Out of the cage

Chapter 305 Chapter 8.31 Space-Time Battle

After the Battle of Damascus and the Battle of the Jordan River in the second half of the year, Continental Europe experienced the strategic patience of the East.

Hong Dushi held the cards tightly, wanting to play or not, but stopped with silence.

During the truce, the main forces in Shenzhou and Dashi areas built roads and storage systems. Always maintain high-frequency precision bombing and infiltration operations on the forefront of the battlefield to take the initiative.

Although the European Union Army occupies the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea and has a supply advantage, its disadvantage is that the strategic depth on land is too small, and the huge army strength is gathered in an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers. There is a traffic jam on the coastline for transport ships and a traffic jam on the land transportation line.

According to Mr. Wei's description, he would wash the hair of the people below when he pissed on a plane.

The strategy Wei Keng and Hong Yutai made on the holographic projection sand table: We maintain the ability to launch large-scale campaigns, hold down the front line, and then use missiles to bomb him for a year and a half, while occupying the high ground for infiltration Raid destruction. If it goes on like this, regardless of the military, the European Union has always taken such a high risk in the Mediterranean Economic Zone. Over time, free capital will fluctuate, which will cause a chain reaction.


In the ancient times of the main world, Judaism was able to be nailed there like a nail. In addition to external support, there was a problem with the strategy of the Great Food World. The advantages of vast territory and huge strategic depth have not been fully utilized. Not to mention the fact that the goal of his actions is contrary to the interests of the entire Western world.

With fantasies, he saved up enough money and the whole army again and again, consuming precious flesh and blood on the small battlefield like a cage.

After the information revolution in modern times, the Western military is developing across generations. It is most suitable for harvesting a large number of troops with backward technology on a narrow battlefield with marine supply lines. Judea just got the support of the boss, and can technically wipe out the huge numerical advantage of the Arab coalition forces.

Under the strategic guidance of Soviet Russia, the Allied Forces were too impatient, desperate to stud, and lost their vitality quickly.

[This is not to blame for the Soviet Union. In the 1920s, they came to China to guide Ge Min, and rushed to the big cities desperately. In the 1940s, the anti-fascists themselves also had a hard time. Same, then Dashi, and finally the Imperial Cemetery, Mao Xiong is so reckless to death. 】

In the middle of modern times, after several battles against Judaism in the Dashi region, the main countries of the anti-Semitic alliance were disintegrated one by one by color impurity. Only the local resistance organization continued to counterattack with steel pipe rockets. At this time, they chose to consume, but this technology is too backward, and the mainstream electronic technology has improved too much. The Jews have already been able to save the Iron Dome defense and the counterattack system of the artillery radar.

Note: Iron Dome is not an arithmetic problem of tens of thousands of dollars of missiles intercepting thousands of dollars of steel pipes, but it is responsible for the stage after the interception. The artillery radar locks on you in reverse, and the local resistance organization is an opportunity to trade their lives for strikes.

At this time, against Judaism, Dashi is no longer able to carry out a protracted war, the color is impure, and the only civil resistance is like a candle trying to boil a large iron pot of water.

Looking back at the history of ancient times, if the Dashi region can maintain its vitality, it will be at the level of Persia after the drone technology revolution.

When the time comes to organize precision-guided bomb attacks with the capabilities of the regular army, even though the Israeli Air Force is as elite as it is boasting, its own airport targets are limited, and it will stop after the bombing is over.


Back to the Shenzhou plane here.

Master Wei is well aware of the level of the allies in the Dashi area, and further is the advantage range of the European Union. They must not be allowed to stud, and now they must be simmered slowly. It's just that the Dashi area is full of vitality now, and the fire is not a small candle, but a gas stove.

In terms of Dashi right now, the strike missions are not carried out by guerrillas walking on two legs and dragged by motorcycles. It is a regular army with heavy truck transport and air cover. What was launched into the West Bank of the Jordan River was not a civilian steel pipe, but a three-meter-long missile hoisted by machinery. As for the firepower supply, it is not Taobao's procurement of fertilizers and assembly of electronic accessories in small workshops, but the continuous supply of ammunition factories in the rear.

Throughout March to June, clusters of meteors flew westward over the Jordan River, and long-range large-caliber rockets fell every night at important tactical nodes of the European Union.

At the beginning, the European Union Fleet on the west coast of the Mediterranean still maintained its fighting spirit to fight back. But after several months of continuous bombardment, the Mediterranean Fleet consumed too much ammunition and hit few ground targets. Instead, they were caught by the Shenzhou Air Force and sank many ships. The European Union Mediterranean Fleet has failed three times.

These 50,000 square kilometers and one million square kilometers are bombarded, and a discerning person can see that something is wrong.

During this period of firepower confrontation, Shenzhou is also negotiating with Oulian, and the two sides are still stuck in the initial disagreement, that is: Ou requires a ceasefire first, and then negotiates (European military: there must be precious time to land at the moment, Build a defense system), China negotiator: insist on a ceasefire after the negotiation (Shenzhou military: I am making continuous moves now, I cannot interrupt).

The huge capital investment of the European Union has been consumed endlessly as a result, which has seriously affected the determination of the upper echelons of the European Union Parliament to fight in the region.

Although there are still a lot of cannon fodder from Africa, there is no battlefield for consumption.

What is being consumed every day now is the money of the Oulian masters!


The voices of the "doves" in the European Union Parliament "thinking about this war" are getting louder.

The main fighters of the Europa League tried every means to maintain this battle, and actively used multiple forces such as diplomacy and intelligence to try to influence the officialdom and public opinion in China.

But obviously this has little effect, not to mention that in the North-South partisan struggle in China, they are unwilling to send "ammunition" for impeachment to their opponents.

Even if many official factions in the eastern part of China are willing to stop fighting, the Western Region Party in China will not stop. This is a good opportunity to put Europa in the pit to feed the rice field and force the other party to pay for tea.

The big business of the Eurasian trade line is 10 trillion yuan per year. For the "Silk Party" in China, whoever is holding back at this time is tantamount to digging up everyone's ancestral graves. Not even the emperor's old son.


In 2280, this war is the "darkest hour" for the EU politicians.

Whoever announces the withdrawal of troops will bear the defeat of the war and bear a permanent political stain on his back. If the withdrawal is not abruptly delayed, the current ruling faction of the European Union will lose support.

Therefore, the right-wing party in the Europa League now decided to throw out a guy as a scapegoat.

In a mode comparable to the "pottery exile" in ancient Greece, the right-wing parties of the European Union will compete for such a scapegoat from within, and the political sticks of the European Union will start a fierce game.

Rupert Thornley (Multiple Timelines, Europa President).

This veteran politician is now facing such troubles. ——He found that the key figures such as the party whip and the party leader are now avoiding him. To him: this must be a conspiracy against himself.

And he is absolutely going to strike first now.


In the base in Constantinople, in the azure blue command hall, electronic robots shielded other military personnel.

Sigma picked up Rupert's comm.

Compared with Eastern official circles, they like to play riddles, make insinuations, and don't let the handle go. After guaranteeing the absolute confidentiality of the conversation, the Oulian people began to cut to the chase.

The future prime minister of the Europa League played his speech a few hours earlier.

Rupert: "I need an offense."

Sigma: "I understand. I need resources."

Rupert: "General Gillis, I can talk."

The two sides reached a consensus, a consensus to use each other.


Ten hours later, when Rupert made his own speech in the parliament, he preemptively delivered a speech "The European Union must be firm in defense and security". This speech is not under the control of the party whip, it belongs to the independent party within the party.

Rupert's speech requires an offense. The attack was a success, and it fit right in with his warside speech. And if this battle fails, the party leader of the Europa League will be forced to step down before he can resign in time. And he is asking for "Europa League defense". Now that the Europa League is defeated, it means that the defense failed. Whose responsibility is this?

Of course, letting the party whip know about Rupert's current plan would be absolutely terrible, even Sigma would be unlucky.

For Sigma, these years have been too deeply bound to Rupert's interests, and Rupert's resignation is absolutely unbearable for him.


In May 2280, everyone in China knew that the war was coming to an end.

The European Union has stopped the recruitment of corps in Africa, and the stocks of related military industries have begun to plummet. This is obviously an unstoppable situation.

What about Shenzhou? Seeing that the war is about to be won, many subordinate positions are increasing.

The Protectorate of the Western Regions in Shenzhou will not be so stupid that they will directly replace some generals on the front line and assign new people to take credit for it.

However, taking advantage of this time, arrange a few more deputies to get some assists. In order to write on my resume in the future, I participated in a certain battle. Let outsiders see: "Not bad, really rich experience, not a general of the art troupe."


Wei Keng felt that this "credit" was normal, and felt that "this group of newcomers should be given credit". But there can't be an atmosphere of "standing up and reaching out", you have to bow your head and listen to the instructions, and you have to do everything.

In war, everyone is familiar with the second time, and the veterans lead the recruits. Looking back at history, the Shu Han was so upright that in the follow-up "there is no general in Shu, Liao Hua will be the vanguard".

On May 1, Wei Keng, who had been isolated from the dignitaries in the rear since the start of the war, met these newcomers in person.

Facing the most core decision makers in this battle, these new people's hearts beat suddenly, and they were imperceptibly disarmed by the army in the Great Food War Zone.

About how to arrange the recruit eggs sent from the back line.

Wei Keng, who was in charge of the entire battle, suggested: "According to the record of the Europa campaign, the Europeans are cunning, and our army cannot relax its vigilance at the end. We must strengthen various military coping mechanisms.

Of course, the chief officers must understand all elements of the war, and so must the adjutants. Because in combat, in the implementation of tasks at all levels, when encountering special circumstances, it is inevitable that you will encounter the adjutant first. The level of adjutant determines the lower limit. (Zhuge Liang always lacks the ability to do his own thing, and sometimes Ma Di is temporarily on top.)

Faced with Wei Keng's suggestion, Master Hong took it very seriously: just because young people come, it doesn't mean that he can let go, on the contrary, he has a heavier burden, because as many young people come, so much heart has to be devoted to discipline now .

He puts people behind to get assists, and overall he takes full responsibility for that. In the end of this battle, if something goes wrong and all previous efforts are wasted, he himself will have to laugh at him generously.


So since May, the daily military meetings of the Shenzhou side have been held seriously. Most of the work in the whole team revolves around only a few people, but the spirit of the meeting is that everyone needs to be competent and alternates need to be ready at all times.

Shenzhou's combat system is still very efficient. The combat center has a clear grasp of the context of the battle situation, and the communication mechanism of all adjacent troops under it is quite clear.

The warlords in the Dashi area, who are good at observing words and deeds, don't even feel that many young military officers with prominent families have been sent to the rear of China.

This is like the bread crumbs wrapped in the meatballs before they are put into the oil pan. It seems that the meatballs are enlarged and crispy, and they are wrapped in the gravy without reducing the taste of the meat.

Twenty years later, if there is a resurgence of military chaos in the Dashi area, Shenzhou will still be able to gather a new wave of teams like today and continue to attack the Europa League.


In June, Europa's final counterattack is coming.

In Asia Minor, in the multiple military bases of the European Union, the spherical hyperspace center is accumulating energy—this will be the last large-scale counterattack of the European Army in this battle.

But the raid was doomed from the start.

The action of teleportation through time and space is very clear in the Jiehong subfield monitored by the current Earth Sha.

In the last war, Europa faced the torrent of Soviet armor and used hyperspace teleportation many times to save the day. It will naturally be used in this battle. Wei Keng is now in his capacity as the chief military officer, reconnecting to the dispatching authority of the Earth Shade Department.

When scientists from the Eye of the Earth Department, Bai Jiahe and his group were asked to assist in military operations, they originally prepared a large amount of materials and explained them well. Putting away glasses, "looking for information" and other routines that make Wu Fu respect science have all been put away. They couldn't hide anything from Wei Keng about this earth evil system.

In the West Asia battlefield, on the eve of the European Union's hyperspace operation, the Shenzhou side urgently transferred the air force to an area outside the hyperspace threat. Even organize refueling equipment in the air ahead of time.

[For the raiders, the most important target is the strategic maneuver target. For example, in the battle of Pearl Harbor in the main world, Yamamoto’s strategic plan was not the group of old ships, but the US aircraft carrier formation. But it just so happened that he wasn't at Pearl Harbor that day. 】

June 6th. The junction of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Clouds hover over the mountains.

In the operation cabin of the battleship, Wei Keng took a deep breath as he watched this unprecedented super-space operation. He said silently: "Oh, this is it."

Master Wei's current timeline is over a hundred. Through the "contrast effect" on the timeline,

On this current timeline, the time-space tamperer of the European Union in Asia Minor belongs to the "violent disturbance from downstream interference" - Wei Keng has found the corresponding "probability cloud" from other timelines.


Wei Keng now bears one thing in mind: when the opponent has a vision for the future, don't expect to have a perfect plan. If you are obsessed with a correct plan, it will be seen and cracked by the downstream, so you must adapt to the situation and be prepared.

Wei Keng is now following Sigma's various possibilities and adapting flexibly.

Every event has a certain probability on the timeline. The occurrence of "conditional events" associated with these events also has a certain probability. And there are conditions behind the "conditional event".

And these can be counted mathematically. On the time-seismic locus, if there is a disturbance from downstream to upstream, the probability cloud related to a large number of events will appear particularly obvious changes.

Master Wei is currently optimizing observations in multiple time and space, delving into the model of the algorithm, and using the least timeline to grasp the context of related fate disturbances.

And the result of the research now is that the existence of Sigma has been confirmed. Hunter and prey have switched.


Wei Keng's algorithm is very special. It doesn't need to find the "thread" first, but to analyze a large amount of relevant information, and directly let all the connections spread out like a straight line.

In other words, Master Wei currently does not know the name of Sigma, what he eats, what he is sensitive to, and what psychological taboos he has. Wei Keng didn't even know the thread of this information.

But from multiple timelines, centering on the matter of war, we can infer the probability of occurrence of his disturbance amount under various conditions and various related results, and inversely deduce his result of "high probability of doing it". As for "why such a result occurred, what is the logic of his behavior", it is not important to Mr. Wei, and there is no need to analyze it.

That is to say, there is no need to meet him, but to infer his reaction to things based on the "correlation" thread.

Directly judge the probabilities of his choices in this battle from multiple timelines and the probability results of related events.

Wei Keng could even induce him to make a certain choice by presupposing conditions.

For example, if Shenzhou now confronts the Europa League's counterattack, it will push the army to Suez head-on.

According to probability cloud computing, 70% of the main attack direction of Sigma Hyperspace is to attack behind Damascus. But if the army can't hold on, 85% of his hyperspace raids may raid the Persian Plateau near the Caspian Sea.

Master Wei now drives his Azure Dragon Ship Quiet Mimi directly to the southern shore of the Black Sea, making Sigma think that "historical self (the famous general Wei)'s bold deployment" will now reappear in this time and space.

But in fact, these are thousands of timelines. Master Wei grasped the flaws in the Sigma response through the probability cloud results, and directly strategically deceived them. These loopholes come from Sigma's misunderstanding of Wei Keng's labeling in another historical line, resulting in misjudgment.

Just like people who watched the Romance of the Three Kingdoms thought that Zhang Fei was a reckless man who made mistakes when he drank. ——But Zhang Fei also plays tricks sometimes. And he suddenly played tricks with such a persona, and it was impossible to guard against. (Yan Yan was cheated like this.)


June 6th at 9:43pm.

When Europa transported one-third of the thousands of "future tanks" and "prismatic fighters" in Asia under the cover of the hyperspace bubble, light appeared in the sky.

At this time, the hyperspace base, which was shining with light blue light, became the best target for missiles.

The falling ballistic missile was destroyed by the Patriot's beam counterattack system, but the cannons failed to catch the missile flying close to the ground. Blue sparks exploded from the hyperspace-time fluctuations one by one.

Aware of being ambushed, the Sigma Legion had to temporarily move the troops already in the hyperspace state to quickly transfer in order to reduce losses.

And at this moment of extreme chaos, at the airport of the European Union Army in Constantinople. This is the temporary headquarters of the European Union, and it is also the landing point for the temporary visit of the European Union Army's Ministry of Defense.

Hyperspace Blu-ray appeared in the hinterland of the European Union Army. The European Union military officer at the airport thought it was a support force used by the side to protect their own airport. The blue and red lights of the ground crew's car were ready to go up for maintenance.

But when the blue mist of time and space disappeared, they found that it was not their own troops, but the golden armor of breaking the army of Shenzhou.

Three minutes later, the buildings where the Helios III fighter jets were ejected vertically by electric power turned into shattered wreckage, and the airport electrical tower collapsed.

The 18-meter Pojun Golden Armor stood in front of the airport platform, facing the "Croatia" floating warship that had just taken off overhead.

This type of warship is full of German-style rigorous industrial style, vertical armor, symmetrical block turrets, symmetrically distributed command cabins, and some places that need to be smooth are also obtuse-angle structures.


This 28,000-ton super warship was used as a replacement after Europa retired the vanguard warship after the last World War. It is also a super vehicle currently used by the European Union Ministry of Defense to investigate the southern line, and a large number of senior military officers are sitting on it.

It generally conducts operations at an altitude of 30,000 meters, but now because it needs to know that the European Union Army is conducting this campaign, it has activated the fission generator stealth system and quietly landed on Constantinople Airport 001 (the hidden fission generator , it is useless for Earth Sha observation).

After Xi Bafang's Broken Army Golden Armor was teleported across time and space, it was almost exactly in his abdomen.

At this time, the battleship was less than forty meters from the ground, and one could see the light blue light distorted by the gravitational field on the chassis of the battleship, as well as the thrusters at the tail.

On such a beautiful day, the true martial artist sitting in the mecha was disrespectful, and the 18-meter-high golden armor raised the beam ion blade.

The mechanical legs of the golden armor stepped out of the groove on the concrete runway, formed a stable horse stance on the ground, and raised the energy in his hand to shoot the sword. The light blade was recharged hundreds of meters away, and it was directly inserted into the middle of the battleship. ——This sword of martial arts pierces mountains and rivers.

The gold armor assaulted too fast, and the near-fire capability of this battleship of Oulian had just been activated. The multi-barreled 75mm cannon, under the rotation of the five-ton turret, aimed at the saboteur holding the light blade. The army mechs fired.

The nano-defense position of the Pojun Golden Armor's shell was instantly weakened by one-third, but the ion blade was even better, pulling a hole in the battleship. The tail of the huge battleship lost buoyancy, and the overall loss of balance. The machine guns that were originally on the floating island in the air lost their stability and could not aim.

In the tens of seconds that the battleship failed to aim, the Shenzhou golden armor was quite thrilling to have escaped the hail of bullets.


Relying on the support of the force field, Xi Bafang pushed his martial arts zhenqi to the limit, and controlled the golden armor to roll aside with tactical movements, avoiding the dust shock wave on the ground caused by the falling battleship.

Xi Bafang, who was sitting in the cockpit, reported the result to the center using Jiehongzi communication: "Military division Wei Xin, Constantinople's No. 001 airport has been broken."

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