Out of the cage

Chapter 1295 Chapter 2623 (Part 1) Old Era, New Era

Starting in 2839, after the prison break incident, the Earth Federation believed that it was the Human Alliance planning everything, while the Moon side believed that this was a drama directed and performed by the Earth Federation within its own scope, so the confrontation between the Earth and the Moon system began. ended the tug of war in space.

On Earth, Qian Zizai began to actively act as a politician. He issued a mobilization order and warships assembled in the outer orbit of the moon. In the landing ship, a warrior with the rank of general put on a space combat weapon that looked like a sea anemone. This multi-energy tentacle weapon is more suitable for close combat alone in space. The sea anemone energy tentacles controlled by martial arts energy, Can launch attacks within ten kilometers.

However, the moon has begun to engage in information-based firefighting, similar to the cold weapon era when the archers assembled according to the horn to deal with martial arts masters.

Wei Keng’s judgment: In the era of the solar system, Star Wars technology is equivalent to that of the main world at the turn of the 24th and 25th centuries, and industry is not even as good as the planetary wars of the 24th century.

You know, at the end of the fleet war between Earth and Mars in the 24th century in the main world, they also fought for large space vehicles.

The Earth Alliance's landing campaign on Mars involves hundreds of thousands of lead-cased nuclear missiles carrying out intensive bombing on an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, and then projecting unmanned combat equipment and interstellar paratroopers.

Narrator: The lead (depleted uranium) shell can withstand the magnetic pulse of our own nuclear bombs five kilometers away when other nuclear bombs explode, so that the offensive side can conduct intensive nuclear bombing. The rocket and bomber payloads of the star catalog are very precious, and it is impossible to waste several tons of payloads on such an ice wall shell. Only space battleship projection can be so arrogant. ——This technical setup to increase the density of nuclear bomb projection is a symbolic military technological distinction between the 20th century and the 24th century, similar to the technological leap in the large-scale use of machine guns before and after World War I.

As a result, the main world's military changes in the 24th century are still moving towards large-scale combat. However, in this era of warriors, the rapid development of human life science and technology has made a few people overconfident, and the concept of war has taken a big step back.

Now on the moon, where the concept of "Human Base" is poured out, everything is developing in the direction planned by Wei Keng.

As a middle-aged man and a genius, Wei Keng has spent a long time accumulating his own system. But now, facing the backward civilization of the world, he is far more patient than other genius time travelers.

Wei Keng: All high technologies require the civilized public to have a process of understanding, accepting, and actively pursuing them. This process often requires war to force humans.

Now on the moon, "language", that is, the language of the soul, has begun to be popularized after the age of 50.

Although most lunar people had heard of the spiritual language in 2830, before the war, everyone's perception of the spiritual language was still "learned by a few specialized personnel." But now the war has come, and all people after the age of fifty have begun to wear "carbon-based helmets" to practice this new "language" expression.

In the exam practice, the scope of expression is used in industrial production and military.

In industrial production and processing, the language of the soul directly describes the industrial parameters recorded on past drawings. In fact, "the time required for the process steps, as well as the movements and feelings when operating" "various descriptions of material texture, sound appearance"... …

In the military system, mental language expression describes various terrains and gaps, which is clearer than simple images. Even in the same plain area, mental language can describe the different geology of sand and Gobi. Differences in walking loss.

In the current confrontation between the earth and the moon, the moon has built a battlefield command system that spans the ages through the popularization of spiritual language.

...Educated troops will bring a new version of the experience to pure warriors...

The Earth, which is known as the strongest military force in the solar system, is doubtful about its life due to this new military revolution.

Beginning on March 24, 2840, the Earth's top military department was fed up with the tedious work of clearing out missiles and satellites in a large number of "blocks" between the Earth and Moon systems, and assembled a large-scale fleet. , to forcibly attack the lunar Oceanus Procellarum area.

When the combat headquarters on Earth began to watch with interest as the whip-throwing fleet crossed the space defense circle set up by the Lunar Humanity Alliance, they did not know that they had stepped into a death trap.

Nowadays, on the highest-level battleships of the Earth-Moon system, laser cannons are often 1,000 mm in diameter and installed in groups of ten.

The power of a single laser cannon is 3,000 kilowatts, which is 300 grams of standard coal per second. The output per second is equivalent to 0.8 kilograms of TNT. This firepower can instantly vaporize an asteroid with a diameter of one or two meters, so it can be suppressed. Ballistic missiles on the ground are also locked and destroyed. But what we are facing now is a positional war.

From the perspective of the earth's warriors, they have an advantage by being backed by a group of powerful battleships. As long as the particle cannon burns on the ground, they can come down and break through.

Indeed, it used to be like this. The impression of the moon by these warriors in the solar system was still thirty years ago, but now! The moon has a large amount of war-ready infrastructure.

At this time, in the lunar craters, at each gap, the "carcass" of the metal train loomed through the windows reserved in the mountain. The laser cannon mirror like Kazilan's big eyes on the car body quietly aimed at the titanium steel can in space. .

Since the gravity on the moon is only one-sixth that of the Earth, many such large-scale projects have been built in these five years.

These train tracks are deliberately exposed in the crater, just like the shooting holes deliberately left in the bastion.

For civilian trains, these small openings are used for lunar tourists to learn about the scenery outside at regular intervals and prevent claustrophobia. But for military trains, the openings in these craters serve as firing positions.

Compared with shipborne laser firepower, the power of these train guns equipped with nuclear power reactors is not weaker than that of the fleet.

Everything is like infantry fighting in trench warfare. After confirming the enemy's advance, these land-based positions have begun to prepare.

The fifty sets of gun muzzles on each train can be accurately calculated through the energy storage time, so that the train's car gun group on standby for firing can just reach the gap and fire like a machine gun.

At eight o'clock in the morning on the 24th, the two sides began to attack each other in the Ocean of Storms.

The unsightly queuing and shooting began.

The commander of the Earth Fleet was horrified to find that in addition to the already proven firepower of the fortress on the lunar surface, those orbital train cannons, those trains weighing 6,000 tons, three meters wide and four meters high, also completed the fire counterattack.

Compared to the Earth fleet, which is suppressed by information and unable to fire uniformly, the Moon has given full play to its information advantages.

The lunar surface artillery is not "free fire". It can fire more than 60 million lasers at a time. Under the optimization of the algorithm, these laser cannons are looking for important targets, such as intercepting the space drop capsule, or determining the space. When the fleet adjusts its position to expose side weaknesses, there will be a large amount of laser cannon fire to stop the fighters and take advantage of them.

The space fleet on the Earth side has insufficient information links. In this situation where missiles are threatening to change orbits every minute, each warship operates in isolation, with scattered formations and scattered attacks.

On March 24, 1940, at 3:34 pm, China Meridian Time, there were some casualties on the lunar surface during the first wave of beam shooting. According to real-time statistics, three trains on the moon were hit during the artillery battle. Sixty groups of laser cannon fire were lost (drizzle). The tungsten steel shell of the moon-related fortress was penetrated by a space warhead, but the damage control system compensated for it in time.

As for space, the shells of the eighteen frigates (three-kilometer-long battleships) on the earth seemed to have been welded with large red spots. They had to turn off their firepower, then open the aluminum foil reflection cloud and evacuate the battlefield.

Fleet Commander Wang Ge gritted his teeth and ordered all energy to support the ship's shield after finishing the fire attack.

He knew that there was no point in continuing the fight. Everything was like the artillery blindly bombing the position during World War I. The earth's fleet did not even detect the firepower on the moon's surface.

But he did not give up and ordered the fleet to retreat to high altitude to start the warrior landing operation.

Soon on the 25th, a large number of high magnetic shield targets were discovered on the lunar radar, landing towards the moon's south and north poles.

Those who declined were the martial arts masters. Compared to the fleet, the martial arts masters had higher flexibility. Since laser energy is a concentrated line, martial arts experts can easily avoid laser strikes as long as they avoid the first strike. As for how to avoid the first strike?

Martial arts warriors will use Gang Qi to suspend a shield two hundred meters in front of them. This shield is not as good as the armor of a battleship, but when it encounters a high-energy laser, it will explode to form a shielding smoke. The smoke will absorb a large amount of laser energy. When the smoke is not dense, This will give the martial arts warriors a moment of evasion time before dispersing. It's equivalent to a kind of "reactive armor"

Of course, for weapons such as ion beams, this shield will not work. The ion energy will burn them into high-energy ion plasma, which will burn the warriors behind them twice. For ion beam martial arts warriors, they use a "magnetic field shield" , to deflect this damage.

In the headquarters, Wang Shan was rewarded with the spiritual language of the entire organization.

It was confirmed that the landing bays in the North Pole direction had penetrated into the sky ten kilometers above the lunar surface, and had circled and landed on the lunar surface several times in a maneuverable orbit.

Wang Shan: The Earth Federation is going to mobilize top warriors to try to make a comeback, so it’s time for us to show our cards.

At 5 pm on March 24, the Alliance for Humanity confirmed the identity of the warriors who landed in the Arctic region. They came from famous martial arts teams on the planets of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in the solar system.

Wang Shan joked: "Good guy, the eighteen princes are attacking Dong Zhuo." Wu Xuan shook his head: "They don't think of us as Dong Zhuo (Xiliang regular army), but as the Yellow Turban Army."

On the other side, in the ground defense system, Moya was looking at the battlefield situation.

Mo Ya recalled the teaching in the plane elevator and said leisurely: "This is almost a common problem of the doomsday government. It has lost its ability to adapt and can only drag in the once excellent and experienced team to plug the leaks. It has lost its understanding of the specific conditions and specific conditions of the new era. Analytical skills.”

Mo Ya raised his hand and gave the battle order! Within one minute, a thousand instructions were sent out, linking the combat readiness departments on the north side of the moon.

The satellite group of the Earth Fleet, which had previously avoided the Earth Fleet in space orbit, began to cover the high orbit again and violently suppressed the information of the Earth Fleet. At the same time, electromagnetic launchers on the ground began to insert a large number of cruise warheads into orbit.

The moon is like a big man who strikes back and suddenly tightens his grip on the "seagull" that breaks into his palm.

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