Out of the cage

Chapter 645 Chapter 15.17 Fanwai The

On the 130th day after Wei Keng landed, the Eurasian Group human super-eye group, according to the inherited memory, assembled the anti-freeze machinery in the Arctic region.

Such streamlined tracked vehicles with a weight ranging from 15 tons to 300 tons were also stubbornly blocked by Wei Keng when they entered the edge of the glacier.

In the first landing battle, Wei Keng was blocked by landmines.

Now the "Snow Snake" mine made by Wei Keng is hidden in the snow, directly inflicting heavy damage on Meng Xina and other mechanical troops.

These self-explosive mines drilled out of the ice and snow destroyed the mobile units in pieces, leaving scorching marks on the pure white snow, with wreckage in the center of each mark. (Like a summer's end on the walls of a small hotel, swatting dead mosquito marks)

During this period of the fifth year, they entered the glacier three times, with a total of more than 6.7 million individuals and tens of millions of vehicles, all of which were thrown at the junction of the glacier.

In this global change, Wei Keng began to take the initiative.

...However, a victory like Wei Keng's won the hearts of "people"...

The internal damage of the terrestrial hominin group is scattered. Hominids in the sky are like falling fireflies. And the sea is "filthy."

But the productivity of the entire sea-dwelling race has dropped dramatically. A large number of vocabulary with the characteristics of the times have been produced in the depths of the seabed.

In today's super eyes of human beings, even a newborn child has rich expressive ability.

There are hundreds of words for the same color without lighting. These specific words are like stalks created by teenagers and twenties in the information age. Right now, Wei Keng is being painted with more and more colors.

Wei Keng found that he was indeed a country bumpkin, and he was completely behind in creating new vocabulary, new hotspots, and interpretations from multiple perspectives.

The sea-dwelling race's criticism of Wei Keng has also reached a new level. In the ocean, one by one, they are describing the atrocities of Lingyun." They even described things that Lingyun had never done, and they were planning to do something.

Humans evolved from Homo sapiens, and acquired the ability to describe "non-existent" things. In the era of "wise people", this ability has now been strengthened a lot. And this kind of excessive ability, after becoming neurotic, becomes pathological. So much so that I can take the memory I tampered with seriously.

On the glacier belt in the northern part of Eurasia, Wei Keng silently looked at these descriptions, and after barely understanding the meaning, he felt helpless in his emotions.

No matter how many wars are won, Lingyun is always "backward" in culture.

The entire human super-eye began to create past history in a serious way based on a little data. I can't win in reality, and I don't want to admit it, so I start completely making up words.

Wei Keng took the initiative in the production. Among the large amount of carbon-based raw materials and seabed minerals, Wei Keng set a standard description vocabulary. After specific production practices, and after summarizing with this "stereotyped" vocabulary,

In the 6th year of the war, Wei Keng, who stayed behind on the earth, has now cut off the increasingly sick communication with the super eyes of human beings.

...Since you can't communicate with those who can't afford to lose as winners, you will be educated as a natural disaster...

In the seventh year of global freezing, the global latitude of 50 degrees is covered with frost every morning. The rivers have dried up, and the only source of water is the plateau glaciers.

Every area on the ancient holy star is stuck in "left and right separation"

In this environment of Weikeng carbon-based clusters, the actual strain per thousand people in the cluster is dozens of times that of other human hypermechanisms.

Its spiritual language has expanded dozens of times, and has already caught up with the scale of the mainstream ethnic group on the ancient holy planet, but the content of the information in these spiritual languages ​​is all "speech of pain".

Working for survival is a process full of pain.

The evolution of Wei Keng's heart language vocabulary has reduced hymns and added descriptions such as "hunger", which has an extremely complicated process, and a description of self-help, how to survive the harsh state of "the environment is exposed to ten cold". "Self-rescue for the last period of time in a state of hypoxia in the plateau."

The above made Wei Keng's spiritual language very "sharp", and he had to think about it every moment to survive. Under the 50% of these "survival" remarks, the rest is the curiosity of "seeing the "starry sky" and "earth" for the first time, trying to understand the mysteries of life such as the origin of the universe.

Wei Keng's spiritual language began to seem clumsy in such a changing situation.

It also picks up a very old philosophy, "The major events of the country are the sacrifices and the soldiers"-only a culture that is about "survival" and "hope" is a dynamic culture.

And after such "spiritual language" became dominant in Wei Keng's group communication, Wei Keng determined that he began to "trace the source" in this plane.

…As a mode of thinking, Wei Keng is an ancient man, but the "fire of faith" behind his thinking is not old...

So in the seventh year, the offensive and defensive trends are different!

At a node in the cold spring, Wei Keng suddenly opened the explosion of water vapor on the sea surface. Such a large-scale water vapor coincided with the cold wave in Siberia and turned into a blizzard that lasted for 40 days. On the Eurasian continent, Wei Keng, who had been dormant for seven years after the first defeat, launched a large-scale counterattack.

Eight interspersed lines, along the East Asian trough and the North American east coast trough, the meteorological isobar changes on these planetary scales, began to fight.

Under the cover of the meteorological conditions of the blizzard, the strongholds in the entire northern hemisphere were swept away, and the biological fortresses in the south were 30% effective in cold weather, and they were also considered "impossible" in the human spiritual language of these strongholds. Click it, and it will be taken down in one fell swoop.

The six major ethnic groups in the northern hemisphere have been projected to the battle group in the north, and they were defeated for a while.

This is not only the use of the weather, but also a positive technical crush. During the entire battle, Wei Keng's informatization data is not weaker than the mainstream cluster information transmission of these ancient holy stars.

The evolutionary gap of more than one million years was traced back to the source and smoothed over the entire seven years.

Because from the perspective of survival, Wei Keng traced back to the source and broke out, walking the right path.

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