Out of the cage

Chapter 496 Chapter 12.10 Some Changes

In the strata of the Xuxuxing ancient culture that once existed, there are still a large number of stones with holes at one end, which were thrown by throwing ropes.

And what remains in the genes of the people on earth are sticks!

At this time, on the iron-patterned asteroid, Wei Keng played a sword flower with his long sword, and stabbed it into the space ring he made himself. This set of movements was specially practiced by Wei, and it was fast and handsome.

This space ring needs energy blocks to maintain it. If it weren't for the windfall in hand, it really wouldn't be able to maintain this equipment.

Wei Keng touched the octagonal metal ring in his hand, and he couldn't help but muttered to himself: "I need more financial resources, and I want to reproduce the array ambush technique and photon guardian of the empty twisting plane to On this plane."

Someone in Wei threw off the supervisor, and in the plan he had prepared, he needed more energy blocks, more high-precision materials, and processing machines.

But even though he had thousands of ideas about making money, Wei Keng suppressed his strong impulse amid hesitation.

Because the current means of making money are all unfair. Compared with himself on the empty twisting plane, Wei Keng feels a little unfamiliar with his self-state on the dark plane. Now besides being a little "lonely", I also have a little bit of "stuck".

With regard to "loneliness", Wei Keng is still very easy to deal with, and will choose to sell pancakes for decades to accumulate initial funds honestly! Slowly integrate into the world.

But mixed with "headstrong"? Wei Keng looked at his hands, and the immature and beautiful face in the mirror, and muttered, "I don't recognize myself."

Wei Keng told Jing Guyu at the monitoring interface: "Jing Guyu, if I appear conceited, please remind me."

On the interface, Jing Guyu: "Hmm~" The sound was very soft.


Although Wei Keng repeated self-reflection, arrogance should not be, but now Wei Keng has the capital of arrogance.

In the next few months, someone in Zhongwei was still rampant in the outer layer of the asteroid. During the process of committing many major cases, one person undertook the planning, execution, and summary process, and then planned the next one, and continued to improve. to the loop.

All this seemed to open a new door to Mr. Wei.

My own young male consciousness from the earth, by constantly tensing my nerves to create troubles, smashed the situation that the asteroid is huge and self-perceived to be perfect, layer by layer.

Master Wei took the initiative to create favorable conditions for himself, arranged the questions himself, and took the initiative. , so that a large number of steps passively arranged by the opponent are all invalid.

The calculations required for a robbery include, but are not limited to:

1. The reaction time difference between the enemy and us!

2. The distance between each channel intersection and the possible impact.

3. The force borne by the heavy steel cable hanging on the top of the tunnel along the way will block the road regularly after the pulley increases the lifting force.


When these systems fall like dominoes and develop according to the established plan, this is a happy feeling of holding the future process in your own hands.

After the fifteenth successful "income generation", Wei Keng, who couldn't help but plan the next "business", completely gave up the self-persuasion of "washing hands with the golden basin", and began to endorse this "new normal" flexible self-employment .

Wei Keng couldn't help but click on a certain place on the map, while shaking his head: "It's been mediocre for a long time, I just want to experience what it's like to be a genius?"

Although I feel that I am a bit abnormal now, but the days of "licking blood with a knife edge and licking skewers with ghost fire" must continue.

Wei Keng's self-crime statement after the failure of the preparation: "I know that I am sabotaging, but the reason is that the birth of 'faith' is curbed here. There is no hope in the asteroid society here, and I cannot live in peace and starvation. Can keep my blood flowing in madness."

Wei Keng prepares for his self-defense after his success in the future: "Justice is the law, I can be mediocre, and I can honestly add bricks and tiles, but in a peaceful but hypocritical environment, it is you who said: mediocrity is a crime!!!"

In Wei Keng's eyes, what had been suppressed was released, emitting a penetrating light.

Looking at Wei Keng like this, Jing Guyu clenched his fingers tightly and pursed his lips.

At this time, Tassie Qiduo was not the existence she was trying to bring out—on the contrary, she seemed to bring out Wei Keng's most vicious and hottest side.

On the last day of 1236, on the way to school. Tassie Qiduo stepped on roller skates and galloped across the road. Encountering a step, he kicked his legs back and forth, and gently landed on another area of ​​gravity on the pipe. The metal rollers on the soles drifted and rubbed against the ground to generate a string of sparks, and continued to slide.

This sunny boy who looks like the wind. This time, I handed in the report card to my guardian.

Although he already knows his mother's attitude towards him, he may be a tool person raised at will. But for so many years, Tuci Qiduo's tuition and various living expenses have been provided by her.

According to the morality of the earth, Wei Keng, as Taxi Qiduo, also wants to accept this kindness.

It's just that Wei Keng was more rational in accepting this kindness.

Because even if you invest your emotions in this mother, you won't get anything in return. The predecessor, Taxi Qiduo, just couldn't see this point. He was moved by himself and chose to run away from home to get the attention of his mother, but he died in the end.

Men outside and women inside, this is the commonality of the earth and the promised star. The only difference is the mastery of the means of production.

Interstellar exploration and small-scale battles are also dominated by men, and women control the statistics and planning of production materials in the core production areas. There are also killing battles here, but the famous palace fights in history are all, and a team is dispatched to kill with one blow.

[What the Promise Star lacks is the large-scale wars on Earth. Once the scale of the war becomes larger, the changes in the required social model and production system will be much more drastic. 】

Wei Keng has already found out the records of Tasi Qiduo's mother! She used to be considered a pure white girl, but the man she loved left for too long and stayed on Jiulanxing for several years without returning. The woman just broke up. By the way, he snatched the custody of two daughters and one son.

After getting rid of the shackles of marriage, this Mrs. Qiduo seemed to be liberated, and started the free fun of choosing the best. That is to keep some cowherds, and they have been playing like this until now.

With today's science and technology, it is conceived in the body for three months and developed in an artificial warehouse outside the body. It will not cause women to have a longer production burden. Of course, with such a mass production, traditional moral concepts are very indifferent, and even motherhood has almost disappeared.

Taixi Qiduo's mother is still very happy in her private life. According to the available information, Wei Keng has three younger brothers. Yes, this old woman is still laying eggs.


Before coming to the building, Wei Keng went in after going through the electronic scanning in front of the door. In the building, what I saw was not my mother.

In the projection cabin, the one who wears an information transmission mask as a flower hand and immerses herself in the virtual game is the beloved elder sister of the mother's family.

This elder sister, after taking off the information transmission mask, raised her head to examine Wei Keng carefully, her eyes rolled away, probably thinking about some lines.

As mentioned earlier, after Tassie Qiduo's mother broke the engagement, she took away the custody of the two daughters and one son. The eldest is the daughter, the second is the son, and the third is the one in front of her.

The first three are the sons of the concubine, and Wei Keng's current status belongs to the son of the concubine.

The third sister's name: Shenying Qiduo. Now thirty-seven years old, with the change of power in the Qiduo family, as a daughter-in-law, she also needs to complete the circle building, and the stability of power is to win over some people!

Seeing Tacit Qiduo, Shen Ying sniffed, then stretched out his hand to pinch Wei Keng's shoulder, and said, "Recently, your grades have improved pretty well. But you have to continue to be tense!"

Wei Keng is very obedient now, pretending to be obedient. In fact, I was wandering, looking at the picture of a thousand birds on the mural beside me, imagining the appearance of this group of birds chirping with each other.

Shenying's expression became serious: "Tasi, let me tell you the truth, I am short of a lot of errands here. Of course, it depends on whether you can complete the transformation next year."

This third sister belongs to advanced investment, even if Tassie Qiduo's awakening fails, she can't lose anything. But if Tassie Qiduo becomes a dark energy user, then today's contact can make his younger brother a person on his side.


On the projection interface opened by Shenying, Wei Keng was quite interested in the various industries controlled by the Qiduo family on Wen Tiexing.

Cold nuclear battery: In the diamond structure, radioactive elements are embedded. Can discharge stably.

Photonic chip made of corundum: This is a computing chip made by using the effect of photon excitation in sapphire.

It has to be said that on the planet Wentie, the technology of the Qiduo family Lanfa Group in this area is quite backward compared with the large forces in the starry sky.

Compared with the information provided by Jing Guyu horizontally, Wei Keng knows what kind of inferior products his company (the home of Taxi Qiduo), which seems to be booming in the local area, makes!

Wei Keng: It is purely supported by local trade protection. It is equivalent to a small family factory manufacturing bicycles in a lumpy village. It learns the bragging style of Korean dramas and gives itself various words "group" and "chairman". It would be a joke to put it in the outer star sea.

Wei Keng has already calculated through astronomy that the future trajectory of the iron asteroid is the nebula belt, so if there is a change in the future and the technology and resources mobilized by the big world come in, the Qiduo family's industry will not be able to survive.

Therefore, in the face of the olive branch thrown by Shenying, the third sister, and the job sales, Mr. Wei felt no wavering in his heart.

Wei Keng: "I might as well manage the business of 'stealing riches' well, and do more charity by 'robbing the rich and helping the poor'. If there is no accident, I can find a future by recruiting security in the future."

Wei Keng's prediction was right, big changes had already started to happen.

Just when Shenying made a future promise to Wei Keng, in the upper meeting hall of Wentie Asteroid, five women and three men presided over Wentie Star's powerful men began to discuss the future of the asteroid in the hall.

The population organization department took the lead in speaking: "After sixty-seven rotations of the iron star, we have arrived at the aphelion point of (eed star). We should prepare to leave and enter the c-type region of the Nebula Nebula."

The minister didn't like Chang Hengxi, who was the leader. In fact, his words were to extract a confession from Chang Hengxi, the star leader. What Chang Hengxi has been pushing is to enter the core area of ​​the nebula, which is the A-type area.

At this time, the meeting with very few people was silent, and everyone was waiting for Chang Hengxi's move.

However, Chang Hengxi just changed hands, pressed her cheek, and looked at these people with a half-smile.

Soon the spokesperson of the local chaebol, Meng Su (male): "Master Xingchang, there is a high-heat ion storm in the Nikan star field area. To be on the safe side, we must be cautious when changing the orbit."

Chang Hengxi still had the same expression, and asked back: "Oh, am I not being careful?" On the graceful face, a hint of irony flashed in his eyes.

As the planetary suzerain who plays pigs and eats tigers here, Chang Hengxi has always been paying attention to the movements of these local business groups.

The nebula area that these local companies want to go to now happens to be an interstellar dust belt of rare earth elements. The route of these local business groups is to try to maintain Wen Tiexing as a planet of primary industry, and does not want to upgrade to the era of "energy technology".

Because once Wentiexing enters a new era, they will lose their local monopoly power, so they want to keep Wentiexing in a relatively backward, but convenient era of rule!

As for Wen Tiexing losing its future? The nobles of Wentiexing can send their families out through the star gate at any time. With the help of controlling the wealth accumulated locally in Wentiexing, they can live well outside.

The meeting quickly went cold.

Chang Hengxi stood up leisurely, stretched her waist, and said, "Since everyone has no other opinions, let's end this meeting."

At this time, another woman in a mechanical suit for religious ceremonies stood up.

This is the area, the Pope of the Order of Magnetic Sea. Sixth-level dark energy user, information system, median ability system-personality storage.

Because of "personality storage", the conscious thinking before death can be saved as "energy information", and then stored in a smart chip, or transferred to another human body. It can constantly blur life and death, so it has a huge influence in the ignorant asteroid.

On some asteroids, this ability is sufficient to form an army of mechanical androids with stored personalities. However, such an ability, only as a median ability, is obviously flawed.

Of course, this kind of continuous life extension by "extracting one's own consciousness and then transferring it into a young body" is not a perfect way of longevity.

Because this kind of personality transfer process is not perfect, and the young body also carries old memories, after multiple seizures, multiple personalities will appear, and finally fall into madness. So in theory, the limit is reached after only seven or eight times of seizure, and its lifespan cannot be compared with Chang Hengxi after all.

It's just that the pope doesn't know Chang Hengxi's true ability level.

The Pope got up and stopped Chang Hengxi, and asked without respect: "Excuse me, is there any new result from the first energy detection of the Nikan Nebula?"

Chang Hengxi looked back and smiled: "The first time the data was too little, so a second detection is needed."

The pope's expression was as serious as marble, and everyone in the hall felt a chill! Then, she walked away.

Immediately afterwards, the others present also followed and left.

The camp of the native faction was completely separated, and the religious authority and the political power began to confront each other.

However, none of these natives knew what kind of cold light shone in Chang Hengxi's pupils when they left Chang Hengxi alone in the hall.


Now Chang Hengxi has found out that the last energy exploration did encounter a little accident. When the intelligent photon returned, it lost 3% of its energy, but in the end the large-scale loss of other parts came from destruction.

Chang Hengxi has been investigating, but suffers from lack of the most direct evidence. Now that the local traitors have jumped out by themselves, she is more and more inclined to pin the blame on the Cihai Sect.

Chang Hengxi: The local Cihai sect thought it was perfect, but they couldn't escape the digging of clues and information backtracking by the seventh-level dark energy people.

Chang Hengxi found out that recently there have been spatial fluctuations in the No. 83 Holy Land of the Magnetic Sea Sect, swallowing up a part of the asteroid. All of this has been recorded in the carbon cycle maintained by her dark energy.

As for now, why didn't they poke them on the spot.

That is Chang Hengxi, with absolute power and absolute strength, wants to thoroughly clean the asteroid he was born in. When the old forces fail to stand in line, then he can make enough room for the newcomers he is optimistic about.

After the meeting, Chang Hengxi returned to her courtyard "alone".

Here, there is also a girl holding the latest report card, waiting for Chang Hengxi.

Chang Hengxi stroked the girl's forehead. This person happened to be sixteen years old, and he was a candidate who was about to participate in the "Consciousness Immersion". It's just that under Chang Hengxi's touch, the girl's thinking and body metabolism can quickly restore peace, which makes her have awakened to the second-order dark energy, and she belongs to the best among her peers.

Chang Hengxi looked at the report card and said leisurely: "Can Xing, you are number one again?"

The girl named Can Xing nodded: "Auntie, if I still come first in the adult test, I will take a space cruise."

Chang Hengxi stared at her: "Are you inviting your classmates?"

The girl hesitated and said: "This, yes, yes."

Chang Hengxi paused: "Is there a boy?"

The little girl wrung her fingers.

Chang Hengxi watched with great interest the appearance of this ethnicity's love for the first time, and said solemnly: "Yes, but after the exam, we have to wait for a while, and there may be some changes in Wen Tiexing next."

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