Out of the cage

Chapter 1395 Chapter 2814 Cutting into culture and creating a scientific working class

Beiluoxing, according to the high-level military classification of the Gesu Civilization, is a war zone. Although it is only on the coastline, it controls dozens of control points.

Ji Zhong found Shangguan in the military base and took out twenty gold coins. Each gold coin was forty grams, slightly heavier than a small yellow croaker.

In this overseas country where the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, such a simple and unpretentious operation makes Ji Zhong feel relaxed and easy. Bribery givers don't need to be subtle, and bribe takers don't need to be polite.

The chief in charge praised Ji Zhong for being sensible, and quickly arranged a casual position for Ji Zhong that did not require him to take risks on the front line.

When Ji Zhong walked out of the base office, the captain weighed the gold coins and said with emotion: "The gold coins of the nobles are so easy to earn." It was obvious that he regarded Ji Zhong as a family disciple who was gilded in the army.

However, the nobles who came to gild were only away from danger, but after Ji Zhong entered the camp and was not seen by his colleagues all day long, he was not going to a paradise in the mixed army.

After Ji Zhong took care of the above, he did not forget about his colleagues. I reported back every night and brought roast duck, grilled fish, and drinks to my colleagues.

Although under the orders of his superiors, his colleagues helped Ji Zhong complete all his attendance and tasks, but because Ji Zhong knew how to be a good person, these non-commissioned officers were only envious of Ji Zhong's relaxed and happy attitude, and it did not rise to the level of hatred.

He even patted Ji Zhong and secretly poked and reminded him: "The girls on Beiluo planet have very strong thighs, don't hurt yourself too much."

At the moment, even Ji Zhong's immediate superiors don't know that Ji Zhong is not "carrying a gun" in a tavern or a brothel in a city stronghold, but is picking up a lightsaber and going directly deep into the inland mountainous area, and driving straight into it.

...The flying sword cuts through the floating clouds, and all the princes come to the west...

After Ji Zhong entered Beiluo Star, he set a clear task for himself, which was to open up the power relations between the local tribal forces on Beiluo Star.

For this reason, Ji Zhong made full cultural preparations. First, Ji Zhong removed the modern Kevlar armor suit, gathered up his hair, tied a square scarf, a crown, and wore a white shirt and blue shirt with a waistband. He wore a jade belt and a golden mask.

In short, Ji Zhong eliminated all the characteristics of Ge Xu civilization and used martial arts to make friends as a martial arts sword master.

The target chosen for the first battle in Jizhong is the Juge tribe among the four major tribes on the Beiluo planet.

This tribe is a tribe where the Gesu Civilization has matured. Because it is located on a plain, it is willing to maintain peace under the continuous attacks of the Gesu Civilization.

The reason why this tribe is willing to maintain peace and no longer fight against the Gesu Civilization is because the biological attack of the Gesu Civilization destroyed their food production and forced the tribe to surrender.

Ji Zhong came to the gate and explained the purpose of his visit: "To pass on martial arts." Upon seeing this, the elite warriors of the tribe thought they had heard wrongly.

Ji Zhong repeated to the bald and white-bearded tribal elder: "I hope my martial arts can be displayed in their hall."

For such an ancient civilization, even if it is destroyed once, those killed can only surrender to a fourth-level civilization and have to admit that their planet is occupied. But when "dignity" is pushed to an extremely low bottom line by reality, it is quite sensitive.

Wei Keng has a deep understanding of this: In the 20th century, when the country of his own civilization in the Great River System was weak, he cared very much about winning gold medals in the sports games. However, just forty years later, spacecrafts intersected more than ten times in space. It doesn’t matter anymore!

Precisely because of his real experience of "going from weak to strong", Wei Keng understands very well the importance of protecting the dignity of the weak when communicating with them.

Therefore, the purpose of coming to Jizhong to compete is not to "prove that foreign martial arts are better than here" but to "establish an entry point for mutual exchange of topics."

Ji Zhong: If the last ray of poor dignity is trampled on, then the last "spiritual lighthouse" of people on this planet will also collapse.

When Ji Zhong came, he first respected the residents here. They were "landlords" and he was just a guest.

On this 400-meter-long gravel ground martial arts field, the duel began. Men, women, and children in the tribe stood aside and shouted, asking their warriors to educate this outsider.

A light blade flashed, and the spear thrown by the warrior of the Juge tribe was cut off in the air. With another sword strike, the sword light cut a small mark on the warrior's neck. This was only a weak breach. Ji Zhong had already called it a day, but this third-level physical artist still didn't know what he was doing, so he began to fight with all his strength, almost cheating. He rushed forward with all his teeth and claws, using up his last strength to achieve what he called "victory".

Ji Zhong watched the young man leaping over at a speed of 100 meters, and shook his head: the movements were still the same, and the flaw he just made was still the same bird-like posture. He put on such a "winning" posture, but he didn't want to face failure.

In the slight fight just now, Ji Zhong understood his true identity, so he put away his light blade, walked as fast as lightning, stepped back fifty meters, and began to use the simplest martial arts to compete with the people on this planet.

Ji Zhong used his mind power to pull up a long metal stick on the side of the field and held it in his hand, and then used a beautiful move to move the grass to look for snakes.

This marksmanship comes from the Earth's Yang Family Spear. As for the "martial arts", Ji Zhong has practiced body fixation, and after learning it, he said he still has some understanding of it.

The tribal warrior was forced to retreat dozens of meters from a direct attack, just like a cat unable to attack a snake. Under the pressure of the snake's head, it had to retreat wildly.

In this competition, when Ji Zhong put away his high-tech light blade and picked up the long-handled weapon made from the armored car barrel of the Juge clan, he already had the upper hand in terms of momentum. The moment he picks up the long sharp weapon, it is like a crossbow ready to go. There is no strength in the waist, arms, and legs, and the direction of the force is to point the tip of the hair forward.

At this time, the voices of the tribesmen were mute for a while, because there was no lack of discipline in Ji Zhong's advance and retreat, and the five-meter-long stick that he suddenly thrust forward was as fast as thunder. This skill is very "handsome".

The giant warrior looked at the long stick in Ji Zhong's hand, and the stick was aimed at his eyebrows. At this time, he could only see a point that was rapidly expanding. Faced with the stick that was coming quickly, no matter how reckless he was, Also stop instinctively.

Especially behind the stick head, there are two piercing gazes from Ji Zhong.

Ji Zhong's line of sight was in line with the front. Even in the miasma caused by the collapse of a large amount of gravel, there was no sign of "breaking out" of the lock, which gave him a great sense of oppression.

At this time, the surrounding tribesmen no longer shouted to build momentum for the warriors, but looked at the afterimage of the foreign warriors to attack, and every time it was like hitting a fatal point, restraining the attacks of their own warriors.

These tribal people don't know how to let the warriors break the game. They just yell at their warriors to "come on" and "fight".

Ji Zhong quietly paid attention to the emotions of the surrounding people who did not want to admit defeat, and silently thought in his heart: Next, how to end the game politely without hurting the feelings of the people here.

So, after being forced back six times, the warrior suddenly picked up a big bull-headed axe, and rushed forward with a desperate roar. His black steel boots stepped on the gravel field like small explosives. There was an explosion, and the stones within one step were shattered like tofu.

Seeing this, Ji Zhong turned his head slightly and then turned his head over. He determined the opponent's attack trajectory from two angles and stepped forward. The speed was the same as that of the warrior, but in the explosive step, his body skills were on the line and there was no additional resistance, although it was also every second. The astonishing speed of 100 meters was as smooth as a dragon in the river.

This time Ji Zhong directly approached within five meters, and the relative speed of the two sides reached a high speed of two hundred meters per second. At that moment, Ji Zhong suddenly turned around like a dragon, and the stick swiped from the left and rushed from the right. When it came out, the stick swung at a speed coupled with the speed of the charge, shockingly breaking through the sonic explosion, and then accurately hitting the giant axe.

The warrior holding the giant ax felt a huge force coming from his hands. The giant ax was hit by the head of the stick, and hot sparks flew out of his hands, and he was staggered by the transmitted force. Before he could stand upright, the stick pressed directly on his spine, easily knocking him to the ground as he lost his center of gravity.

The warrior tried to lie down, but found that the weapon in his hand was unusually heavy. Only then did he realize that he and his weapon were being held down by Ji Zhong with a stick.

At this time, the stick was inserted diagonally into the rocky ground. Ji Zhong used the principle of leverage, like a guillotine, to suppress him with several times the force.

Ji Zhong concluded: Due to the fault in civilization, the martial arts inherited here are very crude. They only know how to use brute force, balance their own center of gravity, use force, and how to accumulate momentum and explode. They have not summarized it.

Three minutes later, the warrior stopped struggling. Ji Zhong pulled out a long stick, stood it up, and inserted it into the rock ring. In the silence of the audience, he stretched out his right hand towards the tribal warrior.

The tribal warrior named Xiaosheng did not hold it, but stood up on his own in a low voice.

Ji Zhong called out to him: "Hey, do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

…For a warrior to win, victory requires virtue, and martial virtue must be taught...

Ji Zhong declined the tribe's hospitality, but asked Xiaosheng to follow him and then go to the next tribe.

Four days later, Jizhong arrived at the second largest tribe, the Bingshi Tribe in the north. The tribe here was not as easy to talk to as the Juge Tribe, but asked outsiders to get out. However, after hearing Xiaosheng's careful introduction to the customs and habits, Ji Zhong smiled and chose the tribe's most radical method.

That night, Ji Zhong carried a rhinoceros-sized bull's head and hung it at the door of his tribe. He pointed the horns of the head at the door of the tribe. This is the most serious challenge custom among tribes. When powerful foreign warriors hunt and kill the beasts here for warrior trials, mentioning this is tantamount to declaring that there is a duel that "if you are a man, don't avoid it."

Of course, remember that the beast’s teeth or sharp corners should not be aimed at the tribe’s gate during this process. Xiaosheng was the first to be defeated by Ji Zhong. This young man said seriously that this was the most solemn challenge in the tribe. Ji Zhong also believed it.

But Xiaosheng's nonsense is the same as when some bastards in the 21st century use "fuck xx" to mean "you're so cute" when teaching foreigners foreign languages.

Right now, the official meaning of this forty-centimeter-long rhinoceros horn pointed at the gate of the tribe is: "Come on, Bibi Niuzi!" - Oh, tribal culture doesn't have "much politeness" and it's all very simple swear words.

On Beiluo Star, there was an incident of animal heads hanging on the door. The tribe had to send its strongest warriors to fight, and there was no limit to the number. But in fact, they had to fight one on one, otherwise they would be laughed at by other tribes.

The gate of the Bingshi tribe opened, and rows of young men stared at Xiaosheng behind Ji Zhong with cannibalistic eyes, thinking that it was the Juge tribe that had lured the "japs" here.

Ji Zhong would not let the people of the Ice Stone Tribe put such pressure on his innermost disciple, so he directly stepped forward with his sword in hand.

When I took the first step, groups of rocks were thrown at me with a sharp sound of wind, but the rocks were crushed by hands within three meters of Ji Zhong.

Then, Ji Zhong flashed a giant shield and a giant sword from the space ring on his finger. The shield was five centimeters thick, one meter wide, and one point and five meters high. The sword in his left hand was four and a half meters long. , the sword body is in the shape of a "wavy snake blade" (refer to the zhangba snake spear shape, this wavy design has better cutting performance)

With such a real martial arts performance, the Ice Stone Tribe is facing a formidable enemy. It has no time to criticize the Ju Ge Tribe and focuses on dealing with powerful enemies!

Ji Zhong's next martial arts is not only about brute force, but also embodies "beautiful kung fu", that is, many movements use the method of moving a thousand pounds with four or two. Even a layman can tell that these exquisite moves are "beautiful".

Along the one-hundred-meter road, heavy swords flew up and down like thatch. Under the sword flowers, all the spears and stones thrown by the young men of the Bingshi tribe were shattered. The heavy sword in Ji Zhong's hand was as precise as a scalpel, and the attack was Forty-five tribal warriors with third-level physical skills fell down and rushed forward. They all hit the shoulder blades, causing severe damage to their bones.

The shield on Ji Zhong's right hand is actually not for defense, but for balancing the center of gravity.

Of course, Ji Zhong can also hold double swords, but the attack power is too much. Ji Zhong has always emphasized that there should be spare strength. In the fight just now, Ji Zhong's wrist was close to the hilt of the sword, ensuring that he could repel without missing a kill. Just right".

A few minutes later, as Ji Zhong played all the way, he reached the "Warrior Altar" of the Ice Stone Tribe.

Bingshi immediately mobilized a large number of soldiers, trying to suppress Jizhong with their numbers.

But when the dark crowd of more than 500 soldiers surrounded Jizhong, they hesitated.

Because according to the tradition of Beiluo Star, even if there is no limit on the number of people in a tribal duel, it is an uninterrupted battle for one party. Even the final round of battle is in line with the rules, and it seems too unruly to swarm them like this.

However, Ji Zhong didn't understand this rule. He tapped his feet lightly, raised his sword in the air, and directly took the initiative to hit these soldiers.

The one hundred and eighty kilogram heavy sword swung past like a phantom. The Ice Stone Tribe warrior just saw a cold light, and then felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth in his hand, and the weapon in his hand dropped with a clang.

Within a stick of incense, this amazing sword dance in Jizhong created a tribal myth. Even the most advanced warriors of the entire tribe could not stop this foreigner. Their shoulders and legs were cut open, and they suffered minor injuries, but their hearts were filled with tears. It was a severe shock.

When the leader of the tribe, an old fourth-level physical practitioner, came out, Ji Zhong held a sword in front of him.

He expressed his request: "I want to recruit disciples and establish the Tao here."

The elder of the Bingshi Tribe, whose vitality and blood had been exhausted, thought for a while and agreed to Ji Zhong's request.

But I have to do another one in the back mountain.

After an hour of sparring in the woods in the back mountain, Ji Zhong won a move. The tribal leader with "fourth level physical skills" looked at the young man and murmured: "You are probably not more than twenty-five years old, right?" .”

Ji Zhong, who was like a jade in the rough, said: "This year has just passed 19." He said the most weighty words in the clearest voice.

The elder sighed: "The universe is really vast, please don't cut off our tribe."

Ji Zhong: "I'm here to teach martial arts, not to compete for power. Please display my weapons in the hall." After that, Ji Zhong handed over his heavy sword.

…There is another group of people around Ji Zhong, heading towards the next tribe…

By the twentieth month, Ji Zhong had swept through twelve large tribes, and the number of young people from each tribe gathered around him had reached 374.

Let's put it this way, hundreds of years ago, when Marshal Jin Hui came to sweep Gesu Star, the young warriors from all major tribes on Beiluo Planet were so neatly put together.

In the center of the continent, Ji Zhong completed the "passing on martial arts". The cultural link has been completed, and then technology can be transferred.

In front of these tribal warriors, Jizhong unfolded the blue star sea base. When the star gate opened, the "Tianxin League" technical personnel who jumped over confirmed that the docking personnel was the "Colonel" of the Tianxin League, and then attacked Jizhong. After Zhong saluted, he followed Ji Zhong’s plan to make contact with the people on this body cultivation planet.

During the suppression, Ge Xu Civilization forcibly separated technology and physical skills. Under Ji Zhong's system, physical training is one of the most precise sciences.

Ge Xuwenming registered Xinghai Pharmaceutical Company in Beiluoxing City. Specializes in physical enhancement and provides physical enhancement to this planet.

…On Beiluo Star, Ji Zhong, as the strongest person, found a goal for the people of Beiluo Star to develop science and technology…

Ji Zhong said to Xiaosheng: "Study the science and technology system well, and during the research process, don't mention your identity as a warrior. If you want to gain knowledge, you must be humble in the field of knowledge."

When Ji Zhong said this, a diorama model had been erected on the projection screen behind Xiaosheng.

The "special life protein" and "field energy stimulation" that can be directly injected by the pharmaceutical industry at present can strengthen the growth rate of "high-energy biomass" in the bloodline of Beiluo Star, which can probably increase three to four times compared to normal Beiluo people.

Ji Zhong not only wants to increase the "high-energy biomass" in their bodies, but also trains them to strengthen their nerve perception and use nanoparticles to form artificial veins in their bodies.

As the body-fixing technique increases the number of relevant nerve inductions, the nerve center will be unable to handle it, so we need to study "chips" to assist movement. These chips will be directly connected to the brain. But when we get to that point, more advanced industry is needed.

…For a civilization that passively accepts culture, it has no motivation for its own progress. Only by scientifically transforming the traditions that its own people think are useful in the civilization can its development be stimulated...

The Beiluo people have been colonized for more than six hundred years, and the Gesu civilization has been spreading modernization to them, but there is no doubt that they have failed.

Because the Gesu civilization is too arrogant and has no strong goals for the long-term development of their ethnic group. It just wants them to live a "modern life" and modernize without threatening themselves (Gesu civilization rule).

But now, the pharmaceutical industry system that Ji Zhong has come up with is useful to the people of Beiluo Star, and the industrial technology team that researches drugs can get "respect" and "remuneration" from the traditional warrior culture of Beiluo Star people.

These powerful practitioners of physical skills will also join this industrial system in order to further strengthen themselves.

In this way, a positive cycle of complementary "scientific exploration" and "practical application" developed in Beiluoxing.

Ji Zhong: "The earliest group of workers on earth, that is, the textile industry, was the breakthrough point to form advanced industrial organizations and create a class. Then this class began to expand in various industries such as steel, railways, and shipbuilding."

The same goes for the people of Beiluo. They need a recognized technical class to appear in order for them to industrialize.

Ji Zhong began to create the "pharmacist" scientific class for the people of Beiluo Star.

In the next few hundred years, this class, as an industrial technology, the "pharmacy industry" will be recognized by Beiluoxing culture as an industry worthy of respect, and will begin to accept the concept of "technology" together with the culture. (End of chapter)

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