Out of the cage

Chapter 562 Chapter 14.02 Battle for the Stars

In the 17th year of the Apocalypse, Lu Yuexing has entered a decisive battle.

In the areas of space, ocean, and underground tunnels, machinery and people have begun to converge at a high density.

In the variable core command area, Wei Keng gave orders to the component command systems in multiple theaters to seize the favorable opportunity and eat up the enemy's vital forces.

When it comes to fleet warfare in the interstellar era, Wei Keng may not be familiar with command, but when it comes to ground warfare, Wei Keng still has a little understanding of the situation.

As for the command system, Wei Keng did not copy the highest level in China, but based on the command system of these Xinghai local forces, he set up a set of targeted weapons!

It is also informatization, but the degree of centralization on the opposite side is too strong, that is, based on a set of command centers, it strengthens the transmission of commands from one center to the lower layer. This is similar to the US military in the twenty-first century.

One center mobilizes the entire system to carry out operations, and its benefits are indescribable.

In an active offensive situation, after four weeks of preparation, he suddenly intervened in the center, commanded by the aircraft carrier fleet center, mobilized the air force to bomb, and guided by the ground. ——Unify thousands of combat units at once, and overwhelm them with the attitude of Mount Tai, and the medium-sized countries will disappear all at once.

But the flaws are also obvious. All parts rely on the central command. Once a certain area is disturbed, the operations in the theater will be very chaotic.

From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, when the United States suppressed small countries, its information advantage was too strong, and the small countries had no time to interfere.

But what if the technology is the same?

In the Gongdelin Pot Sharing Conference, a certain jam said, "During the battle of Xubu, when the battle was the most intense, there were hundreds of telephones in Nandu, but none of them got through. Come in."

...In war, we must consider fighting the strong with the weak, and we must consider resisting pressure...

Therefore, Wei Keng implemented a decentralized model at the command level.

After the highest center makes a strategic layout, the following regional strategies are led by the theater department.

Each theater adopts the mode of "area block" in the details of campaign tactics.

Namely: each regional command will discuss and confirm the deployment of the campaign according to their responsibilities, and then implement it. If they fail to participate in tactical decision-making in time due to enemy interference (failure to communicate under enemy interference is the responsibility of the department itself), they will be re-connected. After the quantum communication order, it should obey the tactical decision-making and fully cooperate.

Of course, tactical decisions should not violate strategic decisions. When a tactical decision has to violate the central strategic decision, it is transferred to the central for approval.

Most of the time, the center will modify strategic decisions based on the actual situation on the front line.

In this way, decentralized combat command is much safer, and it is impossible for the enemy to suppress communications in all areas.

but! Relying on the advanced organization mode, the organization directs the gun.

The idea of ​​winning from top to bottom is the same, which is the basis for ensuring the extreme initiative and seizing opportunities in each theater.

Now the concept of Weikeng Group's dying struggle is to "introduce the miscellaneous meanings of Xinghai into an ensemble". Fight according to the purest ideal of life, seeking the great possibility of life.

The Xinghai forces in places like Promise Star are mixed with family culture and hierarchical status. Here, it is doomed to be unable to imitate Wei Keng's tricks.

Wei Keng: "From the very beginning, they ignored the possibility. Their desires were mixed, and they expected to be deceived by violence and order their lives to be exhausted. They really want to eat swan meat."

...War is in our DNA...

Lu Yuexing, weaponized with geomagnetism, has formed a planetary fortress-level existence.

Wei Keng's information system is also well established.

In the past, the information channels of war command among dark energy players could not be suppressed.

Every dark energy person has a propagation frequency band no less than that of electromagnetic waves. But precisely dark energy smelting can smelt every type of dark energy.

As for the dark energy practitioners on these traditional routes, due to the fixed dark energy family tree, the same low-level dark energy circles around the high-level dark energy practitioners, forming a specific central command system.

Such a high-level dark energy person as the center also limits the information processing ability. During the ten years of fighting, Wei Keng has already calculated the opponent's tactical level from the opponent's limited campaign planning and tactical execution.

Now that the upper limit of the opponent has been touched, the opponent can only fight a war of that scale. Once it exceeds the scale it can handle, it can crush the opponent.

Master Wei started his career on the Pandora plane, and his specialty is gang fights! If ten people are not enough, there are only a hundred people, and a hundred people are not enough for a million people. The mental language system deploys enough people into a plan, and the collective is dispatched at the same time, overwhelming that "single consciousness" by surprise.

Now Wei Keng is going to fight a strategic decisive battle. Within a few hours, the information transmission will be massive.

…The magnetic field of the entire planet is a weapon, and all the fields of the entire planet are nerve chains…

Lu Yuexing is Wei Keng's astral body (the dark energy of the Eternal Heart) under the pressure of war.

In the 17th year of the Apocalypse, under the alternate cover of the atmospheric electromagnetic field, the 120,000 troops of the "Traceability Group" completed a strategic penetration.

Under the cover of the planetary energy system, the light infantry has also entered a new era.

When the war started, a layer of camouflage nets on thousands of hills and mountains was opened, and it was like a crater, revealing the deep mechanical corridors inside. These mechanical corridors are all 40 meters in diameter, and the regularly distributed lights, as well as the sudden opening of the mechanical slide rails, form a sharp contrast with the surrounding environment.

These mechanical tunnels are ejected, and each of the standard diamond-shaped ejection chambers with a length of 20 meters directly enters space. This transport volume is comparable to that of railways, and its maneuvering speed is that of rockets.

Oh, this is the interstellar era. When troops intersect, the electromagnetic field of the atmosphere creates a mirage for cover.

The Wei Keng group quickly arrived at the battlefield on a low-altitude rocket. The planet's magnetic field is like a light cone and sharp blade, following Wei Keng's instructions, it precisely slices through the enemy troops on the ground.

Under the change of offense and defense, the original attacker suddenly exposed a lot of problems and entered a state of collapse.

The Yakshas who hurriedly took off and flapped their metal jet wings were directly ionized in the sky, turning into particle clouds in the atmosphere, and then ballistic missiles fell from the sky one after another, destroying these Yaksha bases that rushed out.

Annihilating mobile forces, plus cutting grass and roots, all in one go.

The separation of the single magnetic poles of the planetary magnetic field can not only disassemble combat facilities, but also "uniform" the atmosphere to form orbits. Therefore, the most expensive spaceship transportation in modern times is now commonly used in military operations.

Above the entire atmosphere, an air glide track was connected like a blood vessel, and the strike forces and airlift facilities deployed by Wei Keng were transported in an orderly manner on this track.

In the command system of the Yaksha Group, the hundreds of orders deployed every minute can't blow up the millions of roads on the sky track. And its own command interface is full of scenes of "red alert" (about to be hit) and "grey flower screen" (already been hit).

...A good attacker moves above the nine heavens...

After interspersing strategic locations one by one, Wei Keng, who are basic non-commissioned officers, arrived at the tactical base and unfolded the magnetic cube. In the following high altitude, those rhombuses began to fall.

On the suspended magnetic field platform, as a large wave of wind and waves set off, batches of tanks and heavy weapon combat mechs in the light quickly landed, like mercury pouring down the ground, and entered those gridded city areas that looked like chips from a bird's-eye view from high above.

In the global battle report.

On April 5th, Suyuan launched a big battle, and arrived at the third largest city of the Yasha Group, Mercury City, like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

And this city is just at the most important transportation hub node, once it is cut off, the troops of the entire Yaksha Group will be directly divided into three sections.

...Yasha Group is also ready to fight, Wei Keng: sit and wait...

On the meandering river, reinforced concrete buildings are densely covered with jungles, and there are 140 urban bridges. There are a large number of military forts and gun barrels squatting on it.

The garrison of the entire city is said to have more than 400,000 reformers and thousands of heavy weapons. It is said that in such a reinforced concrete building, each building has a rapid-fire electromagnetic gun, and the firing speed of this electromagnetic gun is the same as that of a close-in gun.

But in fact, as the heavy armored tanks advanced towards the building, the variable army made very fast progress. Almost at the same time as the attack, the airborne troops quickly took down all the bridges in the city and built nano force fields on the bridges. These nano force fields use the most advanced energy blocks and can last forty minutes,

When the firepower of the buildings on both sides turned into a dense barrage, hitting the nano shield, so that the energy shield was hit like a jelly-like Q bomb.

Missiles fell one after another in the sky, piercing through these buildings, and then the flames of cloud bombs sprayed out in the buildings. Then, it was the Variable Corps drone patrolling the burning building to control the battlefield.

On the outskirts of the city, under the cover of heavy tanks, variable combat light mecha infantry drove into the city center as if they were shopping on the main road.

Occasionally, the missiles above the city will activate the active defense system of the heavy tank, and the launch tubes on both sides of the tank turret will use smart missiles to deal with sneak attacks. Such a tank, unless it has the same level of heavy weapon armor-piercing bullets, it can't break through the defense at all.

The few resistance forces hiding in the building were quickly wiped out by the cloud bombs carried by the mechanical pack horses near the tank.

…On the battlefield, one side is shouting madly, while the other side is reporting the position data in an orderly manner with the language of the mind...

The siege battle was decided in half an hour.

From an altitude of 500 meters, the entire city will be lit up with fireworks and move forward within 20 minutes. A large amount of asbestos mesh dust filled the entire city.

As for the 400,000 defenders in the city, only 40,000 actually went into battle.

The reason is very simple. Yashas were very irritable after biological transformation, and there were a lot of fights and disturbances. In order to reduce losses, the city commanders directly sent more than half of these troops to the basement to hibernate.

When the variable forces entered the city center, a large number of defenders of the Yaksha Group were still injecting drugs in the basement, loading their mechs to restore their combat power.

But these Yakshas became captives. The next step is education, medical treatment, and ideological education.

If it was pure Wei Keng fighting, it would be able to destroy the dead in ten minutes, but now a large number of non-Wei Keng split comrades from the planet have been pulled into the city.

...the bulk of the war came after the war...

On April 5th, the variable army launched an attack from 10:40 am, and restored the city's communication system to its own at 11:30 pm, controlling all transportation hubs.

The battle was resolved within forty minutes, which shocked the entire upper echelon of Lu Yuexing in the command information chain.

While they were still pulling out the Starport Fleet and preparing to go to low-Earth orbit for support, the Variable Corps continued to take action.

As the runways in the city began to deploy areas marked with a diameter of 100 meters.

The planet's magnetic field forms a "absorbing force field" in the marked area, and this force field can directly drag the ground objects to the transmission orbit in the sky.

After a quick inspection of a large number of heavy weapons and equipment, they were loaded into the diamond-shaped cabin, and sent to the magnetic slide rail in the air by the launch platform of the rocket chassis, and maneuvered again.

…Because of the superiority in mobilization, Wei Keng has always maintained the superiority in attacking force…

At one o'clock in the noon, the army that had just finished the siege battle immediately migrated to the northern battlefield, and attacked the Fifth Army of the Yaksha Group, which was preparing to line up and maneuver.

These group armies also have tanks, and with the support of nuclear fusion energy, they have rapid levitation mobility technology, but the speed of army preparation is too slow. When they got into the car, the entire sky had been blocked by the magnetic force field.

Then they discovered that a large number of space capsules had landed nearby. They were surrounded by heavily armored corps.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, the ground heavy tank commanded the multi-module low-rise unmanned combat vehicle, and greeted each other with rockets and armor-piercing projectiles. The battle ended after 40 minutes, and the damage ratio of the heavy weapons of both sides was exchanged at 1:11.

Such battle damage is mainly in large cities where reinforced concrete is concentrated. In the center of such a complex city and alley, Yakshas may still ambush and deal damage. This damage is limited to variable unmanned equipment and the "surrender" link.

Wei Keng, who traced the source, was in a frontal battle, basically letting the enemy "do not surrender or die."

In regular warfare, instead of relying on individualism, it needs the cooperation of the system.

In a series of variable battles such as Lu Yuexing, Wei Keng attached great importance to the popularization of spiritual language.

Relying on the acuity of the transformed body, Yasha has become a so-called excellent fighter. In the dusty urban residence, there is no commanding heights, no frontal firepower, or even tactical maneuvers. I am anti-outflanked in my own city and then suppressed by the perspective.

In this way, the mutant troops often arrive at the battle zone deployed by the commander through tracked vehicles or on foot, only to find that the control of the commanding heights of the front, rear, left, and right is all interrupted, just like a tiger caught in a trap, being precisely attacked from multiple angles , disappear instantly.

And the troops behind Yaksha didn't even realize that the friendly army was gone.

The Yakshas were still trying to use smoke screens to hinder the laser suppression of the aerial drones, but they didn't know that Wei Keng had deployed a geomagnetic ejection facility like Xiaobai near them and locked their positions with a magnetic field.

...this military planet that produced Gendarmerie, is taught what war is today...

In space, the gunpowder of Mercury City hadn't cleared up yet, and the battlefield where the Fifth Army was 450 kilometers away had already turned into a final scene of weapons, vehicles and mecha wreckage everywhere.

Three hours later, when Yasha's third army also turned into the same ruins.

In the remaining direction, Yasha's main first army could only flee quickly. The source-tracing force was struggling at this first stage, and had no plan to annihilate the first army group, but when it fled, it immediately launched a blocking attack. A large number of guided artillery along the way, as well as the explosive traps triggered, blocked the main battle equipment of the Yasha First Army on the road, and had to abandon a large number of mechanized equipment.

The war has reached this level, which naturally makes the extraterrestrial forces anxious.

At six o'clock in the evening on April 5th, after the atmospheric magnetic field detected the landing trajectory in space, Wei Keng called the entire theater to work and arranged a "welcome ceremony" in advance.

Luo Jiao, the starry sky knight, is one of the fifteen highest fighters in the Xinghai family behind the Yasha Group. Now he took six members of the family team and rushed to the northern front battlefield. Trying to reverse this war with the combat power of a personal team.

In this battle, he lost his face so much that he didn't care about the long-term Blue Star Convention, and the interstellar knights are not allowed to participate in the battle order of the next planet without permission.

When Luojiao (level 5 dark energy regular star knight) passed the river bridge, he stopped suddenly. He raised his hand, and his team immediately shielded it with a force field. Luojiao's dark energy began to dispatch, and the golden wave spread rapidly from his fingertips, forming a sweep that was more terrifying than the cloud bomb's stamping wave.

His dark energy is a low-energy state ionization, and because of the low energy threshold, it can quickly focus the energy in the atmosphere in a narrow area, thus forming a golden ripple.

This ripple can spread seven or eight kilometers away. The mechanical armaments that can basically destroy a large number of mortals, and those without force field protection, can be turned into burning powder in this ripple. Of course, even with force field protection, as the ripple energy concentrates, the nano-base points of the force field will be quickly consumed.

Luo Jiao suddenly activated his ability, because he had already discovered an ambush ahead, so he conducted a firepower test.

...But this is the 'pit' area, Wei Keng spotted them when they came down, and completed the assembly of a regiment within five minutes...

When the battle team of the frontline guard Keng determined the "test" of ion cold wave diffusion like the advanced dark energy user, they did not "reciprocate and reverse the test" as they thought, but directly detained them to death.

At a hidden point 40 meters underground five kilometers away, his coordinates were determined and the "shelling" started.

Above Luojiao's head, the atmospheric magnetic field began to change, and a 500-meter shield formed around him. The strong magnetism in the cover immediately reached 600 billion times that of the planet, which is the level that any random movement of any metal will cause a thunderstorm.

The moment Luo Jiao opened his eyes wide, he disappeared and died under the thunder disaster.

But his teammates didn't have time to exclaim in surprise, and then there were clusters of large net packages that could cut steel nanowires, and they had to fight back. However, with the Zhekong Sword's cutting, people's heads also fell off one after another.

The team led by three level 5 dark energy users, and the team of fourteen level 4 dark energy users with follow-up support, were all wiped out within 30 minutes after landing on the surface of the star.

The riverside is quiet here. ——For those supreme interstellar aristocrats in space, their most powerful trump card has disappeared.

...The smoke in the war zone in the rear is over, and the war at the forefront has also come to an end...

Fifteen hours later, the Variable Legion completed the dispatch and quickly encircled Yasha's last strategic group. After three hours of annihilation, the northern campaign plan was not disturbed by additional elements.

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