Out of the cage

Chapter 1281 Chapter 2614 (Part 1) The Beginning of the King’s Way

Chapter 1281 Chapter 26.14 (Part 1) The Beginning of the King’s Way

In the moon's classroom, a catchy recitation echoed in the ecological glass cover: "If the farming season is not violated, the grain cannot be eaten; if the grains are not entered into the pond, the fish and turtles cannot be eaten; when the ax is brought into the mountains and forests in time, , Timber and wood cannot be overused. Grain, fish and turtles cannot be eaten, and wood and wood cannot be overused. This is to enable the people to maintain their health and die without regrets. To maintain their health and lose their lives without regrets is the beginning of the kingly way."

As the director of education, Wei Keng reviewed the Chinese textbook, marked this paragraph in red, and added the "Full Text Recitation" mark.

The emperor must attach great importance to the country and start by growing food.

The principle technology of "proteins with special physical properties participating in cold fusion as media" related to zombie brain nuclei is used to ensure human reproduction on Qian Yun's plane, and in this plane, it is used for "crop seed genes" Stable" "artificial meat proliferation culture of poultry and livestock".

In 2829, on the moon, a large oxygen trough was built across the Sea of ​​Cheng and the Sea of ​​Tranquility.

The Alliance for Humanity subsequently built a carbon dioxide pipeline network covering the entire Moon Sea Thousand Miles Plain.

On both sides of the carbon dioxide pipeline, regular large pits were dug. In these regularly arranged large pits, cylindrical cabins were fixed. Each cylindrical cabin was connected to the lunar agricultural infrastructure construction pipeline. These pipelines It can supply carbon dioxide and gas during the day, and remove the gas at night, allowing the cylindrical cabin to close the heat insulation cover to ensure low-consumption metabolism of crops.

Lunar soil is not suitable for farming. The soil is in a planting cabin with a cylinder as the base and covered with a light-transmitting soft film. "Potato seedlings" thrive in an environment full of carbon dioxide and water vapor. .

Since then, the lifeless lunar sea from a high altitude has begun to turn green due to the placement of spherical light-transmitting cabins every three meters.

Narrator: During harvesting, the air pressure in the light-transmitting cabin will be removed. A large agricultural machinery code-named Anteater will automatically dock these cylinders with a chassis, and remove the "potatoes" (a genetically hybrid tuberous stem) in the cylinders. ) after digging them out, sprinkle the seeds again and cover them with transparent film.

The crawler gears of the one-hundred-ton large robot are connected to the ground cylinders one by one with their abdomens in the gaps reserved in the "array" of farmland.

Although all this is a little more complicated than earth agriculture, for survival, this trouble is nothing.

Didn't you see that the anteater evolved to eat ants, and its tongue turned into a stick? The spiral tooth shark changed its mouthparts into a spiral ruler in order to eat ammonites.

Generally speaking, although lunar agriculture requires many more mechanized steps that need to be redesigned, it is still capable of large-scale production.

When the surface of the moon can collect sunlight on such a large scale and convert it into organic matter, various agricultural-related industries will rise, such as "livestock and insect breeding" and "various microbial preparation of antibiotics and brewing technology."

All large-scale agricultural breeding uses "Golden elixir" technology to stabilize these biological replication processes in large farmland (plant production) and brewing areas (yeast decomposition) through protein replication recorded by "Golden elixir".

This is the "golden elixir" prepared based on the principle of "brain core" technology, a chip facility that prepares the "carbon-based reactions" needed by humans.

At every stage of progress in human agriculture and breeding systems, "plagues" must be prevented.

At the current stage of confrontation with human Gaia consciousness, in the struggle for control of "natural organic matter", what Wei Keng, the middle man, has done is to suppress the "Gaia" system space in all aspects of detail.

If the Human Emperor system controls the organic matter in the city, the carbon-based monitoring array composed of Jindan controls the wilderness. Once in any crop area (production), breeding area (consumption), brewing area (decomposition) ) sensed an abnormal carbon-based replication phenomenon that violated the records of the golden elixir. The densely packed crystals in the carbon-based radiation tower immediately promoted the growth of anti-biotic reactions in the biological area through the "carbon-based frequency band", killing each other against the virus and dying together.

Mo Heng, the tracer in charge of farmland: Who said that the human base is narrow in the organic system, not as broad as the Gaia system in life! If the human base is truly involved in the carbon cycle, it will not give you (the Gaia system) any chance of derailment.

Qingjun, the lunar sea area that humans took the lead in recovering, has become the new economic center of the moon. Food and medicine are in short supply on the moon right now. Once we have these supplies in hand, we won't have to worry about people defecting to us.

Of course, the moon has many space-to-orbit modes that are cheaper than the earth, and these materials have also greatly impacted the Earth-moon space economic system. After all, carrying materials from the earth's surface into space not only has to overcome gravity, but also the friction effect of the atmosphere forces transporters to use rockets to accelerate. ——On the moon, just use the electromagnetic gun to hit the orbit to a speed of 1.7 kilometers per second (the first cosmic speed of the moon is 1.68km/s)

In 2829, when this set of civilian agricultural production technologies was successfully used on a large scale in the Lunar Sea region, the Earth's federal government began to demand Li Gui's new lunar regime in the name of "development for mankind."

The Earth-Moon politicians were originally disgusting people from the Alliance of Humanity. To the surprise of the Earth Federation, Governor Li made this technology public after holding talks with the Federal Ministry of Commerce.

At the Lagrange point, in the synthetic human military base, Zhu Hesi (brother Zhu Xiaoyan) saw this scene and murmured: "Is he a saint? This is the foundation of the lunar hegemony!".

Zhu Hesi was very dissatisfied with the man Zhu Xiaoyan "randomly" selected a few years ago, because he was not a good match, and he was already engaged and had children. His sister was really wronged by marrying him.

But in the past few years, he had to praise his sister's choice! Because Li Gyu's business on the moon has the essence of "breaking the earth to seal the king"! Of course, handing over one's kingly business like this now, well, is a bit too "conservative".

Zhu Xiaoyan looked at her brother who was hesitant to speak, and felt quite indifferent: "No longer advanced", naturally it can be made public.

But Zhu Hesi was still worried.

…the dividing line of the pattern…

The biggest difference between Wei Keng and most time-travelers is that there are very few goals of "chasing hegemony".

If it were Qin Tianfang, he might think about maximizing the political benefits of each technology, while Wei Keng's goals would often be elsewhere.

For example, right now, in this dimension, the standard for whether Wei Keng's technology should be made public is just to consider whether the technology can be accepted by the current generation.

This kind of technology for the purpose of farming is obviously acceptable to contemporary people. As for what is still unacceptable to contemporary people, it should be the human regeneration technology in "black mud".

But narrow-mindedness is often caused by embarrassment. It makes no sense to block those beneficial technologies but force others to accept another wave of "new wave" technologies without reservation and not allow "worries".

Wei Keng: Not giving people the opportunity to get rich, but forcing everyone to be enlightened and follow the values ​​of the so-called "advanced civilization."

In the first half of the 21st century in the main world, a certain self-proclaimed beacon of freedom used guns and bombs to indiscriminately bomb areas with a per capita income of less than 500 US dollars, preaching "freedom", while at the same time blaming the locals for being extreme. , being uncivilized is the opposite of American model life. This is the attitude of a purely female watch.

Only in the second half of the 21st century, after the East delivers electricity, roads, and industrial products to these regions, will these regions become enlightened and accept modern life and step out of the closed world. On the contrary, the interior of the U.S. Empire began to receive no dividends and became extremely conservative.

Diaomin's theory: If you haven't experienced other people's hardships, don't laugh at them. You have to find ways to survive. (Before the Plane of Darkness, Wei Keng was able to arm-wrestle with Haotu, but he only started to attack Haotu’s system of heavens after he was sure that his route was successful)

The people from Weizhong came to this world and practiced the "farming" method. They had no intention of using this to manipulate others.

Wei Keng's promotion of standards in this dimension is to let the world gradually accept the "human base" as the standard and evolve a series of technologies that now seem "bizarre". (Under the physical rules of the heavens and planes, the human base with high field technology does not look any more normal than the Gaia route.)

During an autumn harvest in November, Wei Keng leaned on the field edge and watched the anteater machinery harvesting green areas. Bei Xizhang, who returned from the earth and was spending his country vacation, looked at the aura on Wei Keng's body in confusion, and gradually discovered in his eyes that Wei Keng's cultivation level actually far exceeded that of Lian Shen, and might not be inferior to those of those who There are martial arts experts on the rankings, but let alone the outside world, there is no news about Li Gui's cultivation in the moon itself.

A few minutes later, Wei Keng laughed after learning about Bei Xizhang's confusion.

Let him open the chapter "Zhuangzi Swordsmanship".

The voice of the artificial intelligence that imitated the reciter sounded in the communication device between the two people.

The common man's sword has a shaggy head and protruding temples, a hanging crown, a manly tassel, short back clothes, angry eyes and difficulty speaking. ...This common man's sword is no different than a cockfighting sword. Once his life is over, he has no use for national affairs.

The sword of the princes has the wise warrior as the front, the honest man as the hoe, the virtuous man as the backbone, the loyal and saintly man as the butt, and the heroic and arrogant man as the clamp. ...When this sword is used, it is like the shock of thunder. Within the four seals, everyone will obey and obey the king's orders.

The sword of the emperor takes Yanxi (xī) Shicheng as the front, Qi Dai as the e (è); Jin and Wei as the backbone, Zhou and Song Dynasties as tan (xín), Han and Wei as the pinch; it is surrounded by the four barbarians and the four seasons; Surrounded by the Bohai Sea, brought by the Changshan Mountains; controlled by the five elements, governed by punishment and virtue; opened by yin and yang, maintained by spring and summer, and traveled by autumn and winter. ... Once this sword is used, the princes will be brought to their knees and the world will be subdued.

Beixi Zhang remained silent. I think of the "military qualifications" arranged by my family for myself. This is at best the "Sword of the Princes"

Wei Keng commented leisurely: How many of those who are keen on practicing martial arts these days really stop fighting? They are all trying to use force to suppress others, and they are all playing with the common man's sword.

Wei Keng's palm, wearing a mechanical glove, was inserted into the lunar soil and held up a puddle of soil.

Wei Keng whispered: "I am a middle-aged man, and I played with common people's swords in my early years. But later I met a friend who said, "To achieve great things, you must have great faith, and to establish great faith, you must do great things. After that, I understood what to do." How to forge a sword! "

Wei Keng looked at the Northern Chapter and added seriously: "To do great things, you don't necessarily have to lead them. Even if you participate as a cog in it, you are still trusting. Northern Chapter, you don't have to know the heights of the sky, but you must know the good and the bad!"

Beixi Zhang was slightly startled and nodded: "Understood."

Wei Keng: "Well, don't just respond when you hear it, think about it yourself. If you make a mistake, you can rely on your friends, me, and classmates to help you get through the difficulties, but if you don't know what is good, you can change your position. Think about whether you, as a bystander, would take action."

Wei Keng looked at Bei Xizhang's thinking back and thought of something. He shook his head. As an old man, if he fell, there would be no one to help him.

…I sincerely follow the teachings of Xiangxu, apply the meaning of filial piety and brotherhood, and award the white ones to live up to the road. ...However, there is no such thing as a king who is not a king...

In the second half of 2829, the entire grain production system was made public almost simultaneously, forming a surging trend.

But the feudal lords in other areas of the moon still failed to take off in this trend.

Because oxygen tanks, carbon dioxide pipelines, and various supporting infrastructure facilities all require more advanced management systems, and the family management of the lords is a mess in this regard.

So after 2831, after discovering that they "could not learn well", the other lords of the moon began to clamor: "Why did it take half a year to make it public?"

Moreover, the nobles on these moon collars used short compositions to give hypotheses: "Li Gui was half a year late because he wanted to get half a year ahead of the game."

The powerful wives of the Guanghan Palace made such veiled satires in their "osmanthus literature" works: "It was made public under the pressure of justice. After it was made public, it had already gained an advantage. It is hypocritical."

When they said this, they did not mention at all that for the past two hundred years, some of their technologies have been deeply hidden in the laboratory and have never been shown to anyone.

The opening of the road to kingship was not met with praise. On the contrary, in this "public environment" decorated by Xiao Tu, bullying is the norm. …

Mo Ya was very emotional about this kind of thing. After Wei Keng comforted his brother, he went about his work calmly.

Wei Keng to Mo Ya: Why are you fighting with a dying guy? Let’s think about what to eat at night.

…food is the most important thing for people…

In 2831, in the cooking class of the Scientific Research Department, Mr. Wei looked at the ingredients and the piece of synthetic meat pie in front of him, frowning tightly. After brushing oil on the pan, he spread the meat pie on it, and specially The black iron box is then sent to the outside of the rooftop by a machine. Pricking, pricking, and a few minutes later on the stove heated by the lunar sun. When I took it back and opened the iron box, there was a smell of eggs mixed with fat.

The specific ingredients are mealworm powder and snail meat granules, and the takeaway is shredded chicken. After Wei Keng fried it, he put it in his mouth with chopsticks and chewed it. Wei Keng commented: "You must add chili pepper. Ginger and garlic."

The moon is directly illuminated by the sun. Otherwise, there is no atmosphere on the moon's surface. Pure black items quickly reach hundreds of degrees in direct sunlight.

The frying temperature has to be controlled by the individual. Outside of farming, Wei has always been particularly concerned about the things at his entrance.

Meat patties, vermicelli sticks, minced fish, fried shrimp buns... Wei Keng: "If you don't take an active part in eating, why should you be active?"

Not to mention, taste and smell are the most emotionally stimulating senses. Even in the current human base system, the "body fixation technique" has reached an almost demanding level of detail in the ingestion of organic matter.

Compared with the Gaia system, the human base has a set of detailed intake standards that correspond to various stages of human development.

It is worth mentioning that because they eat well, the people in Wei Keng's territory are more energetic than the people in other lords' territories!

…regional dividing lines…

On the territory of the Li family, the staff who were transferred from "Qing County" by the organization returned to the Li family to guide agricultural planting. After a busy day, they returned to the Li family and saw the "paste"-like food in the small living cabin. , I once thought I was being excluded.

But when I walked out of the cabin and saw that the food eaten by the serfs of the Li family was black cockroach starch blocks, I was speechless.

As one of the staff of Qing County, Li Fang turned out to be a member of the Li family. He seemed to understand the reason after looking at the extensive "carbon-based towers and farmland" system laid out on the Li family's lunar soil plain territory.

In the Qingjun canteen, there are "four dishes and one soup", but in these feudal territories, the food given to the "planters" is still the mushy dregs used for relief after the demonization disaster eighty years ago.

Li Fang quietly put down his spoon and looked at the sun and starry sky: It’s okay if you don’t want this family!

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