Out of the cage

Chapter 555 Chapter 13.32 One person makes a reef

Six years into the Apocalypse, this is the watershed after Lu Yuexing was rebooted by an alien.

The nature of the small fights on the ground has changed with the annihilation of the fourth-level dark energy users.

In Lu Yuexing's outer space, on the self-proclaimed viewing platform, fifteen star knights, who are also the leaders of the planet's formatting, began to prepare to end the observation and intervene in the correction. Correct everything in their favour.

In the inner circle of Jiulan Planet, they only belonged to small cadres with some privileges, but now on the outer planet, they are very respectable guys in the local area.

But the worlds of the squires who control dozens of planets in the star sea are different from the worlds of the proud sons of the large star gate center.

Compared with the interior of Jiulanxing, Cheng Ting and Le Xiaotian have mastered high-grade dark energy, and they are already guaranteed to advance to the sixth level. Even if they reach the seventh level, they are quite hopeful to become the master of the planet.

Lu Yuexing is a manor in the countryside, not a heavy industrial planet like Rust Planet, a planet with high energy. Even being bombarded by a battleship like "Inorganic Fire" is definitely not worth it.

In the center of the Jiulan Star, Wei Keng talked with the first-class echelon Cheng Ting and Le Xiaotian at the same level, so when I met these little people (star knights) in this alien territory, they all felt that their nostrils were upturned. A touch of "funny".

…there is a huge difference in values ​​between the two sides…

The fourth-level low-level dark energy user killed by Master Wei on the Luyue planet is not worth mentioning on the Jiulan planet, and will not be cared by the interstellar masters. But for the local family forces, they were so irritated that their eyes were anxious.

Among the small warships more than ten kilometers long outside Lu Yuexing, in the carefully decorated internal command hall, these fifth-level dark energy users, using a high-ranking political stance, began to question whether other family opponents in their eyes were right for Lu Yuexing now. This "out of control" has some understanding.

As the leader of the "Apocalypse" Lu Yuexing, Eros originally sought to gain benefits from the awakening of the catastrophe on this planet, spawning and growing some dark energy users above the third level, and recruiting his own forces.

Oh, right now, there are only two fourth-level dark energy users born in the sixth year of the Apocalypse Calendar on the entire planet. Several other potential candidates, including them, are already well-known, and the two "big" families will pre-determine candidates who will increase their investment afterward.

But now, in the eyes of these Xinghai families, the seed players they selected on the planet Luyue were directly targeted one after another by special forces that appeared out of nowhere.

Eros, a female intelligence officer with half bald head and half long hair, gave detailed information.

With an oppressive posture, Eros first made the atmosphere of the scene silent and solidified, and then he gave the definition to Lu Yuexing's map: the level of dark energy of this group of "spoilers" (referring to the traceability faction) is not high, just Relying on the "low work" assassination method to attack.

…Still maintaining arrogance during the upheaval is for the sake of controlling subordinates who have been brainwashed by arrogance, and also for the sake of grouping in alliances. …

The "Mercy" of another external intervention party - this fourteen-kilometer-long space cruiser (not worth mentioning on Jiulan Planet) floats in space.

Star Knight Yuliu, wearing a leather jacket and water-colored stockings, pointed at the "chess players" of Luyue Planet on other interfaces, and said: "Apocalypse on Luyue Planet, there have been bad incidents. I suggest that these incidents should be dealt with first. .”

On the frequency band of the interface, second proposals were sent one after another.

Therefore, starting from the seventh year after the apocalypse, the "possibility" change on Lu Yue encountered suppression from higher-level forces.

In the central area of ​​the main continent, after beams of destructive beams fell from the sky, a large number of bases were hit hard. When it was originally strong, it reached a total of three million transformation forces, but it was weakened to only one million in just one month.

After a large number of underground tunnels were bombed, Wei Keng, carrying the cauldron of the cooking class on his back, looked up at the fleet above him to confirm whether a strategic shift was necessary.

...a few small victories won't blow the minds of the overcrowded...

This star sea ensemble, before the final high performance, does not necessarily have to achieve a significant victory on one planet at one time.

So in November of the seventh year, during the snowy days in the northern hemisphere, the Variable Army carried out the largest military offensive in history to cover the strategic retreat.

Among them, the first variable corps quickly opened the space gate after cutting off a gravitational point occupied by the Yasha group in the northeast. The 800,000 combat forces moved along the space transition point to a more remote asteroid area.

In front of the space transition gate, Wei Keng looked at Xi beside him: "You lead the team away too."

Xi looked at the swarm of enemy warships that had appeared in the haze of the sky. As one of the few people who knew Wei Keng's special status, she said, "I want to stay."

Xi came here with Wei Keng, they were equal at first, but when Xi stepped closer to the center step by step, she saw that Wei Keng was still content to stay in the ordinary position, she didn't know why. It wasn't until this time that the organization announced its evacuation and made arrangements for the end, that she realized that the ordinary person in front of her had always been "reserved" by the organization.

Wei Keng waved his hand, and recalled in the language of the heart: "I said, to give this planet the possibility, you are currently the embodiment of our chasing 'tracing the source' potential. Your foundation is very good, and it would be foolish to waste it here. To be able to integrate the industrial system, you need to be a backup team.

As for me, although my potential is a little 'worse' than yours, I am always ready to obey orders and prove my possibility at this moment. "

Up to now in the war, traceability is still helpless when dealing with high-grade dark energy, and we can only pin our hopes on the "dark energy smelting" technology that has no use at present.

Xi remained silent. Indeed, this is what she once had in her heart. But as the war progressed, she also understood more and more that the gap with the enemy was huge. At this moment when no success can be seen, it is much easier to die bravely than to live and persevere.

Seemingly sensing Xie's 'bad' breath, Wei Keng smiled: "Their ideas are wrong, you should live, and find the most exciting way to live. Don't limit your death to one year or two, that's a It’s such a waste, as long as you can still see the sign ahead, you should go boldly. Don’t worry, leave your back to me.”

In the supervisor's space, Bai Linglu had a strange expression on his face: "Where did you learn this technique of teasing girls? He (Wei Keng) didn't do this before."

After the seventh year of the apocalypse, the variable main force on Lu Yuexing shifted. There are only 40,000 troops left behind on Luyue Planet, and they will be responsible for the most difficult stage of the struggle.

This force is led by the Wei Keng group, relying on underground facilities, and is still fighting against the Star Knights.

Braving the bombing of the Starfleet, they fought tenaciously, but the defense zone could only retreat to the mountains.

When the scope and signs of source tracing activities are compressed to very little, it seems that the local planetary suppression organizations are victorious.

When the interstellar knights entered the arena with their warships, Lu Yuexing's descendants reopened the apocalypse, but they lacked the stimulation of the power to trace the source. In the second half of the apocalypse, their growth was limited.

...the flames are burning from one place to another, but a man with a blocked nose cannot smell the paste...

The perspective returns to Jiulan Star, and it is now 6782 years of Jiulan Star.

It has been twelve years since Wei Keng arrived in this core area. In the past few years, some "legal" property has also been accumulated, and these things are obtained from the outside world.

On the thirty-seventh orbit of Jiulanxing, Wei Keng looked down at the new home he just bought quite contentedly. This is a six-kilometer-long space station. The original owner was unable to provide maintenance for this large iron shell. Wei Keng bought it with the price of space scrap iron, which is about 500 billion.

The shabby Wang Weikeng bought enough titanium powder in space, like glue, to repair the entire space station.

Of course, this price is not something that ordinary fourth-level low-level dark energy users can afford. Only by cooperating with Cheng family to get paid, can there be so much extra money.

Of course, to some extent, Wei Keng has already semi-disclosed his identity in Jiulanxing. As a fifth-level space system dark energy user, he only communicates with the "time" court, and remains reclusive to the outside world.

Wei Keng was in space, groping for the spherical space station with a diameter of 6,000 meters bit by bit.

A space station of this volume level has many functions that are not complete. Because this small space station, no matter how airtight it is, will lose a lot of gas during frequent exits. Therefore, in Jiulanxing, like cheap sneakers in the 21st century, they are a kind of consumables.

Because in space, water and oxygen are the most basic things for human survival, continuous replenishment costs money.

The predecessor of this space station scrapped this big guy because he couldn't afford oxygen and water.

But now, an ultra-small space door unfolded. This thing usually appears on large warships, powered by nuclear fusion. Of course, a single small space door relies on expensive nuclear batteries.

Using space capabilities to establish an energy transmission network in a huge space is also a must!

Wei Keng connected the energy system of the space station to the 4,000 public power stations on the Tianquan planet surrounded by the space station. (Repeated emphasis: Tianquan star is the orbit of the twenty-sixth planet in the Jiulan star field)

Wei Keng paid the electricity bill in full and jumped the power from the void on the planet to maintain the space system.

Of course, those who are interested can also find the weirdness through these signs, such as "the scrapped space station does not need to be replenished all the year round", "the power of the substation is inexplicably conducted away".

But they could never imagine what Wei Keng was doing here.

...Wei Keng began to create "split bodies" openly and aboveboard...

In the internal folding space area of ​​this space station, Wei Keng, who was one of the first batch to arrive in this world, looked at himself who had just transferred from the Pandora plane in front of him, and started the job introduction.

These selves who had just arrived from the carbon-based disaster plane curiously explored the titanium alloy exoskeleton shell wrapped in the new carbon-based body, as well as various medical equipment to be implanted.

The selves in these life-support cabins communicate with each other using spiritual language, even if Wei Keng's body enters now, it has not stopped.

"Dark energy" has upper and lower ranks, and Wei Keng and the others are all equal here.

Right now, the Wei Keng group still maintains the habit of Pandora plane.

The individual brains are basically connected together through a new mental language. The so-called "talking" with each other is also the process of each brain before establishing a unified thinking.

When the "spiritual language" conversation reached a certain level, Wei Keng and the others determined the most important strategic goal of this plane - "Smelting Dark Energy". This requires a lot of primary dark energy, and the central condition of Jiulan Star can provide convenience for large-scale primary awakening.

In this plane, Wei Keng became a reef alone, and hit the water in the middle of the current.

With the proper deployment of himself in the space bubble, Wei Keng will be good at "time-space disturbance" himself, oh, this is not only the dark energy of the space-time system, but also dozens of "gravitational systems", "electromagnetic systems", "energy-mass systems" "Self-cooperation of dark energy structure.

Once the consciousness determines the thinking of the brain, each of Wei Keng's carbon-based body is actually a "finger". It is an unprecedented attempt for these bodies with different dark energies to coordinate with a slightly lower level of dark energy to interact with physical rules and open the star gate together.

Thousands of different dark energy players are so tacitly linked. This is unique in this era.

Bai Linglu's team encrypted Wei Keng's method of being in the current plane to the highest level, and no outside time and space forces could read it.

The Promised Stars have not yet evolved such a "cluster".

In terms of coordinated operations, the Promise Stars' dark energy players have never had the precise cooperation of more than a hundred people. This is the route they missed when they went to the universe and evolved towards energy life in a hurry.

And Wei Keng came out of the Pandora plane, which is relatively more primitive in technology, and the current cluster is a step of evolution from the foundation.

When there are thousands of dark energies, dozens of dark energies form a unity like the combination of organs and tissues.

Those reasons for being considered weaker and inferior when single no longer exist. Today, the tracks of the two sides are different.

After the star gate was opened, multiple interfaces including Lu Yuexing were opened. The new Wei Keng group started to enter the area where it is difficult to change the form in the form of a battle group.

… Times create heroes, Wei Keng comes down to the era, is chosen. …

The sea of ​​stars is gradually shifting from being stable to a process of great turmoil. The north of Jiulan Star's territory is the location of the gap between the Milky Way's cantilever arms.

The northern star sea ejection area of ​​the great black hole of creation, on a white star with twice the mass of the sun.

Battleships with thousands of kilometers leaped around the star. These warships are not comparable to the super-large main battleships driven by Chang Hengxi, but they are still very high-end, and belong to the warships that can only be dispatched by the seventh-level suzerain.

Note: The inner area of ​​the Great Black Hole of Creation and the forces in the northern ejection area of ​​the Great Black Hole of Creation are not the same forces, which is equivalent to "Turkey who joined NATO is not a member of the European Union" in the 21st century. In terms of values, the original willingness to "go through fire and water for NATO" does not belong to the EU.

The jetting area in the north of the great black hole of creation is the force that has become prosperous in the mass trade with the great black hole of creation.

This force has gathered a military alliance composed of more than twenty seventh-level dark energy users. This military alliance set up three central points on three stars within five light-years, directly governing 270,000, 350,000, and 490,000 turning points, which together belong to a super-large power.

The star territory it occupies just happened to conflict with the southern star core of Jiulan Star.

Note: In the definition of the Promised Stars, in the Milky Way, the direction close to the center of the galaxy is south, and the direction away from the center of the galaxy is north.

These suzerains who control the planets circled dozens of circles around the white star, and the picture was like a stream of light on the surface of the star. Every time after touching the surface of a star, there will be a short-lived sunspot phenomenon due to being absorbed too much energy.

The content of these suzerains' encrypted conversations is unknown to the outside world, and the flow of information is too fast, and low-level dark energy users cannot read the whole picture.

The general meaning is: the latest eighth-level dark energy user (light speed) in the star sea has entered the black hole of creation.

This Lord will not interfere with the struggles in the various star sea regions.

In this way, it is "accepted", and all parties in Xinghai can continue to resolve their own conflicts.

...The pursuit of the eighth-level dark energy user and the seventh-level dark energy user are inconsistent...

Apart from the need for successors and the need to settle old grievances, level eight dark energy users have no direct link to the interests of Xinghai.

After Qingsu also entered the eighth level, he saw the universe he was in, full of "traps" that suddenly collapsed. In each pit, it is suspected to be another cosmic plane area. As for the repeated battles in the human history of this plane, it no longer appeals to her.

...Low-level tastes are often self-anesthetized after the pursuit of high-level visions is fruitless...

In the main world area, 2903.

Li Ximeng, who was about to go to Mars, was standing on the Puhai Building, reviewing his future.

She looked at the latest information. As a pastoral time traveler with earth household registration, there are very few old friends who are still alive today. Luo Hongxing, Wei Qiang, Yang Chunfen, these former acquaintances are all gone.

Of course, those who are still there are not willing to contact her anymore.

Li Ximeng looked at the ancient recorder in the address book, saw that Jing Guyu was still there, was slightly startled, and clicked on the plane where Jing Guyu was located. When he found that it was the dark plane, his gaze hesitated for a moment.

Then I started to look up the data, but found that there are a lot of "A" and other encryptions in Jing Guyu's data.

She habitually opened her authority to try to unlock it, but suddenly stopped. It is no longer the idyllic era, let alone the unified era, everything has been blocked.

Li Ximeng concentrated her mind and resumed the posture of a king in the dimension. She wrote a letter and left it to Jing Guyu.

In the dark plane, Jing Guyu is discussing with Bai Linglu what will happen to Wei Keng in the "Star Sea Wars Era".

Jing Guyu suddenly paused and opened a letter. Under Bai Linglu's gaze, Jing Guyu finished reading the letter, faced Bai's suspicion, and then let go.

The content of the letter is to conduct a "new round of plane alliance".

Bai Linglu returned the letter to Jing Guyu, and Jing Guyu threw it into the recycle bin.

"These days, there is a fart covenant to make." Bai Linglu, who used to be utilitarian, looks down on the "utilitarian Li Ximeng" now.

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