Out of the cage

Chapter 646 Chapter 15.18 (Part 1) Great Love Without Words

Ancient Saint Star! This star, which was the starting point of super evolution one million years ago, is re-evolving at the starting point today.

After the emergence of "communication", beautiful love and solid friendship are ultimately just by-products.

Abandoning the "hope for life development" and seeking the "goodness" that cannot be passed on is self-destructive.

At the age of 257, Lingyun finally "knows the destiny" and sees through the development contradictions of the stage of his society. Ever since, it got rid of the barrier brought about by the evolution of this million years. Redefine your own path.

Looking back a million years ago, from when I left Pandora, it was a major evolutionary event. The resulting evolutionary deviation is still enough to cause a major branch of human beings.

In the evolutionary category of spiritual communication language, there are skills that belong to "survival competition", and this skill has always existed in two directions, one is "establishing self-advantages within the species", and the other is "expanding external survival advantages".

…lack of external enemies, no struggle for existence, unnatural paths deviated…

At the end of the seventh year of the war, Meng Xina was taken to Wei Keng as a prisoner.

Before surrendering, she was prepared for all kinds of encounters. And Wei Keng also announced that he would become a partner with her.

The numb master Wei Keng has no regard for shame. In today's situation, the transhuman superpurpose union is equivalent to human and animal in moral level.

On the ancient holy planet, in the confluence of all clusters of thinking, various reactions of the opposite sex who were taken away by Wei Keng are depicted. In the depiction of dangling, Wei Keng looks like he will do anything purely for his own selfish desires.

But in fact, Wei Keng's "forced marriage" did not force reproduction, but just broke the matrilineal leadership.

The biggest problem with matrilineal leadership is that the "communication place" is in the static deep palace. In the "deep palace", the target of observation during communication is one's own people, and "communication" is easily degraded into an internal struggle for power and profit, allowing individuals to seize internal advantages.

Patriarchal leadership, communication venues will be more likely to appear in a dynamic environment, and the object of observation during communication is "materialistic". The so-called "prime ministers must start from the state and county, and fierce generals must be sent to the ranks", this means that the external environment often faces it immediately. For the issue of survival and development, it is more pragmatic to establish "communication habits" here.

...Now I see one marrying the other forcibly, just to abolish the "deep palace exchange"...

Wei Keng caught Meng Xina in clusters, there were no weeping and weeping bridal chamber flowers and candles, and there were no splendid fireworks.

After Wei Keng asked her to build the ice wall with a shovel in her hand, after seeing the blisters on her hands, he taught her how to deal with them.

After the experience of digging with a shovel, Wei Keng replaced her with a better excavator, then upgraded the technology, and finally adopted biotechnology.

Although the fineness and roughness of sand and ice have long been "familiar" in the intersection of spiritual language of high-level human beings like Meng Xina

But Wei Keng stubbornly asked them to use their hands, from primitive to advanced, a series of treatments.

Meng Xina is now communicating with Wei Keng: she insists on telling Wei Keng that this is "unnecessary".

But in Wei Keng's spiritual language, he strongly reprimanded, "This is necessary!"

Wei Keng cited the possibility of a large number of equipment failures.

This kind of "unfounded worry" guess about the danger made every individual in Mengxina's group shake their heads and express: it is incomprehensible while being forced to work. Also can't understand.

Wei Keng knew she couldn't understand.

Just like the pragmatists in the ancient industrial era, and those who are keen on "commercial emotional films, ancient romance films", they will be reprimanded as "old antiques" and "behind the times" when they talk about the cruelty of the world. And people who claim to have "read books" and "know the world" will in turn teach you that "the world is a civilization" and "you are also a civilization. No one will be anti-civilization and have a tendency to destroy."

...Compared to military destruction, the idea of ​​labor reform is a more difficult war...

Wei Keng to the captives of Meng Xina: In the age of civilization, whether the group you belong to is destroyed or not depends only on whether the group can treat survival carefully. If you are careful enough, the other party will not destroy you, not because you are beautiful, but because of the price they paid unacceptable.

Of course, Wei Keng still didn't win this battle of thinking and consciousness, he just controlled these captives materially.

Although Wei Keng did not defeat these diehards on the ideological battlefield, he also further tested the shortcomings of these human beings. Firm his own line.

Now Wei Keng compares it with his current state of communication. Right now, these human super-eyes on the earth, when their thinking is running, occupy 30% of the oxygen consumption of the brain, which is much higher than the current consumption of his own group communication. 20%, and in the communication process, the information has not been involved in the actual production information processing.

It's like 90% of the hard disks are not real learning materials.

…Communication depends on the effectiveness of survival. …

In the fifteenth year of the Earth's man-made ice age, Wei Keng turned on the space-time system and started recording.

And he said to himself: "Bai Linglu, from the perspective of evolution, am I still a little too soft-hearted." Bai Linglu is not there, but Wei Keng seems to be used to needing someone who can talk.

Wei Keng is relenting. If one-third of the entire ancient holy planet group is directly wiped out, the remaining ones may be more likely to change their evolution direction.

But Wei Keng couldn't do it, maybe once he did, Wei Keng himself, as a spirit, would also collapse, and it would be difficult for him to fight firmly in the next Star Wars.

In the final analysis, one's own camp is still a guardian. If the method of destruction is used, it seems to recognize the principle of "wave wheel".

So, what's the difference between destroying one-third of the ancient holy star's ethnic group and destroying the entire star sea?

...Wei Keng's ax was not aimed at Bai Linglu, but he also had to be axed in the face of "blazing fire". …

Fifteen years into the earth's man-made ice age, a mushroom cloud rose above the glacier.

Lingyun has pushed the firepower of nuclear explosions to "infinite heights" on the earth. Nuclear weapons are the strongest and most common means of destruction on the surface of the planet. Just like a brawl on campus, "bricks" are the upper limit of the highest-end armed forces.

But even so, Wei Keng has also raised the density of nuclear weapons to an unprecedented level. The density of Wei Keng's throwing nuclear weapons has reached a level that other human super-eye nuclear weapons cannot release at all. Because the magnetic pulse density is too high, all nuclear weapons controlled by electronic systems It fails in the air.

In order to make nuclear weapons explode at high density, Wei Keng adopted a more stable but more expensive mechanical activation switch. The processing precision of these high-precision mechanical switches is equivalent to that of the "gyroscope" on an intercontinental missile, and its anti-interference degree is first-class. Of course, it is also a huge coordination work to accurately calculate the interval between the drop of each nuclear bomb by the throwing vehicle. The accuracy of the campaign execution of Wei Keng's various air forces and ground combat teams has reached the millisecond level.

Wei Keng dropped 86,000 nuclear bombs on the roof of the world every hour!

This hits "Spirit Ammo".

The so-called "spiritual ammunition quantity" refers to the upper limit of a region of the earth that can detonate nuclear weapons at the same time in a period of time.

...The limit to which people on earth can go crazy was reached by Wei Keng...

Wangjiu, the "Sun God", couldn't help but want to intervene many times when he was watching all this, but was forcibly suppressed by Wei Keng.

Nozomi: Do you want to destroy the earth?

Wei Keng: Well, the earth can be destroyed, but human beings must know that such a harsh environment is what they need to face.

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