Out of the cage

Chapter 618 Chapter 15.03 (Part 2) Star Sea Peace Agreement

In the battle zone, Wei Keng's general dimensional consciousness was temporarily projected on the battlefield.

And temporarily switch to various battlefields separated by many light years, and freeze time at each moment for observation.

You can refer to that one person appears in kitchens all over the world at the same time, and then guides the chefs in each kitchen to communicate with each other, and gives the on-site experience of each kitchen to other people who need it.

This is almost the case with the consciousness coordination battle situation in this dimension.

Wei Keng in the war zone unfolded an interstellar map in front of them, briefly introducing the overall battle situation and the relationship with specific theater missions.

Every Wei Keng can maximize the overall view of the battle from his position. And this allows all Wei Keng to maximize the overall perspective, which is Wei Keng's current central consciousness.

This belongs to the technical progress of "space-time dark energy".

After Wei Keng and Zhen Xun collided, there was an eight-level dark energy level on this plane for a moment, and Wei Keng obtained a "dimensional crystal". This "dimension crystal" has an unimaginable checking ability for humans on this plane.

Dimension Weikeng uses the information enthalpy checking system on the space film to process battlefield information. This is an advanced computing technology that can predict the explosion dust in the star sea. (Light-year-level space-time prediction and review)

…If the captive policy is done well, the war will be fought smoothly. …

Under Master Wei's persuasion, Zhen Xun understands righteousness. Transferred her "Tianling" space-time surveying system in this star sea area.

Relying on this space-time surveying and mapping system, Wei Keng was able to complete the locking of three Shanhe-class warships,

According to Zhen Xun, only the dark energy of the seventh-level space-time system can be maintained, but Wei Keng showed her how to forcibly play this trick without the dark energy of the seventh-level space-time system.

…As a person on Earth, I began to teach the "chicken coop" here to understand war. War is to complicate the enemy, and I can deal with the complexity...

Within four hours, the star sea forces on the side of the great black hole of creation did not react,

All three Shanhe-class battleships in the Arctic jet area were severely damaged, and more than 300 battleships were defeated.

Wei Keng seized the leap door in the rear space and made a reverse leap.

The battlefield is not a single point, but multiple points, and now all these points are ignited by Wei Keng at the same time.

In the quasi-rear area defined by the commander of the Arctic Jet Zone, those ring ports built on the basis of the gravity of the big planet, on this aluminum alloy mechanical ring, there are a large number of battleships that have not moved.

These warships are all shift members who returned to the port to rest after the previous wave of large-scale exploration failed.

Now it's blazing. The boiler inside the ship exploded, and one-third of the hot cabin was exhausted in an emergency, like a steelmaking furnace in the process.

...the destroyed warships are like torches, reflecting the sun's rays, falling towards the big planet...

The all-ceramic starports built by the Arctic Creation Zone Encirclement and Suppression Group around the planetary star rings have also been baptized.

The "degenerate" squares were dazzled, and all of them looked like "moth eyes", which had already been punched in by Wei Keng.

However, in this assault battle, in the forty-five important star supply areas where the Arctic jet area is located, there are a total of 87 sixth-level guardians. Due to the interruption of the signal and the "too many" encounters with the enemy, although they insist on time They all adopted the strategy of "abandoning the port".

As a result, Wei Keng only had 67 casualties in the huge Xinghai logistics area, and completed a sweep of hundreds of astronomical units in diameter and 100,000 ports of call.

After Wei Keng finished the fight, he commented on the dimension: it is simply a space version of "200,000 people are disarmed, and none of them is a man".

...This sentence is too much, maybe a certain plane in the future will suffer retribution. …

In the supervisor's space, Zhen Xun: "?, what do you mean by that?"

Jing Guyu explained to him: "In our civilization, human males are male chauvinists, and war is the main theme of the entire historical development. In the history of our planet, there have been wars almost every day. So, you can't fight, you can't keep in the war. It would be a disgrace if it overwhelms the power of many parties.”

Zhen Xun retorted puzzledly: "Your history, isn't it afraid that the inheritance will be cut off?"

In her concept, the damage caused by the war is too great, and many techniques and cultures will disappear. Even if there are records in industrial civilization, after the war, the aircraft carriers and spaceships of some countries will also be lost. So that in the future, industrial countries will rebuild production lines.

Zhen Xun’s words silenced the two earth monitors. Indeed, from the Roman civilization to the Han civilization, many technologies were repeatedly invented. It is similar to the fact that after the main nation of Western civilization is replaced, the technology will collapse, while the main nation of the East has not changed. However, once the skills are interrupted along with the war-torn industrial chain, it is not uncommon for them to be lost directly.

Compared with the humans of the Promised Planet, the earth, where wars are frequent, is indeed much more thrilling in terms of technological civilization.

But even so, it has been passed down. Bai Linglu replied to Zhen Xun's question: "Civilization will not be cut off, because our civilization has a middle layer with strong vitality."

...The peace of the earth civilization is achieved. Wei Keng's primitive violence explains this logic in this plane...

After the Weikeng Group defeated the strategic forces of the Black Hole of Creation, they quickly moved in.

In order to make a quick strategic jump, Wei Keng only kept the core of the brain stable, and the main nervous system of the entire body, including the internal organs of the limbs, was all blocked in the photon operation crystal.

This kind of teleportation is problematic in the original technology of the Star Sea, and it will lose a lot of consciousness and thinking every time, and it also belongs to the transport of the Star Sea lords to the lower classes.

But precisely because of the "attitude lock is for the lower class", so this technology is also designated as an inferior technology,

But attitudes change, and so does the direction of technological development.

Wei Keng: In order to win a war, it is worthwhile to lose part of the consciousness and stabilize it, because this is a war. This is a necessary decision in war.

But in war, all subjective initiatives must be taken to reduce losses. Therefore, Wei Keng has also made unprecedented progress in this "self-packaging" technology.

After the brain tissue crystal quickly shuttles from the star sea to the destination, it does not directly extract the consciousness and send it into the semi-mechanical body. Instead, regeneration training was performed.

Wei Keng arranged an entire expensive recuperation planet "with grasslands, oceans, and forests" to restore himself after the war.

On the issue of "survival and death", I spared no expense, instead of stingy paying bills to those who pay bravely like some people who shouted "at all costs".

...The war is always fought, and the combat technology is always updated...

In the fourteenth year after the Jiulanxing Uprising, Wei Keng made many long-distance jumps within a thousand light-years of the Star Sea by himself.

In the fifteenth year of the Great Evacuation, its standard combat group model has also begun to be established.

Fighting on the star K0833, a branch of the "Qiduo Group" has approached six hundred light-years from the great black hole of creation.

The power of the big black hole of creation is more entangled than that of Jiulanxing, so Wei Keng encounters more special treatment.

In the K0833 star, Wei Keng further shortened the process of sword formation strikes and charge and jump gangs. (Technical updates and updates.)

Wei Keng quickly disintegrated the carbon-based body on the surface of the star and built a high-energy particle cloud. This particle cloud became a huge ring,

In the Xinghai coordinate system, it is determined that the ship of the great black hole of creation is about to come, and these halos will be launched immediately, entering the turning point of the incoming enemy ship at sub-light speed, and the enemy fleet will directly ride on the face as soon as it breaks through.

The so-called "a man who sets a horse is mighty and majestic", then "Wei Keng who sets a battleship" is naturally majestic and mighty.

The moment this warship like a trap is inserted into the entire enemy warship,

The information state Wei Keng on the energy ring will quickly jump out towards the inner core of the battleship.

The moment the leap flickered, a sword hit the core.

In this battle, the siege, um, was actually a "Shanhe-class" warship that was pursued by Wei Keng, and was encircled by 600 rings on the spot.

Wei Keng all jumped to the core, and then forcibly lowered the energy field of the seventh-level dark energy user of the Shanhe-class battleship to normal, and then "freezed" it to control it.

This captured seventh-level dark energy user is called "Xinfeng", which is Zhangwei's master.

...The fourth level of traceability is the transcendence of wisdom. Wei Keng is aiming at the target. All the forces in this universe can miss the possibility that Wei Keng can pick up. …

The multiple military groups on the side of the great black hole of creation began to catch up with Jiulanxing's side in terms of embarrassment. For more than ten long blue star years, the seventh-level dark energy users on the side of the great black hole of creation were mobilized back and forth by Wei Keng's group of clusters that had not yet become high-energy.


When the war directly reached the point of annihilating many seventh-level dark energy users, the various forces in the galaxy once again mediated. In fact, it was Qingsu who called to stop. Originally, she planned to call to stop when Wei Keng was in a desperate situation. It's just that she didn't expect Wei Keng to be so fierce.

The fourth-level traceability may exceed the imagination of plane life.

At the same time, Wei Keng has set up Zhuxian on the surface of the black hole of creation and the surrounding stars in many important strategic directions, which has seriously affected the turning point of the star sea.

If the fight continues like this, Wei Keng's self-swarm can kill most of the dark energy users in this area! During this period of time, the dark energy of Wei Keng's seventh-level space-time system and the dark energy of the "Eternal Heart" have not yet recovered, which is entirely due to "tracing the source" and the accumulation of physical technology of the dark energy system at this stage.

As for whether it can be played until "complete victory"?

It can be said that when Wei Keng's "traceability" (four stages) has absolute determination to achieve the goal, then it is a matter of time.

In the end, Wei Keng didn't want to use this model to achieve his goal.

[In the dimensional space, Wei Keng assured Zhen Xun: "Next, I will stop." Zhen Xun, who was sewing clothes for Bai Linglu, who was learning embroidery, raised his head for a moment, as if to say: "When you fight If you don’t fight without my consent, why do you still ask me?”]

At the Xinghai mediation meeting, Wei Keng indeed signed an armistice agreement with many relevant forces.

Wei Keng will no longer fight against the seventh-level dark energy users within a hundred years, and the seventh-level dark energy users will also stop encircling and suppressing the Xinghai base. However, it does not rule out the conflict between the "variable forces" and the forces under his command. The two sides strictly abide by the treaty that the higher forces must not intervene.

"The fight is because I belong to the conflicting party. I don't fight now because I think my conflict has been resolved. The next conflict here is to ask the people here."

Wei Keng explained to Zhen Xun: "In addition to me, there should still be various variables. Only when there are more effective resistance from the bottom up, the arrogant people at the top will have "benevolence" culture."

Wei Keng took the opportunity to stroke her hair. The movements are very gentle, not as rough as before.


Bai Linglu complained to Jing Guyu on the side: Tsk, after venting, you will be like a saint, like a Buddha.

Jing Guyu gave her a blank look: You thousand-year-old fox has cultivated into a Bodhisattva now?

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