Out of the cage

Chapter 554 Chapter 13.31 Center and non-center

To understand a civilization, we need to look back at its development and the situation at all levels from the perspective of history.

All the wars of the promised stars in the dark plane are related to the ideological chaos that lasted thousands of years.

As small as the battle on Luyue Planet now, as big as the conflict in the Star Sea at this time.

When the ideology is confused, the thought that dominates life starts to be in binary opposition, obsessed with right and wrong among options. More and more out of "possibility".

But looking back five thousand years ago, everything was not like this.

At that time, as the technology of the space turning point became more and more mature, the interstellar empire was established. The purpose of the empire is to complete the exploration of the starry sky before the promised star is destroyed. Under this concept, human beings send millions of spaceships every year.

At that time, the Promise Stars were "go forward, explore, and make progress at all costs!"

Even the earliest spaceships are more than 100 kilometers long, maintaining a small ecosystem and trekking hard. Its internal political leaders must also maintain stability, otherwise, in a small space, the phenomenon of reverse civilization will appear in human society.

Of course, any glorious slogan has its chances of being disconnected from reality, narrowly misinterpreted, and finally turned into arrogance.

A large number of starship societies had serious problems at the time.

The society formed by creatures like human beings maintains a balance in dynamics. Once it falls into a narrow and static environment and starts to favor one side's advantage, it will gradually lean towards an extreme.

Therefore, after the deep space spaceflight journey, the "top-level" human beings are born. When planning to move forward "at all costs", they often "do not hesitate at the cost of others", and then cherish "our own cost". And the classes below are "willing to move forward" at the beginning, and then completely become the objects that "should specifically bear the price of progress".

There is a price to be paid for arrogance, as humans from various star factions continue to complete and perfect the leap technology.

Eighteen black holes and sixty-five super blue large stars have been locked in succession, when these large star fields are successfully constructed.

The human civilization originating from Promise Star ensures that human civilization can still survive after the destruction of the parent star’s black hole.

When the external worries are resolved, the previous consensus of "whatever it takes" disappears, and it is necessary to do a good job of calculating "which prices should be paid and which should not be paid."

The Star Sea War of Independence broke out, and the Star Empire collapsed.

But just as one side of the confrontation collapses, it doesn't mean the problem disappears. The problems are just beginning.

The countless spaceships pouring out from the big black hole of Promise Star have the same beginning, but different results!

Due to good luck, some spaceships have found stable stars to build their homes, such as Jiulan Star and other places of residence.

However, some spaceships are unlucky and have selected an area where planets are scarce, and can only collect a little bit. After the transmission base station is established, they have to head towards deep space, such as Wentie Province.

Exploring the planet is like a lottery game, some spaceships are black-faced, while others are soul-stirring!

This is just like the ancient industrial age. Comrades who conquered the world and struggled for a great tomorrow, after the success of phased innovation, their descendants will have different development opportunities.

Those who stay in the First Good Land will have several houses in the First Good Land after a few generations, and when their offspring get married, they will all get a lot of girls' favor. And young people who go to remote areas with enthusiasm to continue to struggle and take root are only praised by newspapers at first, but later, after a few generations, they become "to be rich", and they have to travel dozens of times to receive subsistence allowances in order to be able to drink in office. In the middle of the tea, I was finally pitiful, so I got it done.

…Wei Keng: Dedication is devotion, devotion is devotion, devotion without struggle, under the big wheel of history, it is nothing...

Various conflicts in the dark plane, the center of the star sea and remote areas are still breaking out today.

It's just that the conscious "center" is no longer the big black hole of Xuxing, but more than ten super large centers including Jiulanxing.

The "urban-rural divide" between spaceships from the center has widened and widened and widened over millennia.

In the Xinghai civilization, there was also a rigorous discussion on "centralization or decentralization".

After the overthrow of the Star Sea Empire, two factions were entangled: after centralization, the marginalized would inevitably be sacrificed, but it would allow human beings to accelerate their evolution towards the "star energy race", which is the high-grade dark energy mode. Decentralization, now that Xinghai is constantly fighting for hegemony, decentralization is tantamount to death.

And there has been such a big event in the past two thousand years! Let the centralization vs. decentralization debate be over. After that incident, instead of pursuing the 'in' and 'not in' answers, everyone started fighting for their respective centers. The contradiction has shifted from "class" to region.

Two thousand and four hundred years ago, due to the successful exploration of the Great Black Hole region of creation by non-central factions, the non-chiefs of the barren stars within 600 light-years suddenly turned around! The long battle on the third boom began.

The nature of the struggle has become a conflict between the "new center" and the "old center", and it continues to this day.

The non-centrists at that time discovered in the area of ​​the black hole of creation that this black hole is very, very strange. First of all, it is hanging alone in the space of universe, and it is at the non-cantilever position of the galaxy. There are no stars around, not even nebulae.

This led to the fact that the black hole could not be discovered at all with the non-centralist exploration spacecraft at that time. As a result, a large number of spaceships sent by the Federation crashed into the nearest large planet around.

Furthermore, this black hole has a mass of 15 standard solar stars, but the event horizon area it creates is 650 times that of a black hole of this level. This causes the black hole to be puffy.

The third is that this black hole is very smooth, without gravitational fluctuations.

If we take the analogy of natural gold, other natural black holes are like the dog's head gold inlaid with various associated minerals, which is very rough.

And this one is like a smooth mirror! So far, it has not been possible to deduce how this came about.

It is promised that human beings are guessing whether this black hole is the relic of some super ancient (super civilization tens of millions of years ago).

...the relic still has some functions to this day...

And the result of its high smoothness is that hundreds of thousands of spaceships fell into it, and they have been rotating and sliding down smoothly, without being torn apart by the waves. And a strange physical phenomenon appeared.

That is the phenomenon of 'matter cascading', where the mass of all matter on the spaceship is slowly increasing.

Twice as many atoms would appear in a standard volume of iron. These twice as many atoms can overlap each other, but the superposition is still maintained in space. Over a long half-life, this overlap unfolds naturally or may be temporarily energetically unfolded.

For example: a flying sword can unfold a sword light tens of meters long.

Substances that overlap less, will continue to overlap in matter and matter when subjected to extrusion processes such as forging. That is, the material of a big sword, which can be forged into a small dagger. Even more exaggerated, it can become a needle.

Of course, under the special energy supply, this superposition will unfold and quickly return to normal.

Not only metals can be refined, but the organic matter in the human body can also be refined here. After special exercise and eating, the body can also have dozens of times more substances. So much so that—an immortal can eat an elephant in one meal, without needing to eat food for several months.

The time here has become dozens or hundreds of times longer than that of the outside world. As a result, the human society here has developed for a long enough time.

The matriarchal society of the promised star is beginning to end in the scope of the influence of the great black hole of creation.

…The big black hole of creation rises as a new center, with a long history of suffering…

If in the atmosphere of the contemporary star sea, if a spaceship falls into such an unknown dangerous situation. According to the behavior of the old men in the center, it may be marked as a dangerous area and ignored.

But two thousand years ago, the righteousness of the Star Sea Alliance was still alive. Moreover, this is hundreds of thousands of spaceships. So groups of rescue spacecraft arrived at the edge one after another to search, and took themselves in.

After trapping fifteen level-7 dark energy users successively, Mingle Qing Hongjiang, the eighth-level dark energy user of human beings, led the exploration fleet, accurately stopped outside the critical area, and passed a very difficult launch. Finally opened the channel of this black hole.

Since then, this area is the only area that is close to the rules of the alien plane and has been opened.

[Note: The superimposed physical phenomenon of matter in the black hole area cannot appear in the normal universe of the current dark plane. It belongs to the physical phenomenon of a special area, similar to the empty twisted plane. It's just that the empty twisting plane is completely lost, and it is no longer connected to the dark plane, and inside the great black hole of creation, the heroes of the dark plane use themselves as the rope to form a link. However, there are never enough heroes in the world, and this is the only example in the entire dark plane]

Is this the end of the story?

No, no, it's just the beginning of Xinghai. The road of the dark energy network began to be erected in this seemingly unnatural black hole. The effect of increasing mass in the black hole is transmitted to the surrounding star gate nodes.

When those worlds on the edge of the cantilever of the Milky Way, which are narrow and without a "big cycle", get this "transmutation", the future of development will open up.

The colonies at the edge of the cantilever are starved of heavy atomic resources, such as the platinum group elements represented by gold, and the rare earth elements, the semiconductor 'vitamins'. and the actinides of the radioactive series.

The 'gold and silver' can only be produced with energy at the level of neutron star collisions in nature. These are enriched on the cantilever.

But the technology of creating a large black hole makes the black hole area a controllable material processing factory. This revitalizes the planets that have star energy around them and do not have enough material minerals.

Close to the periphery of the big black hole of creation, the resources in those areas with only small and medium stars began to be rich, and they had the confidence to speak loudly to the resource-rich planets such as traditional super blue stars.

What is currently in conflict with Jiulanxing is the forces in the ejection area to the north of the Great Black Hole of Creation.

The new center tries to engage the old center.

…Everyone will not be attached to the old problems, even if the old problems still exist...

Probably in the year 6781 of the Jiulan star, a dark energy field comparable to a star was transmitted here from the great black hole of creation. Light speed also arrived here for the first time.

She looked at this deep black hole celestial body without any halo, with a very cautious expression. The Great Black Hole of Creation also exists with eighth-level dark energy users. The dark energy user who broke into the big black hole back then was already a leader in the interstellar empire when the light speed was still at the seventh level.

Just as there are differences in the seventh-level dark energy, eighth-level dark energy users are also divided into levels.

Outside the black hole, she radiated her message. After a few minutes, the light field on the side of the black hole facing her twisted, casting a blurry figure.

After the two parties exchanged part of the information by overlapping energy fields, Qingsu's expression froze.

At this time, the state of the eighth level of the great black hole of creation is not free. And has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite.

Both parties set up the clock first to prevent themselves from being drawn into the time vortex by unexpected gravitational fluctuations and appearing "watching chess badly".

After eight periods of rotation in the photon layer of the black hole (the atomic clock is not accurate here, and the speed will vary with the distance from the black hole, so it is not used as a timer here).

The dark energy creator who created the big black hole has no objection to the layout of the light speed in the universe.

But the light speed was not at all relaxed, she stared at the black hole and lost her mind for a moment. Because when the dark energy reaches the eighth level, you can see that the universe will no longer be a simple plane space-time, but have many concave surfaces. There are also many worlds in the concave surface.

Qingsuyi: "The universe is much more complicated than what I previously knew" - at this time, she also realized that in the new field, she was also a newcomer.

Qingsu couldn't help recalling some experiences, such as the Tacit Kaiduo who impressed her very deeply. Qingsu also: "His conscious thinking is very special, does it come from a world with a concave surface of the universe?"

From the current perspective of the dark plane, if some areas of the universe are too sunken, and the hole is very small, the sunken section is the other side of the multidimensional plane.

Light speed can also clearly feel, 'Tasi Qiduo has a habit of being different from this world in the dialogue. And it has been mentioned at least three times in the language that (the promised star) there is a problem with the evolution of human beings’.

…The scenery seen from the finish line is very transparent. Standing at the starting point, you can find that it is very thin...

At the same time, on Lu Yuexing.

After just ending the encirclement and suppression of the Yaksha Group's forces, it received double pressure from the Spirit Group's military and diplomacy.

Wei Keng in the cafeteria looked at the old-fashioned method of projecting the map in the news, and muttered: "It seems that we have to review how human beings evolved."

In the 6th year of the Apocalypse, Wei Keng, who was "someone" on Jiulan Star, had already found out the backs and feet of the major interference forces on Luyue Planet. Although there are several empires and several common federations, there are only two unified bosses behind them: the Jiulanxing faction, and the Creation Great Black Hole faction.

Strictly speaking, Lu Yuexing's battle was a conflict between the small families of the starry sky knights under the background of the game between the two major forces.

The Yasha Group and the Lingren Group were respectively transformed by different biased technologies by the external forces interfering with Lu Yuexing. ——This kind of "bias" is very illustrative.

Wei Keng: The development of these starry sky families is uneven, with serious partiality.

Great power confrontation in the 21st century is all-round. That is to say, in the military, nuclear submarines, strategic bombers, missiles, and satellites must not be missing. Economically, energy, chips, and manufacturing supply chains must not be lost.

The confrontation between civilizations is rarely a characteristic technology like the Red Alert. Both parties have assembled a large number of talents and competed comprehensively in various fields.

As for Wei Keng's current Revolutionary Army, the same is true.

There are 61 categories of dark energy systems, although there are many low-level systems, but none of them are missing! Pull them all out and compete on the industrial chain. Not seeking the most advanced, but seeking no shortcomings.

Wei Keng: You biochemical virus, I am here to carry out medical technology to reduce damage.

Your tyrannical force field technology, although my side is a little weaker, but still relying on a little more force field maintained by nano tools, it can last for a while.

Furthermore, you have an energy beam weapon, but mine is too big, so it is inconvenient to use it as an individual soldier, but it can be used as a team.

Earthlings Controversy: Weapons are weak, but it doesn't mean you have to lie down and be slaughtered. If you don't fight a strong enemy because your weapon is weak, you will be slaughtered unarmed.

The war evolution of human beings, oh, the war evolution of earth people is like this. Under the system of the weak and the strong, the weak also need to die.

…The sound of guns beating the ground, the smell of gunpowder smoke is more refreshing than coffee…

Wei Keng moved the battlefield with the cooking squad that moved to the battlefield. Since he is now in a place with many lakes, the dishes are mainly grilled fish. Master Wei doesn't have the dark energy of the devouring department to eat everything, but he makes up for it with cooking skills.

In the sixth year of the Apocalypse, the variable legion created suspicions on the northern front, turning the Yaksha group into a defense, and actually started digging holes for the aggressive spirit group.

The war action is decisive, but the constant warnings before the war are not sudden, and the words used for the spirits are gradually increased. Wei Keng: "Don't call it unpredictable, but every time it is a sudden temptation."

Traceability suddenly launched an assault, after cutting off the transportation hubs and railway lines at points around many large cities of Lingren. The dispersed spirit legion invested 1.4 million troops in this direction.

Fifteen hours later, the Variable Corps suddenly launched an attack on a city built between three hills. In this battle, all the tanks and air forces seized from Yasha were used.

After a rapid bombing, the defense of this formal industrial city was defeated.

Four hours after the Tracing Army captured the city, a floating battleship of the Spirit Group appeared in the sky. Looking at the city occupied by the Tracing Army 40 kilometers ahead, the Spirit Battleship began to emit azure blue light beams.

The moment this powerful war machine radiated destructive light waves, dozens of buildings in the city where the five-pointed star flag was flying had just experienced the flames of war, were pierced by ion beams and burned with flames.

But just as the spirit ship vented its anger, thousands of (traceable) missiles trailed flames from all directions to join the event.

The dark energy user Xi Ling on the floating battleship is a fourth-level dark energy, the supreme commander of the entire spirit group, and also the daughter of a fifth-level dark energy user on this planet who was inspired by Lu Yuexing.

While watching the ambush scene, she spread her energy wings like a dragonfly, and her own information was transmitted to the entire battleship in the main control room.

The entire battleship radiated flowing metal, forming a well-defined metal energy shield and opened it to the maximum, resisting the missile explosion.

But in the next second, she found that under the hail of bullets from the battleship's close-in defense system, a group of rocket pods directly rushed up and landed on the battleship.

The assault launch location is just below the battleship. It can be said that when the city was captured, the traceable military deployment was ambushing the warship that came to support from the very beginning. Before its course comes, the area where it will park is predicted.

Five minutes later, multiple explosion flames erupted inside the battleship.

In the command cabin, the three Wei Keng in the assault team stared at the head of the spirit, and pulled the trigger on her plain chest. ——The heavy hammer is said to be the daughter of a "star knight" from an alien planet.

The body of the lady in the blue mechanical armor was rushed to the wall.

"Star Knight", a fifth-level dark energy user, is a god-like figure to all struggling beings on this planet.

Wei Keng whispered to the spirit man commander who was convulsed by the electric shock: You are proud of your bloodline. In fact, from the perspective of the star sea outside, it is almost a wild night~, um, it was an accident. (The word wild species is too impolite.)

infinite world lines

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