Out of the cage

Chapter 456 Chapter 11.12 Final Problem Solution

Yanbei area, this is the pre-war base before the Great Destruction, and it is also the nest chosen by Tianzhulong (Qiu Mengfei).

The mechanical structure in the base passage is running, but there is no light at all, because the creatures here can recognize everything here without light. Various thin sounds and metal machinery came from the darkness, as if the assembly line of the slaughterhouse was turning.

The cement dome base that used to store fighter jets now houses mechanical combat dragons.

The two ribs of these fighting dragons have two shells with a diameter of 30 centimeters and a length of two meters, which are like two engines of a fighter jet.

A few hours ago, the group of Tianzhulongs who were still besieging Baotou Steel City, Qiu Mengfei, who was still dreaming of "continuing to threaten the commanded logging area in the name of northern humans", is now besieged by humanity.

On the 26th, the sun was shining, and the artillery fire in the unified cutting area was roaring.

After streams of acidic organic radiation radiated around the base, batches of battle cats were projected from the transport planes in the sky.

After the umbrella flower fell to the ground, the battle cat broke away from the strap, and under the command of the carbon-based frequency band battle, the group charged and began to bite and digest the biome here! The frequency band speed at which these battle cats devour and transform organic matter is no less than the biological tide.

It was the apostles who threatened the human stronghold in such a way, but now humans have the upper hand and returned it.

Under the continuous siege, the combat flying dragons took off. After these giant beasts with snail shells flew into the sky, they gave a strange command to the frequency band: "Longyan!"

The flying behemoth reversed its shell and began to spew powder. After the hot powder mixed, it formed a jet of flame tens of meters away, burning the large war cats on the ground that were hunting and killing them into coke.

The thing that sprays flames is not biological oil, but powder. Specifically, the poop of herbivores.

It is dried in the snail shell on the back, and then the snail shell is like a crab's tail, and the dried substance is ground into powder. And when needed, the slightly opened and closed air inlet of the snail shell is aimed at the air wave gap in the abdominal cavity of the back, and a large amount of airflow will be ejected, enveloping the powder spray. Combined with the igniter, it's like breathing fire in acrobatics.

Of course, this fire-breathing requires a week of feces to extract alcohol-based fuel hoards.

This is a new evolution completed by Tianzhulong under the pressure of Wei Keng after merging with humans, but it is useless, and the mechanized fusion is insufficient. It only relies on biological power to launch an attack, which is not efficient enough.

The flying flame-throwing dragon was immediately hit by shells with curved trajectory. The warheads emitted by these mortars, under the peeping of rows of satellites in space, formed an accurate barrage, which just covered the flight paths of these dragons.

No matter how it changed direction, it encountered falling shells.

The dragons fell one by one and hit the ground. The snail shell on the back shattered, and the leaked combustible powder turned into smoke and scattered, but then encountered sparks, and finally formed an incendiary bomb, uh, a fireball.

This is just a small episode of this battle of killing monsters.

On December 8, 169, Jidi, Shizhuang City.

The integration of the northwest corner of the city ruins has been completed, and wartime lathes have been erected and debugged here. Armor maintenance, assembly of bioguided munitions are maintained here.

In the factory, Wei Keng Group was in charge of all key workflows here, and Wei Keng, who was with Shi Qingyuan, put down his lathe work for a while, and suddenly raised his head!

Shi Qingyuan felt strange, knowing that Wei Keng had sensed the news coming from a certain direction, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wei Keng sneered and said, "It's nothing, he (Qiu Mengfei) wants to talk to me." Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, when he was in Jianye's "Zhenxinzheng" to communicate with him, he was ignored, but today he I am afraid of being ignored.

Then he ordered Shi Qingyuan: "You, within twelve hours, activate all 59-d."

59d, this is the third-generation modification of the centaur armored chariot that rolled off the assembly line in 159.

Replaced with new driving power and mechanical gears to maintain the main frame. At the same time, load the biological engine that can carry the high oxidation band! The biological muscles and nerves in the pipelines are more flexible than before.

The outer metal protection of hand gear, neck hydraulic stability, rib shield steel plate, and lumbar main cable is thicker, and the joints are flexible.

And like the Pojun Golden Armor, it further strengthens the biological frequency band protection function. Its bio-battery counteracts the radioactive aftermath of moderately toxic compounds.

Wei Keng was fully prepared for "under the attack of the dead wave, the armor cooperates with the attack". —— On the system side, the new supervisor: "It feels like this is preparing for a human civil war." The old supervisor responded with no surprise: "It's okay, it's not a civil war, he's doing it for peace of mind."

On Wei Keng's side, when the rear cover of the first 59d mecha mechanical body was opened, Shi Qingyuan also lay down one step ahead and got ready to drive.

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, and silently read the rating for this newcomer: "He has studied for a long time, and he has done a good job. I should do the next thing."

Wei Keng was not going to let Shi Qingyuan join the battle, because Wei Keng felt that this was just his answer for the next behavior. And your answer is not necessarily correct. I am just a middle-aged person, and I have come to this step in this world ahead of schedule.

As for the reason why he didn't tell Shi Qingyuan, it was because he was still 'ready to answer'.

So when the 59th Mecha Shock Cluster was on standby, Wei Keng left a message to Shi Qingyuan: "It is dangerous to travel between planes. As a traverser, what needs to be accumulated is the ability to make various answers. You are waiting now." , I’ll come as soon as I go.” Then he walked towards the black Lugia sky mount, leaving Shi Qingyuan a back view.

After the black machine Lugia lifted off, Wei Keng turned his attention to the north, and now the Qiu Mengfei node cluster that he was besieging became more and more anxious.

Wei Keng smiled leisurely: "Twenty years ago, as questioners, they first gave various questions, but the 'application questions' they asked were unqualified. Twenty years ago, they used their own The actions complemented the conditions on the topic, and their original difficult problems suddenly became clear."

Qiu Mengfei wanted to have a conversation with Wei Keng before the battle, but Wei Keng didn't respond. In other words, Wei Keng wanted to answer in person.

In the Yanshan base, there are approximately forty humanoid individuals. Why is it approximate, because under the high-density carbon-based radiation, the biomass of Tianshenlong dynamically generates various human bodies, just like a group of strange things that crazily change emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Most of these humanoids look the same as Qiu Mengfei, while the rest of the differences in appearance come from other crew members of the Tianzhulong.

There was a strange light in their eyes, and their operating habits still remained the same as those on the Tianzhulong battleship back then, where everyone performed their own duties.

In order to strengthen the connection on the current operating platform, clusters of nerve bundles like pig tail whips in the Qing Dynasty are exposed at the back of its head. These nerve clusters gather in a public ganglion suspended from the ceiling.

On this nerve node with a diameter of one meter, there are various twisted metal pipes arranged around it.

In these metal pipes, all kinds of red blood, green blood, blue blood, and all kinds of strange blood vessels are combined together, contracting and expanding rhythmically like a heart.

Qiu Mengfei was terrified of Wei Keng now. This kind of fear is imprinted by the human genes represented by Wei Keng over the past twenty years.

It is also the subconscious fear of Qiu Mengfei and the people of the old age on the Tianzhulong who have been falsified and crushed in their hearts over the years. Of course, Qiu Mengfei would never admit it personally, but after being with Su Lingshuang, he always wanted to evade it through sophistry.

Qiu Mengfei's group thinking trembles, sensing the increasingly targeted carbon-based radiation frequency bands around: "He wants to wipe us out completely, we should..."

"Stop him", "Negiate him", "Transfer", "Avoid"... Countless thoughts responded noisyly.

In the past few years, when Qiu Mengfei thought of Wei Keng, countless voices of thinking would appear in his mind. These are the remnants of the thinking of other crew members on the Tianzhulong, even the remnants of the thinking of those who devoured the five-color alliance.

Once upon a time, when Qiu Mengfei was extremely confident, he could control these thoughts. (Just like when the lighthouse was at its strongest before the Great Destruction, it was able to ignore all kinds of accusations of aggression against itself.)

But he is weak now! A hundred, a thousand wavering thoughts of the weak echoed in his consciousness, of fear, of loss of firmness.

As for Su Lingshuang's cry for help, it was also among them, but the order that was once extremely important to Qiu Mengfei was now submerged in these conscious backlashes.

"quiet" "stop" "stop for me"

Qiu Mengfei frantically suppressed, suppressed, and punished these distracting thoughts like a wild beast, so that his wriggling brain could twist together and stop this wave of thinking, but he calmed down a little, and then another wave of distracting thoughts ushered in.

Under his madness, the brains in the operating hall entered a state of convulsions, and then the cerebral cortex gradually smoothed out due to overheating, and it also became without complex processing capabilities.

Humans have complex emotions that animals do not have, so they have complex spiritual foundations that animals do not have. To control one's own brain requires a qualified personality.

And when a person has a thousand brains, negative emotions such as panic and helplessness will be magnified a thousand times, and the interaction will be ten thousand times more complicated. This is more insane than a thousand lunatics arguing.

I think that when Wei Keng came to the world of Pandora for the first time, he understood the emotional interaction. Therefore, Wei Keng understands that if such a self wants not to go to ruin, he must be serious about being a human being.

Wei Keng, who looks like a man, has always thought: "Is this difficult?"

But now Qiu Mengfei, who also has thousands of brains, is very difficult! As a human being with a single brain, the small details that were not limited at the beginning have now become a virus that will be destroyed when they merge.

When Qiu Mengfei calmed down again, three hours had passed.

But it's not that he surrendered his mind, but that the rockets in the sky have already hit overwhelmingly. Master Wei is not a villain who allows the "protagonist of Japanese manga" to stop for a while to express his feelings.

After Qiu Mengfei woke up, he was suddenly stunned, Su Lingshuang had disappeared, and in his crazy and suppressed thinking, the brain tissue that stored Su Lingshuang's personality was also smoothed out.

After learning of this result, Qiu Mengfei became erratic, unable to concentrate on anything and be active in everything.

Qiu Mengfei looked at his swollen hands decadently: "After so many years, I'm tired. Let's destroy it."

On December 8, 169, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Keng launched an attack on the organic matter storage point at the core of Tianzhulong in the Yanshan area after getting everything ready.

"Everyone on position, ready, fire."

Although the individuals participating in the battle were all Wei Keng, who could communicate directly with their brains to complete the exchange of orders, in order to allow future generations to understand the progress of this battle in history, Wei Keng still issued slogans according to the orders of the human era and shouted them out with his voice.

Crying is a catharsis of emotions and an expression of determination.

Clusters of rockets began to fire. Wei Keng pointed a little bit, and the chips in these rockets began to change control very flexibly, and began to hit the life area detected by the previous reconnaissance plane like a living self-destructive bug.

Boom boom, cloudburst clouds flickered in the sky.

Seventy-four rockets, all of which penetrated the concrete, exploded at the core.

In the induction of the life field, the place where the dragons gather is as clear as a candle in the dark night, and it depends on who has the strongest firepower.

During the strike, Qiu Mengfei tried to fight back with nuclear weapons, which he looted from the Five Colors Alliance. But such a nuclear weapon was detected in advance by Wei Keng when he was trying to carry it to the mountain for launch. At that time, even if Wei Keng didn't know what this thing was, Qiu Mengfei didn't have many targets for Mr. Wei to hit. Any sign of Qiu fighting back would be caught by Wei Keng's dozens of individual thinking eyes and hands. dead wave radiation.

After the firepower strike, under the control of a hundred Wei Keng wearing armored armor, thousands of medium and large war beasts poured into the base, and countless small war beasts were also dropped down by air.

Today, Qiu Mengfei wants to be in the present moment, and the possibility of really wanting to kill a Wei Keng has been infinitely reduced!

During the attack, the apostle, who had been fused with humans for a long time, jumped over the wall in a last step and changed back to the human frequency band, so Wei Keng personally came to see him off for the last time.

On the night of the 8th, in the Yanjing area, a large number of biomes began to emerge from every corner to fight back dying. However, in the Tianzhulong, those biological broods responsible for sending control signals, because they lack the ability to pay attention in real time, still cover the taller buildings with creepers. In the end, it was killed by fluctuations in the acetic acid frequency band.

The resistance of the small sewers of the Tianzhulong was negligible. At most, some small battle cats were eaten to death, and then they were killed by the flamethrower.

When a solid biological node was detected, the air bombers descended. In order to strike those who hide in deep underground bunkers, these high-altitude bombers carry heavy one-ton heavy ground-penetrating bombs.

As these super black spots fell into the ground, the whole earth trembled horribly. Immediately afterwards, the life field in the entire Yanjing area was interrupted for a few seconds, and the giant beast wriggling in the sewer trembled violently.

Fifty minutes later, Wei Keng broke into a control room, and found some humanoid individuals among the shattered rubble.

When they felt Wei Keng's arrival, these people who used to be Jianye, now only a little brain tissue embedded in the experimenter's body, stared at Wei Keng.

In Wei Keng's humane wave band, the human nervous tissue in the xenogeneic body regained its activity and got rid of Qiu Mengfei's mental control. This certain crew member on the Tianzhulong, uh, can't remember his name now. After sensing his state of neither human nor ghost, he whispered inexplicably complicated: "Kill me."

Wei Keng paused for a moment, then slowly cut the brain apart from the life tissue of Tianzhulong, and pulled out the nerve worm. Then the medical soldiers were called over and loaded into the human "blood bag technology". In the life-saving tank, on the originally incomplete brain, life tissues became active, linking to a spare heart system.

When sending this individual into the medical cabin here, Wei Keng calmly explained to himself, and also encouraged this former enemy: "If you make a mistake, you can't just die. You will face judgment, but now there must be no one left. Except for the dead In addition, to survive and defeat the genes of Tianshalong now, this is the battle you should fight to defend human dignity."

The Wei Keng group continued to charge towards the center of Tianzhulong, and there were still some who refused to admit their mistakes.

Bai Linglu asked Wei Keng: "This guy is called Jiang Si (Chapter 10.10 Comrade Resonance), and he was also one of the people who hurt you back then. Did you let him go?"

Wei Keng paused: "Now I don't persuade people to repent, but in the end, if they can repent on their own and start a new life, they should be given one last chance. Damn it, it's those guys who haven't returned to human nature until their death, and are unwilling to reflect on their mistakes."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng paused: "I'm a middle-aged person, and I don't have the ability to make up my mind about all kinds of small mistakes. I can only focus on the big right and wrong!"

Wei Keng will not waste emotions. The biggest perpetrator in the media age in modern times will always channel the public's pursuit of emotions into mobs, exhausting them.

All Wei Diaomin's emotions will be concentrated on the vicious guy.

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