Out of the cage

Chapter 1262 Chapter 2604 (Part 2) The Root of the Human Sovereign Saint

February 22, 2816. The sun on the moon is very "restless"

In the ruins area, all the black mud that was once there has been shoveled out and placed smoothly in groups of parallel petri dishes. And each petri dish is also labeled with a "Loli Paper Man" icon.

A huge diamond-shaped carbon-based crystal was inserted into the black mud through a pipe. Powerful carbon-based fluctuations were released immediately,

Black mud is still black mud, but the huge diamond-shaped carbon-based crystals are not original to this plane.

This diamond-shaped crystal is codenamed "Human Emperor Holy Source". In short, this is a set of human organ systems.

Human beings in the Pandora plane will develop again after the end of the natural human state, that is, after the age of sixty.

When it develops again, a new set of high-energy carbon-based human organs will be generated according to the space and ocean environment, including the nerve center, organ circulatory system, super immune mechanism, and reproductive system.

In those timelines, Luo Hongxing was separated in the early years and was subsequently restarted by the Wei Keng plane elevator.

The naming of these "Holy Roots of the Human Emperor" is a way for subsequent travelers to remember the "ancestors" who opened the earliest era of humanity in Pandora.

Wei Keng is the Human Emperor vaguely recorded in the history of Pandora's timeline, but this "Holy Origin of the Human Emperor" has nothing to do with Wei Keng.

Wei Keng denied Sanlian: I'm not, I didn't, I didn't design it.

In the original timeline (that is, the subsequent escape timeline), the human development route designed by Wei Keng will not increase the reproductive system after the development of the human pedestal (the evolution of life after one hundred years of age).

After Wei Keng's human foundation, the inheritance of the "high oxidation gene" of the supernatural human life state is transcribed through the "carbon-based umbilical cord" after the natural person reaches the age of 60 to 100 years old.

Mr. Wei is playing "regeneration" and still follows conservative hermaphroditism in the reproduction system. He has not made any "reproduction" innovations outside of the human pedestal period.

But Wei Keng doesn't do it, it doesn't mean that others don't do it. At present, the "human emperor's holy source" comes from the Pandora plane.

As a type of "high-energy organic organ", the oxygen concentration consumed by the human emperor's holy source is forty times higher than in the past.

Under this oxygen consumption, a "thinking high-energy organic organ" can possess 60 times the emotions of a normal human brain, 3,000 times the memory, and 400 times the logical ability.

But this is a reproductive system. This system is a function that evolved when the human super-order encountered the swarm of cosmic insects.

What he is doing is specialized in carbon-based reactors.

…Wei Keng’s idea is to eat the swarm of insects, but some of his ideas are still the same as those of the swarm of insects…

A certain Pandora timeline opened in the last one hundred years (why do you want to start this life to grow stronger): About 788 years in the human calendar, the insect swarm invaded.

As the insect swarm devoured the native natural humans, it began to try to accommodate the native human genes.

The Insect Hive thought that it would be a sure winner by deciphering human genes, but it soon realized that the "original design should be modified with caution".

Genes record not only functions, but also the willpower of life to change in its death struggle to evolve.

The swarm intercepted all the genes, but could not inherit the human will to change. This is like culturally, Japan and South Korea have copied the clothing culture of the suzerain country, but they cannot learn cultural philosophy. I copied the classics, but I couldn't transfer the endless will behind it.

The insect swarm in that timeline directly incorporated all human genes, but it was not in their "normal operating carbon-based process." In short, the insect swarm only had the protein capabilities of the genes, but they maintained the efficiency of the insect swarm on a daily basis. In operation, the main protein replication process excludes these human genes. (Equivalent to collecting all the parts, but not assembling them)

Human genes are the further evolution of various normal natures in the "natural man period" supporting the "human pedestal" theory.

After human beings developed from the "human base", they evolved into high-energy organic life forms. Under ultra-high oxidation, their normal protein metabolism surpassed that of insect swarms in complexity.

(Note: It is normal! That is to maintain a constant protein that has been involved in high-energy metabolism, not a gene that is collected and stored like a swarm

In that Pandora plane timeline, humans who had just stepped out of the earth did a "crazy" thing after discovering that a swarm of insects had swallowed human genes.

Well, the reproductive system was evolved for the swarm, and it went directly to the "swarm". Make the queen of the swarm pregnant. Help humans reproduce.

At that time, humans might have said something like this: "Since your swarm has a full set of human genes, you might as well become a monster girl."

Since the "holy root" of humans exceeds the insect swarm in terms of carbon-based energy level, not only is it not contaminated by genes during the process of inserting into the insect swarm mother nest, but it is the injection of "genetic information" that makes the insect swarm queen change. , it is definitely possible to defeat ten skills with one effort.

Of course, in the process of this kind of reproduction, it is not that after the rod is inserted, the trousers are lifted and left.

During the reproduction process of human beings, superoxide prevents the mother's nest from destroying the stability of its own genes during the breeding process. The powerful energy umbilical cord binds the insect colony's immune system and directly connects to the amniotic fluid.

On that historical line, all the mother queens of the swarm were "rushed" by human beings and forced to run human genes.

Finally, the mother nest of the swarm has been uploaded countless times, and the core body genes of the mother queen of the swarm have also been fixed in human form. Became a human female and began to attract favor with feminine beauty.

The swarm originally wanted to "plunder human genes", but was eventually put on "gene shackles" by a certain traverser who "dare to think and dare to do".

As for the empresses who did not fix human genes, those were all killed.

The human beings in the timeline of the "Holy Origin of the Human Emperor" finally poured their "love for women and children" into these queen mothers.

Throughout the reproductive process, the human male immune system is fully integrated to prevent himself from being greened by the insect swarm.

In the end, humans forced the swarm to evolve in accordance with human trends. The most successful branches of the swarm were all humanized without exception, and all the surviving queens of the swarm had graceful figures.

…The above is an extremely evil branch of the “human base” system. …

However, if we look at it carefully, it seems that there was also development in this area when the human super purpose evolved in Wei Keng's original historical line (the history of the mind field plane).

After all, the human super order will evolve and explode after occupying all ecological niches, and will not miss any promising directions.

Wei Keng (Ling Ke)'s mind field plane belongs to "Marinidae, Lipophora, Terrestrial Subspecies" (15.07 Human Superorder), and this is called "Strong Reproduction".

But in the end, the evolutionary path of the genocideae failed. Apparently, it was swept away by other more powerful human evolutionary subjects in the era of human super-order.

On the historical line of that "wave wheel" visited five times: Insect swarm with enhanced reproductive function is only a second-rate way in the wonderful hundred thousand years of superorder differentiation of human beings.

But now the second-rate route of the "Forced Reproductive Science" and the Gaia Consciousness Route are enough. Just like the cliff lizards that couldn't survive on land, the artiodactyls became dominant when they went to the sea.

"Strength Breeding" is a route that specifically evolves towards "carbon-based reactors". It has no other advantages, except that it has strong seed planting ability and

Right now, in the system of the heavens, the traversers of this route are looking for things that "integrate human genes" all over the world, and transform them into various "mothers"

The current "black mud" coincidentally contains all human genotypes, which just so happens to fit the "container".

In front of the black mud cabin, Mr. Wei was embarrassed when faced with Bai Linglu's teasing. It was really embarrassing. Human beings are a species that can "fuck" all the time. It's really, really, wonderful.

The insertion of the "human emperor's root" of superoxidative respiration in front of the eyes, pouring into the "germ cells", and then the immune system kills any things that do not conform to the carbon-based synchronization of human beings,

Human Sovereign Saint Genyuan, a rhombus that was only three meters high at the beginning, now absorbs organic matter in the black mud pool and expands into a 40-meter organic matter Optimus Prime, with blue veins visible on it.

This "Optimus Prime" will shake every few minutes, tens of minutes, stir up the black mud for a while, and then inject a large amount of milky white life matter to complete the "gene chain lock". The sub-conscious emotion is "the more you resist, the more excited I am."

Things that are genetically beneficial to your own expansion will show great enthusiasm, and you will even have fun in resisting your opponents. This is the reason why some strange "natures" exist.

Watching the huge "Human Emperor Holy Root" gradually being inserted into the black mud again.

As for the black mud that carries the "willpower to destroy the world", in this part of the penetration, the liquid organic matter solidifies into a collapse full of wrinkles. And divided into two parts.

Looking at the black mud that was forcibly fixed by the nano force field in the pool covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, opening and closing in the center, Mr. Wei twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "What the hell".

But Wei Keng sighed and nodded: Facing thousands of human ruins on the moon and countless black mud contaminated by Gaia's consciousness route, this is the only way to do it.

Wei Keng: For the great cause of human rejuvenation, I will take the blame!

Bai Linglu asked pointedly: "Oh, is it really not the body of Yan He Qiuye?"

…the dividing line of banter…

In the dimensional system of Saturn, Bai Linglu, who was drinking tea, looked at the increasingly taciturn Queen Gaia in the palace through the internal line. He flicked the porcelain cup with his fingers, pointed his white fingertips there leisurely, and whispered: "I see you. Pity!"

Finished sending, go to sleep

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