Out of the cage

Chapter 1388 Chapter 2807 Ling Sui

Chapter 1388 Chapter 28.07 Ling Sui

In high-dimensional space and time, Bai Linglu objectively summarized his encounter with Sui Sui: This is the manifestation of the "universal interference" effect.

This effect was discovered in the quasar plane. When a consciousness walks in a certain direction, it will cause other surrounding consciousnesses to inexplicably change the direction of their life trajectories and follow suit.

Just as the phenomenon of the gravity of large stars capturing small celestial bodies is only apparent in the open space, on Earth Mount Tai cannot attract the rocks of Mount Hua.

The same phenomenon of consciousness interfering with everything is not obvious in the plane adjacent to the main world. But at present, this phenomenon seems to be widespread in areas with "high time flow rate" and "few variables".

Ji Zhong: In the main world, a large number of "intelligent consciousnesses" are highly gathered and constantly collide to produce various wonderful sparks, but this kind of metaphysical scene is no longer visible.

…In the supervisor’s space, Bai Linglu gave Ji Zhong’s note a smiley face…

At this time, in the mottled paint corridor of the logistics department of the college of Ge Xu Civilization, Ji Zhong met this woman disguised as a man, Suzui. Although he did not know who she was, he knew that she should have a special story.

So he helped her move the box into the house with little effort, and then talked about the basic situation as an introducer.

"The gatekeeper at the door closes at seven o'clock every night. After that, you can't get in through the main entrance. Well, you have to climb over the wall, but you can't let the gatekeeper know, otherwise the wall will be covered with glass pieces. .”

"And the third brick in the bathroom next door is slippery, don't fall" and other tips.

Ling Sui nodded one by one and even prepared to pick up the notebook to record. Ji Zhong looked at the densely packed handwriting on the notebook and felt that if he continued talking, this "junior" would study with a research spirit.

Ji Zhong: "Let's talk in the evening. I have to report. Your class starts in an hour and a half."

After that, Ji Zhong walked to the end of the corridor, where she couldn't see it, opened the window, jumped over the wall and left. However, from downstairs, there was a curse from the dormitory aunt: "Little monkey, you are not taking the right path. Sooner or later I will kill you!"

Ling Sui walked to the window and saw the handsome back of the boy who was leaving, with a look of astonishment on his face. Then he looked at the notes he had recorded in the notebook and couldn't help but smile.

...The sun is scorching hot, and people who live close to each other can smell the sweat on each other's bodies...

As each plant in the school opens its umbrella, the beauty of "otherworldliness" is maintained in this metalized industrial city.

In the school, a series of metal cans are strung up in the middle of the field to form a mat bed, and all the cans are open and filled with tap water. As the electric fan blows by, the air flows through the cans and the water evaporates. Taking away the heat, the cold wind blew slowly. Lying on this bed, Ji Zhong felt quite comfortable. Compared to sweating to cool down, the cold iron block was more comfortable to cool down. Of course, you must open the windows for ventilation, otherwise there will be moisture in the house.

Although the mental power in Ji Zhong's body has an excellent heat conduction mechanism, forcibly cooling down the body will make his body "not aware of the cold or heat."

Sixteen years old is a period of development. For Ji Zhong, this cycle cannot be messed up.

Of course, the eyes coming from the window often prevent Ji Zhong from completely letting himself go.

Ling Sui would leave the dormitory on time every morning and come back on time at eight o'clock in the evening. She would habitually look at Ji Zhong's door when passing by it. Sometimes it seemed that only Ji Zhong looked back before she could say hello.

Later, Ji Zhong learned that when the upper class nobles got up every morning, their servants came to greet them. Ling Sui was used to having people communicate with her at regular intervals every day, so she took Ji Zhong as the object of conversation.

Ji Zhong felt that instead of being greeted by her, it would be better to say hello to her every day.

… Under the lights of evening self-study, mosquitoes are dancing in pairs…

Ji Zhong opened the first-year textbook of Mill College. "Theorems of Thermodynamics" and "Fifteen Rhymes Rules of Mental Power".

Ji Zhong picked up these textbooks from the school. Every year during the graduation season, people from wealthy families would throw away a wave of textbooks, and Ji Zhong, who was responsible for cleaning, could pick them up.

On the side, Ling Sui was working on the problem, and Ji Zhong was also holding a pen and using his own solution to the problem.

The scene of the two studying in pairs was seen by other employees of the school, and they shook their heads.

In the eyes of many school workers: that poor student (Ling Sui) can get a diploma from Mill College by studying hard, but what can the handyman Ji Zhong get by studying with him? Young people still don’t have a clear grasp of their own destiny.

The pen finished writing the last punctuation mark vigorously. Ji Zhong shook his hand and loosened the stiff joints in his hand.

Ji Zhong is strong in holding the pen, but the side effect is that his handwriting is harder.

Ling Sui didn't raise her head. Her eyes were still fixed on the question, but her lips pursed, obviously she was still concerned about her lagging behind in solving the question.

Ji Zhong's thinking in solving the problem at the end was faster than hers every time. She seemed not to care, but in fact she did.

Ji Zhong, who finished the questions first, began to look through the books on Ling Sui's bookshelf.

Although these books no longer have gorgeous book covers, the notes written by readers of different eras on the books show that these books are worth reading.

Ji Zhong tried his best to turn his attention to the books, Ji Zhong: Because if you don’t read books and look at people, you will inevitably feel a little "missing hairpin skirts".

Although Ling Sui now has a male-like eyebrow, she does not have the aura of a boy of her age. What is exposed from her short sleeves is pure white skin.

And in this summer, although her clothes were wet with sweat, they still had a frankincense smell.

The two of them were sitting side by side under a table lamp. Ji Zhong was still going through the normal second growth path, and his body was always easily aroused by pheromones. He was at the age of "childhood sweethearts of boys and girls".

For boys sitting side by side, even girls who are not pretty will look more and more nostalgic.

Ji Zhong sighed: "If we are boys at the same table, we either compete with each other to be stronger, or we lie down together to compete and sleep. As for the girl next to her, she is sitting there, writing stroke by stroke with her beautiful hands. There is a kind of feeling that makes people feel... I want to bully her and see how angry she feels.”

It is natural to do the right things at the right age, but in some eras, the right age cannot be used to achieve the right things.

When describing the 21st century in the 22nd century, there is a saying: Young people in industrialized countries are competitive but have little love.

Narrator: In the 21st century, the marriage rate in all industrial countries has generally declined, and the main force of population growth has been in non-industrial countries. This is because competitive compulsory education in industrial countries occupies the period most suitable for reproduction in human nature. Marriage after the age of 25 is somewhat mixed with "profit calculations". It is precisely because the population of underdeveloped countries is growing rapidly, because the age between boys and girls between 13 and 18 is the age when love blossoms.

Therefore, in order to maintain the universality of pure love and reduce utilitarianism and calculation in society, "early marriage and late childbearing" began to be advocated after the 22nd century. Late childbearing is to protect women, and early marriage is to save love.

Ji Zhong has long been accustomed to "less love", and even his own "Dual Cultivation of Life and Life" system has been adjusted accordingly.

At this time, Ji Zhong focused on the books brought by Ling Sui, and his curious nature replaced "miscellaneous desires".

…The sound of turning pages of books obscured the sound of the person next to him writing…

Ji Zhong is very interested in the history of the "Ge Xu" civilization. How should I put it, lower civilizations that are interfered by higher civilizations can always find some strange routes.

Just like the reason why American Hollywood in the 21st century can depict so many multicultural alien civilizations is actually because they were labeled with various backgrounds from underdeveloped countries at that time.

Latin America has been interfered with and become: a culture of drug dealer labels,

Africa has been interfered with: the culture of hip-hop,

As for Japan: it was interfered with and became a culture where men bow and girls are easy.

If China did not "imitate" the United States in its spacecraft and electronic chip routes, it would most likely be labeled "Kung Fu" and "Chinese gangs"!

The culture labeled as "regions with stagnant development" is regarded as normal by the Bald Eagle people. They further believe that the world is inherently diverse, and instead regard countries that follow normal routes and compete with them as abnormal.

Ji Zhong: Human beings always want to establish a "heterogeneous" cognitive system for other people of the same kind with different interests. Ironically, they like to establish an "anthropomorphic" cognitive system for cats and dogs who are close to them.

Back to the topic: As a fourth-level civilization, the Gesu Civilization’s steamification, internal combustion engines, and electrification all came from the development of higher civilizations and did not go through the orthodox “accumulation process.” Without the hard work of this “accumulation process,” It is impossible to face the hard work required for the next civilization promotion.

It is said that in the era of agricultural farming, using human and animal power as the basic productivity, it was necessary to gather the materials to start the steel revolution and the steam revolution. People would starve to death. A furnace of steel experiments would consume the equivalent of dozens of loads of grain.

Therefore, in the orthodox industrialized civilizations on earth, among the mainstream values ​​that focus on producers, there are few expressions of "playful smiles" in labor.

"Can labor be properly remunerated?" In the eyes of a civilization that has actually gone through the path of development, this is a question full of blood and tears. All the history of the development of industrial civilization has experienced "the confrontation between rough management and labor executors."

In the development of society, the collision between the two classes for interests and dividends gave rise to the fierce flames of strike, revolution and suppression by the upper class.

Therefore, all countries that have gone through this process (history) are extremely serious in terms of relevant culture! This contradictory era is a process in which the top leaders are trembling and the grassroots are exhausted.

An enterprising civilization is like walking on an empty stomach. It will not be cheerful and lively. On the contrary, a civilization without enterprising goals in that period is very happy.

For example, in the early days of the British Industrial Revolution, there was little royal culture. On the contrary, the Qing Dynasty did not use the industrial revolution and spent its excess energy on repairing gardens and firing kilns to produce porcelain. Shiquan Laoren's martial arts reached its peak.

Of course, the royal culture of the Old Summer Palace could not escape being burned down in the end.

Comments from Ji Center, which keeps turning pages: This world of stars is in line with this situation. Although a large number of middle and lower-class civilizations cannot advance, the culture is like the cultures of various races in the Marvel world, and a hundred flowers bloom happily. Every civilization has unique cultural characteristics.

The relative characteristic of the Gesu civilization among the surrounding civilizations is "musical score", and a large number of beautiful music tunes have appeared in history.

The music scores of the Gesu Civilization were used to record a large amount of useful information, such as history, geography, and humanities. Even the treasure maps left behind by some of history's great thieves are pieces of music.

And now there are fifteen highest spiritual power and physical skills inheritance in the music of Ge Xu Civilization.

Ji Zhong's long sigh: Culture is the wrinkle of the development of civilization. Of course, complex culture can only exist if enough energy is reserved for development, such as Tang poetry and Song poetry, as well as porcelain and tea art. But on another level, when culture flourishes, it means that the direction of civilization is confused.

Ji Zhong found some hidden music scores from Ling Sui's book. The music scores were hidden in the arrangement of the page numbers in the book.

Ji Zhong immediately asked the system to translate it, and then asked the system to play music.

Ji Zhong seems to see: the scene of thousands of horses galloping down the 500-meter cliff, and the water flowing down the cliff is really bold!

So much so that I couldn't help but want to hold a clothes-drying pole and demonstrate a set of wide-open and wide-open sword skills - of course, if I really did this now, I would be very stupid in the eyes of others.

…I don’t know how much time passed, but Ji Zhong’s hand, which was immersed in turning the book, was gently pinched by green-white fingers on his short sleeve and pulled...

Ji Zhong: "Oh, are you done?"

Ling Sui: "It's been a while, I've corrected the answer."

Ji Zhong: "How about it? (The question I did) is correct."

Ling Sui's lips curved slightly and she whispered softly: "You are doing everything right, but your solution to this set of questions is the kind that the instructor omitted in class."

She said it politely, meaning it wasn't the easiest solution.

Ji Zhong took her question and looked at it, patted his forehead and said, "I forgot the details."

...The two of them were speechless, and then went back together, each to his own house. …

However, when the door was closed, Ji Zhong suddenly became alert and felt the hair on his head stand up.

Ji Zhong is now developing his body in a targeted manner. The strength of his bones is forty times higher than that of ordinary people. As for his hearing and color sensitivity to surrounding light, he has also reached the point where he can identify the species of mosquitoes fifty meters away.

Ji Zhong felt that someone was looking at him in this hall. To be precise, it was a look with murderous intent, staring at Ling Sui next to him.

Ji Zhong glanced at Ling Sui, who was packing books next door. Whispered: "It's troublesome."

He casually folded the scratch paper he had just finished into a paper airplane. This airplane has an acute angle, like a dagger.

Ling Sui concealed her identity. The reason why she hid here was not to experience life, but to avoid trouble.

Before Ji Zhong turned twenty, he did not want to get into trouble with "strangers". He just wanted to complete his technical development in peace, but the troubled people around him were no longer "strangers."

When the shadow made a "gecko tour" along the wall toward his window, Ji Zhong felt like a "passing mountain wind" that had violated his territory and was ready to kill him.

At this time, the assassin had no knife on his body, but Ji Zhong felt that there was an undetectable metal wire on his hand.

These metal wires can cut people's throats, and with Ji Zhong's body fixation technique, they can smell it with a keen sense of smell, and there is a hint of fishy sweetness on the metal wires.

Narrator: The body fixation technique is not only about modifying the form, but also adjusts the sharpness of the five senses, such as the sense of smell. At this time, the smell of books and pages, the smell of dead and fresh ivy leaves on the wall, and even the fact that Ling Sui likes to eat sweets, she stays up late at night. There will be a little sourness in the mouth, and Wei Keng can smell it.

Facing the assassin, Ji Zhong issued his first warning, snapping his finger in the darkness.

There was a clang sound, and a stone knocked on the window of the dormitory on the first floor. A few seconds later, the dormitory turned on the light, rushed out and yelled: "Who, which brat dares to smash my window!"

This shadow was hiding in the darkness in the corner.

When the dormitory aunt went upstairs to check everyone, the "bleary-eyed" Ji Zhong and the equally ignorant Ling Sui were shouted out and warned.

When the aunt came downstairs cursing, Ling Sui glanced at Ji Zhong helplessly and felt that this was really an "accident".

However, just when Ling Sui was sure that the aunt would not come up and was about to close the door, she was suddenly hugged from behind, covered her mouth and hid in the corner.

Ji Zhong whispered in her ear: "It's me."

She looked surprised and at a loss.

Ji Zhong covered her mouth, squatted down with her in his arms, wrapped her in a blanket, and sent her to a cabinet.

During the whole process, Ling Sui was at a loss. She wanted to struggle but found that Ji Zhong was hugging her very tightly. At this time, Ji Zhong used his fingers to write on her back: "Don't move. Whatever happens next, keep calm."

Ji Zhong closed the cupboard door and hid in her bed. Her quilt was so soft that Ji Zhong seemed to feel warmer and softer after touching it. Of course, this was not the right time to think about this.

Five minutes later, a steel wire was shot into the room, and Ji Zhong could see the black shadow coming in along the line.

The assassin flicked lines at "Suzusui's head on the bed", and these metal lines were wrapped around the bed like a living python. In an instant, the assassin began to tighten the line, but during the sudden tightening, the wire broke, and the broken wire bounced towards the assassin's neck.

When he saw the assassin trying to protect his neck with the knife, Ji Zhong immediately jumped out of bed. The first step was to slap away the flying knife in his hand that was about to be fired, and stabbed the assassin with a clothes pole, hitting something suspicious on the assassin's chest. The detonator was broken.

In the end, the intruder stared in the direction of Jizhong with unblinking eyes, not believing that he had fallen into the hands of a young bird.

Ji Zhong, whose nerves were tense, poked Ji Zhong a few times to confirm that the intruder had not moved, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Ling Sui came out and looked at Ji Zhong with vigilant and questioning eyes.

Ling Sui knew the reason why she was assassinated, but when faced with Ji Zhong's protection, she immediately thought that he was sent by her family, and she originally regarded Ji Zhong as a friend.

Ji Zhong looked at the corpse in confusion and asked Ling Sui, "Who are you? How could you have caused this?"

Ling was confused, and she looked at Ji Zhong carefully.

Ji Zhong asked back rather unhappily: "What are you looking at? You don't have to pay for the make-up fee, but you have to collect the protection fee, and I'll have to pay for my lost work tomorrow."

Ling Sui asked gently: "How much do you want?"

Ji Zhong thought about his living expenses for the past year, and held out five fingers: "Fifty silver dollars, plus my food expenses."

Ling Sui thought it was 50,000 or 500,000 at first, but she laughed when she heard this number, but then she paused and said a little embarrassedly: "I owe this first? I didn't bring that much money with me now."

Ji Zhong frowned and looked at the killer on the ground. He always felt that he was at a loss and got into trouble for nothing, and he couldn't get rid of it because if Ling Sui died suddenly, he might be investigated.

Ling Sui saw the "disgusted" expression on Ji Zhong's face, and felt nervous for no reason: "I can give you the collateral first."

She squatted down and took out a box from the room. A box was opened inside the box, and inside was a pure gold sphere. Ji Zhong saw at a glance that this perfectly fitting sphere had a mechanism that could open the inside.

Ji Zhong used the "three-dimensional space" constructed in his mind to simulate a little, and deduced that the golden ball would be a golden crown after unfolding, and such a beautiful thing was a symbol of "a certain status of people" among the forces in various civilizations. .

Ji Zhong was shocked when he saw this thing, and threw it back to Ling Sui.

Ling Sui was a little at a loss when she saw her things being returned.

Ji Zhong said distressedly: "Just put it away. I am just an ordinary person. I am unlucky to meet you."

...And the smell of blood from the corpses nearby reminded the two of them that now is not the time for Qinian...

That night, Ji Zhong and Ling Ling dragged the sacks to the lake behind the school.

Ji Zhong pried out the rocks on the river bed and dug a hole, while Ling Sui tied the body with rocks. After the two of them whispered under the stars, Ling Sui pulled Ji Zhong's safety rope and Ji Zhong dived into the center of the river bed. The body was placed on the river bed pit at a depth of five meters and then buried with stones.

The two spent a night serving a sentence of at least twenty years.

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