Out of the cage

Chapter 1282 Chapter 2614 (Part 2) Is it time to start the fire?

Chapter 1282 Chapter 26.14 (Part 2) Is it time to start the fire?

In the summer of 2831, production in the Qingjun area had resumed, and all the alien species in Chenghai and Jinghai had been eliminated. A new wave of operations to recapture the moon begins. After laying the groundwork for the previous situation, the entire Earth-Moon system is very concerned about Li Gui's current round of expansion on the moon called recovery.

After confirming that Li Gui dispatched a total of 300,000 people in this wave of battles in 2831, the high-ranking nobles in the space battleship couldn't help but wonder, where did Li Gui come from so many people? Can we carry out large-scale construction projects and conduct conquests at the same time?

At the Yuhai Military Center, Wei Keng said to the travelers who were assisting him: "The first generation of origins (the Black Mud Generation) have all passed the high school stage of fifteen or sixteen years old, and now we must prepare for a war for them. .”

With General Wei Keng setting up industry, roads, transportation, and dozens of departments, Li Gui said to the new generation rulers of the moon at the humanities meeting: I am the lotus seed of the "lunar industrial civilization system before the era of demon disasters." Mission accomplished.

Narrator: When 2,000-year-old lotus seeds were unearthed hundreds of years ago and could still germinate after the carbonized layer was removed, "lotus seeds" became an allusion.

Each department began to implement all the steps rehearsed five years ago step by step, and the overall war began!

…Operation codename “Ring of the Ocean”…

In 2831, a large number of war mechas began to rush to the Ocean of Storms area of ​​the moon.

In the outer area of ​​the Procellarum, Eskimo ice fortress-style temporary lunar fortresses began to be built.

Several hundred tons of land-based mechas adapted to the lunar environment entered the battlefield with shocking steps. Their one-meter-thick thighs penetrated deeply into the lunar soil, causing small-scale earthquake waves.

These large mechas are "self-propelled artillery". After adjusting the 220mm caliber gun barrel behind them to the front, "methane" and "liquid oxygen" are injected into the body to complete the electric spark ignition. Then propelled by the explosive in the tail of the projectile, the initial speed of the projectile can reach more than one thousand meters.

Note: There is no air resistance on the moon, and the first cosmic speed is only 1.68 kilometers per second. This makes the range of most projectiles very abundant, and artillery shooting needs to consider how to make the projectiles large enough! There are enough pellets.

If the Battle of Chenghai and the Battle of Jinghai were cavalry divisions and clampdowns, as well as technical and tactical performances, then the war in Storm Ocean was the artillery tactics carried out by these self-propelled artillery.

On the surface of the moon, as the cavalry regiment galloped ahead, a swarm of warheads could be seen floating overhead.

In the eyes of the cavalry, these warheads passed over their heads and fell out of sight in front of them, and a ring of flashing dust appeared. However, when they arrived, there were already dense craters on the ground, which had been bombed. into powder and sun-dried residue.

In the last war, the cavalry was the main force. Now that they are gearing up, times have changed.

Everywhere the cavalry went, the cavalry attack originally practiced before the war did not appear. The light weapons, bows and arrows they carried, and various 100mm caliber howitzers, only a few fired during the battle.

On the thirteenth day of the battle, when the 1st Cavalry Regiment was ordered to cover the "self-propelled artillery" and shrink their position towards the inner line.

After the leader of the No. 034 Cavalry Regiment cleaned the battlefield for the sixth time, he opened the communication interface and saw these artillery robots that were 30 meters tall and carrying 20-meter gun barrels, just like carrying RPGs. He couldn't help but confront them in the communication. Those guys carrying the cannon complained: "I'm here to fight, not to watch you fight!"

At this time, the perspective comes to the strategic map.

In the circumferential ocean area, the military line of the Human Resources Corps is shrinking towards the center just like the dry line of the lake in summer.

This flat area of ​​​​5 million square kilometers, the largest area of ​​​​the moon, began to be gradually grasped by the Alliance for Humanity.

Such a thing made the big shots in the entire earth-moon system feel worried.

...Artillery fire can not only explode, but also organic biota...

Just when the Human Alliance launched the operation to recover the Tempest Ocean, in the Guanghan Palace of the Moon, Wu Xuan (a ninth-level warrior), the top officer of the General Defense Department, frowned as he looked at the incoming intelligence.

The first is the situation captured by satellites. In the Ocean of Storms, wherever the Human League cavalry went, they could only see debris and shouted "Where is the enemy" in depression. However, as the original ruling government of the moon, It can be seen very clearly from the moon! There are so many heterogeneous groups in the Ocean of Storms, just like catfish that lack oxygen swarming on the shore.

In some soft areas of the lunar soil, various types of tentacles emerge like iron worms. Each acre of land weighs thirty or forty tons, stretching over tens of thousands of acres.

Wu Xuan picked up a photo. The Humane Alliance built a type of equipment like a radar tower around the Ocean of Prosperia. These tall radar towers radiated beams, shining condescendingly on various areas of the Ocean of Tempest, where aliens appeared. Come.

When the aliens came to the surface as densely as ants on a rainy day, thousands of 220mm caliber artillery shells fell with a roar. The 300 kilograms of explosives in the shells instantly turned into airflow, blowing away the shells. It shattered into countless fragments and washed away the land.

Note: Unlike the 220mm caliber cannonballs on the Earth, the moon's atmosphere is thin, the air resistance is low, and the cannonballs are more slender, almost like missiles! More charges.

Wu Xuan picked up a photo that captured the explosion of a shell. A blazing flash of light was emitted within fifty meters from the center of the explosion. The target here disappeared instantly like soot flowing down the water. The bones of the aliens a hundred meters away were scattered. They formed a pile, and the density of artillery bombardment from the Alliance for Humanity often dropped twenty shells per hectare within ten seconds. This resulted in the fact that by the time the cavalry arrived, these alien species had been mixed evenly with the lunar soil.

Wu Xuan picked up another piece of information, the self-propelled artillery Kuafu-class artillery of the Human Resources Corps. This artillery is the culmination of the Qingjun Territory’s military industry in the past ten years! It has high output and strong reliability, and can launch a variety of artillery shells including nuclear bombs. Its public indicator is an effective range of 399 kilometers. Oh, this effective range refers to "eccentricity 8 meters".

As for beyond this range, how much weaker will the eccentricity be? Anyway, based on the available data, it is speculated that this kind of artillery shell can hit 800 kilometers away. It not only relies on satellites to correct the trajectory, but also relies on the north and south magnetic poles of the earth next to the moon to complete the trajectory correction.

As a defense officer appointed by the Moon Guanghan Palace, the forty-five-year-old Wu Xuan looked up at the war process with more eyes than most, and he felt shuddered by it.

Now the emerging force of the Humanitarian Army on the Moon has far surpassed all the old alliances on the Moon in terms of industrial output, economy, and population. Among them, the industrial output value is almost twenty times the gap. This is because the Moon The feudal lords are scattered and working alone, but Qing County's current industrial chain is united.

Wu Xuan could fully imagine the future conflict. This was a scene of a torrent of steel rolling over him!

What? Elite warrior special operations? After Yang Qihong went back in disgrace four years ago, Wu Xuan gave up hope on special operations because the Human Rights Alliance had countermeasures in this regard.

Even if the Human Alliance can only block in the martial arts battle, as long as the artillery group is deployed, the entire Guanghan Palace will still fall in the rain of fire.

Wu Xuan looked at the whole picture of the moon, and at this moment, the large green spot in Qing County that was very pleasing to the eye came into view.

A sentence suddenly popped up in Wu Xuan's mind: Birds choose good trees to roost in, and people choose gentlemen to roost in.

…efficiency dividing line…

Compared with the hesitation of the upper echelons of the old forces like Wu Xuan when changing their families, the masses on the moon now began to make choices without having to think about it when the Battle of Ocean of Storms was proceeding smoothly.

"New Moon"

"Moon for all of us"

"Freedom in the Sun"

Words of enthusiasm that have not been heard for generations are spread throughout the feudal territories on the moon.

It just so happens that if the various feudal territories remained as they were before, then such a wave of thoughts would not spread so quickly.

There is a famous argument in Tocqueville's "The Old Regime and the Revolution" that "the most dangerous moment for a bad regime is usually the moment when it begins to reform."

In the past three years, these Moon Lords only saw "the new production system is good", and they asked Qingjun carelessly. After the request was successful, they proudly tried to infiltrate their own system, but just like this, they suddenly pried open their own ruling system. A crack.

As everyone knows, when they choose to leave their old shells, the people they oppressed also start to choose.

Originally, most of the residents in the lunar territory were people struggling to survive under the cyborgs, but as the lords began to engage in new agriculture, they became serfs, and then they discovered that they were all farming, and they could find other ways.

Wei Keng: "The cyber environment is contrary to nature. As the times develop, the nature of the masses that was used to be controlled by the ruling class in the past will be released in the new era, and it will be as unbridled as a spring releasing!"

…in the small theater…

In 2831, after the battle in the Ocean of Storms came to an end, in the Li family agricultural manor.

Li Fang looked at the communicator he had obtained, and after reading the latest news, he began to discuss this international event with the comrades in the series!

"The moon is in high demand!" This is the conclusion that Li Fang and others came to after enthusiastic argumentation.

Li Taihe, a third-generation descendant of the Li family: "Why are the people at Lagrange Point superior? A very small number of people, a small number, have the open perspective of the space city garden. This is a kind of nobility. Why do we Is it a human being? In the past, we could only stay in a small tunnel, looking at the desolate and vast surface of the moon outside, helpless, like pigs in the earth's breeding farms, lying down after eating, and lying in a daze. Yes, the earth and the earth are not working properly!"

This Li Taihe is not a serf, he is a direct descendant of the fifth family member of the Li family, a proper upper-middle class. But this person who eats better than 90% of the adults in the Li family and is allocated more energy than others is now actively starting a business with Li Fang to subvert the family!

Because other serfs may hope that the cockroach chunks in their food will turn into sweeter "mealworm chunks", but what he wants is to break out of this narrow cabin and have freedom.

In the territory of Qingjun, whether you are joining the army or working, you can go out in mecha, walk out with tens of thousands of comrades, walk across large craters, look up at the stars, and complete large-scale projects on the surface of the moon.

Human development requires space, space in the physical sense.

These lunar residents, even those who are designated as high-level residents, are only "tied a little loosely" and can twist their heads during the struggle.

The civilians in the Moon Lord can only live in small compartments throughout their lives, and in Li Fang's opinion, he has more opportunities to change compartments than other civilians who never see the starry sky in their lives. The total volume of the lunar base tunnel space he has walked through over the years is only 40,000 to 50,000 cubic meters.

This can be compared to living in a hull the size of an aircraft carrier for ten years.

In the 21st century, people on earth long for "a room without interruption" and cannot appreciate the freedom of "interstellar colonization" to leave the cabin at will.

In 2831, the indifferent grassroots seemed to be suddenly ignited with enthusiasm. This kind of big flame suddenly bursts out. Rebellious boys began to appear in various feudal families, leading people to rebel against the family and come to Qing County.

For the "Lord Immortal Ancestors" in the Cyber ​​Funeral Hall on the Moon, the rebellion of the high-class young people in the territory where Li Fang was born was far more irritating than the numerous slave villains in the cabin.

...Li left a message in the family cabin: "Is it time to start a fire?"...

On October 1, 2831, the entire Sea of ​​Storms was recovered and disinfected. In the central crater code-named Yaochi City, it was once the largest human city on the moon eighty years ago.

Recovering this place is of great symbolic significance. On the day of recovery, the soldiers erected a metal monument, and the inscriptions recorded the names of all those who worked hard for it...

Defender Keng arrived here three hours later and watched the projector recording this historical moment, with many people cheering and jumping on the crater.

Wei Keng: When a certain kind of human nature of ordinary people is suppressed and cannot find the right release, problems will arise over time. Every era has a cage of unfreedom.

As a Chinese, Wei Keng can understand this feeling of living in an era where "nature is at odds with fate."

For example, in this era, the reason why everyone is eager for martial arts is that everyone is trapped in a dark cellar. There is only a rope called "Martial Arts" hanging from the top, although this rope is still thorny. The person who threw the rope told everyone that this was the only way to climb up, and then everyone competed for the rope. ——Wei Keng: "It's grandma's fart, so why don't we build a staircase."

When Wei Keng gave a spicy comment on this plane, Bai Linglu arrived just in time. Bai Linglu had just attended the Supreme Heavenly Meeting of Haotu and had a sharp exchange of looks with He Chongyun. At this time, there was still a "mean" look on his face.

Bai Linglu said: "Without me, you would still curse when you were performing your mission."

Wei Keng saw Bai Linglu, his old partner, coming, and responded with a smile: "I am a troublesome person, and I have always been difficult to serve."

Bai Linglu clapped his hands and praised perfunctorily: Not bad, not bad, this is the self-confidence cultivated by many successful rebellions!

Wei Keng: "Why do you want to see me? I'm busy here. If you have something to say, tell me quickly. Maybe in a few years, I won't have time." (Such a meaningless look, and only in front of acquaintances can one be so careless) )

Bai Linglu was also used to Wei Keng's occasional "putting on airs" (tsundere): "I'm here to remind you that He Chongyun can't bear it any longer. He's been looking for Qin Tianfang recently."

Wei Keng lowered his head and thought.

Bai Linglu took advantage of the situation and said, "Otherwise, we can use a trick to drag Qin Tianfang back into the plane war!"

Bai Linglu has always been ill-intentioned towards other time-travelers.

Wei Keng: "I understand," and then added: "Don't worry, the plane conflict will be limited to a certain range."

After Bai Linglu heard this, he knew that Gong Huo had failed again, so he said with regret: It seems that you are still prepared to be a human being? ——Bai Linglu is ready to appreciate the splendor of the sudden collapse of the "vast system" in the dimension.

Wei Keng raised his head and said to Bai Linglu: "In the current situation, just kill one of the eight main stars and create one. Then, he added: Leave a breath of heroism to the world."

Bai Linglu nodded when he heard this.

What Wei Keng said "cut one, create one", Zhan Yi is undoubtedly He Qiuye of the Earth Star. In this battle, Wei Keng will not give up until her Gaia route is defeated until the white flag is raised. of.

And Chuangyi chose the earth, He Chongyun! The first sequence on the technology side.

After Qin Tianfang left, although the "technology side" declined, it still accounted for 30% of the total dimensional throughput in the main world. Wei Keng's so-called "creation" was the strongest point.

Bai Linglu ended his pause and quickly hit the snake with the stick: "Nothing, I will arrange a guide for you right away."

Wei Keng: "Lead the way?"

Bai Linglu nodded: "Yes, the world has been suffering from order in the heavens for a long time."

Narrator: During this time, Bai Linglu was helping Wei Keng contact the "old ministries". These "old ministries" hesitated from the first half of the 33rd century to the second half of the 34th century, and finally had "determination."

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