Out of the cage

Chapter 1396 Chapter 2815 Morality, intelligence, physical beauty, labor, creation

Chapter 1396 Chapter 28.15 Morality, intelligence, physical beauty, labor, creation

Half a year later, after completing a tour of Ji Zhong on the Beiluo planet, a man in clothes and leather shoes carrying a briefcase came to the door of the "secretary", um, the chief of the internal affairs of the planet's military officer with the rank of "Yinhui" in the army.

There are four military officers of the Gesu Civilization, Marshal Jinhui, and Yinhui is the chief military officer on a planet. Of course, in Gesu Planet, a place where birds do not shit, Yinhui here is either for old age, or for those who are too "active" "The calm posts of the generals

On the one hand, he came to report on his work and handed over the business agreement reached between the "Xinghai Pharmaceutical" company and the local tribe behind him.

On the other hand, with a clang, Ji Zhong "gently" placed a very heavy briefcase on the corner of the "Interior Chief"'s desk. Inside was a pile of large yellow croakers. (Six hundred grams of gold brick)

Such a great gift gave Ji Zhong the capital to smile playfully.

Ge Xu's army commander was completely unaware of the "good deeds" Ji Zhong had done during this period. On the Beiluo Star side, Ji Zhong swept away the mountains with one sword, integrated the major tribes, and then summoned the battle base of the Tianwei Army to land in the inland area of ​​the planet.

At this time Ji Zhong returned as a successful businessman. Start introducing your company’s pioneering achievements to your superiors

Ji Zhong came to apply for a "scientific research project" with dozens of plants and herbs collected from the Juge tribe, as well as the data on the extraction of these herbs in the laboratory. At this time, Ji Zhong also threw out the company name registered in Ge Xu Civilization: "Xinghai Pharmaceutical".

This officer felt that this matter was very important and needed to be studied, because this line of interests was too big for him to handle alone, and he had to find other military colleagues to work together to solve this matter.

Half a day later, the internal affairs chief reached an agreement with his colleagues during a phone call, and then sent someone to send a message to Ji Zhong that the matter was done. Then Ji Zhong once again "sensible" sent some heavy "cakes"

In the eyes of these military leaders, this boy is very courageous, and he is quite capable of extracting gold from the primitive tribes of this planet.

After coming out of the leadership office, Ji Zhong's military rank was promoted from ordinary corporal to captain, specializing in logistics.

The military rank has been upgraded. Ji Zhong does not need to be here every day. He only needs Xinghai Company to operate here. ——In this way, Jizhong is no longer among the top soldiers of Ge Xu’s army. You can even return to your home planet and report to the parent company.

…Ji Zhong’s return to Haihuixing made some people miss it…

Not long after Ji Zhong left, the pursuers of that family from the Lue Mo Empire rushed to the Beiluo Star Base.

These spiritual power users from higher civilizations quietly investigated in the Gesu Civilization Army and determined that their number one target "Xi Danyu" was not hiding here, and that the secondary target, well, was the lower-level civilization that was suspected of being eaten by Xi Danyu. The boy was not here, so he passed the task back to the commanders on the Feiming Space Station and asked them to intercept it.

However, Jizhong did not go to Feiming Space Station, but directly stepped onto the "Tianxin Alliance" spacecraft from space.

Ji Zhong, who has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, will not take risks if his own conditions permit.

For the executors of Luemo Civilization, it would be a bit unreasonable to capture a soldier of Gexu Civilization to vent their anger. When the Tianming Space Station departments began to pass the task to each other, the task fell into disrepair, because the main goal of the people above was to catch Xi Danyu, and now they have been caught.

At the end of the empire, when the Xi family wanted to seize Jizhong, it was probably on a whim. He wanted to destroy Xi Danyu's "little toy" in front of her to scare Xi Danyu. And now that "little toys" are so hard to find, they have forgotten about Ji Zhong.

Due to a series of coincidences, Ji Zhong's "swords" and nano-weapons backed up in the air twisting plane did not encounter the unlucky man who was "persevering in pursuit" and "ignorant of current affairs".

This may be Ji Zhong's luck, because once it happens, the Tianxin Alliance will be passive in this boring escalation of conflicts.

This is also the luck of the Lue Mo Empire family, because they will not encounter unreasonable disasters.

...This hierarchical sea of ​​​​stars is not a dark forest, but it does not mean there is no cruelty...

Ji Zhong was on a merchant ship registered by the "Tianxin Alliance" and passed through another space network, and this road happened to pass by the Lomon (sixth-level civilization) of the Republic, a planet that was being suppressed. This Lomon civilization was open on one side. The waterway blocked the planet on one side.

At this time, there were many families fighting among themselves within the Romon civilization. During the fighting, some planets were defined as rebellions.

Ji Zhong saw this cruel scene from above the space station. After the blocked planet was occupied by the military, 37 million floating cannons locked onto the surface of the planet.

Immediately, robot troops stationed in the big city, separated urban areas with plastic film covers, and then poured tear gas into them, forcing everyone who was hiding in the city to evacuate the city.

The victorious side in space then dispatched more airdrop pods, which were filled with robots.

After the tens of billions of people on the defeated planet surrendered, they did not wait for forgiveness. After the victor separated the men and women on the planet, the men were killed in batches by the robot's particle blades, leaving behind massacres on the earth. The blood spots are clearly visible in space.

Of course, it would be unintuitive to see it with the naked eye on the space station. Only those with level five mental power can see the tragic scene on the ground on this public space station.

The moon of this planet is a transit point for the operations of space personnel of multiple fourth-level interstellar civilizations, and the Lomon Republic forces did not shy away from carrying out this dark behavior of their own way, and introduced the country under their governance in electronic music with a high-sounding tone. A planet that enjoys peace and humanity.

Such unscrupulous anti-humanity and anti-civilization made this passerby in Ji Zhong look serious.

While the civilizational hierarchy has left Xinghai with stability, it has also left the "legitimacy" for a large number of pseudo-civilizations to act crazily without being held accountable.

Before the lower civilization is classified as an accident, everything is "the happiness of the common people", but when the accident occurs, the entire planet is a "lion camel ridge".

…At this time, the perspective returns, and chaos has also occurred in some large alliances in the Gesu Civilization…

At this time, the chaos in the Holy Class family stopped, and along with it, the three third-level spiritual leaders "voluntarily" abdicated in favor of others.

And Holy Scripture Bell was hailed as the new leader of the Alliance. Of course, the original factions of the alliance only regarded her as a symbolic puppet, but things changed because of Suzui's sudden promotion to the third level of mental power.

No one knows how this young lady in her twenties developed a cruel heart despite her weak and mediocre school history. After she judged how to achieve balance in the alliance, she skillfully removed the "assistants" arranged by other elders around her, and promoted the young strength in the alliance to be loyal to herself.

Sitting in a room decorated with luxurious marble sculptures, Ling Sui looked at the important documents placed on the desk with the same serious eyes as when she was doing homework.

However, the content on the desk is no longer the formula used in the homework in the academy, but "the fate of hundreds of thousands of people in the colony" and "whether the secrets on certain spaceships will crash with people and the ship, thus destroying the world." No trace of the corpse."

When you are in such a conflict-ridden upper echelon of power, there are countless "trolley decision" questions on the power table. To master power, you must be hard-hearted and adaptable.

An excellent Machiavellian person, when it comes to choosing a tram, the "answer standard" he thinks about is not to allow the tram to crush fewer people, but to ensure that when he makes a decision, the people on both tracks of the tram "are asking for "Myself", those who survive are more willing to be loyal to themselves and more willing to be controlled by themselves.

When rulers answer questions according to this standard, even if their hands are stained with blood, they will be shouted "sage".

On the contrary, when a good politician faces a large number of streetcar problems, he makes a decision based on the criterion of saving people. More people survived, but a large number of people who were rescued did not think about the "grace of saving their lives", but were frightened and alert to the possibility that the person with the power to change their course would "not save them". At this time, the survivors The more people come down, the louder the noise becomes.

"Good guy politicians" rebelled against their relatives.

And a good politician must not only be able to solve the problems in front of him, but also take the initiative to find out the problems and solve them.

When she got along with Ji Zhong, Ling Sui was a very good student. She could make standard answers with the tip of her fingertips. When making up lessons, she also used many new questions to draw inferences.

While the bad students (politicians) are still thinking about how to pass the test question (trolley problem), the top students (first-class politicians) need to actively create the "trolley problem" to earn extra points.

Ling Sui has always been a top student. Her fingers were like holding a crystal pen, and she wrote beautiful handwriting on the power desk.

Obviously, he has adapted to his state in the "new examination room". It can also be said that he is self-hypnotized and accepts the bloody reality.

Suzui's perspective now expanded, and she identified the civilization she was in and the interests among the various alliances. And those rival families are in contact with higher civilizations (these are suspected to be backstage, but in fact they only acted as compradors for advanced civilizations decades or hundreds of years ago, and the advanced civilizations left behind perfunctory communication methods.)

Suzui whispered to herself: "I want to do better." Of course, this "better" is based on the standards of politicians' exam questions.

…At this time, there is another ‘scumbag’ in the world who is picky about the test questions. Ji Zhong returned to the planet to receive his graduation certificate...

At the school banquet, Ji Zhong left the venue in embarrassment after a lady threw wine in his face. Is this the reason? I accidentally stepped on a lady's dress. At this cocktail party, all the ladies were wearing floor-length skirts, and there was no room for them to stand. Men who enter the cocktail party need special etiquette training, and Ji Zhong, who has just passed on martial arts in Beiluoxing, is accustomed to walking like a tiger sitting on a dragon's plate.

Since Ji Zhong was a well-known poor student in the school and did not have any background, the flower protector immediately gave Ji Zhong a slap in the face.

Ji Zhong didn't argue, and just left silently amidst everyone's ridicule.

In such high-class situations, jealousy has always been Ji Zhong's weakness. In terms of exam questions, Ji Zhong doesn't bother to do some rubbish questions. Just like "elementary school math questions don't bother to make sharp turns in words", "Chinese language questions don't bother to understand the sentimentality of a few people".

Tukang said: The purpose of doing the questions is to let the "students" understand the rules of social operation before entering society. Instead of exploiting loopholes in camp rules

So far, the intellectual education of "language, mathematics, and physical education" that Ji Zhong has focused on has been used to promote the greatness of civilization.

It belongs to the "soul language" of Chinese language and is mainly used to express social information.

The ‘body-fixing technique’ of sports focuses on controlling the healthy development of one’s own body.

Mathematics is the "Bu Tian Xin", which uses numbers to summarize the possible laws of all phenomena in the universe.

After exiting the cocktail party, Ji Zhong's mental power was slightly stimulated, and the wine liquid on his body immediately turned into water vapor and dust and dissipated. Even the handkerchief he used to wipe his face to cover up at the cocktail party was also clean.

Ji Zhong stared at the starry sky, although he had made up his mind many times to conquer this fossil plane.

But in the final analysis, Ji Zhong still couldn't bear it, so he kept squeezing out his patience and doing little things.

As a "middle-class person", Wei Keng knows that he is "uncomfortable" when doing problems at high places, because it is difficult to fully consider every life in a utilitarian way.

…dimensional segmentation layer…

Perspective Over there in the main world, it’s a busy 36th century.

The new generation has begun to popularize Wei Keng's two major projects of "intellect and body". This is the tool that Wei Keng left to the new generation of kings after the end of the era of envelopment.

In addition to the human base and Butianxin systems, Wei Keng's general outline also includes "morality, beauty, and labor"! This was not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people during the last war.

Tracing back to its origin, it is the "moral education" system. That is to say, we value all possibilities and are always ready to fight, even if we are not understood by outsiders and are cursed as unruly people.

Cultivating one's life and nourishing one's life with sex is "labor and education", striving to bring the tireless nature of one's nature back to the right track.

The Chinese people's outlook on life is the basis of "aesthetic education". Any ambitious goal has a long and unpretentious period of patience, and during this long period of waiting, it is necessary to discover beauty and build positive accumulation.

In the 36th century, there was a situation where people were capable "intellectually and physically", but could not find a reason in terms of "morality", had no interest in "beauty", and could not feel the results in "labor".

You need a reason to work hard, and you need a reason to destroy.

…It’s lively for laymen, but the insiders know how to do it…

If newcomers to the main world were told that Wei Keng used such an old-fashioned concept as "morality, intelligence, body, art, and labor" to summarize the wisdom growth system, they would definitely laugh until their stomachs ached.

But now that high-level traversers know that Wei Keng has perfectly summarized all of his traversal directions at this time, they will be shocked without exception.

Keng's old-fashioned views, although crude, belong to the "general outline" that was memorized a thousand years ago.

But except for "Tu", no one can refute that this direction is wrong.

Since the Pastoral Era, a large number of veteran time-travelers have become dull. This is because the knowledge systems accumulated in various planes are contradictory, making their work in vain.

When the consciousness is strong (when you are young), there is no root reason for what you do. When this period of consciousness declines, seeing the success of the past is just like seeing the success of others, which is meaningless.

Therefore, the veteran travelers in the main world basically retired in the same place during the Fourth Plane War. Only Wei Keng is still alive and well, because all of Wei Keng's actions can find their roots within a system. This root remains unchanged. Wei Keng Never fades.

Although Wei Keng's consciousness also undergoes metabolism, the constant regeneration forms a wave-like succession.

After the Revolutionary War, the main world canceled its king and left all the dragons without a leader. It seems that from now on, the main world has returned to the same starting line through many people.

But those capable time-travelers know that there is always a better world. For example, monitors such as Kong Chuanxiu have continued He Chongyun's research: Can Wei Keng be defeated?

…in the mezzanine of dimensions…

Monitors such as Kong Chuanxiao, who have infiltrated the emerging forces, studied Wei Keng's system and found that Wei Keng's system is the most stable and reliable among the current time travel systems. And what's even more terrible is that Wei Keng has been accumulating on this road for nearly a thousand years.

With this thousand-year barrier advantage, who is willing to compete with Wei Keng on this road?

Perhaps only Wei Keng's character is suitable for taking this path.

If Wei Keng is the laggard at this time. Wei Keng, the middle-class person: "Anyway, I am the middle-class person. If you want to learn, just learn it safely. It doesn't matter if you learn slowly, as long as you follow the right path."

But this would never be the case for other time-travelers. For Kong Chuanxiao and others: If they really admit that they are the middle-aged people, what do they want during the time-traveling?

Living by "not pursuing power and being number one in the world" denies one's past pursuits, which will immediately create a huge sense of "emptiness".

No matter in which era, the first to ride on the trend are those who seek to "make progress", not middle-class people like Wei Keng.

Laozi's "maintaining the center" was eventually replaced by later Confucianism's enthusiasm of "contributing to the world" and "ruling a country like a family". Perhaps it was because it was too "unfashionable"...

…Fossil plane, scientific research dividing line…

On the plane of stars, Wei Keng was finally not ready to launch the destruction plan. Instead, they chose the "civilization sieve" plan, that is, trying to build a route here that allows "a small amount of intelligence to make a civilization breakthrough." Well, that is, after technology breaks through the zero-point energy of the vacuum, it ascends out of the universe.

Wei Keng and Bai Linglu were linked in the dimension and began to activate "timeline independence".

That is, the timeline after Wei Keng entered this fossil plane is rapidly separating from the original fossil plane.

Bai Linglu began to explain: In the universe where you are located, the speed of time is changing rapidly, but it is not close to the main world. The distance from the main world is still more than two thousand degrees!

Wei Keng was stunned, and it took him a long time to react.

If the slow speed area where the main world is located is a low-altitude depression area, looking out from the center of the main world, the farther away you are, you can only see the edge of the depression area, but not the outside of the depression area. The high time flow rate of the star plane The area was originally a higher area on the edge of the large depression where the main world was located. As Wei Keng "digged" in this area to slow down, the main world was no longer visible.

Wei Keng asked in a low voice: "Really?"

Bai Linglu: "With you as the base point, the observations will not be wrong."

Wei Keng: "How about observing it from the perspective of the main world?"

Bai Linglu also complied with Wei Keng's sentiments: "It's still the fossil plane that flashes every four years. You are now working on the decelerating "timeline". If the main world doesn't send people to tunnel through, it will basically be unobservable. There are signs of the plane of the "slow timeline" you are currently in (the story of Ji Zhong and Ling Sui)."

Wei Keng muttered: "Let's make it top secret."

Bai Linglu nodded with a smile, and then said to Wei Keng: "When you travel through time, you will encounter some entangled consciousness from your dimension. Well, this may lead to information leakage."

Bai Linglu's smile means: "I've taken care of it for you, you don't have to worry."

Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu and sighed for a while: "Help me, control the coordinate consciousness projections that are characterized by me."

Bai Linglu nodded, very confident that he could get Wei Keng's authorization.

Bai Linglu began to explain his upcoming actions in a high-sounding way: "It involves life and the development of wisdom, and the love between children cannot block the way."

Narrator: As early as in the Pandora plane, Wei Keng had threatened the "Mrs. Gou Yi of the Han Dynasty" to Long Ximin in the course of civilization evolution.

For Bai Linglu: "The development of civilization is not only a matter for men, but also a matter for women. Men must restrain their short-sighted and restless gambling, and women must also restrain their so-called emotional demands. As a supervisor, we must Be conscientious.”

…At this time, in the main world, in the stardust fields outside the solar system…

In the outer orbit of Pluto, feeling the satellite's solar wind coming from the star, I let out a long breath.

After obtaining the discovery of the "Fossil Plane" from Dimension, Wei Keng patted his chest and said, "That's right, don't worry about it." Wei Keng found a reason to explore in Dimension.

In 3537, Wei Keng completely blocked the dimensional world in the direction of 2233.0 degrees. However, he did not know that it caused misunderstanding among veteran time travelers in the main world.

Kong Chuanxiao saw the dimensional exploration rules of this "fossil plane", paused and said, "Does he want to create an inner universe of his own?" (Wei Keng's Civilization Sieve was interpreted by him as an inner universe. . This is an important point of difference between the Chinese people and the new dimension consciousness cluster in the next two hundred years)

The so-called inner universe is a cosmic world where all the sources of powerful consciousness flashes come from the radiation of one's own consciousness.

This is a rule summarized by the main world's time and space department through comprehensive observation of the phenomenon of "travelers' consciousness reverberating after losing contact in certain fast-flowing planes."

In the Shenzhou plane, Wei Qiang continues to exist in many timelines, and Qin Tianfang and some veteran time travelers also master such technology in some timelines, and Mo Ya, Wei Qiang's consciousness, has rekindled and is also considered to be this technical system.

The main world's Time and Space Administration brought their perspective and seemed to think that Wei Keng was executing this "plan".

After the Second Plane War, the top time traveler (king) of the Time and Space Administration was still studying the "eternal" godhead in various planes. Now after the Fifth Plane War, the main world Time and Space Group is in Research the creation of the world.

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