Out of the cage

Chapter 1280 Chapter 2613 (Part 2) Sanctification of the Physical Body

Chapter 1280 Chapter 26.13 (Part 2) Sanctification of the Physical Body

On March 2, 2829, in a large laboratory, Wei Keng wore a metal chemical protective suit, operated a metal cutter inside the glass partition, and began to tailor combat armor for the "Heavenly Body". The smoke generated during laser burning is quickly extracted by the suction pipe suspended on the side.

And this operating platform, just like the table next to the Buddha statue, is relatively small.

The layer of metal chemical protective clothing on Wei Keng's body is not to prevent the invasion of alien species, but to prevent the life signals on his body from triggering the life fluctuations of "celestial beings" and causing large emissions in the carbon-based band!

The Holy Origin of the Human Emperor has been able to directly assimilate the black mud. The Holy Origin of the Human Emperor is here in heaven and is just an organ. One can imagine what this is right now!

At present, Wei Keng (Li Gui) has taken the lead in completing the first set of "High Oxidation Human Consciousness Body" (Celestial Being) in the Humanitarian Alliance.

The angle of view is widened, and a body is three hundred meters long. This consumes two to eighteen tons of oxygen per second, so it has to be backed up by a super-powerful existence that uses nuclear fusion energy to maintain the physiological cycle of "oxygen" and "organic matter".

Well, Wei Keng previously introduced the "Human Emperor System" to Bei Xizhang to radiation-kill viruses, which is just a single lymphatic immune system.

As an incomplete "high-energy organization", its work efficiency is not the strongest. However, when Wei Keng truly created the complete "Heaven and Human Body", everyone was shocked, because this is just the "immunity" ability. That's thousands of times the original amount.

As a single "lymphatic system", the "Human Emperor System" can only cover urban areas, while the body of the Heavenly Man directly kills all alien virus life within a fifty-kilometer radius.

Optional addition: After the success of the heavenly body, Wei Keng's mortal body serves as a homologous gene, because the docked "carbon-based radiation" is not afraid of any biochemical viruses. Even if he runs out, breaks into the underground, or takes a bath in black mud, there will be no mutation.

At present, Wei Keng was the first to break through the highly oxidized life form on the entire moon.

As for others, such as Wang Shan, etc., their stability is a little less stable. They can only focus on developing their immune and reproductive systems. They still lack a lot of homework, and Wei Keng seems to be walking slowly, so this homework has been completed long ago. Tracing the source to the third level, even if it is closed, it is still the third level.

Above the body of heaven and man, there are layers of ecological circles.

The high mountains and flowing water here are like a fairyland. Oh, in the eyes of some outsiders, this place is like the "Garden of Eden". All fruits and vegetables are regenerated regularly. Although there are also bugs, they will not overflow at all. All kinds of creatures have their own destiny, but somehow There is an invisible force that restricts the life and reproduction of every species.

The human base has no less control over the carbon-based system than the "Gaia system".

Wei Keng's idea in this dimension: Star wars use split bodies. In space where space is unlimited, of course it must be huge.

On earth, "the more are used to defeat the less"; in heaven, "the greater is used to bully the smaller"...

Therefore, Wei Keng said to the federal martial arts master, "I can't fight."

Mo Ya, who was working hard on his homework, knew the details of Wei Keng, and he had the mentality of "Sun Wukong in Guanyin Temple wants to show off his master's brilliant cassocks to the old Guanyin Master"!

Mo Ya: This plane of qi training, god refining, and virtual realm is nothing.

The so-called anti-deficiency is just that the consciousness controls the cells of the whole body and can be dispersed into the nutrient solution. The ancestor of the Li family is like this now, but he is a "dispersed immortal". He can only maintain memory and consciousness after the cells are dispersed, but he cannot Reconstruct the human body. Only by reconstructing the human body and reaching the state of "rebirth with a drop of blood" can one be a real person.

However, in this "real world", during the process of blood rebirth, if the rebirth culture chamber is contaminated by organic matter, the re-condensed body will still be incomplete! At least he turns into Tieguai Li, at worst he becomes like Zhu Bajie who was born into the wrong child.

To use the traditional cultural saying of this plane, real people will also be infected by "demon energy".

Mo Ya: How would you describe Li Gyu’s “high-powered human body”? This damn thing is "the sanctification of the flesh"!

The G project about human bodies entering space is codenamed "Faxiang Heaven and Earth"

To enter space, humans need to build a fleet and have space suits on board. Therefore, no matter how strong the carbon-based body system of heavenly beings is, they will not forcefully use their bodies to enter space.

The huge body of the Celestial Being is wrapped in a titanium alloy shell, and then connected to more nuclear fusion energy systems to ensure that it can directly cross the vacuum universe.

From various angles, the technical content of "body becoming a saint" is much higher than the current "killing of soldiers and becoming an immortal"!

The so-called "demon energy filling the body" virus infection in Wonderland? That's because the organic reaction is still under low oxygen conditions. Why should I be so arrogant in the face of my high metabolism that consumes several tons of oxygen per second?

Mo Ya now knows what the "strongest path" is in the biology department!

Not only the travelers such as Mo Ya, but also the native researchers from the original plane who are now newly drawn into the core on the moon, after seeing "the sanctification of the physical body", without exception, think that this is the great way. The consciousness of "decomposing and preserving corpses" of "turning soldiers into immortals" is a trick no matter how you look at it!

A career that can carry a lot of "patience" and "determination" is the right path. It doesn't take much patience, it can be achieved by speculating with just a small amount of investment, that is, heresy...

…back to the present…

After docking the body of heaven and man, Wei Keng came to the high-risk area.

This high-risk area stores high-risk species bred in black mud, as well as special species sent from other planes (Qian Yun).

Just like a child dissecting a small bug, Wei Keng operated the mechanical equipment to drill open several Xuan-level alien species transported from the mother-origin black organic pool in the JH area of ​​the moon.

The brain cores of several source energy bodies were dug out, and Wei Keng took a look at this thing.

There was a hint of seriousness behind the metal mask. Wei Keng placed the brain nucleus under the "lens device". Under the energy stimulation of the device, the brain nucleus began to release carbon-based wave beams. A large number of black worms were dividing and proliferating in the experimental vessel radiated by the carbon-based beams.

The "brain core" thing is the final evolution of many biochemical systems and heavenly planes, and it often appears in high-level individuals.

Its brain core can provide energy beyond the carbon-based life system, allowing zombies to have incredible recovery capabilities. However, its essential principle is the same as "hypertemporal energy transmission", but humans do it through processing, while zombies do it through processing. Organic matter has evolved to this point.

Brain nuclei can theoretically allow life to exceed the upper limit.

Wei Keng has always been concerned about the study of Gaia’s consciousness: ‘the possibility of evolving into a super life form using brain nuclei as the basic energy source’.

Of course, Gaia's consciousness does not yet have the ability to create such super beings.

The Gaia route initiated by He Qiuye was not for the purpose of creating a "life inheritance" from the beginning. She was for immortality just like the multidimensional gods. And Wei Keng gave up on eternal life from the beginning, and it was in this direction that he became involved. If He Qiuye reset his goals now, he would no longer be able to see Wei Keng's footprints.

Wei Keng was studying something more realistic at this time, which was the quantum diffusion effect of brain nuclei in the propagation of "carbon-based viruses".

Qian Yun is now in the doomsday area over there: fish and shrimp cannot be eaten after they have grown for more than four months. Birds, on the other hand, have virus enrichment for more than a year. As for mammals? After the era of big viruses, they have now withdrawn from human diet and captivity.

Normal plane organic viruses undergo great mutation when crossing species. There is a biological barrier.

However, in the Biochemical Series Plane: After the Corpse Tide, the virus has broken this barrier, and mankind is facing a desperate situation.

Wei Keng has determined the "propagation principle of organic information" in Qian Yun's plane physics, and is ready to start building the same "heaven and human body" in Qian Yun's world.

…Under the current human base system, every wave of small technological breakthroughs is a heavy blow to the Gaia system…

After Wei Keng finished his research, Qian Yun, who was waiting at the entrance of the laboratory, saw Wei Keng and asked anxiously: "How is the research going?"

Qian Yun dug out a large number of brain cores in that plane. There was no shortage of energy, but there was no hope for human reproduction.

Regarding the defense against virus proliferation, Qian Yun meticulously implements normal epidemic prevention policies: all water sources are boiled with chlorine and lime through multiple procedures, and all air is sterilized by microwaves before entering the living area for women and children.

And strict mouse experiments (20,000 groups of mice drank raw water and cooked water in the area every day to check the rate of mutation. When it is reduced to a certain level, it is safe.)

In the past, Qian Yun found this workload very complicated and troublesome, but now people have gradually become accustomed to it in order to survive.

But even so, human reproduction is still not possible, and all newborns born in the camp are deformed!

Wei Keng on the side also exhaled: "This round of work is almost done."

Qian Yun couldn't help but paused when he heard this, and asked nervously: "It's almost done, what does it look like?"

This tone is very similar to the look of some students who have just finished a monthly exam and heard that the teacher has prepared for training this week.

He, who is in the biochemical plane next door, is in urgent need of a "human base" to provide a new technology that can be "mass-produced" and has a simple structure and is "slightly more complex than virus transmission".

This is the plan that Wei Keng revealed to him, codenamed "Golden Pill". It can be seen from the name that compared to the high-end realm of "Dharma and Heaven and Earth", "Golden Pill" is a relatively simple "high-energy life tissue" .

Strictly speaking, this is the same type of thing as the "zombie brain core", but it is an "artifact" stacked according to human needs.

The zombie brain core can deliver energy to viral proteins across the air. The technological goal of the Alliance for Humanity is to maintain the stability of human genes.

Wei Keng: It is much more difficult to develop a golden elixir than it is for your genetic warrior to absorb the brain core to strengthen itself. I'll give you a technical list.

Wei Keng also listed a series of body-fixing equipment.

Qian Yun: Can a healthy newborn be born?

Wei Keng nodded: The golden elixir is in the body, okay!

Qian Yun glanced at it and said, "I'll do it right away."

Eat, sleep, and play Warhammer.

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