Out of the cage

Chapter 1279 Chapter 2613 (Part 1)

Chapter 1279 Chapter 26.13 (Part 1)

"Arrogance cannot be eliminated in a day. Values ​​cannot be reversed by one or two unrelated incidents. - Just like this, I used fried tofu and salted egg yolk to make a Kung Fu dish, which is much more delicious than the hibiscus shrimp. "Hey, why do you always think I'm fooling you with cheap stuff?" Wei Keng looked at the space map and babbled to Mo Ya, who was holding a bowl while eating and put down the bowl to complain.

Mo Ya, who didn't even have a mouthful of soup left for Wei Keng, snorted: "It's hard to agree. Some people like to make small stoves. The existence of these small stoves is unfair to others. When I came today, I only ate egg yolk tofu, but It does not prevent me from suspecting that when I was not here, you were eating Buddha and jumping over the wall. Since you are eating from a small stove, your inner expectation is that the dishes will be higher than those from a big pot."

Wei Keng's mouth twitched, and then said: "You are right, tomorrow's food will only be green vegetables, do you like it? - Not every time you eat, you can get what you like, but one day you will get it. Stir-fried bitter melon.”

Wei Keng raised his hand and clicked on the major forces of the solar system on the projection interface. In the past few decades, various groups in the solar system have increased their exploration of the ruins area. This kind of "food" behavior of using the ruins will sooner or later lead to bitter consequences.

In this way, Wei Keng and Mo Ya harmoniously discussed the plot line of this world at the dinner table.

…the dividing line of rice…

Far away from Wei Keng's dining table, at the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, Gao Shenglan, the "protagonist", is opening up the "Bitter Melon" plot for the world.

In the center of the Great Red Spot, there is now a cube with a diameter of one hundred kilometers floating!

Gao Shenglan now landed on this "cube". At this time, the cube was tilting and rotating, and the landing place happened to be where one side of the cube tilted to 23°. Within five hours, this side of the cube will tilt to ninety degrees. In fact, within half an hour, Gao Shenglan had to find the entrance to the cube, otherwise he would slide down the huge slope and fall into the lightning and thunder of the Great Red Spot.

Twenty minutes later, with the "Sword of the King" obtained during the last exploration of the ruins, Gao Shenglan knocked on the 600-meter-high metal door full of mysterious patterns. The door to a new world of ruins opens.

When he entered this ruined world, the "Bai Qi" battleship outside Jupiter lost his communication signal.

Then the cube seemed to have touched something, emitting a beam of light aimed at the Baiqi, and the battleship left immediately.

In a few days, this world will confirm that Gao Shenglan is missing!

But Wei Keng, Wang Shan, Mo Ya and other people who are familiar with the plot line of this world know that Gao Shenglan has gone to the "big universe".

That is, a constant and stable cosmic territory (Wei Keng: This is He Qiuye’s core territory), where Gao Shenglan’s so-called first god of war is just a soldier. However, as a being favored by the plot, he is the most important person. The strong Earthlings will return when they upgrade all the way in that plane and eventually become the strongest person who dominates that universe.

As for this world, when he returns, it will be two hundred years later. At that time, he will control the Martian government, and then launch a war against the solar system with him as the center, bringing this world into that universe (that is, plane promotion) .

For such a plot, Wang Shan and Mo Ya, who now have the trump card of "Human Base" in their hands, are gearing up to see each other again in two hundred years! Let’s see whether it’s “the big plane annexing this place” or “super-developed humans coming out and sweeping across that big plane”.

As for Wei Keng, he lamented the human government in this plot!

This world's human government, in an era of sudden changes in the world, has made actions that seem enlightened but are actually coping!

The Federation concentrated resources to cultivate the top group of martial arts monks, but after these outstanding humans achieved the highest power, their values ​​​​are increasingly not on the side of humans in this plane.

They have seen all kinds of super civilization ruins, and their understanding of the development of civilization is becoming more and more inclined to the super technologies they have seen. The understanding of this civilization is also becoming more and more "with the elbows pointing outwards", and gradually subconsciously regards the earth's civilization as an "inferior novice village".

Gao Shenglan is such a representative. After traveling around the "Gaia Universe", he believes that he has completed advanced evolution. After returning, he will support the "lower" race of his own.

Wei Keng whispered: "Such a story has happened many times in history. I was born in a prosperous area, but I couldn't see the essence in the prosperity. I pride myself on being rich in communication, but I can't remove the frame of my thoughts. It's just communication. , just like changing water, it is always just changing narrow concepts in a narrow mind.

And such people, being downgraded by civilization and targeted by a group of institutions that are increasingly cognitively incompetent, have become "models" and further completed self-castration under the leadership of "models" whose values ​​are divorced from their roots. "

Next, not only Gao Shenglan, but also Wei Keng tried multiple plots. This world can at least "level up" the universe of thousands of Gaia consciousness - it is because of this that Wei Keng will this plot world It is regarded as an important gateway for the "Human Base" system to enter the "Gaia System" universe.

In short, even if Gao Shenglan is eliminated (which Wei Keng did), there will be other martial saints who will start another cosmic plane promotion.

Among all these disasters that opened up plane promotion, the martial arts warriors trained by the earth in order to explore the ruins over the past hundreds of years, when faced with the return of these "high-level worlds", they surrendered with only slight resistance, and what followed was Sold the entire civilization to high-level forces.

Wei Keng: Damn, he is too "Song Huizong, Wanyan Gou", retreating like a rat, you are not worthy of the leadership of such a great civilization!

The human government in this plot really needs to complete the accumulation of the masses at the "civilization level", but it has always been ignored!

The other plots are like this, but now Wei Keng is here.

Wei Keng: We need to ignite the fire of civilization in the human world here, and then come out of the cage to infiltrate the demonic planes in reverse, letting them know that their diversity is a joke in the face of the majesty of the "Human Emperor".

…the ancient dividing line…

After the Second Plane War, Wei Keng had kept a low profile since he established the "Human Base System" in the Pandora plane.

Bai Linglu was pressured by his aunt Bai Hengqian to accept the decision of the Space-Time Management Bureau at that time: in order to ensure the development of diversity in the biological system, the Pandora plane system would not be promoted for the time being.

Bai Linglu helplessly recited the reason for the ban given by Bai Hengqian at that time: If the "humane system" is allowed to spread everywhere, the insect swarms will have to turn around and leave. Most of the modes that others have traversed will be completely destroyed, and the entire "biological system" will be in the most boring involution, lacking innovation. No other king can be born.

Wei Keng followed the rules back then, but now Qin Tian lets him go.

As far as Haotu is concerned, there are now time travellers, playing the role of emperor and courtier. Some people think that they are strong and start to "merge companies" everywhere to prepare to become bigger and stronger. They merged into "Pandora" under the supervision of Bai Linglu, and Wei Keng owns the intellectual property rights. Territory" comes first.

Overworld Stellar Division. Clusters of solar prominences are controlled like a rainbow within the magnetic confinement of Dyson rings

After finishing his work on the surface of the sun, Wei Keng's consciousness faced the question from Saturn and asked: Five hundred years ago, I was a middle-aged man, but now you guys who are "spirit-injection" cultivated illusory people, why should you touch me...

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