Out of the cage

Chapter 1263 Chapter 2605 (Part 1) The Vampire Clan back then

After the first wave of ruined cities in the earthquake area were recovered. Wei Keng did not start the second wave of raids immediately, but began to defend on the spot. Because what the time-traveling team led by Li Gui is doing in the "demon disaster area" is definitely beyond what people in this world can accept ethically!

In fact, Wei Keng's conservatism is quite necessary.

A few months later, a fleet appeared over the moon, projected a wave of facilities, and soon this force from "the city" began to move. (Compared to the moon, where the social order began to feudalize, the space city in the Lagrange area is a city dweller.)

A self-proclaimed expedition team, an armed team wearing "Black Light Company" uniforms, took forty lunar vehicles in May and arrived at a ruins occupied by Wei Keng. These vehicles are about 300 to 500 tons of multi-legged walking mechs

It seems that as an "advanced center", it takes its intrusion as a matter of course, just like the Western colonists in the first half of the 20th century who unscrupulously explored other ancient civilization areas. This group of expeditions from Lalangri Point broke into the area where the moon lord had set up a warning sign with their guns in hand.

The expedition team encountered the nano-hysteresis position obstruction at the outermost layer of the ruins, but this still did not stop the expedition team. In this expedition team, three beings with strength and speed far exceeding normal people directly activated the martial arts mechas to the energy protection state and forced their way into the facility.

These things are now warriors who specialize in exploring ruins in the solar system

Of course, these strong men on the plane rushed in and were chased away by the "Human Emperor's Line" guard team!

Forty times the superoxide armament was supplied remotely to the traverser combat team, and the calorie consumption was 50 grams of fat per minute.

The superhuman physical qualities of the traversers pressed these alien species to the ground and rubbed them.

As soon as these explorers entered the geometric underground passage, they encountered something more ghostly than them. They panicked and began to fire randomly. The Gauss rifle hit the wall and sparks appeared.

Qian Yun and others did not use firearms. Their long-range attack ammunition was "smart needle bullets" that received carbon-based instructions. The entire combat team cooperated with the language of the mind. Every time the "smart needle bullets" attacked, multiple groups of up, down, left, and right were fired at the same time. Attack a target.

The few people whose carbon-based radiation frequency bands are different from humans are given special attention. Of course, Wei Keng identified these human-looking guys as "blood cultivators" who belonged to the Ming Dynasty timeline. Oh, and the historical evolution is almost the same as that of Yang Yue, who was slain by Wei Keng's thunder light. Nowadays, science and technology have advanced. Now, these vampires have been eliminated from photophobia and have to suck blood to survive.

Among the captured prisoners, a "blood cultivator" dishonestly prepared to bite someone, but Qian Yun, wearing metal gloves, pulled out his teeth one by one with his bare hands. The scene was like ancient humans capturing a group of wolves, killing the violent ones, and letting the other wolves learn to behave like dogs with their tails between their legs!

Under the incandescent light, the combat team identified all the "vampires" and inserted a riot stick into their mouths. It was a 30-centimeter-long fine steel stick with spikes all over it. This thing was stabbed into their throats. Basically, the entire esophagus is leaking.

During this process, the "blood clan" captives resisted fiercely and scratched several scratches on the clothes of the combat group's time travellers, revealing the ceramic armor underneath.

But then, during the interrogation process, all the fingernails of these vampire prisoners were pried clean.

In the end, they were caught in front of the Holy Source of the Human Emperor, and the super-strong nerve clusters penetrated their skulls and connected to their dreams.

Just like a military invasion, after the "Pure Yang Power of the Human Emperor" reached all its visual, auditory, and olfactory nerves, it began to pour in a massive amount of information using carbon-based language. Eventually, the blood slave collapsed.

After interrogator Qian Yun withdrew the thinking nerve tissue, he wiped the blood on his gloves and handed the information stored in the crystal to Li Gui.

After Li Gui put on the carbon-based helmet and read it, he took a breath and said: "The 'Blood Energy Society' branch of the Gaia system has penetrated into some of the upper levels of humanity. But our actions have not yet been exposed to the upper levels of humanity.—— Back then, as Danzhou Xianke, he single-handedly supported Taiyang Company, and the cycle of karma came back to him. However, he was the "Xianzong Miaomiao" back then and now he is taking the "Road to the Human Emperor."

Now we are working hard to rebuild several hidden nurseries and wait for the children to be transferred after they are born. "

Li Gui contacted the "safety-responsible" crossing team to closely monitor the current situation in space orbit.

Wei Keng reported: If something unexpected happens at this stage, I will call over three groups of high-level tracers to conduct a space attack ship battle.

…tense dividing line…

Just three months after the "expedition incident" in the Lunar Territory.

A seventeen-kilometer-long space battleship returned from the asteroid belt to low-Earth orbit.

The most advanced battleship in this plane is only twenty kilometers long, and a battleship that is more than fifteen kilometers long is a first-class battleship.

This battleship is codenamed "Styx" and belongs to the Monuca family in the solar system. This battleship is like a curved fang!

Narrator: There is a problem with the battleship technology in this plane and this era, and that is the battleship's self-sustainability and protection, and armed conflict.

The larger the warship, the more nano-shield launchers are needed, and the more close-in defense cannons are needed. To deploy the nano-shield, projection ports are needed. The more close-in defense cannons, the more holes are opened from the surface of the ship.

In a space ship, the more openings, the worse the air tightness. If the air tightness is not good, the internal self-sustainability will be poor. Just like nuclear submarines, torpedo tubes are designed with engineering in mind.

This is why industrial transport ships and scientific research ships in the solar system can now be built to a distance of one or two hundred kilometers (in the shape of a cornerstone), sailing at the speed of light to the outer solar system to develop planets in outer star systems. (Narrator: The so-called speed of light travel in this subworld is the acquiescence to quickly shuttle to another extra-galactic plot area.)

Battleships are always limited to about ten kilometers. Because warships cannot live without close-range anti-gun systems.

Since the martial arts of this plane have also been strengthened, in space, what is more threatening to battleships than electromagnetic guns and laser weapons is "gang-jumping warfare" near the planet's gravitational orbit.

Ninety percent of gang-jumping battles take place near the gravitational field of a large planet. It is impossible for a space battleship not to be close to a large planet when performing a mission.

The shuttle craft driven by the martial arts warriors, sheltered by the curvature of the planet, approached covertly at high speed, and then moved up to cause destruction.

If enemy martial arts warriors invade, the guns on the battleship will no longer be effective and can only rely on the competition between internal combat members.

…Space battleships are important platforms, but they do not have the ability to destroy stars…

At this time, in the center of the Styx, in the scarlet hall, the atmosphere was as silent as a chill.

Previously, when the "Gaia consciousness" on the moon was poured into the human emperor's holy source, it emitted a carbon-based frequency band, which happened to be monitored by scientists funded by the Monuca family on the earth, and the meaning of "misery" was deciphered.

This Monuca family was a branch of the umbrella company hundreds of years ago, and they have always been bad. During the demonic disaster sixty years ago, this family secretly researched "Satan power" and asked Blacklight Company to send a force to collide with the members of Wei Keng's "Human Base" team.

The captain was looking at the failed adventure on the moon three months ago. Fifty water spider combat vehicles (forty in the area occupied by Wei Keng, and ten more for peripheral support), carrying five hundred People went to explore the target location, but suffered heavy casualties just after entering the entrance, and had to retreat.

Note: The heavy casualties are a unilateral statement made by the Blacklight Company expedition team.

In fact, Wei Keng only killed the three blood slaves, and the other teams were released after being held in the dark for six hours. With most of their memories deleted, they ran out and talked nonsense in panic. Blacklight Company told the owner that the casualties would naturally be in the general direction.

Twenty of the forty vehicles lost by Black Light were destroyed by the driven biological acid bugs. After a simple mechanical failure occurred, the traverser team "traded" these vehicles to the local lord, oh, that is, Li Gui.

When Blacklight Company discovered these vehicles, the local moon lord Li Gui (Wei Keng) sent a team of scavengers from his territory (unknowing local indigenous people) to drag these vehicles back and tidy them up for their own use.

Because Blacklight Company didn't know that Li Gui, the moon lord, and the "Polluted City" attackers were a group, the business leader of Blacklight Company was furious when faced with Li Gui, a countryman's behavior. I could only redeem three of them at a huge price.

Narrator: This is similar to the 21st century. A large city company organized an expedition into the mountains. After the expedition failed, they hurriedly evacuated. When they came back, they found that the car had been towed away by locals. When they went to negotiate, the locals said, "If you pick it up, it's mine." ", demanding ransom.

At this time, the moon is now such a countryside. As a lunar lord, if you encounter materials abandoned by large companies at Lagrange points, you can shamelessly take them for yourself. In fact, as a "countryman" who dares to shamelessly ask for things from "city people" and seek benefits for the "village", this is a qualified village leader.

Li Gui is now very tough on this matter, and he has suddenly won the approval of the people on the moon territory.

Lunar Territory Citizen: "My enemy, our lords should be such men!"

In the end, Blacklight Company had no choice but to call in the Lunar Federation, oh, the highest department on the moon.

However, when mediating, the federation also favored Li Gui, one of its own, and explained to Blacklight Company: It is not easy on the moon. Although logically, the things you lost should be yours, but the people on the moon have repaired these things. If you insist on going back now, it will cause dissatisfaction in the local area!

Narrator: This tone can refer to the civil mediation of "elderly car owners" by security officers in the 21st century.

The federation then negotiated a price for Blacklight. The manager of the Lunar District of Black Light Company turned dark, feeling that he might as well just buy it again. The local people are so unruly and impoverished.

As a result, Heiguang Company only bought three cars, and asked the department to reimburse the rest.

The "simple" folk customs on the moon make things that are difficult to investigate even more "messy".

Captain Carmon came out at this time, his hand pinched the marble sculpture imitating "David" on the wall, and with a click, his head was crushed.

Carmon gritted his teeth and said, "The loss was heavy. Yilande (one of the blood slaves captured by Wei Keng) died. Who else died?"

He was very dissatisfied with the efficiency of Blacklight Company. However, the specific conditions of the people on the moon made him dare not force himself on the overlord! Because he hired the black light company to investigate the "remains of high biochemical pollution", it was a lack of reporting and unreasonable.

After Kamon crushed the statue, he rolled up his telekinesis and all the fragments shrank and were rolled into the trash can. He began to ask the intelligence: "At the target location, which is the nearest force nearby?"

Artificial intelligence: "The target is in the northern part of the earthquake area, area 232, this area belongs to the sealed area of ​​the Li family."

Because Wei Keng was very low-key, even though he accepted the fiefdom at this time and was regarded as independent, his name was still supported by the family's cheap grandfather.

Carmon frowned, and he clicked on some information about the Li family.

He analyzed in his mind: "This is an Oriental family that values ​​"purity of wealth" and does not like to take risks. The attacker forces mentioned by Black Light Company should not be the Li family."

…the simple dividing line…

"In the planes of the heavens, the most indispensable thing is to die." Wei Keng commented in this way.

After Wei Keng read the public information about the "Monuka Family" in this plane in the lunar territory, as well as the secret plot investigated by his own dimensional investigation team, he disdained to judge these large aristocratic families in the Federation.

The Manuka family is like many Western nobles, although it is legally forbidden to touch "taboo".

But these families still carry out scientific research on the power left over from the "Day of Satan".

For the powerful "biological power" that "Gaia consciousness" can provide, these obsessed scientists are willing to be contaminated, but they think they are controlling this power.

Scientists from the Monuca family believe that the criterion for controlling the "power of Satan" is that there is no major change in one's body, and outsiders cannot see it, but one can still control the power.

The Mediterranean civilization has developed a democratic culture of industry and commerce. When facing the concepts of "justice", "good and evil", and "good and bad", they like to point out the face. This makes those in power in the West habitually "stuck in bugs" and carry out both necessary and necessary operations.

Many large companies engage in charity, which is actually the essence of tax evasion and money laundering. However, they step on several commanding heights, such as investing in environmental protection, organizing "charity rescue teams", and packaging themselves as "beautiful, truthful and kind" .

Public relations from ancient times to the present: As long as I show the world that a few "points" are white, then my whole face will be brought white. As early as in ancient times, rich families would show their fellow villagers to give alms to beggars during the temple fasting period. But we will never let people know who are behind the "loan usury" in the market.

The business aristocratic family that emerged in the industrial and commercial era has used this public relations system a lot. They all feel that doing some good deeds can represent their own good nature. Therefore, when faced with the alien "Gaia System", they firmly believe that they will not be changed, and then gradually Subtly changed by "Gaia consciousness".

Wei Keng walked out of the tower and looked up at the tiny fifteen-kilometer-long battleship in Earth's low-Earth orbit. Well, against the background of the Earth, this was just an imperceptible black spot.

Wei Keng: Won't you come? ——Unspoken meaning, the margin can be saved. Everyone let each other go.

At the same time, Wei Keng withdrew from the quantum link of the "Carbon Sea" on the sun. ——In the world of the heavens, some defender Wei Keng has never told other space travelers, and he is never going to use it in the plot, but he can't do without it.

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