Out of the cage

Chapter 1387 Chapter 2806 Coming and Entering

In the Wukai Galaxy (Milky Way), because humans in this fossil plane are still in basic carbon-based form, even if it is a ninth-level civilization, its basic level only increases the "life span of human form to hundreds or thousands of years", just like fantasy elves The life span does not occur after the human base life span.

Therefore, the distribution areas of interstellar civilization here are distributed according to the "habitable ring" status of the Milky Way.

That is to say, the civilization circle is in the ring that is not far or close to the center of the Milky Way.

At the end of the Milky Way, there is a lack of "carbon", "oxygen", "nitrogen" and heavier elements, and a lack of planets that can adapt to the survival of carbon-based life, and is designated as the "Southern Zone".

The area close to the Galactic Center is filled with supernova gamma rays. Even with a thick atmosphere, life will be scorched by cosmic rays, and the Galactic Center is also called the "North Pole".

However, in the northern area near the galactic center, there are a lot of heavy metal elements that can be mined, which is an important mining area in the universe. Being close to the edge of the galaxy is convenient for controlling black holes and exploring the zero-point energy of vacuum, which is an important energy area in the universe. So there are still some civilizations on the edge of the galaxy.

On the fourth cantilever, near the "Galaxy Center" area, there is a fourth-level civilization "Gesu" civilization.

This fourth-level civilization has a total of forty-five planets, and its technological development is in the steam age.

Looking down at this planet called "Huaiyuexing", on the blue and green land, industrial cities are like blackheads on the nose, stubbornly growing at the intersection of coastlines and rivers. This is a civilization under the intervention of advanced civilizations. All steam engines are far more efficient than those on Earth. Therefore, there are electric motors in the laboratory, but there is no electricity industry.

Narrator: A civilization exists where scientists understand electricity, but cannot solve a series of complex problems such as power transmission efficiency, and still enter the electric age from the steam age. Similar to the 21st century, some countries with too great traditional advantages in the path of fuel vehicles are unable to enter the era of electric vehicles.

The Gesu Civilization, with its towering steam boiler towers, formed a stable industrial society that no one wanted to change.

After the dimensional system scanned the status of the entire planet, Mr. Wei determined that the natural scenery of the planet he landed on was quite good, and it was lush and green everywhere.

Wei Keng: This kind of industrialization, which has been stuck at the level of steam engines and internal combustion engines, has developed into a closed-loop civilization, and the damage to the entire planet is not that great.

The blackhead-like urban industries on "Huaiyuexing" can only pollute the river soil in the urban areas where humans live into acidic and toxic, and cannot discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea.

Moreover, humans on this planet have been suppressed by higher civilizations. Due to the lack of motivation to explore nature, human cities are just dots on the planet.

Enterprising native evolutionary civilizations like Earth, the main world, are considered "naughty children" by the standards of this universe. They are full of pioneering motivation, but lack "control" and "reverence" and are very destructive to nature.

Wei Keng lamented: Even in the agricultural age, the fertile soil in Guanzhong can be turned into yellow sand.

Relatively speaking, the Gesu civilization belongs to the type of people who eat and wait to die. Of course, this is the norm for many lower-level civilizations in this fossil plane.

Wei Keng locked his eyes on the city he was about to arrive in. The most eye-catching thing in the center of this black iron city was the six steam towers more than 200 meters high. In the center of the towers was the altar.

The third-level mental power in the plane of stars is enough to allow the body to enter the starry sky, while the fourth-level mental power can capture asteroids from space as "arks" and carry the gene seeds of one's own people to wander across the stars.

The fourth-level mental power can push an asteroid of tens of meters to sub-light speed, and then find a primitive farming civilization and smash it headlong.

There are a total of fifteen alliances in the Gesu Civilization. Oh, the alliances on these planets are equivalent in size to the countries of the earth in the 21st century.

The jump fluctuations spread out like water waves under the light of stars.

At present, in order to come more naturally, Wei Keng is using the "incident" to arrive at the Gesu Civilization...

...In a pond, when I was observing a small fish, a big fish came over fiercely, wagging its tail and splashing in the water. ,…

However, today, on the outskirts of the "Gesu" civilization, in the open space, a spaceship with a length of one hundred kilometers is parked here silently.

Such a super space battleship spread out its starry sky camouflage cover, without disturbing the mortals in this star field.

This is an eighth-level civilization spaceship. For the black iron civilization that is only level four, it is a class that needs to be looked up to.

High-level civilizations need to inspect low-level civilization areas every year.

This kind of inspection may be to check the genetic evolution of low-level civilization species, conduct some "dark" doomsday experiments, or it may be to harvest a wave of talents according to the established plan.

But now that the spacecraft came to the "Geshu" star, it seemed that it was simply passing by.

After the spacecraft docked, the fourth-level spiritual power master and fourth-level martial arts master of Gesu Civilization, who had been waiting here for a long time, sensed the call.

These Gesu civilization elites have awakened in the public space station left behind by higher civilization.

The elites of lower civilizations will go to higher civilizations like a pilgrimage for a longer life and a longer future.

Gesu Civilization, on the outskirts of Haihui Star, these civilization leaders drove the "space sampan" facing the white light of the ship and entered the new civilization.

But at the same time, on the ship, a newborn baby was stuffed into the survival cabin and flew towards this fourth-level civilization.

At this time, on the spacecraft, a man wearing an energy robe looked at the rows of newborns in the spacecraft. Among the rows of newborns, there happened to be an opening.

The babies left behind are healthy ones with active "psionic seeds".

The babies who are stuffed into the life-support capsule and prepared to be sent to lower civilizations are unawakened individuals.

The eighth-level civilization of Xinghai has been able to control stars. Every step of genetic inheritance in life is linked not only to body shape and appearance, but also to sensitivity to "psionic particles" during growth and development.

Being born with "spiritual blood" allows elites of high civilizations to steadily follow the path of "spiritual power" or "vitality" after birth, and these bloodlines can be passed down from generation to generation.

The eighth-level civilization has been able to turn the cherished qualification of "psionic energy" into an "advanced bloodline" for the new generation to inherit.

But in this case, the seventh-level civilization still belongs to the capital system, and the eighth-level civilization has returned to its original nature, returning to the "bloodline" family system and empire system.

In the world of stars, the higher the technology, the more human society will develop toward its initial stage.

However, Wei Keng, who took the human base route, did not follow the "theory" of this fossil plane after he came to this world.

Wei Keng suppressed the "inexplicable" spiritual activity of the descended body and prepared to ensure that he had a natural and healthy development cycle as a child. However, as soon as he descended, he felt that he was kicked out of the system. …

Mr. Wei, who was in the space-time field, scanned the guy who kicked him away with some "emotion".

Mr. Wei found out from the super spaceship system that the person in charge of the spacecraft was a family from the "White Yao" civilization on the third arm of the Milky Way. There are many branches in this family.

Little Love System: They rely on the stars they control to reproduce, and during reproduction, the genes of the new generation will be linked to the "particle fountain" built in the star to develop spiritual energy and physical development in life. There is a 10% chance of developing to level six mental power.

The blunting and evolution of bloodline often become the basis for judging the quality of this branch.

When people care about something, they will get caught up in it. For example, rich people will package it from head to toe. Even an ordinary bag must be branded goods.

Whether each tribe of this eighth-level civilization can reproduce reliably depends on the "yield rate."

Right now, when this spaceship is sailing along the way, it throws a certain "bad rate" baby to a level four civilization.

The eight-month-old baby barely has the ability to think. Wei Keng, who has arrived, has been disconnected from the higher-dimensional thinking mode. His little hand cynically hammered the glass cabin, looking at the only invisible thing left outside the life-sustaining cabin. The optically silhouetted spaceship pointed angrily: "Wait for me!"

Xin Weikeng's consciousness in his mortal body does not have as many plans as in higher dimensions at the moment, he just wants to lie down.

Uncle Wei: We are not prepared to struggle in a low-level direction on this fossil plane, but these birdmen want to throw themselves into a low-level civilization.

The "stubborn" "axis" Master Wei had no idea that he had illegally modified his bloodline, which had led to his being sanctioned.

Mr. Wei: According to the human pedestal theory, the "ordinary" carbon-based development process is necessary, and the garbage education system must be "rolled out" too early.

When Wei Keng's new body came into being, he was furious (crying loudly): Roll your xxx paper...

The human base system is definitely more advanced than the "innate psychic" bloodline produced by human civilization in this plane.

The more powerful the species, the longer the initial development time. Early carbon-based development is the process of connecting advanced intelligence with the world.

From the earliest stage, children's physical fear of "flames", "sharp objects", "heights", etc. all inherit the true understanding of "life evolution".

At present, the human elites of this star sea civilization have squeezed into "energy-based" development during the carbon-based development process. It seems to be development in advance, but this is not in line with the theory of life variable evolution.

Wei Kengxuan: "In the initial stage of human beings, you can look like what you should be, and you should be pure white. It's not like I haven't awakened to advanced spiritual power. Are you so impatient?"

As the spacecraft left, Wei Keng yawned in the space warehouse and fell into a deep sleep, while Wei Keng's shuttle system turned on the protection mechanism.

The information enthalpy jumped out and transformed into the "spiritual force field" popular in this world, protecting the satellite's survival capsule from landing accurately on the planet.

…Fifteen years later, in Russell City,…

A little boy is now standing at the door of Mill College with a recommendation letter in his hand. Oh, the ordinary cloth clothes he wears are different from the velvet students in the school. Of course, he is not tall. He is applying for a job as a cleaner.

Wei Keng grew up in the "Jishan Hall" in the past ten years, and this relief college happened to be next door to Mill College, and it was opened by the chamber of commerce bosses who graduated from this college.

When Wei Keng was born, he stayed in this Jishan Hall and was a "preparatory servant" in the college who knew everything about it.

By the way, Wei Keng's first name in this plane is called "Jizhong".

As for why Ji Zhong didn't go to this college, the tuition fee in this college is three hundred silver coins a year.

With his current social status, even if Wei Keng got the money, he would not be qualified to go.

Today was the day to apply for a job as a cleaner in Ji Zhong. A tutor with glasses came over and looked Wei Keng up and down. After making sure that he was neat and tidy and that there was no clutter in his eyes, he nodded and let him follow in.

Now, Wei Keng, who has landed here, is as simple and honest as the young "Run Tu", who just wants to grow up honestly.

The instructor nodded and said: "Go to the communication room No. 3, where you have your room, and then go to the logistics office to get your bedding. Remember to report in at six o'clock every day and sign out at eight o'clock in the afternoon. You are not allowed to leave except on holidays." School, as for the school’s rules, ask your seniors.”

… Half a month later, the mottled bird droppings in the green belt of the school changed from white to brown. This is the color seasonal wild fruits bring to the stomachs of birds...

In the corridor, Ji Zhong, who was mopping the floor, looked up at the course on the electronic screen in the glass window.

The information recorder in Ji Zhong's pupils recorded it, and then he continued to sweep the floor. While letting the carbon-based brain follow along to calculate the class questions.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to do things and solve problems at the same time.

However, Ji Zhong has practiced body fixation very well, and the dimensional support technology is powerful. The "reverse displacement particles" projected by the information enthalpy maintain the vigorous development of the body. Now the power of his own internal organs system is three times that of a normal person.

At this time, Wei Keng's body contained enough sugar to supply a smart brain and developed muscles.

Regarding the idea of ​​"carbon-based development", Wei Keng is very determined to follow his own ideas!

At the age of sixteen, others can only choose between "physical education" and "cultural classes", but Mr. Wei can develop both "intellectually and physically".

...Morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty and labor, a summary of all systems in the Fifth Plane War. …

Moral education: a correct outlook on life and values, - Wei Keng: the pursuit of long-term possibilities. (Tracing system, from the plane of darkness)

Intellectual education: systematic learning of scientific and cultural knowledge, ——Wei Keng: insist on looking at the world from an objective and materialistic perspective and summarizing its laws. (The connection between the negative entropy of the universe environment and the negative entropy of one’s own life - from Kong Nuan)

Sports: A strong body - Wei Keng: The body transforms from childhood to adult, and then from adult to magnificent creation. Each step of this is an expansion of the foundation of life and cannot be taken carelessly. (Human base, fixed body technique, from Pandora, mind field plane)

Aesthetic education: establishing correct aesthetic values ​​- Wei Keng: looking for the direction of accumulation of surplus to establish aesthetic cognition. In the face of the boring process of long-term accumulation, we must discover the beauty. (Adhere to one's own appearance as a middle-aged man, accumulate simply, come from the void twisting plane)

Labor education: to discover happiness in labor - Wei Keng: that is, not going against nature, self-pursuit of the meaning of hard work (that is, dual cultivation of life and life, from the quasar plane)

The above is the "general outline" of development that all primary individuals follow during the journey through the Weikeng system.

As the bell rang, students emerged from the classroom in twos and threes holding textbooks, discussing the next activities after class.

As a school volunteer, Wei Keng also put away his textbooks and stayed to clean the aisles and classrooms.

When he returned to the school staff dormitory at eight o'clock in the evening, Wei Keng saw that there was no one around and climbed up to the roof of the third floor along the drainage pipe.

Wei Keng likes the ceiling on the roof of the building because it is open enough and he can see the stars at night. The Milky Way cantilever hanging down in the sea of ​​​​stars allows you to determine your position in the stars.

Of course, this is because the satellites in the starry sky project space-bending resources, creating a complex and huge interstellar matrix.

This interstellar matrix can more accurately help Wei Keng determine the precise adjustment of the body.

As the high-altitude information enthalpy satellite accurately arrived at the correct position in the starry sky around Wei Keng, Wei Keng began to fix his body.

Spin, jump, press your legs, climb, and somersault, a series of movements that can make your muscles open and close.

The travel aid carried by Wei Keng measures step by step. The force field structure composed of groups of "reverse displacement particles" is being arranged non-axially along the torque of the muscle cells.

The "super particles" currently on Wei Keng's body are not very powerful, and their effect on the strength of muscle stretching and contraction is less than one ten thousandth.

As for the first level of orthodox physical skills in this world, the force field constructed is enough to cause human cells to emit dozens of times the power.

Obviously, the "lines" that Wei Keng has now arranged in his body are different from the purpose of primary training in physical skills.

The practice of Star Plane Body Technique is to strengthen the binding force of organisms in the carbon-based body, making the body's carbon-based structure stronger than steel and tougher than rubber under the strengthening of the force field.

However, Wei Keng is now sixteen years old and still has a mortal body. ,

But in this mortal body, it can accurately count the sugar sent to each egg receptor protein on the cell membrane.

In fact, the scale of "super particles" currently invested by Wei Keng is not small, just as the energy consumption of super computing is actually no less than that of some small boilers.

Wei Keng just didn't make the carbon-based body appear extraordinary in terms of "strength" and "intelligence". It's all in the details.

For example, after the eaten food enters the esophagus, a "complex" force field operates in Wei Keng's digestive tract.

In the normal state of Wei Keng, these substances waiting to be digested are "flocculated" in the intestinal tract. When Wei Keng moves, they are immediately converted into a liquid state, reducing friction on the intestines. After the movement is over, they become "flocculated". shape".

Everything in the intestines is "ordered" to such an extent, one can imagine how sophisticated Wei Keng's current sports system is.

If these "super-particle structures" used in the process of making feces are directly applied to the body, it will definitely be the fourth level of physical skills.

…At this time, Wei Keng was as weak as a baby, far less reckless than a little tiger…

The training on the rooftop was completed, and Wei Keng felt refreshed. This was equivalent to calibrating all the errors accumulated in his body throughout the day.

Then, Wei Keng crawled back to his room and fell asleep.

Wei Keng has been developing rapidly for more than ten years. Whether it is physical "laziness" or "emotional" boredom, they are all included in the plan of dual cultivation of life and life.

It's spring again. In the morning, as the carp jerks, Wei Keng feels his muscles and bones stretching. Well, the second growth is coming.

As the foundation for the second development is laid, the body can begin a wave of carbon-based strengthening.

At five o'clock the next morning, the sleepy Wei Keng yawned and heard the movement next door. At this time, a lot of luggage was piled at the door, and a thin man wearing student clothes like himself was touching the lock. .

Wei Keng: "Hey, hey, hey, this is the handyman dormitory. You've found the wrong room." The man raised his head and glanced at Wei Keng, and explained weakly: "I am a work-study student."

Wei Keng stared at the student's face. This student, who was probably only seventeen years old, seemed a little timid and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wei Keng: "It's nothing, you're quite beautiful." - He muttered in his mind: "It was dressed up by a woman." The figure is not visible at first glance, but it is actually supported by a force field.

Wei Keng: "After so many years, I can also encounter the Butterfly Lovers plot."

…At this time, it’s midsummer here in Wei Keng, but the supervisor’s platform is filled with “all things are killing”…

Bai Linglu stared at Wei Keng's series of "relaxation" and "lazy" development processes after entering the fossil plane, and found that several familiar consciousness fluctuations accompanied Wei Keng's consciousness along the dimensions. She whispered: "Even this kind of Plane, you all are following!”

Regarding the evolution of Keng, Mi Jia is not the only one now. (End of chapter)

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