Out of the cage

Chapter 636 Chapter 15.13 (Part 1) Efforts on the wreckage.

In the past 100 years, Ordinary has maintained its self-worth in the first 50 years, and in the next 50 years, it has obtained enough resources to go all out. Started flashing itself.

"Childhood", "Juvenile", "Mature"

Wei Keng has completed the "self-maturity" standard growth on this plane! Wei Keng's "maturity standard" is to be able to change the world.

According to the monitoring data of Bai Linglu and Jing Guyu, notes: Wei Keng has a unique technique of expanding his consciousness from small to great on the plane. Although it is a bit slow in the early stage, it can be unlimited in the plane in the later stage. And applies to all planes.

Wei Keng's tunneling consciousness was not strong at the beginning, but it can take root tenaciously, and as long as it follows the established procedures (civilized education procedures), it can grow to a sufficient height.

...Wei Keng's growth is the universality of positioning "the posture of a middle-aged man". …

Therefore, if the ancient holy star, that is, those fellow human beings on the earth, would be very surprised to see "Lingyun" now.

A very weak spirit will suddenly skyrocket to the point of controlling the stars between the ages of fifty and one hundred and fifty.

Narrator: This is Wei Keng's normal development period, just like a boy at the age of thirteen, his height will skyrocket if he is well-nourished.

After Wei Keng chose "wildness", his self-awareness suddenly skyrocketed, which also fully proves that the super-purpose evolution of human beings in the era of imagination is the containment of ancient genes.

The domestication of "dogs" and "pigs" that humans once carried out is now happening to humans themselves. Dogs and pigs return to the forest and become wolves and wild boars.

Right now, the adult Wei Keng's "self-awareness concept" can maintain a strong and powerful cluster, and he does not need "the complex emotional fetters that have evolved over a million years" to cohere himself. Wei Keng appeared more "wild" or rebellious.

Wei Keng can now proudly say to contemporary humans: "There are so many gaudy emotional fetters stuffed into evolution, maybe it was really useful in the early days, but if you believe in it, you will have an evolutionary trek!"

Without the struggle of life and death, it is very easy to get lost in life.

…Being rebellious does not mean barbarism, and the development of civilization, nor does it mean more and more gorgeous rhetoric...

When Wei Keng was one hundred and fifty-four years old, he arrived at Sirius, and after answering the messages exchanged by various human super-eyes in the star sea, he said to himself: "I am a human being in the civilized age. There is an obligation to rebuild."

When reviewing the communication with Polunkais nearly a hundred years ago, Wei Keng once again understood what Polunkais meant.

If life cannot find its way in the war, it has no choice but to smash its powerful main structure to make way for other life.

The mind field civilization a million years ago had such a stubborn structure, and the mind field road created a large number of insects in the sea of ​​stars. In the eyes of advanced civilizations, such a mind field should have been destroyed.

Human beings on the earth must rise up "in the observation of the meaning of life" under the "extreme coincidence" under this strife.

However, the human beings after the Pandora period were forced to inherit a large number of stubborn structures left by the Yichang civilization.

This has led to the loss of another possibility for the earth, which has great potential to develop into an advanced civilization by itself.

One million years later, under the baptism of time, civilization has been far away from countless possibilities.

The human beings who inherited the legacy of the mind field have become the wreckage of this timeline. All the deposits at this stage hinder the possibility of further ejection of wisdom.

Wei Keng: "From the perspective of life, there is no right or wrong in the next battle. It is just that the two camps must re-determine the path in the collision and friction. The only regret is that he is full of vigor and vitality. He should have a lot of heroism. But my place is dying, and I want to defend some seeds from the raging fire in the midst of decay and aging.”

…With one hundred stars being ignited within fifty light-years, Wei Keng has reached the point of being great enough to start looking for the possibility of the next generation of human civilization…

Wei Keng: "The reason for fighting is very important. If there is no reason, then I don't need to fight next, I just vote."

Wei Keng began to choose his own future.

The double star is about 87 light-years away from the ancient holy star (Earth). This is a binary star system formed by pushing two large planets into the same orbit.

This is a more perfect combination than the earth and the moon, and the resulting tidal cycle is very stable, and the oceans on the dual planets are also 87% and 74% respectively.

This binary star system was artificially created by humans when the supereye was still in the twinkling stage of the starry sky half a million years ago.

It's just that no matter how perfect the system is, there is also instability.

Planet No. 1 is undergoing a volcanic disaster. During the movement of the mantle, the mantle plume just happened to move from the ocean to the land. In space, Wei Keng looked at the spiky peaks ten kilometers high on the continent. The top of the cone mountain exudes blazing heat and light, which is a terrible wound from the earth. Under this chaotic heat wave and injection of greenhouse gases, the No. 1 star really ushered in a mass extinction.

On the second star, the scenery is pleasant, and the long-term and stable evolution has allowed a large number of giant beasts to roam on this planet.

Both stars have reached the state of space civilization, and space cities have been established in orbit. Overall, space is very harmonious!

...on one side is a fire, on the other is a beautiful resort, there is a problem with the harmony...

According to the values ​​​​of modern times, this kind of "harmony" is very good, and there is no war in disasters, but Wei Keng now looks at it from the perspective of racial evolution, and this kind of harmony is problematic.

Life comes from negentropy, and the negentropy system is cyclical, cyclical operation, yin and yang changes, and when one ebbs and the other ebbs and flows, there will be contradictions, and there must be conflicts.

Even if the highest development goals of civilizations are also the same, conflicts will occur due to different strategic priorities.

Wei Keng noticed for a moment that the space environment between the two stars did not contain any debris, indicating that no war had been fought.

When Wei Keng scanned the carbon-based frequency band, he found that there might have been a little quarrel between the two planets, but it was not violent! This doesn't seem like a serious problem, maybe it's the biggest problem.

…Knowing the number of days and looking at the cycle, this is life. If you are strong enough to go against the sky, you can win for a while, but if you go against the Dao (natural and objective laws), it will not last long. …

Wei Keng chose the relatively troubled planet No. 1.

Next to the fiery lava river, there are sections of rolling train "metal groups" roaring and rolling, like long snakes winding.

After these biological minecarts entered the lava, the small hole at the bottom sucked the lava material, and after leaving the solution, the small hole at the tail was like a red-hot steel rod that had just been fired in a boiler. Excret hot ore dross. Gives off a lot of heat.

This is a carbon-silicon double-based life. Vision systems have generally evolved to an infrared perspective.

Wei Keng turned on the detector. The density of the atmosphere here is 2.3 that of the earth's atmosphere, although the light emitted is relatively weak. The density of the concave field is 4.3 times that of the earth (the concentration of the Pandora field).

…however the human spectrum here is sparse and decaying. …

Wei Keng launched a carbon-based scanner on the planet, and later discovered that the genetic evolution here has become very simple. In addition to mining minerals is mining minerals.

The whole planet seems to obey a kind of lofty efficiency.

The mined minerals finally entered the altitude of several thousand meters on the equator, the black obelisk shape, the towering buildings, the crimson beams emitted by the buildings transported the minerals into space, and then sent to another planet.

And on another planet accompanying it, "prosperity" is maintained.

From the point of view of the life field, there are nine super-purpose groups of human beings distributed on the second planet. Some of them correspond to the declining frequency bands of human beings on the same planet.

Double star planets, on these two planets, one planet provides refuge for humans on the other planet.

That is to say, when a disaster occurred on one of the two planets, all its ecological groups migrated to the other planet, and all of this was harmonious.

Wei Keng thinks this! In the face of sudden disasters, there is nothing wrong with evading.

When dozens of periodic outbreaks of "disasters" occur, such a long-term passive response without further planning and preparation for this cycle is inertia.

In ancient times, a hurricane that hit southeastern North America once every few decades was a super disaster. It was too late to deal with it, and it was understandable that we needed to evacuate quickly.

But in the coastal areas of China in the western Pacific Ocean, typhoons have been repeated for thousands of years, and people are no longer retreating from the tide like ants.

Windbreak forests were built on the dykes in the upper east of the city, high-rise buildings were protected from flooding, and the safe havens in the ports were specially designed. All river ditches pay attention to drainage.

Master Wei said proudly, "I just came to Pandora, and I know how to control water, and I know solar terms."

After the flood, epidemic prevention, burial of corpses, and lime purification of water sources naturally have a cycle, so the design follows the cycle.

Master Wei’s logic: When a disaster happens for the first time, you can run away with big bags and small bags, but disasters happen every year, and every year you deal with it by running away like a mouse, so what is the difference between you and a mouse. If you don't make more progress in each cycle, what is the civilization?

...The successor of civilization does not need to be a child prodigy of "Youth Zerui", but a middle-aged person who has gained every time and finally "knowledges well"...

In space, beams of light surround the two giant planets, and begin to carry out all-round surveying and mapping.

Wei Keng inspected the crust of Double Star No. 1. Under the rock shell, we can see the periodic deposition of characteristic metal wires every 500 years in the last 200,000 years. These metal wires are the scrapped accumulations of these "biological mining vehicles".

The cycle of the four seasons goes round and round, and civilization is determined to "know the heat and see the cold", work in spring, look forward to autumn, store up in winter, and act according to the opportunity. Mankind completes the full-time occupation of the space field, and it is not like the wildebeest in the African prairie.

The more Wei Keng measured, the more emotional he felt: "The resources here are really abundant to a certain extent. Every once in a while, the surface resources will be re-accumulated due to crustal activities. Human super-eyes have inherited emotions and communication, but! Lost as wisdom. Aggressiveness as it should be.”

The aperture was withdrawn, and Wei Keng's first wave of surveying and mapping was completed.

Wei Keng speculates that there are still about 120 years left before the volcanic disaster ends on the No. 1 planet.

If there is a time of one or two thousand years, Wei Keng will patiently station here for several reincarnations, and rebuild the "solar terms" that civilization should do in each time period of "sowing, building, storing, and guiding".

However, now that Bolun is coming soon, Wei Keng can only choose some "students" on these two planets.

...Life evolved in the burned soil, the so-called Yanhuang...

Sixty days later, in the only remaining liquid water ocean on the No. 1 planet, a group of human individuals took refuge here.

Every morning they come to a basalt cliff to draw water, and at night they return to the cave. The water will grow pure organic matter in the underground bacteria, and they rely on these organic matter to survive.

These human beings are the individual human beings who have been discarded here, because they violated the will of the mainstream of communication kingship on the planet. So not accepted.

Wei Keng observed them for many days. After thinking about it, he hesitated many times, but still got in touch with them.

Wei Keng: The reason for hesitation is "whether to contact directly\

,"Direct contact can quickly save them from fire and water, but the items quickly given to them in this disaster will generate worship. This is not good for the future development of civilization.

The best plan should be to be naturally born in them as a "child", and spend a lifetime to complete the "settlement" thing, and then another child is born, and then another thing called "cultivation" is completed. Such a step by step, as a breakthrough in the posture of the middleman in each era, the torch is passed on. This is a perfect "ignition of civilization".

In the cave, as the existence of the outside world, the apocalypse is granted, and then the method of using resources is given. This is God-making.

The future of civilization should be "no savior", objective analysis of the laws of nature, and subjective analysis of one's own vitality.

In the end, Wei Keng decided to contact directly to put an end to all "god descending".

Master Wei's principle is: if it is possible to do something wrong, I would rather not do it.

The same is true for copying classroom writing on the blackboard in elementary school. If you can’t keep up with the teacher’s rhythm, you may only be able to record half of it, and you would rather not memorize it.

Wei Keng himself must have the support of "belief", and the core boundary of "belief" is a piece of "right and wrong issues that are contrary to short-term interests."

However, Wei Keng was ready to deal with "complex human relationships and sophistication", but the situation on the double star was more complicated than he thought.

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