Out of the cage

Chapter 1296 Chapter 2623 (Part 2) Martial Arts? army

On the afternoon of March 24, in space, as the first set of landing modules descended along the lunar north pole, the counterattack fire blind spot descended.

In the space landing module, the federal martial arts warriors were controlled by a steel frame. I expanded my external senses and saw the craters and various roads on the moon more and more clearly.

Suddenly, sparks burst from the ground. Then the alarm in the landing cabin suddenly sounded.

From a ground perspective, hidden in the natural craters of the moon, metal tubes with a diameter of six meters opened on the surface and ejected warheads.

These "widow mines" specifically aimed at space lander, when these landing modules entered the range of four or five kilometers from the surface, activated the stable rocket reverse thrust system and were unable to evade, they suddenly appeared and gave the earth's warriors a big "surprise". The surprise of having your butt on a crater and your head falling into a crater.

And the "trap" is not just a plan. In order to ensure a 30% chance of winning, a variety of means must be used. Most of the methods are nothing new, but when stacked together, they form a dragnet.

The artillery shells fired by the lunar defenders also came along the arc and began to "greet with flowers after disembarking" the landing module that had landed.

These shells just arrived at the front of the landing cabin, and then spread out in the air. They fired metal jets at the landing cabin just like low-sensitivity bombs fired at tanks in the 21st century.

The landing cabin was riddled with holes. Ten percent of the landing personnel did not have time to deploy their "Gangqi" (nano-shield) protection immediately. They were riddled with holes. The landing cabin smashed to the ground along with it, turning it into ashes. for the fireball.

However, there were still a few elite martial arts experts who jumped out of the landing cabin in advance, and then were greeted with a baptism of shrapnel three seconds later.

Such a connection! It was obviously a tactic used by the Moon's artillery team to communicate in spiritual language after finding their own assault troops practicing.

Of course, the first-class warriors on earth are aware of danger, so since the war began, they have always had a constant sense of "horror" reminding them that they are about to face a fatal situation, and there are always some "lucky ones" who have escaped. Waves of seemingly seamless fire strikes.

The staff of the Human Alliance did not expect to destroy the enemy together with the landing module at once.

Wei Keng: Any tactical plan must allow for the probability of the enemy escaping from death. (In the Gupan plane, Wei Keng has realized that it is possible to escape the entanglement of cause and effect. In such a plot world, Wei Keng has already deduced that Haotu has equipped plot characters with "special destiny" weapons)

Of course, even if there are destiny weapons in the plot world, the morale of the surviving earth warriors has been destroyed.

…luck can only be used on the dividing line of escape…

Yang Tianji, a strong martial artist from the North Asian region of the earth, landed on the lunar soil in embarrassment. The gas protective film on the martial arts mecha rubbed against the rocks, making a creaking sound.

Yang Tianji got up and felt waves of vibrations under his feet. There was no air on the moon, so he couldn't feel the smoke and dust in the sky. But just now at high altitude, he saw that half of the landing module had exploded~!

Yang Tianji suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and immediately turned off his electromagnetic signal and activated his camouflage disguise.

At this time, he saw the suborbital satellite flying overhead, just emitting scanning beams overhead. After he escaped this "first cosmic speed low-Earth orbit scan", dozens of lasers descended from the sky to name names, and his heart tightened and he was speechless. If he hadn't activated his disguise just now, he would have been burned just now.

Although Yang Tianji has not seen the enemy yet, he clearly feels from a distance that the Moon people are targeting his group all the time, giving him a feeling of "bullying others with strength in numbers", because his own personnel Any casual action will attract a large number of "emergency response" forces to target.

Yang Tianji, ranked fifth in Earth’s martial arts: Martial arts training cannot save Earth’s military!

Yang Tianji did not contact his teammates, but chose Gou.

In fact, even if he turns on the electromagnetic channel, he will find that his area is suppressed by powerful information.

The Humanitarian Alliance monitors the entire battlefield at all times, so after the Earth's landing capsule arrives, there is a rough number of how many landing capsules escaped the attack.

Moreover, in the remote sensing scan of the flying artillery shell just now, it was determined that Yang Tianji showed signs of opening the cabin before being destroyed at this landing position, which meant that there were escapees. Therefore, the human geography ground force then focused on suppressing this area.

Wei Keng's combat philosophy: The biggest problem for paratroopers who have landed is to regroup, and attacking the paratroopers' vulnerable links is to eliminate the possibility of their regrouping.

Ten minutes after Yang Tianji landed, after repeated scanning, the Human Rights Alliance began to dispatch an assault combat team!

…Youth is the dividing line between being vigorous and vigorous…

At this time, the team that was conducting a land assault towards Yang Tianji was led by Wang Fujian!

Wang Oijian was born in the black mud and grew up under the guidance of the Human Emperor. Naturally, he was an arrogant generation.

Perhaps, most strong people don't like arrogance in young people. Even the arrogant people themselves can't get used to seeing arrogance when they grow up. For example, Wang Fujian is like this. Now he can see himself slipping out of the second grade. Competing for the martial arts ranking is his own dark history.

But the "Human Emperor" is particularly tolerant of arrogance.

Wei Keng, who left behind the will from multiple planes, looked up to the gods in the heavens and opened his arms to cover the young shoots behind him. He was determined to stick to the promise behind him: "Young people cannot be ignorant of good and bad, but they must abide by the rules of heaven and earth!"

But in the ancient times, it became "life and life", and now "lao" is for moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work, "labor (doing things) must be happy", what kind of labor can make human beings happy, then Naturally, we must be open-minded and give them the opportunity to "test how big is the world?"

Wang Negijian began to make final coordination in the group.

Wang Negijian: "All team members check the spiritual communication frequency band and the unity of the "vocabulary library"."

The team members started scanning the carbon-based information database one after another and gave their confirmation.

After everything was in place, Wang Fujian, who had already sat on the Dragon Guard combat mecha, launched his final battle speech: "Comrades, the sky and the earth are foggy, so lethargic! Let us give this red sun a red sun!"

With such a very spirited declaration of fighting being issued, the entire team entered a state of passion and synchronization in this "magnificence described by the language of the soul", and hundreds of people entered the same state.

The combat team began to charge.

The new generation of lunar surface combat dragon guards no longer relies on kangaroo jumping, but has a three-legged magnetic vortex under the chassis.

Under the rolling magnetic energy vortex, the Dragon Guard mecha quickly accelerated to supersonic assault on the moon. This design with magnetic energy rounding on the chassis has a very vivid name, that is, "Hot Wheels"

When Yang Tianji and other small number of landing martial arts warriors saw this situation: "Subsonic armored cluster charge", before the first wave of warheads hit. They fled suddenly, but their landing combat mecha design could not compare with the cavalry.

Yang Tianji was driven by his last desire to survive and sent a surrender communication when he was targeted by the attack.

When Yang Tianji heard the voice of the "centurion" chasing him, he was stunned. Then when he saw the king carrying his sword, he was stunned again, and then said bitterly: "It turns out to be you. It's you."

Yang Tianji recognized Wang Fujian as the man who blocked the door of the Mars master with a ship-cutting knife in the orbit of Mars two years ago.

Just after this "elementary student" defeated several martial gods in the solar system! He was kidnapped by the lunar parent (Wang Shan).

However, at this time, Yang Tianji encountered Wang Huijian on the lunar surface sweep battlefield, instead of meeting him on the higher-end lunar outer orbit "Tiangang" interception battle battlefield, which made Yang Tianji very uncomfortable. The moon did not seem to Think of Wang Fujian as a talent like Optimus Prime.

Wang Oijian ignored Yang Tianji's complicated thoughts. Among the Black Mud Generation, there were many others like him who had started to complete the first generation of high-oxidation life tissue through the "Golden Elixir Seed".

When Wang Zijian crossed the crater, he skillfully used carbon-based radiation to lock the positions of each martial artist and completed the enemy data calibration. In the end, none of these martial arts masters were missed!

Wang Negijian: We are the direct descendants of the Human Emperor’s essence and blood!

…When the Black Ni generation grew up, their births were gradually made known to them, and it was no longer a matter of adults deceiving children into “picking them up from the trash can”…

At 10:23 pm on the 24th, on the Bi Fang in space, the politicians accompanying the federal government saw that the projection data of the martial artists who landed on them were immediately extinguished. I couldn't sit still anymore and found Commander Wang Ge.

The representative of the "War Committee" asked Wang Ge: "General, can you explain, is this a disastrous defeat? Or a defeat?" (The subtext is, decide whether to take the blame or shirk the blame.)

Wang Ge now held the fleet control scepter and took a deep breath without giving any answer.

Within ten years, he didn't believe that the "rubbers" of the Moon could defeat them, the officers of the Earth's regular military command system.

Wang Ge looked at the politician and spoke slowly: "This war proves that the "focused penetration war" model we have admired for fifty years (martial arts practitioners directly insert into the core) has been falsified by the new military changes ”

Wang Ge is very powerless! Just like those countries in the 20th century that had mastered giant ships and cannons, and had accumulated sufficient advantages in large-caliber naval guns and armored steel, they encountered maritime aviation that overturned the situation overnight!

At present, the two technologies of armor and nano-gas are not as good as those of the moon. After all, the total population of the earth is sixty-one times that of the moon, and the total economic volume is five hundred times.

For a long time, with massive investment, Earth has reached the forefront of "small but powerful" warrior technology. Just like in the late World War I, Britain was unique in the accumulation of large-caliber naval gun technology. At the same time, the United States, Japan, Germany and other backward countries could not match it.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that even though Moon is lagging behind in terms of individual armor and nano-gas, it has completed the construction of related industrial chains in the past five years and has its own supply system.

On the moon, the military version of the power armor has only 20 horsepower, which is far behind the earth's 60 horsepower. The gas nanoparticles are 500 nanometers, while the earth's gas particles are 40 nanometers (this means that the moon's gas loss rate is more than four times that of the earth) )

But times have changed! Everyone no longer fights for the main guns of battleships, but instead fights for sea navigation. No heavy armor, no bayonet combat within visual range, the main focus is on group coordination with guards and projection. ;

Under the leadership of the "Language of the Soul" discipline, the Humanities Alliance has been racing along the road of informatization.

In the past five years, a large amount of money has been invested in studying the information transmission in the protein frequency band of this plane, which is the phenomenon of "Gaia telepathy".

This technology tree was not created suddenly. Warriors in the god-refining period on Earth will also focus on training their "psychic abilities", and many family laboratories have invested funds. However, such small-scale, lack of courage research has made this technology No qualitative change occurred!

If the level of refining the gods is 2g, and the Human Theory Alliance can specifically use the golden elixir stage to increase it to 3g.

2G can only use digitization and can only convey key digital information, but cannot achieve comprehensive information processing.

At present, 2Gs like the Earth Legion are already weak at the information level, and their combat concepts have been lagging behind for a long time. For a long time, these martial arts monks who have adapted to the exploration of ruins have fought in teams of twenty.

Now, even the Human Alliance's summer camp has a minimum of 100 people. During confrontation drills, 100 people have huge connections with surrounding friendly forces and various auxiliary departments.

Each Human Alliance soldier can contact hundreds of surrounding positioning systems and have reserved thousands of types of artillery shells in the air. Exchange hundreds of battle plans with friendly forces every minute. With such strong adaptability, the martial arts warriors sent by the earth are like zombie NPCs.

The only advantage of a warrior is close combat within one thousand meters!

But these days, who will fight you in close combat? Hundreds of firepower aiming points are aimed at you. The sniper team of the Dragon Guard mecha carries a 100-millimeter long-barreled smooth-bore armor-piercing "gun", which is the tank gun of the 20th century. Tungsten core armor-piercing bullets can accurately snipe from five thousand meters away.

At this time, Wang Ge saw the second wave of death scenes coming from the few warriors on the ground who had survived the first wave of attacks. They were killed by such armor-piercing warheads that directly penetrated their bodies. The armor had no protective effect, and neither did the Gang Qi. effect.

Everything seems to have become cold weapons, spears and cannons. Facing the attack of hot weapons, no matter how good your kungfu is, you can defeat them with one shot.

…the dividing line of time…

In the lunar prisoner camp, the Earth Federation, a hundred warriors, and Yang Tianji were fortunate enough to learn about the real moon.

At this time in the prisoner camp, the fellow sufferer on his left, Zhang Fandi, was still aggrieved and reviewing the war.

Zhang Fandi: The place where we landed was in the wrong area, and Commander Wang should bear the main responsibility!

Look, everyone, on this terrain, the mass charge wave of the Human Alliance land formation! Taking advantage of our own information technology, we mobilized 20 times the manpower to sweep across the 300-kilometer front.

Zhang Fandi, after Balabala.

Yang Tianji couldn't help but responded: "You said the landing place in the North Pole was wrong, then tell me what happened after landing at other places?"

Yang Tianji remembered that in the first five minutes after landing on the crater mountain, he hammered the communicator on his shoulder, but the communicator kept making a "rustling" interference sound, and his teammates around him could only occasionally display coordinates, and could not contact anyone. superior.

When he got in touch, he suddenly found that a large number of teammates were gone. Moreover, in the communication, it is suspected that a teammate has been captured and is reporting in code that he is finished. Please don't answer.

Zhang Fandi slapped the electromagnetic screen: "So tell me, what is the problem?!"

Yang Tianji looked at the group of combat satellites flying over the horizon and murmured: "Warriors cannot compete with the army."

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