Out of the cage

Chapter 635 Chapter 15.12 (Part 2) The wave wheel who doesn't talk about martial arts

Wei Keng finally got in touch with the main world after controlling Vega.

This is after staying in the plane of care for a hundred years. After confirming the general situation of the surroundings, he found that there is still some time left. Wei Keng felt that he should report back to the family for his work.

Wei Keng originally made an appointment with Bai Linglu to meet in 20 years, and the time here is obviously not right.

However, Wei Keng also knew the reason. My own consciousness has already caused the twisting on the space film, which in turn has caused the time difference between the aspects of the main world to become larger and larger.

And this time, it wasn't Bai Linglu from the main world who came here, but another person. He took out the Bailinglu identity notification certificate

On the space film, after completing the connection, a heroic boy with short silver hair stood on the space platform. His name was "Zhou Zhu". Wei Keng said silently in his heart: "It's really a strange name."

Zhou Zhu gave a brief self-introduction. He is a newborn individual after five rebirths.

Then she shyly said to Wei Keng: "It turns out that Sister Bai Linglu has something to do, so I'll take the place for now."

Wei Keng finally saw a big boy in the team of monitors, and for some reason, it was like seeing a piece of precious jade in a field of red flowers, and he felt at ease.

As for why Bai Linglu didn't come? Wei Keng: "It seems that I was a bit ruthless when I provoked you last time."

Wei Keng said to Zhou Zhu: "Okay, let's start talking, the situation on this plane is a bit special now"

Zhou Zhu nodded seriously, his white hair swaying fluffy: "Mr. Wei Keng, our world already knows the important information on the time and space of this plane, well, the information you provided has helped us a lot. Let us realize The earth does not belong to a strong civilization, so it is necessary to implement information concealment. Please understand."

Wei Keng nodded.

Zhou Zhu looked around, found a place to sit down, and then said: "Exploring on the territory of time and space, when our forces intervene in other civilization theaters when we are unknown, we can choose to leave or join. Please choose. "

Wei Keng took a deep breath, thought for a while, and whispered: "This plane was created by me a million years ago. Whether it rises or declines, it is my cause and effect. I will stay here .”

Zhou Zhu stared at Wei Keng: "Is this your reason?"

Wei Keng nodded.

Zhou Zhu showed a smile that the hero saw in the same way: Then tell me, what do you think about the plane and the two forces.

Wei Keng opened the information obtained from Bolunkaisi: "The two sides of the war are divided into the clock civilization and the artistic field civilization. Among them, the clock civilization seems to be more vigorous. If you can choose flexibly, I hope Standing on that side. But the mind field is of a different kind. A million years ago, Pandora was not suitable for the foundation of our human beings, but here humans have been immersed for a million years. The past cannot be changed, but standing here, the future will be It must be done at any cost."

Zhou Zhu nodded, approving of Wei Keng's statement. Wei Keng sighed in his heart, it is still convenient to talk to the man, and there is no need to explain too much.

Zhou Zhu: "Our side intervenes in the war. According to diplomatic rules, we will have the right to set up shuttle nodes in this area. Please note that this is where the sovereignty lies in the expansion of time and space, and it is extremely important to our civilization. It is similar to the feudal era. The existence of a fortress at the pass where the two countries naturally meet has the same meaning."

Wei Keng: "The Space-Time Administration, what needs to be done?"

Zhou Zhu: "You need to release your will on the plane, the pluralistic republic will not ignore the meritorious men in the war."

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief: "I will do it." Then he smiled and said: "It's nothing more than a dying struggle."

Zhou Zhu's expression froze: "It doesn't matter how powerful the enemy is, there are people waiting for you behind you." He stretched out his fist, Wei Keng paused, and stretched out his fist, and the two sides touched each other.

Just when the two sides were about to break off, Zhou Zhu stopped Wei Keng.

Zhou Zhu: "I have a personal question, that is, what do you think about the heavenly ranks?"

This celestial rank is the crossing node controller that is currently being set up on the main world. The eight celestial ranks of the entire solar system correspond to the eight major planets.

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, and said very honestly: "I said I'm not interested, it's a lie, after all, everyone thought that they would be Ling Jueding, but maybe no one else is more interested (the effort they put in can't be as much as others') Many). So I am self-aware and generally don’t think about this question, so what’s the deeper meaning of this question?”

Zhou Zhu: "It's nothing, just asking on behalf of some people, your intention."

Wei Keng waved his hand: "Forget about the cake, I'm not interested in Tianjie."

Zhou Zhu nodded with a smile: "Yes, you have a very good personality, and I am very happy to talk to you."

...The dimensional space fluctuated slightly, and the time-space hourglass seemed to leak a bit slower. Wei Keng thought it was an illusion. After all, there should not be such a deviation in the dimension...

Zhou Zhan left, and the high-energy particles it represented disengaged from the area where Wei Keng's consciousness was located in the space film.

Just after Zhou Zhu left, Wei Keng got ready and continued to work on his own plane. At this time, the system was turned on again, and Bai Linglu appeared.

After seeing Bai Linglu, Wei Keng just wanted to say: "What should be said, I have already finished talking to the liaison officer just now..." But when Bai Linglu spoke, Master Wei's face turned red.

Bai Linglu in a hurry: "The transmission encountered interference, and the message I just sent fell, which shocked me. Well, what's the matter?" Bai Linglu was very angry at Su Yue'e's complete departure, and she was watching at this moment. When Wei Keng arrived, his expression turned ugly.

Wei Keng: "What kind of information did you drop?"

Bai Linglu paused and said, "Some backup data from our main world."

Wei Keng said awkwardly: "That is to say, before you, there was no one from the main world."

Bai Linglu's expression changed drastically: "Who is here? Who did you see?" Wei Keng: "A very beautiful big boy. His hair is..." Wei Keng turned on the projector.

Bai Linglu: "Impossible, the team responsible for communicating with you doesn't have this guy."

Master Wei stared at Bai Linglu suddenly.

For Wei Keng, the "false identity mixed in" has already happened, so is the "Bai Linglu" in front of him true or false?

Wei Keng immediately said to Bai Linglu: "If I marry you, tell me a guest that you will never invite."

Bai Linglu paused slightly, with mixed emotions, but then responded seriously: "You think I won't invite 'Qin Xiaohan', but I just want to invite her, and I will also toast her in red."

Master Wei's expression twitched, then he came back to his senses, nodded and said: "I'm sure it's you, go back quickly, don't come back, don't come back."

Bai Linglu: "This? You..."

Wei Keng: "Go quickly, the level of the situation here has exceeded the limit, this is a military order!"

Bai Linglu took a deep breath, nodded, turned on some screens and began to give an order: "All permissions, after three hourglasses, are transferred to the time traveler." Finally, she saw her options, just as she was about to respond to the "Stay "Press OK.

Bai Linglu found out that Wei Keng had started the "expulsion procedure" for her.

The reasons for expulsion include a lot of old accounts, including "absence of work" in the plane of Shenzhou, "deduction of information" in the plane of Pandora, and a lot of black history. Wei Keng remembers all these, and any of them can activate the investigation system of the space-time system , kicked Bai Linglu away and replaced him, but after so many years, it was only started at this time.

She glanced at Wei Keng, but got Wei Keng's "disgusted expression" and a mouthful of "Get out~"

Bai Linglu stomped angrily, pointed at Wei Keng and cursed when the system had already marked her with a red cross, telling her to return immediately for investigation.

...The space became quiet, Wei Keng sneered and shook his head: "War, let the women go away, and the situation where the traverser and the monitor fall at the same time should be avoided as much as possible."...

After Bai Linglu left, Wei Keng searched the entire system, but only received one letter after searching all the systems.

On the letter was a song, the tongue-out song of "Slightly Little Little".

Wei Keng: "What the hell am I~~~~" - with a heavy punch, he swung it to the empty space.

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