Out of the cage

Chapter 1247 Extra Volume 25 Chapter 12 Exile

Between 3310 and 3325 in the main world's time calendar, this is the "first stage" of this plane war in the world of heavens.

The entire Space-Time Management Bureau has seen the "destructive power" displayed by Wei Keng (Diao Min) who no one can suppress after Qin Tianfang (Emperor) retired from Haotu.

Of course, Li Ximeng, a pastoral era supervisor, knew that Qin Tianfang had never had the concept of "restraining" Wei Keng.

Now it's not like "after Qin Tianfang left, Wei Keng suddenly came out arrogantly and became invincible in the world."

Li Ximeng realized later: "The path Wei Keng followed may have given Qin Tianfang a crushing advantage after the third plane war."

After World War III, Qin Tianfang also experienced a situation where the successful regeneration rate was not enough to preserve his personality memory after his consciousness returned.

As for Wei Keng, so far, every returning consciousness has been able to maintain his personality during rebirth (Su Hui).

When Qin Tianfang was in power, he only used "righteousness" to assign Wei Keng to the deep-dimensional voyage.

The Plane of Darkness was a plane that no one wanted to explore in the past. Wei Keng spent a hundred years to get through it.

Li Ximeng did not elaborate on these historical details to Haotu's supervisory committee, because ah, the current generation of power groups in Haotu have fallen into a paranoid stage.

As long as they can continue to prove their strong plan, they will not accept other viewpoints.

In 3325, the heavenly kings of the vast land seemed to have finally "enlightened". They adopted a possibility that they had never thought of before, which was to use the useful method of recalling Wei Keng back to the main plane in the name of the "Space-Time Administration".

Note: Under the system of pastoral rules, if the traveler refuses to return to the main world, the main world will have the right to freeze his property in the main world. Of course, this rule was abandoned by everyone in the third plane war, because the main world The assets in the world can be frozen at will.

To their surprise, Wei Keng really responded to the main world's order and "returned." (Wei Keng: My holy sword, my ancestral home!)

But it was also surprising. The scale of Wei Keng's return of consciousness seems to follow a long sequence. According to the plan, there are 670 individuals of Wei Keng who will return one after another within twenty years.

At this time, Wei Keng cut off the plane support of some of the kings of the heavens, and the kings of the heavens also wanted to drain the flames.

…the dividing line of competition…

In the Qinling Mountains, King Jupiter (Xuan Tianyao) of the space-time management department is the fourth regenerative individual on the earth. He opened the archives here and looked at the paper backup files that are now enough to be called antiques. This file still has the memory of the past. The red fingerprint pressed by Wei Keng.

Well, in addition to ink pad fingerprints, there are also grease fingerprints. Oh, this is the file that Wei Keng pressed just after eating "Spicy or Sweet" without wiping his fingers clean.

After Xuan Tianyao scanned all the documents, the "Judgment Procedure" was simultaneously prepared at the Space-Time Management Bureau on the other side.

This trial procedure is to define whether the consciousness of the time traveler has encountered irreversible pollution in the dimension, or whether it has developed into erroneous paranoia and anti-social development.

Once the ruling process is passed, the "ban" can be initiated

However, now in the planes of the heavens, not everyone in the vast land supports Xuan Tianyao's radicalization!

On the other side, in the supervisor team, Kong Chuanxiao made an urgent report to He Chongyun: "There is insufficient registration. I do not recommend initiating the 'ban' bill. This bill was abolished during the third plane war. This is freedom of planes." Regression. Moreover, even according to the standards of five hundred years ago, Mr. Wei Keng does not fall into the category of 'ban'. His consciousness maintains a 'high breakthrough'. The ban will not be effective."

Narrator: The reason why Kong Chuanxiao now prevents He Chongyun from initiating the "ban" is because this authority is too terrifying! And if it is banned according to Wei Keng's standards, then basically most people will be banned. Wei Keng is now the "winner" for most people in all aspects. If this case is really successful, then there will be a lot of "freedom", "non-subjectivity" and "discretion".

Take some universities two thousand years later in modern times as an example! In the past, expulsions from students were only based on "violation of the law." However, with the emergence of expulsion cases such as "cat abuse", which does not constitute a legal crime, schools are given a huge discretionary power.

The subsequent history is obvious. Because the school has the right to interpret "significant impact on society", the school has various flexible standards for ruling on various social focuses, thereby interfering with social values.

In the power system, when encountering an existence that cannot be dealt with, a new "law" is developed to specifically deal with it. For everyone, who will control the "discretion"?

He Chongyun was perfunctory about the Kong Chuan gap report. At this time, he just wanted to have independent discretion!

He Chongyun: "What do you want to say!"

Kong Chuanzi could also see the ambition of Qin Tianfang's heir, so Hong Chuanzi no longer persuaded from the perspective of justice, but directly warned Wei Keng: "I have witnessed that he is With the expansion of the dark plane, the scale of will has far exceeded my imagination. Haotu's current 'will estimation system' may be applicable to other travelers, but it does not include him."

He Chongyun: "You mean, the will estimation system accumulated by Haotu over the past three hundred years is wrong?!" (This is a big hat)

Kong Chuanxiao: "No measurement system can be absolutely accurate."

He Chongyun: "I have my own considerations on this point." - This sentence blocked everything.

In Eastern languages, when a leader says that he has his own considerations, he is already emphasizing his height. That is to say, any suggestions from subordinates are not highly enough suggestions. And when this posture appears, self-willedness is about to begin.

...the dividing line of "Eternal Sinners"...

After the report, Kong Chuanxia was about to go back to his monitoring plane through the space-time tunnel, but when he passed the supervisor's office hall halfway, he was blocked by an uninvited visitor. Ever since, the two sides held a meeting.

After flipping through the newspaper information in his hand, Bai Linglu said, "Your speech today is very novel."

At this time, the main world launched a series of conspiracies after Wei Keng was recalled. Bai Linglu has "intelligence lines" to understand.

Speaking of which, in the past hundred years, Li Ximeng and a series of kings of the heavens wanted to drive out Bai Linglu, an old fritter, but they couldn't find a reason.

Kong Chuanchi looked at Bai Linglu, and said in a calm manner: "After the 33rd century, with the sun, the gravitational experiments of Proxima Centauri and Samsung have been verified. In the universe of the main world, the control of gravitational fluctuations Material technology may have appeared. However, this requires king-level will control, can you do this job?"

The above is a series of Overseer slang words! The translation is: "He Chongyun has found at least three giants to connect in series, and decided to impose strong sanctions on Wei Keng's current behavior in the heavens system. So cowardly."

Bai Linglu sarcastically said: "You don't have the ability to do it, and you don't allow us to do it, so you have to arrange someone who "you think is suitable" to do it, right?"

Translation: He Chongyun and his group are unable to control the planes of the heavens, and they are ready to establish rules to curb others from developing on the planes, so it is better to disband the Haotu system.

Kun Chuanchi was silent for a while, and said: "There is endless hope under your feet, but your hair is already pale, and you are dying of old age. Can you really stand up to the storm?"

Translation: Although there is endless hope under Wei Keng's feet, after all, he is a member of the pastoral generation. Qin Tianfang has already left at dusk. Can he, Wei Keng, really face this changing world now?

Bai Linglu interrupted her: "Don't look sympathetic. Your words were used a hundred years ago."

Translation: Don't worry about us, a hundred years ago, we (I, Bai Linglu and Wei Keng) saw the problem, just based on an "enlightened" attitude, (Wei Keng rejected this old woman's plan), and gave it to Haotu opportunity for self-correction.

Dozens of conversations are omitted below.

It can only be said that the posture of Wei Keng's sudden push on the planes of the heavens made all the time-traveling giants in the Fourth Plane War feel extremely uncomfortable. Because they are used to commanding others in a "powerful" position, and now they don't want to give up this "position".

And at the end of the tea party between Bai Linglu and Kong Chuanxia.

Kun Chuanchi suddenly said: "By the way, if he returns to the main world, can he also benefit one side?"

The idea of ​​piercing the gap is very good. If Wei Keng sacrifices a bit, makes a concession, gives up the multi-dimensional planes, and concentrates on making the main world beautiful, how wonderful is it?

Historical irony: The American colonists thought the same way back then, letting the Indians give up their land to develop on the west bank of the Mississippi River.

So right now, it is not the question of "why Wei Keng can't concentrate on the main world", but once the side that indulges the "dividends" wins, then even if you avoid them and devote your patience to building your home, when you finish building, you will always One day the "flies" will smell the sweetness and run over, and then they will continue to let you for the sake of peace, give way again! Go further to benefit the world, the reason is: "You are a good person, you have to follow the settings of a good person."

Therefore, Bai Linglu issued a warning to Chuan Kong: "Don't be clever! Don't indulge your own despicableness while enjoying the beauty that the world can do for you."

Bai Linglu raised the coffee in his cup, tapped lightly in his hand, the information was transferred, and the coffee turned into black mud.

Bai Linglu: "Brew your own bitter wine, prepare to swallow it today."

... The main world is in the 34th century, seven hundred years ago. …

In 3360, after the return of Wei Keng, in the large pyramid tower in the Puhai area of ​​the main world Earth.

During the shuttle meeting, eighteen "neutral" adjudicators pointed out Wei Keng's improper operations on multiple timelines during this shuttle.

Judge: "Your will diffusion behavior has brought irreversible interference to the timeline of the projection of the entire plane."

Wei Keng, who has completed all the compulsory education on the earth at this time, has the taste of a 21st century college student who is doing nothing. During the remote projection conversation, he crossed his legs and broke up with the judge of the Space-Time Administration: "What? Earth! In all the heavens and worlds, I am the only one who is wrong!"

The adjudicator said: "Yes, the law is fair. No matter what your qualifications are, the behavior of time travelers should be supervised."

Wei Keng looked up the laws and took a look. Most of them were new laws established after the Fourth World War. He said with a smile: "I admit that there is some truth to the laws of traversers, but—but the original intention of these laws was to reconcile some contradictions at the beginning, but now they have become a defense tool for some border delimiters .So, I don't agree with your wrong interpretation."

That's all, Wei Keng stood up: "I don't need to cooperate with your judgment. If you want to implement the so-called judgment that you have already planned, then come."

Qin Tian let go, Wei Keng couldn't find anyone to chat with, and he was tired after taking care of the children for a long time...

When the system is not suitable, most of the time, they are used to asking for help from the higher authorities (complaining to Lord Qingtian), but for those who have been divorced from the center, it is too shabby to kneel and sue upwards.

In the pastoral era, each traverser was equipped with an equal monitor. Under that system, if there was any misunderstanding between the traverser and the Space-Time Administration, the seemingly "useless" monitor was an important communication channel.

In the pastoral generation, no matter how unhappy the supervisor and the time traveler are, they are still a family. The supervisor marries a chicken and follows the chicken, marries a dog and follows the dog, and cannot change the time traveler at will.

However, after the third plane war, the supervisors gradually became free, but "freedom" became an office culture of "seeking leisure and avoiding fatigue", rather than the freedom to practice in the vast world of the plane.

After the Fourth Plane War, the supervisors were all the big misses of the system. In the management, they were precise calculations and looked down on most ordinary traversers. They only treated a few supreme traversers with authority gently!

The "middlemen" among the traversers are becoming less and less consistent with the top-level structure of the Space-Time Administration!

...the way is different, do not conspire with each other...

In 3360, when the judgment ordered that all of Wei Keng's cross-plane activities in the main world be banned. The unreasonable people fell out with the court.

Wei Keng, as a veteran of the pastoral era, said he was banned, so he was banned. It shows the new authority now established by the new power group in the space-time dimension.

On the major plane shuttle platforms, one by one, the travelers digested the shocking news and discussed the new topic of "the kings are finally serious".

He Chongyun began to strike while the iron was hot. He sat on Qin Tianfang's throne at the beginning, convened the Eight Great Territories Conference, and began to draw up more in-depth rules in the positioning plane.

He Chongyun gave a speech at the rally meeting before the start of the "ban": "Now in the world of the heavens, there are too many old-fashioned consciousnesses, occupying a lot of space, and a batch of them need to be repatriated back to the main world. Dedication is also a kind of greatness."

Narrator: It's as much said as it is sung, only the words aren't uttered with a majestic soundtrack to cheer them up.

...sorrow, dividing line...

Just when He Chongyun was imitating Qin Tianfang as the Great Emperor.

In the same year, the information enthalpy on the sun increased in price. You must know that information enthalpy has always been reduced in price as technology advances.

The star department of all adjacent planes, including the main world, issued a unified announcement: "In view of the normal fluctuations in the current 'market adjustment', the Stellar Development and Reform Committee will follow the market economy and slightly adjust the price of information enthalpy. What needs to be said is , this adjustment is in view of the longer-term development plan of human civilization, and it is a measure. It has little to do with other events."

In the dimensional mezzanine, Bai Linglu looked at He Chongyun's expression with great pleasure! And his subordinate Xuan Tianxie angrily declared "This is deliberate, this is destroying the normal development of the dimension economy!" That "barking barking" bark.

Bai Linglu said to Wei Keng from the Star Department: "Actually, you have long since stopped supplying information on a large scale, and you just waited for the other party to give you a reason."

Bai Linglu highlighted the point: "You did not defend yourself at all during the He Chongyun trial, which is very abnormal. Because most of the time, you actively fought for the maintenance of the relationship."

Wei Keng said leisurely: "No, I just think what the Space-Time Administration said makes sense, that is, someone needs to benefit the main world. Well, so I coordinated with them and adjusted the resources."

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