Out of the cage

Chapter 306 Chapter 8.32 Strategy.

It was nine fifty-three p.m. local time in Constantinople.

After Xi Bafang cut down the battleship, he deployed a hyperspace locator on the side of the huge battleship. With the flickering of hyperspace fluctuations, a capsule cabin flickered out from the middle. This is Wei Keng carrying out his own battlefield teleportation.

This teleportation technology is exactly the same as Shengyang's teleportation of superpowers on the battlefield. The psychic transmitted by Shengyang itself is a C-level psychic, but at the moment of transmission, the psychic power controlled in his brain tissue chip is A-level. Risk of mixing substrates and inorganic substances.

What about Wei Keng's own superpowers - after passing through the Antarctic Crane platform, the wave of superpowers was sent across time and space, within the past two years, Master Wei's superpowers have reached the full level again, and with the current technology, he can teleport through time and space is no problem.

After Master Wei came to the battlefield, he asked Xi Bafang to guard him for fifteen minutes, and then deployed his spiritual energy field and rushed into the wreckage of the burning battleship that had just crashed.

The reason why he is so persistent is because Wei Keng confirmed that the space-time machine that Sigma traveled through was here during the wartime earth-shaking detection.

In less than three minutes, Wei Keng found the five-ton space capsule among the wreckage of the battleship.

During this process, Wei Keng also scanned people struggling in the fire. These senior officers in Europa's uniform are helpless in the flames and blasts.

Wei Keng could and wanted to save, but he didn't spend time. War is based on principles, not feelings.

The five-ton time machine transport cabin was lifted out by Wei Keng directly with super power. Xi Bafang in the Pojun golden armor couldn't help being shocked to see this scene.

Xi Bafang zoomed in on the scanning projection in his vision, staring at the scene where the burning flames in multiple core cabins in the battleship were directly suppressed by spiritual energy: "This cultivation is at the level of a human immortal."

Wei Keng, who flew out of the battleship, asked Xi Bafang to open the rack and hang the five-ton space capsule on the back of the broken army mecha, while Wei Keng himself got into Xi Bafang's mecha.

Two minutes later, Xi Bafang's hyperspace system was activated again, and he left the burning airport.

At this time, the super-time and space fluctuations of the European Union Army have already been transmitted from other places around, and the armed forces of the future company are coming.

Future company's tanks and mechs are just one step behind. But this step is in the calculation, and they will never reach it.


When Wei Keng successfully left the enemy-occupied area with the hyperspace facility in Constantinople.

Sigma, who was going south for military operations, felt something in his heart. At this moment, he looked down at the ring on his wrist. The original blue light on the ring disappeared, and now it was a dangerous red light.

In the next second, Sigma in the cockpit was burned to a mass of ashes by the energy leaked from the ring.

Sigma is bound to the space-time wormhole he came in, and when the space-time wormhole is captured, he is finished.

Sigma's original arrangement was a two-handed preparation for Rupert's promise. If Rupert fulfills his promise, then naturally continue to cooperate; if Rupert reneges on his promise, then re-plan the future development of the company.

Sigma put the wormhole into the Magnetic Confinement Facility prior to this EUN operation. ——that is, the five-ton facility cabin that Wei Keng captured.

The European Ministry of Defense's arrival at the front line is not just for inspection, but Sigma's attempt to cover up and transfer the time-space wormhole to Northern Europe, Finland.

But this plan was too hasty, and there was no backup and perfect crisis plan.

This made Wei Keng calculate the probability loophole.

Now Sigma's mission in this space-time has completely failed, and in his original space-time, Wei Keng sent some psionic energy along this space-time tunnel again, seeping back.


The source of time disturbance in this world is temporarily cleared, then return the perspective to the war on the border between Europe and Asia.

On June 6th, from Asia Minor to Suez and the Red Sea region, Europe's last small move before the peace talks ended in stealing chickens and losing money.

Shenzhou hit a sap hard.

Less than five minutes after arriving at the battlefield, the European hyperspace assault force was attacked by "Phantom Tanks" on the road.

Well, these Chinese vehicles, which are covered with camouflage cloth and hide the characteristics of infrared signals, have been waiting for ten hours.

After the time and space troops were teleported, they were destroyed by a large number of cold-blooded chariots from Shenzhou in the process of trying to merge!

And half an hour later, the Chinese Air Force arrived at the scene. The connection speed is so fast, as if a vulture is waiting for a corpse.

The European coalition forces, high-tech armed forces including more than 3,000 future tanks, and 20,000 elite mechanical troops were compressed in an open space the size of eight villages, which had no danger to defend.

You must know that the mechanical infantry sent by Southern Europe to carry out hyperspace raids are not exoskeleton cannon fodder troops in Africa, but native European boys wearing olive branches.

The whole body has good composite armor protection, the power system can directly climb rocks, and the stability can jump over water and land obstacles. The caliber of the bullet is 20 mm, and there are two types of guided and depleted uranium armor-piercing. ——Their numbers are inherited from the Navy Seals in the last World War.

But no matter how elite this European assault army is, it will fall when it falls into the ambush circle carefully designed by Shenzhou.

Futuristic tanks releasing neutron beams encounter three times as many mammoths. Although the future neutron cutting beam can knock down the Mammoth's turret in seconds, the Mammoth's 230mm dual-mounted justice also swished, blowing up Europe's future to pieces, not to mention that China has an air force to cooperate with the sweep. As well as the rear line, Zhu Rong's heavy artillery is bombing.


On the morning of June 7, Shenzhou announced the victory. The 15,000 European prisoners lost their weapons and equipment, and removed their head helmets. This group of the most elite troops of the European Union went to the prisoner-of-war camp.

And the future tanks and Prism Phantom Chariots were all taken as trophies by the man-eating drivers, painted with the Xingyue flag, and drove to the square for inspection.

No matter how much the European side can whitewash it, it can't cover up this incident. The reporters exclaimed "Battle of Gallipoli".

[150 years ago, during the First World War, a certain British navy minister tried to forcefully cross the strait controlled by Ottoman. As a result, in the narrow waterway, many battleships were destroyed, and the Anzac and British troops who tried to go around and landed also moved. no. In the nearly one year of fighting that followed, the Allied Powers successively brought in 500,000 troops, resulting in more than 100,000 casualties. This victory made the Greeks in the area sang "ancestors, grandfathers, lineage, father..." every time they mentioned this victory in the past hundred years.]

For European politicians, when a war starts and then goes to failure, the process is like beating a drum to pass flowers, and see who gets the blow.

Unfortunately for the current party leader in Europe, it is now in his hands.

This battle was not just as simple as the loss of 20,000 elite troops, but also made the European Union lose its right to establish order in southern Europe. The whole of southern Europe began to dive.

A large amount of capital fled, and some important technology companies also withdrew important technology equipment towards Western Europe. However, important assets such as ports and railway lines will remain in the local area. ——At this stage, wartime control will have to be implemented, but the European Union is a free parliament. Before the public servants implement wartime control, the capital lords have to run away with their property.

At this time, if China can give a "truce promise", hundreds of trillions of assets in the region can be saved.

In this regard, European dovish politicians believe that the strategy of Shenzhou on the world island is different from that of the United States of Edenia.

Edenia's strategy is to split the world island, and although Shenzhou and Europa have this conflict, they are both willing to connect the Eurasian continent.

In recent years, Shenzhou has invested in ports in Tianzhuyang and built railways in the Dashi area. This made Chinese merchants more and more dominant in trade.

It's just that Europe feels that Africa, which it occupies, provides a large amount of raw materials, so it wants to occupy a little more "shares" in the Eurasian trade. So there is this battle.

If the Europa League wins, the hawks in the parliament will not expel China's economic power, but want to use the garrison to carve up a little more, the golden eggs laid by the hens raised here in China.


The battle at the junction of the Eurasian continent ended here, and the two sides ceased fire completely on July 1.

The European fleet withdrew from the Red Sea, and the Chinese fleet also lifted the blockade of the Gulf of Aden. ——In the words of a newspaper in China: "Both sides take a step back, and the sea and the sky will be brighter."

For Wei Keng.

The sea is indeed very wide.

The manganese nodule mine company in the Indian Ocean was opened, and sixty 20,000-ton underwater mining vessels have successfully mined minerals.

The sky is really empty.

The geothermal power production industry on the Great Plateau has also resumed. The clear air flow disturbed by the cooling towers on the roof of the world makes the sunshine extraordinarily dazzling. The electricity passes through UHV and begins to be transmitted to the Bay of Bengal, where the manganese nodules mined in the Indian Ocean happen to be produced.


After the Great Food War, all the generals who participated in the battle would be promoted, but Wei Keng was the only one who didn't get any meritorious service.

Because the imperial court is jealous! In the words of those over 80 veterans, Wei Keng must not be allowed to touch the soldier talisman again. Wei Keng can only follow the example of Lord Xinling, and retire after success.

But the Silk Road Party members definitely reciprocated Wei Xin. Guarantees have been given to the mining industry that has come over.

After this Eurasian campaign, for all factions in the Dashi region, industrialization is a must.

Even if the old warlords before the war wanted to continue to ignore, the officers under them would help them respond! On the eve of social change, the army is often the first, because the army is the most organized.

The soldiers in the Dashi area did not act as pure cannon fodder this time, but hid in the steel armor of the mammoth and bombed the African colonial army to let them understand how they would speak after the war.

In the next few decades, their demand for steel and energy consumption is very high.

China will restart the production chain in the Midwest, and these markets will help.


On August 4th, Wei Keng returned. He drove the Qinhuang battleship under his seat to Kunlun and returned it to the Shenzhou court. Then report to work.

Although Shenzhou ordered Wei Xin to return to the station, he did not urge him. The transfer order states that, according to the security situation in the area, it is judged whether it is possible to return.

This may be the psychological shadow that the Battle of Qionghai gave to the Shenzhou court.

In large-scale battles, the truth that "the general will not accept the order of the emperor outside" is now recognized by the courts of China with their noses pinched.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court was very "tolerant" to the Jiedu envoys. Shenzhou is also very "magnanimous" now.


Shenzhou gave Wei Xin three reporting locations, Kunlun Base, Xijing, and Shendu. ——When Master Wei saw these three locations, he decisively chose Shendu.

Wei Keng sneered at this: "Who can hide the small thoughts of the Chaotang gang?"

God is judging: If Wei Xin chooses Kunlun base to report on his work, then Kunlun is behind it. If you choose Xijing to report on your duties, then it means that you have the support of Xiliang and the Protectorate of the Western Regions. Then they can make targeted deployments according to the situation.

As for the capital of God, the officials of the imperial court thought it was the most unlikely choice for "Wei Xin".

But Wei Keng felt: "I just chose Shendu to report on my work, what can you do to me?"

Detaining and assassinating, the lords of the court have no guts.

As for setting up bureaus, such as beauty tricks, Wei Keng said, "I have to see what they use to test veteran cadres."

If you go to Shenzhou to report on your work, Jinjia will also drive there. "A does not stay away", this is the privilege given by the court of the gods to win over the warriors.

Of course, the golden armor can only be parked in the relevant military garrisons, and if it drives on the road and causes traffic jams, it will be fined.


August 12.

Wei Xin arrived in Yandu of Shenzhou, sat on the Yufengche (single-person plane), and there was a communication from Wei's house.

After ten years, the suzerain of the Wei family has a few crow's feet in the corners of his eyes. Now he is on the northwest side, obviously sitting in the command cabin of a large base vehicle. After seeing Wei Xin, he squeezed a smile on his face.

Wei Qiong: "Dashi is pretty good."

The tone was very light, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing, but in fact he was telling Wei Keng that he had done a great job, but the situation that stirred up was also very strong, so don't make a mistake.

Wei Keng also gave an appropriate answer: "I did a little bit of work. I'm back now."

Wei Qiong nodded, and asked again: "Did you go to Kunlun first?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, it's on the side of Shendu now."——it just didn't return to Luoshui, so Wei Qiong called here.

Wei Qiong: "Do you have any plans here in Shendu! I can contact you here."

Wei Keng: "Don't tell me, I'm here to deal with it in Shendu. If you contact the other side, it's like adding trouble to me."

After hearing this answer, Wei Qiong smiled, shaking his head on the surface, "You, you?" But in fact, he was relieved in his heart.

The suzerain of the Wei family is a bit grumpy now, what does Wei Keng want to do? Why do you run to God, fly out of the house and do it alone?

Wei Keng: "Stop chatting. I'll go back after the job report is over, so that people here can rest assured (Wei Keng pointed to the Royal Airship in the sky). Afterwards, I'll go to the plateau."

Wei Qiong: "Plateau?"

Wei Keng nodded: "Plateau." Then he opened his throat and hummed, "That's ~Qingzang~Gao~~~Ao~Oh~Yuan~" This voice made the people on the side look sideways.

Right now, this voice can howl wildly, but he can't speak too thinly, because he can be sure that the remote communication between himself and Wei Qiong was monitored by the Imperial City Secretary.

Master Wei put away his smile, and said to Wei Qiong: "People have to go to higher places."


The newsletter is over.

On the Mobei Plateau, a four-legged exploration land ship with a weight of 50,000 tons, Wei Qiong is on the island above the layout of the industrial cabin.

Wei Qiong thought for a while after finishing the communication with Wei Keng. On the projection behind him, there were more than a dozen different types of underground minerals within 60,000 square kilometers. This is when the Wei family went to the western front to join the war when Wei Xin went to the war. Wei Qiong had obtained enough funds for the minerals and machinery in Mobei before the situation of the Eurasian war was known in advance, and opened the war supply chain.

This move showed Wei Shi's attitude when the Great Food War was at a stalemate.

Wei's attitude: Wei Xin is not a brick thrown by the Wei family to test it out, but a heavy investment in the Dashi war zone. It was because of Wei Qiong's attitude that the entire Silk Party clique simply let Wei Keng go.

Compared with Wei Keng fighting hard in Talas in the previous life, the two younger brothers Wei Zhong and Wei Qun were behind to disrupt the situation.

It can be said that Wei Qiong silently supported him behind the scenes with the power of pouring Luoshui.

This may be due to the different ages. Nowadays, the court is weak and the aristocratic families from all over the world have done a lot. ~Because these days, any family that is stupid will perish.

With Wei Keng winning the round,

Wei Qiong also bound the Weikeng Express, preparing to build large-scale infrastructure, supply raw materials, and re-emerge the basic manufacturing industry. Then lend to Dashi to engage in infrastructure consumption.


Narrator: Industrial countries will lend money anyway because of their productivity advantage.

But the key is which credit you are using to lend money. In the ancient times of the main world, East Asia used US dollar credit to lend, and the assets after lending would depreciate with the fluctuation of the US dollar. It is equivalent to being charged minting fees by the United States.

But if you directly bind your own currency and bonds to lend to the region, you will not be taxed.

The provision of industrial products to underdeveloped regions seems to be the output of several trillion yuan of deficit wealth every year. It seems to be a loss in the mouth of the ignorant public.

International trade seems to be a process of losing money after a big manufacturing country has exported its blood and sweat, and then invests the accumulated funds to help underdeveloped countries in construction. However, this is actually a process of accumulating "rights".

Song Jiang Shiyu also gave money, but he didn't lose money. The money he gave was ultimately used to plan the fate of others. Power is more important than money.

It's like, during a famine, you can buy two small yellow croakers for a bag of steamed buns. Seems like you earned it.

When you have the power to build water conservancy and land reclamation in the village, you prevent the famine from happening, and you can earn tens of thousands more by dumping sugar, oil, and pork from outside. But it seems like a loss to turn the earned things into benefits every year and distribute them to those folks who can't make money.

The "earning" in scarcity is far worse than the "loss" in surplus.

In the era of the global economy, capital's planning for underdeveloped countries is very inefficient.

Put aside the narrow commercialism, actively carry out phased development planning, gradually export funds and technology to the outside world, let a region become the "auxiliary fuel tank" of its own industrial supply chain, provide a stable growth market and raw material supply chain, and steadily Unite on the common development route with its own planning as the core.

This saves the high cost of continuous war.

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