This kind of construction speed is faster than the burdens carried by people in the capital.

By the way, Wei Keng also saw Lan Daoxing, greeted him, and asked for "alchemy" straight to the point. Of course, Wei Keng got straight to the point and said that he wanted to find him to go to time and space, and asked, "Do you want to know the meaning of life?" After that, he ignored him, rolled up his sleeves next to his Taoist temple, and participated in building the building. The Taoist was taken aback for a while.

Wei Keng has already made plans, and when he is sure that Jiajing is settled, he will directly take Lan Daoxing to cross.

Near the Chaotian Temple, due to the day and night construction, the dysprosium lamp (high-intensity gas discharge lamp) illuminates several kilometers of floating dust like a canopy at night, and at the same time, the booming of the ground drilling machine disturbs the Taoist priests here and cannot meditate.

The speed of building the building was very fast. The foundation was completed in almost a week, and the brick house was built in two weeks. This progress undoubtedly surprised Jiajing who knew the truth through Jinyiwei.

The Ministry of Industry also sent people to take a look. The scene where the iron ox Trojan horse dragged thousands of catties of goods around was incredible for such a construction method.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry of the Ming Dynasty sighed after watching the dusty construction site: more than three hundred strong men can withstand the dragging of thousands of people. How much labor can be saved by this?

Of course, it is not daring to "detain a strong man" for his own use.

For the Ming court, these celestial warriors (travelers) are pregnant with qi in their bodies, and even if they are questioned by Jin Yiwei, they can answer every detail. However, there is arrogance hidden in their attitudes, and they inadvertently revealed that they "come from the future"

And this made Jiajing in the inner court elated, because this time he really met a fairy.

Before the medical center was completed, Jiajing couldn't wait for the sixty-year-old old men selected by Jin Yiwei to return to their youth. He didn't just watch the fairy building built, he invited immortals to prolong his life. So he sent eunuchs to inquire about the news on the construction site.

Wei Keng looked at the Huang eunuch: "Let Your Majesty fast to eat the pills and pay attention to work and rest. This life-prolonging technique must be powered by buildings."

Huang Jin: "Immortal Chief, Your Majesty can let Xiyuan be used by the Immortal Chief."

Wei Keng shook his head, then simply took him to the generator, took two copper wires, stabbed them on the wooden board and lit them. Then he replied: "See, this is Lei Huo. The medicinal stones needed to prolong life rely on the power of the "Thunder Department" to refine. Your Majesty's palace is mostly made of wood and stone. It is difficult to endure catastrophe.

The life prolonging technique is not a golden elixir, it needs to be refined throughout the year. During this period, if the palace fires and harms His Majesty, we will make a big mistake. "

Seeing Eunuch Huang still wanted to talk, Wei Keng said, "Choose the old man first. There is one of my Taoist boats on Bobin (the life support warehouse above), which is just right for use. You take the old man on board first. You can test whether it’s true or not.” ——Jiajing has been unable to cultivate immortals for these years, and his heart is about to die, and he suddenly knows the art of "rejuvenating youth", and he can't wait!

Eunuch Huang breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought of something, he still smiled and refused to leave.

Keng knocked on the notebook: "May I ask what the father-in-law (emperor) is worried about? The building and the transportation of equipment are actually very expensive. We are worried that it will increase the burden on the people of Ming Dynasty, which will harm the peace of heaven. Penny. If we are cheating, what are we trying to do?" —— Subconscious mind, we are not alchemists who cheat money.

Eunuch Huang hurriedly apologized with a smile: "How dare, how dare. It's just Shangxian, old slave, can I just ask again."

Wei Keng: "Please tell me!"

Eunuch Huang: "Can this fairy art restore the disabled?"

Wei Keng covered his forehead, took a deep breath, and then raised his head: "To tell you the truth, repairs, heart, liver, kidney, limbs and palms are all possible. But only that thing, our world, is so incomplete. This is a man-made defect, so no one is familiar with this technique."

Eunuch Huang's expression was urgent: "Hasn't Shangxian tried it?!" But seeing Wei Keng's embarrassed and unwilling expression, he suddenly understood. In the fairy world, there are techniques to repair the five internal organs and the face, but no one learns to repair those things. Then he said embarrassingly: "Our family is just asking, Shangxian still focuses on His Majesty's affairs."

Eunuch Huang thought to himself: "It seems that the fairy world also pays attention to face."

But soon, Wei Keng gave him an unexpected answer: "Although the body cannot be restored, it is possible to obtain sperm and conceive a child."

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