Out of the cage

Chapter 1248 Chapter 25 Extra Volume Chapter 13 (Part 1) Returning to the Mountain Forest

When economists study economic history, they summarize the ancient times: If modern administrative forces forcibly interfere with the market and impose sanctions on personnel who are an important part of the operating system, a chain reaction will inevitably occur. resulting in serious consequences.

In human terms, in the peaceful historical period, due to the basic industry being too basic and the long-term oversupply, the "seller" begged the "buyer" all the year round, and was in the center of the "begged" position, gradually forgetting the "serious damage to basic supply" as a result of".

In the 21st century, people created a new vocabulary to explain the "economic crisis" of the last century, which is called "supply chain crisis".

Example 1: Smart people engaged in finance in big cities suddenly interrupt the capital chain of core industries such as "grain", "chemical industry", and "transportation industry". Create an inflation crisis.

Example 2: A strategist who masters the upstream side of high technology imposes sanctions on countries that master the low-end technology of gallium and germanium metal production lines.

It is not difficult to understand that the Space-Time Administration dared to sanction Wei Keng and ignored the power of the Star Department. ——Because He Chongyun is confident that Wei Keng dare not use the Astral Department to counter it, because the economy of the plane has been active for a long time, and it is the largest consumer of information in the Astral Department. If the Astral Department does not supply it to the Space-Time Administration, who will supply so much information? ?

Just like in the 21st century, the lighthouses on the other side of the ocean believe that the place where raw materials are produced has always been asking for itself and exchanging raw materials for foreign exchange. The "middle people" in the world's factories themselves do not have the "innovative ability" to create corresponding industries to consume raw materials.

However: "Middle people" just feel that they may not be good enough, but they don't think they can't do it, it's always a margin of preparation.

The "Star Field" project was rolled out a century ago.

...the dividing line between ancient and modern...

In the main world, when He Chongyun issued a "ban" in the "time and space system\

,"The world thinks it's nothing, and dozens of departments on the earth have not come forward to speak out, because the time and space management department has the largest economic aggregate in human civilization. This big man naturally has weight in his words.

But when the Star Department proposed a price increase, the entire earth civilization began to realize the seriousness of the matter.

When multiple departments want to determine whether this is someone from the Astral Department arbitrarily doing it! It turned out that someone's sub-consciousness accounted for more than 70% of the total information enthalpy industry on the sun!

Only then did they understand the consequences of He Chongyun's "sanction", which completely broke the biggest "chain" that maintained tacit understanding between Haotu and the Xingxing Department during Qin Tianfang's era.

Therefore, this is not a short-term price increase, and the continuous price increase of information enthalpy will be long, unless Haotu can cultivate enough engineers who can enter the sun!

But everyone knows that the Space-Time Administration has invested in education over the years, 20 years of short-term compulsory education, and the injection of development memory. Only the stellar department is investing in long-term compulsory education for more than sixty years! Cultivate the healthy development of conscious subjective learning.

In addition, the spirit injection has lasted for more than three hundred years, and the problem of dating is not unique to today! It's just the consequences that were inspired, and it's in front of everyone today.

Of course, just like the moral bitch would cut two things apart in history, only talk about the side that was hit by him, and package himself as a victim, today the Tiantian system has also adopted a similar trick!

Instigated by public opinion in Haotu, the new generation of traversers denounced the star department for raising energy prices "for no reason". We must resolutely defend the "right to freedom of information".

However, Haotu, which could not solve the problem at this time, also drew a big pie, insisting that it will expand the acquisition channels of "diversified information enthalpy".

In the face of raw material countermeasures from the Star Department, He Chongyun, headed by Haotu, said: He will never yield to the Star Ministry to disrupt economic decision-making, and will look for more diversified sources of "information supply". It is set to invest in the development of multiple stars within 50 light-years around it in the next century, and to establish a plan for the Dyson ring facility.

With such a manipulation of public opinion, He Chongshu directly dealt with the "information enthalpy" supply crisis.

But what to do next?

He Chongyun looked at the sun. He once wanted to reform the bad and build the new, but now he stumbled at the first step. Looking at the "oldest antique" who was unwilling to give him the first barrel of prestige, He Chongyun said silently in his heart, "How about making peace?"

In fact, it's not just He Chongyun, but Haotu as a whole feels that it can get by in terms of face at the moment, so let's talk to Wei Keng to see if the Star Department can retreat and give Haotu a step up. After all, the space-time management system is too big, and there are too many interested parties involved, so it cannot fail.

From 3362 to 3380, Haotu sent high-level officials to the Astral Department many times to discuss "aftercare matters" and hope that "the Astral Department will establish a responsible attitude towards the healthy development of earth civilization."

From 3362 to 3380, Haotu sent high-level officials to the Astral Department many times to discuss "aftercare matters" and hope that "the Astral Department will establish a responsible attitude towards the healthy development of earth civilization."

...return, the dividing line of the earth...

In the dark plane, the last batch of Wei Keng is about to return. Of course, when returning to the dimension point of the main world, he also knew about the "sanction" documents of the main world.

The Judgment Office of the Time and Space Administration succumbed to the pressure of He Chongyun, and stopped "Wei Keng's consciousness from continuing to travel", and did not prohibit the return of "Wei Keng's consciousness that has already passed through". If ever, native earthlings like Wei Keng are not allowed to return. This is equivalent to the nature of sending astronauts into space in the ancient industrial age and not letting them come back.

In other words, if the Space-Time Administration really does this, interpret this almost "life and death" ruling power as reasonable! Then the star department bombards the earth with the energy of the Dyson ring, which can also be interpreted as "adjusting the earth's ecology".

Therefore, on the earth, this bottom line space-time administration dare not touch it! Even if He Chongyun didn't mean anything, the thirty-five departments of the main world are all concerned about the "responsibility" of the Space-Time Administration in this regard.

As a middle-aged man, after returning to the main world, Wei Keng would not follow the trend like Qin Tianfang did and head towards the outer stars, but returned to his hometown in a hurry.

On Earth, north of the ancient Yumen Pass. Wei Keng looked at the landscape introduction guide, and whispered: No matter thousands of years, or with the snap of fingers, there is a cycle, this is "Heaven's Heart". (At this time, the "First Sequence" of the Fifth Plane War is being "repaired by Tianxin")

During these thousands of years, with the cycle of the climate once every hundreds of years, it has once again entered a rainy period, just like the period when the "Ancient Loulan Kingdom" once existed. And human beings have added a force to the ecological prosperity of this period!

At this time, in the second half of the thirty-fourth century, there is no longer any "undeveloped virgin land" on the earth.

In the once arid region of central Asia, there are inverted pyramids with a height of 400 meters suspended everywhere.

The shells of these inverted pyramids are made of graphene, and the interiors are filled with "helium".

Helium gas transported from space by Earth's Space Resources Development Department. Support the construction of such large buildings in desert areas.

This inverted pyramid absorbs sunlight and converts it into electricity. And with such a huge volume, the remaining wind tunnel system can collect wind kinetic energy.

Of course, such existence changes the near-surface evaporation even more.

Every morning, at the tip of the inverted pyramid, a trickle like rain flows along the slope of the pyramid and flows down to the tip below. At noon, the sunlight is blocked by the big head of the pyramid, and a little evaporated water vapor also forms a cloud at a height of several hundred meters. After lingering along the smooth slope of the rhombus pyramid, it condenses and falls down the slope when the sun sets.

Over the years, shallow lake beaches have emerged from the cones of each pyramid, and trees of all sizes have begun to grow around them.

Narrator: The drought in Northwest China does not lie in diverting water from the plateau. Any fresh water has a little salt in it. The evaporation in the desert climate is greater than the precipitation. If the water brought in from other places dries up quickly, the land will become salinized in a few years. Only by reducing evaporation can we engage in planting.

In this way, Wei Keng took the ancient maglev train with the gimmick of "scenic tour" (the maglev train of this era is a nostalgic product of the old era just like the Thomas train in the 21st century), and traveled across half of the Asian continent to his ancestral home. . I saw these inverted buildings along the way, trying to find the traces in my memory, but the changes have been too great in the past seven hundred years.

Finally arrived at the ancestral house. After a hundred years, Wei Keng looked at the 300 acres of land protected by the 50-meter-high silica cover under the inverted pyramid building. Oh, his home is already an ancient building protection area.

Looking at the children playing with each other on the playground holding the "luminous model sword" in the ancestral house, Wei Keng couldn't help grinning. This sword is very delicate, and the mechanical patterns on it can be changed at will under the control of the intelligent system. It is definitely an eye-catching and exquisite masterpiece in the 21st century comic exhibition, but in essence it is still the children's wooden sword of the 10th century and the plastic wish stick of the 20th century.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Wei Keng looked at the polished marble handrails in front of his ancestral house, and couldn't help but feel a little timid about his hometown.

Note: Most of these descendants are Wei Qiang's descendants, while a small part are Wei Keng's. Because Wei Qiang was passionate and interacted with many monitors in the first few hundred years, so there was a combination of in vitro fertilization.

However, as for Wei Keng, there were only two supervisors some time ago. These two supervisors were very traditional, and they did not conceive the next generation without Wei Keng's permission.

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