Out of the cage

Chapter 457 Chapter 11.13 Right Wrong

On December 9, 169 in the Pandora calendar, all beasts flew away.

After Wei Keng attacked Tianjiaolong, to the north of the Yellow River, the biota ruins in hundreds of towns were plowed by Wei Keng's group. Master Wei pierced through the center of each life node occupied by every celestial dragon.

From the perspective of space, on the millions of square kilometers, the previously barely maintained life-field of the Celestial Dragon. It just crashed.

On the grasslands and by the rivers, the grasses and trees, big and small, withered in the spring like autumn only, while the new seeds and shoots were still growing slowly. As for the big and small animals, after the old insects hurriedly laid their eggs, Fell into death, while the rat-sized creatures were mutating and extremely starved of energy, starving to death in their burrows in droves.

The celestial light with sudden changes in the life field reappears on the North Suba Continent! Accompanied by this scene, the Tianzhulong group finally collapsed.

The road on the ground has been blocked by Wei Keng's layout in the Heihe River Basin and the Bodong Peninsula. This tidal wave of dragon creatures cannot flow into the Whale Sea by land to meet there.

If you want to leave, you must take the sky road. However, as rows of humanitarian carbon-based iron towers stand in the Heihe River Basin, these iron towers emit a kilometer-level mask that is visible to the naked eye, but can radiate a radiation field of 80 kilometers in the frequency band that is difficult for the naked eye to see. This is enough to cause sufficient damage to flying creatures weighing less than 15 kilograms.

Therefore, these fleeing celestial dragons are all large, forming an insurmountable barrier to the celestial dragons under the interception net formed by nearly ten thousand rogia taking turns into the air. On the Great Northern Wilderness, the fall of the pterosaur lasted for a full week.

On Yanshan Mountain, a large flying dragon with a body length of 40 meters was lifted into the air. When the huge wings spread out at a height of 1,000 meters, Wei Keng in the operation warehouse of the carbon-based life tower in the Heihe area quickly noticed this bright spot.

Afterwards, multiple groups of satellites in the sky coincidentally began to focus their viewing angles on this moving target.

This is the last node of Tianzhulong.

In the mouth of this Tianzhulong, there is a half of Qiu Mengfei's body. And in its abdominal cavity, countless humanoid brains gathered like tumors, and the rows of eyes in Tianzhulong's abdomen stared straight at the earth.

Qiu Mengfei's convulsive thinking was filled with sour and bitter emotions: "Here! Here? You! It's all you."

Of course, these emotional riots were then interrupted by reality, and a Rogia air combat cluster appeared in the sky.

These all-aluminum alloy Rogia formed a life-threatening siege posture, forming a circular circle with a radius of one kilometer in the air. Its smooth mechanical belly opened the bomb chamber, and dozens of gliding warheads were projected from hundreds of meters high.

Qiu Mengfei couldn't help but change his expression.

In the past few days, every time the node creature (flying dragon) where his mind was located appeared, it was locked by Wei Keng in less than half an hour and defeated again and again. At this time, he was already like a frightened bird.

Qiu Mengfei now understands that Wei Keng has a battlefield perception ability beyond his perspective (the apostles have not yet raised their heads to look into space). Already in a desperate situation.

Immediately, countless small flying individuals split from Tianzhulong's body, and they rammed head-on towards these missiles.

With the interception of this wave, the fiery red smoke cloud expanded layer by layer like blowing bubbles,

But then there were forty warheads again, piercing through the explosion fire cloud, blocking all escape directions, intertwined like a hunter's trap.

As the air blast gathered the shrapnel and staggered in the predetermined empty area, the last node in the north of the Heavenly Dragon crashed from a high altitude.

The place where it fell was a river, and the shallow river beach was obviously not enough to buffer it, not to mention that it was thousands of meters above the sky.

After the Tianzhulong smashed into the ground, a large number of organs and fragments of limbs were splashed with the rising water mist. The white mist was mixed with the light red color of blood.

Five minutes later, an air transport plane approached. When it was close to the ground, six Wei Keng wearing battle suits landed. Wei Keng slowly walked towards the wreckage. After sensing that there were life fluctuations in the giant beast, he decided to see this Guy last.

The body of the Tianzhulong node creature was already in disrepair at this time, and the huge impact of the impact broke its originally weak upper and lower jaws, the lower jaw was shattered, and the upper jaw rolled on the river beach. In the jaws, half of Qiu Mengfei's body was broken, and he was crawling out from the tight nerves in the skull of the giant beast. And before climbing halfway, tiny granulation buds emerged from the body, these tiny shreds of meat sucked every grain of gravel, grabbing as much simple organic matter as possible to supply the crawler.

Wei Keng looked at this tenacious existence with a silent expression. At this time, my own perspective seems to be the perspective from which Qiu Mengfei looked at him back then.

At this time Wei Keng has two choices, save or kill.

Such hesitation left Zeng Shuni, the successors who had been watching Wei Keng's thinking, feeling speechless. ——Having made such a big mistake, is there still a need to save him?

But after carefully understanding Wei Keng's thinking, he is speechless - in this plane, when he comes into contact with all kinds of human beings, Wei Keng treats them as compatriots, and he is used to saving people, and killing needs a full reason .

One Wei Keng squatted down and grabbed Qiu Mengfei's nerve bundles, while the other Wei Keng came to Qiu Mengfei, unfolded the field of life, and dragged him into the scene with spiritual language for questioning.

Wei Keng face to face: "This is the end, what do you have to say?"

Qiu Mengfei looked at Wei Keng bleakly, and murmured: "Will you let me go?" This seemed to be a mockery, but it was actually full of luck.

Wei Keng did not respond directly to Qiu Mengfei, but asked with a serious face: "Then, can you tell me why you betrayed human beings?"

Mr. Wei was "curious" about one thing.

Back then, when he was able to evacuate despite being genetically polluted after the failed interception by the Tianzhulong No. 2, Qiu Mengfei could not hesitate to say, "I can't save you, but the disaster must end." And then Ignoring that he fell into the pond and had not evacuated, he sent a signal for the artillery to strike.

Didn't Qiu Mengfei draw a clear line between Tianzhulong and Tianzhulong at that time? When he merged on the Tianzhulong, how did he lower the boundary for himself?

Just when Wei Keng asked. Chaotic life-radiating messages were released from the dragon's wreckage.

There were countless responses in Qiu Mengfei's mind, most of which were angry and counterattacked: "I have not abandoned human beings!" Are you controlling humans?"...

Wei Keng was stunned by Qiu Mengfei's uncontrollable thoughts and responses. Could it be that his perspective was narrow and wrong?

"I thought I was right, but in fact I might have done something wrong?" This is the self-doubt that will appear in all middle-aged people. There are very few absolute things in Master Wei's thinking.

After a pause, Master Wei decided to ask the question from a different angle.

Wei Keng constructed a hypothesis: "If I never appeared, or after the Tianlong Rebellion, I disappeared in the artillery fire, and you would become the new hero and new leader of Jianye, then you would still, Merge with the Heavenly Dragon? "

Because Wei Keng's hypothesis is the construction of mental language. Qiu Mengfei, who just happened to be filled to the point of lack of heart and fell into a beautiful vision, replied in a unified, shameless, conditioned reflex: "If I can represent human beings, of course it will not make human beings lose their purity."

! ! ! !

But then, after he realized what he answered, it was too late.

Wei Keng smiled, and this answer completely relieved all his confusion. I did not destroy the wrong object.

The Wei Keng individuals retreated tens of meters. At this time, the transport plane swooped in the sky. When it was 50 meters away from the wreckage, a strong radiation wave was activated, and a burning light burst out from the entire Tianzhulong wreckage.

Clusters of explosion smoke and dust emerged from this Tianzhulong body, and the flames devoured all organic matter. Qiu Mengfei has since been completely destroyed.

Looking at the skeleton of Tianzhulong, which turned red, then scorched black, and finally turned into fly ash.

Wei Keng narrated to himself in his own thinking channel, and at the same time to all the successors who were watching: "First of all, to be a person, always want to be a hero, want to be 'respected', the road will be crooked. Like this, If you can't be a "hero", you will be a monster! In the end, under the strong appearance, there is a contradictory and fragile heart. The world is not a one-man show for individuals, and it will not change because of personal crooked singing."

Today's question to "Qiu Mengfei" is a "sharp blade" that these successors can ask themselves when the Japanese fall.

At this time, on the last field in the north, the light curtain hanging obliquely at the intersection of the life field has slowly swung across the area where Wei Keng is, and the whole world is under the new filter. The sky cleared up.

At the same time, in Jianye City in the south, in the towering Wei Renlu biological tower, due to the loss of the supply source of the northern frequency band, it was like a rubber band suddenly breaking, causing a rebound. As the relay station of the two Tianjiaolong communities in the north and the south, it can no longer get the bioenergy going back and forth between the north and the south.

In the city, these old and outdated Jianye native mechanical beasts bowed their heads in fear in the face of the humane carbon base rolling back, but they could not escape the burning of their nerves. He fell to the ground like a giant dragon. Together with the next, it is an era.

The lifeforms of Tianzhulong in the six biological pools quickly turned into water and ammonia-containing gas within half an hour.

The human life field in Jianye, which has been suffering for several years, launched a complete counterattack. Those gaudy plants around the laboratory, like crinoids, all withered and turned into rotten branches. As for the carbon-based brain that stored Wei Renlu's consciousness in the library, his consciousness was blurred at the last moment.

Wei Renlu tried to make a final beg for mercy to Wei Keng next door through the frequency band. There are two iron towers, one is spindle-shaped and the other is hexagonal.

Although Wei Renlu has a mental backup in the South China Sea, but they are separated by different places, which belong to different individuals of Wei Renlu.

Within both individuals is a selfish desire to survive. If in the "choose one of the two" survival, the two individuals will do their part, and even tear each other down.

Wei Renlu was anxious: "If you can send me into the South China Sea, I will hand over everything in Jianye."

Wei Keng was indifferent to this, and responded indifferently: "Mr. Wei, it's over, everything is over, what else is there in Jianye? Let's leave it to the children a hundred years later. Oh, by the way, if it's crooked, then There is no need to stay."

After repeated pleading several times, Wei Renlu sensed that Wei Keng was decisive.

Wei Renlu threatened and seduced without giving up, and confronted Wei Keng: "One day, you will also encounter aging and death. Pure human genes have fatal flaws. Can you still be as calm as you are today?"

Wei Keng: "Well, I know aging and death are inevitable, and there is no need to wait, I am ready to face it." Then he sent him a message.

Wei Renlu was shocked. In the carbon base tower, the twitching brain tissue also stagnated at this moment.

Wei Keng told him in the language of his heart what he was going to do next and the price he was willing to pay.

After Wei Renlu was poured with so much information, he was in a violent tremor. Not only he in Jianye City would be wiped out, he in South China Sea, and all the peripheral remnants of Tianzhulong would also be wiped out.

And it's not just Tianzhulong, even all the apostles will become big monsters to be exterminated!

Wei Keng will live forever with these old life forms.

Wei Renlu: "You are crazy, you lunatic! You are going to die together."

Wei Keng said leisurely: "I will die. What I guard today will be passed on to future generations for thousands of generations. My consciousness may be annihilated, but it will be immortalized in the memory of newborn wisdom. In the future~~ no one will call me crazy. Crazy, Crazy, it's you who will expose your ugly behavior."


At eight o'clock in the evening on December 9, 169, the stars were shining, and the Milky Way was hanging upside down.

There are only a few lights in Jianye City, and at this time all Tianzhulong's research rooms have come to an end. The last group of scholars who were studying Tianzhulong in the scientific research base completely lost all sense of Tianzhulong after hearing Wei Renlu's sigh of "the end, the end" in the spiritual field.

The fusion organs and tissues of the remaining celestial dragons on their bodies were necrotic, and 80% of the individuals had intermittent coma effects in their weakness.

After a person rang the alarm, the ambulance from the Jianye City Temporary Hospital hurriedly arrived half an hour later to treat these injuries. Due to the lack of blood packs, they had to seek support from Feishui City in the north and Liyang in the south.

For mankind, the path to eternal life is closed once again, and this time the closure will be permanent.

And if you give up eternal life, you will have a new future.

At the same time, in Liyang, Hemeng, who was testing the biological reproductive armor, covered her chest. There was a tingling pain in her chest, as if the organization was pulling away. Then she looked at the organic frequency band identification table (every apostle in the world occupies one position), and realized that it was the Tianshilong frequency band that had disappeared.

Oh, and she's long since ceased to have a close biological connection to the Tianshenlong. The part of the Tianzhulong tissue that devoured her body in the life field just now is the tissue of the chest transplant. Oh, this is a process of suddenly becoming an A.

Hemeng watched with some annoyance as the last change Tianzhulong made to her disappeared. After a long time, she put on the helmet and began to search for the corset battle suit that she wanted to order before, but there was no one.

This battle suit is a battle suit that restrains the explosive power of the body after implanting the Qi Sea.

She has long wanted to carry out this kind of enhanced colonization. However, limited by the last bit of reluctance, he didn't make up his mind—once he entered the enhanced implantation, the heterogeneous carbon-based tissues in the body would be rejected by the enhanced life activities.

But now, she has no burden. A relief on the chest.

Only by giving up completely can we embrace new things without any burden.

The old man Wei Renlu was gone, unable to hold any clouds.

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