Out of the cage

Chapter 561 Chapter 14.01 (Part 2) Lu Yuexing, Condensation Nucleus

The perspective returns to Lu Yuexing. Ten years passed in a blink of an eye (locally, ten revolution cycles).

On this planet where 60% of the area is ocean, it has been bombarded to the point of dots. Seen from space, the scorched black marks are vividly visible.

This is different from the cratered craters on the moon. The lunar craters are destroyed by kinetic energy. This scar is more caused by the burning of hot energy. There are no craters, only circles of colored glass bands with different heating degrees and different textures.

It is now sixteen years after the Age of Apocalypse. After the variable forces were transferred in the sixth year of the apocalypse, another ten years passed.

During these ten years, it was Wei Keng who fought on this planet. The technology of dark energy smelting has made great breakthroughs during this period of time.

Wei Keng put up a tenacious resistance on this planet, and also maintained contact with other bases here. Every year, tens of thousands of people shuttled through the space transition gate.

In the war, the local combat force has grown from only 40,000 people in the sixth year after the apocalypse to 600,000 people!

The apocalypse creators in this world discovered after a few years that this group of "spoiler" forces from the outside world had been suppressed and left a large group of people, and it seemed that they had become stronger.

On Lu Yuexing, those fleets that used to be able to burn the earth have now retreated to high orbits, because the charred surface hides a force that can quickly counterattack.

...In the 14th year of the Apocalypse, Wei Keng revealed his means of fighting ships...

That year, Master Wei surrounded the spot to fight for aid and launched a large-scale offensive on the surface. Such arrogance caused the four foreign forces behind Yasha and the Spirit Group to intervene again.

After the initial bombardment, the fleet they dispatched found that they had successfully contained the Wei Keng attack on the ground, and found that they were still so powerful, so they almost prepared to approach the Luyue planet.

Wei Keng squatted patiently in the ocean and waited for the enemy fleet to approach one by one, and then launched the fiery "burning" strike system of the battleship chassis...

Wei Keng showed a "hooked" smile on the corner of his mouth.

The magnetic field of the planet to be slaughtered released distorted light, like a big mouth opening to a space battleship.

And the "gluttonous mouth" of this planet sticks out its "tongue".

A black material belt wrapped around the battleship, and then the battleship would be engulfed by the halo, and then cracked into ashes and fell.

This kind of counterattack weapon from the planet is that the variable legion uses dark energy to "smelt" to arm the magnetic field of the entire planet.

Now the magnetic field of the whole planet seems to be normal, but one-thousandth of the magnetic field is turned into "magnetic monopole".

Normal magnetic matter is "N, S double magnetic poles".

After special physical conditions, it is split into single magnetization, that is, the magnetic force can directly interfere with the "strong force", "gravity" and "binding force".

Such a "magnetic field" is like tweezers, directly splitting the "strong" restrained nuclear force in the normal matter on the space battleship.

This is also why, after a warship in outer space enters low-Earth orbit, it will immediately shatter like mosquito-repellent ashes meeting water.

…After this black hand grabbed the feathers of seagulls on the beach, the seagulls never dared to land again…

The warships in the sky changed from frenzy to panic, and they were underground on the planet Luyue.

Now on the variable side, the total number of awakened dark energy users is 450,000. In the deep underground base, a large number of energy facilities are deployed here.

Among them, there is a type of "spherical" facility that is the most critical, and this is a weapon system that splits the magnetic field into "single magnetic levels".

This kind of "field energy weapon" hidden in the planet's own magnetic field, the variable army will launch a large number of basic dark energy players into the planet every day for "smelting".

How much of this special 'field weapon' the Variable Army currently has on Luyue Planet is a top secret to the Apocalypse Interferers.

…15 years after the apocalypse…

After the forces that initiated the apocalypse in the local interstellar region lost their fleet, they retaliated with wave after wave of solar bombing, which could suppress the planet's magnetic field for a short time and destroy the highly concealed "weaponized magnetic field" in the planet's magnetic field.

The scene was so brilliant, the aurora was so gorgeous that it could be seen from the equator.

However, the star magnetic armament of the variable army can be supplemented, and Lu Yuexing has essentially become a "planetary fortress" with the functions of defending the landing of warships and bombing with large warheads.

The dark energy of the electromagnetic series is only the most basic dark energy, and the dark energy of the light energy system is also the most basic dark energy. These two types of dark energy are the basis for "smelting" a single magnetic pole. As long as the family-system planetary powerhouses in outer space don't deal with the organizational power of the variable army on the planet, they can fight this war for as long as they can.

and! ——Now Wei Keng has begun to accumulate in depth on this planet.

…Meetings in underground tunnels, meetings in space battleships, plotting against each other...

No one except the 15 high-level members of the Planetary Variable Army knows that more energy facilities are still being deployed 600 meters below the planet's crust. And these energy facilities are aimed at the core of Luyue planet.

And even the top leaders of the variable army, except for Wei Keng, don't know the exact number of such facilities, let alone the specific functions of such facilities.

The heart of eternity, this kind of dark energy uses the cycle of a star to carry out the "order" required by life.

Wei Keng didn't just create a star. More than one is also possible.

...the stars in the sky are shining brightly, the pits on the ground are dark...

Wei Keng now controls the core of the planet. Apart from controlling the turning point, the rest of the "finishing" is also continuing.

Eternal Heart dark energy measures the planet's magnetic field. All the energy in the star is 'ordered', the circles of matter in the star roll like bearing rings, and the circles of magnetic field are like vertical gears, which guide the energy of the inner circle into the outer circle.

Someone's "implicit" plan constructed in the language of the mind: once it is completed in the future, the weaponized manufacturing output of the magnetic field can be increased tenfold even if the number of dark energy personnel on one's own side (variable army) remains unchanged.

In the cooking class, Master Wei held up a spatula and gestured to the map of the universe: At that time, it would be useless for those warships to hide in high orbits, and within one light second, they could all be attacked.

The balance of the battle situation is quietly changing.

Wei Keng: "The enemy's patience is also gradually being consumed. The next five years will be the most difficult days."

In the database linked by everyone’s helmet in the variable army, a variable dark energy user has ushered in a new wave of data updates. Under the dark energy “smelting” technology system, the data loaded with “high energy” is updated every day .

This increase in combat power is equivalent to gradually rising from a single-shot musket to an assault rifle.

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