Out of the cage

Chapter 495 Chapter 12.09 Outlaw lunatic

At the end of 1235, Wen Tie's birth calendar, when the school boys in the inner area were worrying about the final entrance examination, most of the peers in the corners of the outer city were worrying about the hardships of life.

Ke Zixi, eighteen years old, when the last food coupons at home were used up, he finally made up his mind and decided to go to the southeast corner to sign up for the arena.

However, on the way, he met a white young man wearing a mask and handed him a bag of cakes.

The guy said with natural persuasion in his tone: "I need a partner."

Ke Zixi, after eating the sweet inner layer of food, asked: "Why did you give it to me?"

The guy in the mask hugged his shoulders very familiarly, and said cheerfully, "I have the same disease as you, poor disease. I want to gamble, but I don't want to be confused. Gambling, but sitting on the bank."

Ke Zixi was silent. Wei Keng glanced at the arena flyer in his hand: "If you choose boxing, you will not be able to control your life and death. In wrestling, the heavyweight is in the hands of the boss, and you have no experience. It is to establish a bloody atmosphere."

Ke Zixi: "What do you want to do?"

Under the mask, Wei Keng said with a high tone, "Steal from the rich and give to the poor." However, the young Xu Xingren had heard of such words, but he was a little unsure in his heart.

Ke Zixi: "Just the two of us?"

Wei Keng: "There are other people, but in our line of work, in order to prevent someone from showing their feet and causing a one-pot situation, except for the person in charge who knows everyone's name, the others try to keep information secret from each other. After taking the money in this way, if you don't want to do it, then Just leave lightly. Of course, always keep the secret silently."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng took out a mask and said, "If you want, you can wear this mask."

Ke Zixi: "Who are you?"

Wei Keng: "You can call me Gong Changsan."


After a period of time, Wei Keng gathered hundreds of people in a ventilation duct of the asteroid. Each wears a mask, with implants in the ears and retinas, and performs detailed rehearsals.

As their top speaker, Wei Keng can directly deliver information to everyone. Of course, they will also share their perspective and voice information with others.

If you can't do something as advanced as spiritual language, you can connect the lenses and use images and cursors to make instructions.

After finishing the hardware configuration, establish organizational discipline. In the training space, Wei Keng introduced his crime rules to the "accomplices" who were sitting neatly.

Covenant 1: No drinking, no illegal drugs are allowed, and anyone who joins a group must be reviewed from time to time every day. Violators, confess before taking action, take the breakup fee and leave. Deliberately concealing it, injecting amnesia needles.

Covenant 2: You can wash your hands and quit after doing it many times, but if you still want to stay, your consumption must be restrained. Because sudden wealth is the most likely to arouse the suspicion of lawyers. After taking money to break up the partnership, the priority is to stay away immediately. Those who cannot stay away must also abide by this rule.

Agreement 3: No matter whether the mission is successful or not, it is not allowed to provoke the lawyers on the spot or on the private platform. Wei Keng repeatedly emphasized: What we are looking for is money, not making enemies! After being borrowed by us, the enemy will come to us. If anyone breaks the rules, don't blame me for being rude.

Covenant 4: Our mission is to rob the rich and help the poor. In each mission, one-third of the funds will be donated as much as possible to those victims who are oppressed by our robbery and who are struggling to make ends meet.

Please note that this is not just good intentions, wealth is hated by people, we have to let irrelevant people stand by, so we can't be stingy. I don't want the surrounding residents to actively cooperate when the lawyer investigates. (Note: On this point, in ancient China, the thieves have accumulated rich experience in order to deal with the encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers. The mass base around them must be well established.)


Master Wei asked everyone to recite it.

These children who may have just learned a few words were brainwashed by Wei Keng!

This kind of blood-licking business will be ruined if you don't pay attention. After one or two successes in catching him off guard, the biggest difficulty is how to hang on and get away with it.

Mr. Wei is not going to make a quick profit for that kind of huge profit that violates the law, but a long-term plan.

In 1236, the third week of Iron Star, in the garbage freight tunnel in West 334, the lights here flickered on and off. The first crime committed by Zhang's gang began.

Because there are all kinds of garbage in this tunnel, it is filled with a vicious smell all year round. Of course, because many good things can often be found in the garbage, many gold diggers have gathered in this track, so some special economies have also been formed.

The Stinking Gold Cave is such a gold selling cave. Every night, the casino below is overcrowded. In the smog, men are here to throw big bucks, and also provide a lot of organs for the black market. In order to prevent the sound from spreading outside, several external air gates are blocked here.

The security forces on the outer layer also turned a blind eye to this place! This kind of no-care zone, in the eyes of someone, is full of loopholes, which can be used to overwhelm the river.


During the big air change in the lower area, within five minutes of the gate changing, a garbage truck had already driven here as usual. It's just that in the car at this time, the driver has changed his identity.

The original driver was unconscious, had a bundle of banknotes stuffed into the back of his ass, and was sent to sleep in another area. When he wakes up, he will also get a message telling him to slip away early.

While the garbage truck was driving, it quietly released the autonomous robot and got into the building vent. Soon, these remote-controlled robots will reach the external communication line and perform a power outage. At the same time, electromagnetic interference began, cutting off the connection between this area and the outside world.

And another group of people, stuck with the timetable, started to take action, first dropping electronic bombs on the east side.

The defense force outside the casino heard the first wave of explosions after the communication was interrupted, and began to mobilize in a hurry to check the situation, but this caused gaps in the defense of some areas.

After these personnel left, the air duct that was originally sealed in the No. 3 entrance area followed the sound of crackling explosions. During the ventilation process, a large amount of artificial dust would enter the stinking gold club along the ventilation duct.

Everything was planned smoothly, and as the timer in everyone's hand reached the point, billowing thick smoke mixed with highly irritating gas immediately poured into the casino area and the arena area.

Ninety-nine percent of the defenders of this asteroid's underground community were knocked down by the sudden change, hid in a small room, and continued their lives with oxygen masks.


And the main force of the "Outlaw Fanatics" bandit group arrived.

Relying on ultrasonic positioning, the vehicle loaded with the jet acceleration drill smashed open the gate, and the commando armed with guns and four other companions blasted open the gate immediately.

The 'outlaw fanatics' came to the underground office accurately in the chaos.

Before the manager in the office had any reaction, his face was covered with concussion warheads, followed by thick anesthetic smoke, which disabled everyone's ability to move.

At this moment, someone's commanding voice came from the ears of all the masked action teams: "You only have seven minutes to blow open the vault door."

This anti-theft door has a sixteen-fold combination lock, but no one pays attention to this thing today.

The technical group among the well-prepared "outlaw lunatics" drilled a small hole with an electric drill, inserted explosives and detonators, and under the action of the shock wave, the door was completely cracked and fell to the ground.

It was filled with bundles of banknotes, and the next question was how to transport them away.

The leading technical group opened the leather bag, and the metal boxes unfolded one by one, and then when energy was injected, the interface glowed, and then something like a hollow leaked out.

Type 3 space jump gate, a defective product, cannot jump creatures, but a stable solid block can be transported, which belongs to military supplies.

As for why Wei Keng was able to get it?

Before making this vote, Wei Keng also visited the waste station, and happened to see the scrapped "water and air" exchange equipment in the inner layer. Then repair it according to the information provided by the system, and you can make do with it once. (Use it once at most, because Wei Keng just moves some parts that have not broken down, and these parts will eventually expire.)

After the space door was opened, the group of young robbers, um, began to use the carts directly, even pushing the shelf with the banknotes inside.

Three minutes later, Wei Keng gave an order: "Stop!"

The staff who had just emptied half of the treasury were stunned. These young men were doing it for the first time, and were dazzled by wealth. Now that they have entered the vault, it is difficult to stop for a while, and they always want to empty this place. Wei Keng immediately activated the speakers in their helmets and reprimanded them loudly.

Wei Keng: "It's over, don't take it. Start retreating!" After Wei Keng activated the electric shock to punish the group who did not obey the command, after the order was interrupted, the team began to plant bombs on the scene and set up a self-destruct procedure.

For Wei Keng, although there is still enough time, the team's orders and prohibitions are far more valuable than a treasury, and there are many things to grab in the future!

The looting team had no choice but to evacuate, and drove away in a rocket chariot.

After the evacuation, the underground space door had accumulated too much energy and finally exploded. There was nothing left in the entire vault except a mess.

And when the leader of the gang in the area who was robbed came out of the base with his head covered, he didn't realize what happened to him today?

For a long time, as the leader of the most powerful local gang, he has been steadily collecting money here, and it has been passed down for two or three generations. Today, he was suddenly robbed?

Forty minutes later, the alarm was triggered because the dust content of this garbage channel had reached the dangerous threshold.

The mechanical patrol team arrived at the scene and at the same time discovered the robbery that occurred here and reported it to the local sheriff's office.

Inside the Sheriff's Office.

These sheriffs wearing interstellar combat uniforms and jet engine wings on their backs brushed their long hair, listening with great interest to such "strange cases" described by gangsters in these areas,

These sheriffs couldn't figure out why, and thought it might be that the local gang tried to reduce the area's tribute, and they directed and acted out this scene. Therefore, after going through the information of this robbery, it was handed over to the intelligent system to build a file.


After finishing the first vote, Wei Keng's gang began to hibernate. During the dormant period, Wei Keng asked every member to move to another block, and regularly check the password. If someone is caught, the password will be changed.

Of course, in the worst case, if the person is caught by the gang, Master Wei will continue to plan a "rescue", or in other words, if the rescue fails, he will take revenge with "an eye for an eye, blood for blood".

Wei Keng: "Organization and discipline, that's a quick fix."

After about four weeks, everything went well and nothing happened. The ruling machine of this asteroid at the grassroots level does not have that ability.

Four weeks later, Wei Keng divided the spoils among the 14 most important participants as promised. And have a meeting to talk about the organization and signal determination of the next joint.

Of course, next time you have to wait a little longer. This ticket can last for three years, and most people have no motivation in the short term! So Wei Keng found some backbones and planned to change to another area to find another group of people in another asteroid area.

In the system, Jing Guyu looked at Wei Keng's careful plan and asked weakly, "Are you preparing~~?"

Wei Keng said in a hurried tone: "To commit a crime, you have to run around! You have to make a noise."

When it comes to robbery, Wei Keng can't help but beam with joy.

[In eastern society, some people seem to be honest and honest, maybe it's just a sign of a stable world. In troubled times, once the shackles are released and violence is used to control violence, it will be out of control. 】

In the second half of 1236, the birth calendar of Wen Tie, Wei Keng activated five groups of people to commit 8 crimes in various parts of the huge asteroid! In the multiple passages in the lower area, an unruly black-eating storm came.

If you bring it into the perspective of the case-handling workers in ancient times on the earth, such and such is definitely "insane" and needs a heavy blow.

Well, but in this subterranean world of asteroids, this kind of "reward the good and punish the evil" raids has a claim to fame.


The outer layer is crazy, but back in the inner layer, Tassie Qiduo is still a student, at least in the eyes of outsiders. It's just that in the past few months, my studies have suddenly improved, from the original mid-range to the top 200.

The school's dark energy instructors rarely have positive comments on this kind of progressive and serious Taxi: "I have grown up and become sensible."

what about this? Wei Keng also felt a little surprised by his unconscious disguise. Can't help but sigh: "Is it true that geniuses are prone to crimes, or crimes can create geniuses."

There are still eighty-seven days before the final exam in the inner layer.

Wei Keng came to the outer layer again, came to a secret base dug out by himself, and watched the atomically symmetrical metal sword that took a month to print in the space printer bit by bit.

After layers of energy shields were opened, Wei Keng drew out the sword that could generate high-frequency vibrations in the space ability.

After injecting his own material transformation dark energy, he lifted it slightly.

There was a 'hum' sound in the air, and the spatial ability was rapidly radiated out around the central axis of the sword.

Eighty meters away, a steel target split in two silently.

This is the ability of the empty twist plane real sword. The space cutting ability can only maintain about 140 meters, which is enough to be used in the narrow asteroid tunnel. But if you want to strike at a longer distance, you need a high-energy energy blade.

An interface appeared in front of Wei Keng, and he traveled through this "any door" to an area 600 meters away.

This kind of space projection ability is a space model at the level of a swordsman in the empty twisted plane.

Wei Keng set up the steel target, let the space ability re-stagger the cracked gaps on the steel target and stuck them together. After "broken mirror reunion", he whispered: "The rules of physics are different. High-level weapons in the empty twisted plane are real swords, but in the Here, molecular oscillations are weakened."

The sword master level space warp model is disturbed here and can only play one-tenth of its effect.

Of course, now, the dark energy of the cutting surface projected across the space is only four levels at present.

Wei Keng patted his thigh and said, "It's not enough, it's not enough. To be bigger and stronger, you have to work hard on yourself."


Wei Keng didn't know that, in the system space, Jing Guyu looked at Wei Keng's current state, gritted his teeth, hesitated, tangled and sad.

After a long while, Jing Guyu was about to communicate with a certain party, but when it came time, he still whispered to himself: "This way, I am~ right, or wrong, huh."

In the end, she still hung up the interface linked to the multidimensional plane and continued to wait.

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