Out of the cage

Chapter 617 Chapter 15.03 (Part 1) The Pursuit of the Great Black Hole of Creation

Jiulanxing finished chasing, and the Arctic Jet Zone chased. Apart from not being able to unite, the enemies have the same attitude towards the escape.

Such things as rebellion always challenge a powerful group with a weak force. Wei Keng, who is now facing the encirclement and suppression of the Xinghai, began to collect the history of the earth's five thousand years, and began to compile his own "rebellion theory".

"Uprising" is by no means "resistance"="justice" and "justice"="hard fights can win" in North American movies in modern times.

The logic of "the insurgents are all unrestrained heroes" is a theory that North American businessmen instigated conflicts during the two World Wars in the ancient industrial era, and exported them in order to harvest leeks after tasting the sweetness of profit.

Its purpose is to fool around enough disposable tools for people to use when interfering with foreign countries to grab benefits.

Wei Keng: How can there be so much selfless assistance from the outside world, just to help the aborigines resist evil gangs? Bai Linglu reminded: "Yes, French King Louis XVI is so selfless."

...Louis XVI is the true father of the United States, but there is no such good man after the guillotine...

In the ancient industrial era, all regions that believed in the Hollywood-style "North American independence" history were all culturally extinct in the war at the end of modern times.

Wei Keng: "The value broadcast by the Hollywood media is one of the sources of disasters that caused the large-scale loss of "possibility" in modern times."

To learn the real uprising, we must first seek truth from facts and objectively understand that we are weak. Adhere to the principle, always think about how to keep the fire and grow in the harsh environment.

You must have the courage to fire the first shot, and at the same time have the strength to avoid the lock of thousands of guns.

In terms of time, we must race against time, and in terms of space, we must move around in a large range.

...The current liberals in the main world are now inclined to pass on the bloodline, there is no "rather have a kind"...

After the Jiulanxing Uprising, Wei Keng group kept making fun of the Xinghai Council: they are idiots who can't even suppress it. It seemed that he was young and energetic, and he didn't care about the powerful forces that the Xinghai Council might mobilize, but in fact, the Wei Keng group was already tense like clockwork.

Lost Lexing and Qingsu also met once.

From Qing Suyi's words, Wei Keng confirmed that the surrounding star regions are looking for him, and they want to "fight hard" with him. Wei Keng patted Qingsu on the chest: "Heh, do they have this strength?" (Actually, the context at the time was that Qingsu wanted to express: "The outside world is very dangerous, come with me", but this guy Wei Keng After being frightened, it’s not about feigning death to find support, but to stockpile food to prepare for shortages.)

Wei Keng spared no effort to open up the connection between the various planetary space nodes. At the same time, it has accelerated the backup of dark energy smelting factories in various places.

After Jiulanxing 6829, Wei Keng's whereabouts were erratic. In the various regions of the Star Sea, after seeing the variable forces entering the fringe regions of the major forces, and after inquiring about the weakness of the "hidden pit", he began to "pursue and suppress" ".

Among them, the forces in the direction of the Great Black Hole of Creation are very active. Their motivation for chasing Wei Keng lies in the Shanhe-class warship that Wei Keng looted.

Furthermore, those planetary suzerains who have never seen the small and medium forces in the Jiulan Star War, they are eyeing the large-scale production facilities obtained after the "Tracing Army" evacuated from the Jiulan Star area. As local snakes, they want to rob some money to buy roads.

Forget about the alliance of the two superpowers, Jiulanxing and the Arctic Creation Area, and those small and medium-sized forces think that "Qiduo has failed in the center and failed" and want to come up for free prostitution, then it is wrong.

Wei Keng is preparing to stay away from the main area of ​​Xinghai and fight in the so-called secondary area, which means he is ready to compete with these small and medium-sized forces for control of the edge of Xinghai and develop the red zone.

Therefore, these small and medium-sized forces collecting taxes along the way experienced the updated version of "Sword Array Bombing with Jumping Gang Charge" in space, and faced it on the surface of the planet: "Spiritual language with Tiangang volleying, within half an hour Jianfeng wipe your throat" latest trend.

These planets, where most human beings are forced to live in a dark environment, were taken down in batches. And more and more carbon-based humans began to trace the evolution.

...During the escape, Wei Keng's base continued to expand, as if the sea of ​​stars was stained with blood...

Ten years after the "Great Evacuation" hosted by Wei Keng.

The dark energy pursuit force in the Arctic jet area finally discovered the Xinghai area where their lost Shanhe-class battleship was located, so they almost started the pursuit.

The Arctic jet zone first notified Jiulanxing (this is a ghost), but after being beaten for a round in front of Jiulanxing, this will start to be perfunctory. In addition to the appearance of being at odds with "starting the rudder", in fact the fleet clusters Did not move quickly.

…Han Feiheng: "He has set up the "space strangle formation" for more than 40 years since he came to Blue Star, and now he has escaped from Blue Star for ten years. .”…

After seeing Jiulan Star not being fooled, the Arctic jet area couldn't wait any longer. After uniting with other forces in the Great Black Hole of Creation, they began to encircle and suppress it together.

Four Shanhe-class battleships, as well as thousands of battleships, headed towards a cluster of red giant stars clustered together with frequent supernovae.

After their ships entered this area, they were stubbornly blocked by Wei Keng.

The fleet in the Arctic jet area is divided into multiple groups, and Mount Tai is overwhelming, and the strategic goal is also very clear, that is, to take back the "Shanhe class" ship, and at the same time destroy the arrogance of a wave of Wei Keng clusters in the sea of ​​stars.

The entire initial stage of the encirclement and suppression went very smoothly. As the forty light-year front advanced, the super warships in the Arctic jet zone flashed alternately victory signals as they sailed in the star sea.

One by one star areas were taken down, and in each star, one after another of the Tracing Legion warships was destroyed, falling into the ring belt of the large planet, and the wreckage area.

Several commanders of the Great Black Hole of Creation announced: "The traitors of Jiulan Star are nothing more than that."

But just as the encirclement shrunk to the second stage, their eastern group encountered a sudden and fierce counterattack.

All I saw was a gamma jet that penetrated three light-years in the universe, and this ray stream was transmitted through 600 relay transition points, completing an ultra-long-range strike. (The technical level of interstellar warfare at the end of the empty twisting plane was reproduced by Wei Keng)

These gamma-ray bursts are not supernova-scale, but are artificially controlled from within four massive red giant stars.

Inside these old stars, the hollows become transparent.

The incomparably powerful beams of the core ray flow crossed the eight planet-level transition points arranged in advance, oh, that is, the ring with a radius of 40,000 kilometers, and finally 30% of the energy broke through the gravitational region of the star.

Wei Keng used this as a sword to remotely attack the two Shanhe-class warships in the "Arctic Jet Zone" that were fifteen light-years apart on the encirclement network.

…The blow that spanned three light years was like a cold knife drawn out from the space of the target area. …

The devastation caused by this knife-cut ship eclipsed the stars in the area.

On the No. 3 white dwarf node, a Shanhe-class battleship and 130 battleships have just completed orbit stabilization. The result ushered in the phenomenon of "mouth opening" on the white dwarf.

The fiery light beam was inserted into the Shanhe-class battleship like a fork inserted into a bread roll.

…The destroyed Shanhe class is new, but the onlookers are old spectators, just like witnessing a series of famous imperial ships returning to the ocean during the Xuefeng Escort in World War II. …

On Zhangwei's battleship "Symmetry Conservation" (actually the accompanying Shanhe-class frigate).

Biting Jinyan followed Zhang Wei to see this brilliant blow. Sluggishly forget to move. The scene where fifteen astronomical units were pierced into the Shanhe-class battleship after sheathing from the space door made her tremble all over, as if she had been electrocuted to a sensitive point.

Once upon a time, "Hidden Pit" had surrendered to him, but that was the only time the two sides could talk, she watched with her nostrils, and the two sides missed it. Then more and more unimaginable battles appeared in front of her one after another.

Zhang Wei dragged Bi Jinyan away, because a large number of high-energy bodies appeared in the surrounding space.

At present, these high-energy bodies are attacking the "Shanhe-class" warships that have just been "bombarded", and at the same time they will not let go of these escort fleets, so they must escape.

...All parties in the entire dark plane have since known that Wei Keng has been developing new tactics and has never stopped. …

Gamma ray burst is not a difficult task, and most high-level star sea forces can do it now

It is not difficult to accelerate the radiant energy of stars through the turning point, and many interstellar voyages have also used this point.

There are even many links, and it is not difficult to separate them out.

But all put together, this is the strategic execution of a magnificent civilization!

Fifty light-years apart, four red giant stars, the collapse in the star is uniformly controlled, ejected uniformly, and aligned at the same angle. In addition, in order to ensure that the strike force arrives in a unified manner, each of the jump rings in Xinghai must reach the predetermined position in the middle of the journey, and the jump coordination should be completed just right. One of the wrong steps is to change from "ten fingers pinching the snail with ten fingers" to "stumbling on the shoelace of the right foot with the left foot."

...This is Wei Keng's "new". Apart from determining the optimal mode, he will not "innovate" by sensationalism, but carry out an inconspicuous "volume" on the optimal mode...

The individual logic of Wei Keng's "middleman's posture" is different from that of the elites.

Wei Keng: "I don't have any fixed talents, but after I enter the volume mode, no matter how talented you are alone, it won't matter."

Wei Keng, who participated in the battle, did not show his personality in the "dark energy system", and all of them were docked in accordance with extremely strict standards. (This is the reason why Dingming first class believes that ordinary Weikeng has no personality and is a consumable product. They only evaluate people according to the "dark energy standard")

Wei Keng under the group said to himself: I want to show my personality, and I shouldn't show it in terms of "money" and "status". The "money" that exceeds the needs of personal consumption is a record of social material circulation, and "status" is the result of social distribution. Neither is inherently personal. It is actually a hypocritical logic to drag "money and status" to forcibly link with self-personality.

But in fact, after Wei Keng completed the construction of dark energy with a serious and responsible attitude, he has personality in other fields. Some are good at planting, some are good at carving, some are good at using light to construct musical scores, some are good at origami...

It is difficult for the dark energy practitioners in the dark plane to accept this approach to regard dark energy cultivation as a task of public cooperation rather than a private right.

This is like how many people cannot give up their most important property in the war on earth.

Wei Keng: "Survival and death" cannot be entrusted to a few people, set goals to anchor the efforts of all people, ordinary me can show unprecedented execution power!

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