Out of the cage

Chapter 65 Chapter 2.22 Transfer

"Warning, warning, the space-time fluctuations from the downstream are approaching. Please receive the space-time information, and be careful: the space-time information is too large, please activate the space backup, otherwise the carbon-based brain will suffer from consciousness damage due to the impact of excessive memory information."

When Wei Keng and Bai Jingqi had just finished their conversation and were about to look at the next hot dry rock collection point, the main world sent an emergency notification to themselves.

Wei Keng: "What space-time information?" What else do you want to ask, the system has sent a tutorial on temporarily storing the relevant memory on the dimension chip.

After the end of the first plane war, the main world's technology in terms of plane assistance has become more and more advanced, so advanced that it made Wei Keng a little confused.

And then, Wei Keng finished saving according to the tutorial, and another memory of himself fed back from the downstream time and space continued to be confused.

The time-space assassination will arrive at the scene six hours later, but before the assassination arrives, I have received the memory of my future self and began to understand precisely why I was assassinated.


At this point in time on this plane, what Wei Keng hadn't had time to do, due to the vain changes made by the downstream time and space to the past time and space, Wei Keng suddenly had memories of forty years later!

If business as usual, then there will be an economic war between East and West, and then there will be a global war. The navy in the eastern part of Shenzhou was attacked by Shengyang, and Su Hong took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the Allied forces. On the one hand, the United States of Edenia formed an alliance with the European continent, but did not directly land on the frontal battlefield of the European continent, but crossed the Arctic Ocean to occupy Siberia.

The United States of Edenia intervened in Shenzhou in the name of mediation, trying to support a puppet regime (Smecta) on the land of North Asia, embedded between Shenzhou and Shengyang.

It will be a world war. A lot of drama happened in Shenzhou at this time.

General Bai betrayed, and as for Wei Keng, the downstream timeline proves that Wei Keng stayed here and was also involved in the war.

After reading his downstream timeline, Wei Keng asked the system: "This future? Me, is that so? The performance of the downstream future people does not seem to be the same as that of me traveling to other planes halfway. After returning, I have changed the timeline here." elements?"

The main world: "This timeline only reflects the most likely natural selection after you stay in this plane, and does not show the influence of your possible travel to other processes. In fact, the longer the reflection time of this timeline , the more inaccurate, for example, after forty years, you will not be able to access the memory of the downstream timeline of this plane."

Wei Keng took a deep breath: "Then what now?"

Intelligent ai Luofu system: "When the downstream time node, try to return to the upstream to try to change, but before their subjective purpose is achieved, the objective information leakage caused by their behavior allows you to see in advance that the future will change again."

Wei Keng nodded, indicating that the reception was complete.

Why did the downstream come to assassinate him at this time? It's all because, he might do something next,

According to the future timeline, when Shenzhou rejected the export of rare earths from Raytheon Group, Wei Keng, who joined forces with Fenghou Group to monopolize the rare earth industry, suddenly had an idea—since the Allied forces developed the Prism Tank, why couldn't he himself?

[Wei Keng's thinking is the attitude of Eastern engineers in the 21st century when they compare Western high-tech. Aegis? Come on, you build an electromagnetic gun, I will try that thing too. laser weapon? After making it, I thought it was good, and installed a suppression system on my 99. In the beginning, you crossed the river by feeling the stones, but then, your "stone" hasn't formed yet? Tell me about the shape, I'll get some "cement" to make it exactly the same, and see if it can withstand the washing of the trend of the times. 】

The downstream timeline has successfully "predicted" what Wei Keng is going to do.

In 2204 of the Qin Dynasty, Luoshui established a high-energy laser institute, and then began to recruit engineers in optical materials and superconducting technology from the whole of China, and then developed spectrum technology, as well as power control technology. Carrier, shipboard, three systems to develop.

Vehicle-mounted weapons were the first to be successfully developed, and an order was signed with Jibei Military Vehicle Institute. The "Candlelight Class" laser chariot is on the scene.

In 2210 of the Qin Dynasty, the beam weapon achieved success in terms of cost and practicality. It was installed on a one-ton individual combat mech. In terms of mobility and protection, it is far better than the Soviet army's magnetic storm infantry - Wei Keng saw this downstream memory and admitted that the individual beam weapons he made were a bit radiation engineers.

In the year 2216 of Qin Tongli, in order to completely wipe out the rebels, Shenzhou dispatched laser troops to the moon by rocket to continue to wipe out the rebels and the troops of the United States of Edenia. Sigma Coordinator.

Well, the history below is more vague.

All in all, in order to prevent the existence of the laser generals in Shenzhou, the time-space assassins downstream of this timeline started to stop them in 2203, that is, now, before Wei Keng's ideas have had time to fully form.


This kind of assassination of the past, for the natives of this plane, can indeed kill the signs in advance (but more unknowns will emerge), but! To a traveler like Wei Keng, it is to send memories.

The traversal system behind Wei Keng has just been updated, and this space-time assassination directly sent downstream information in advance.

Wei Keng's possible techniques were clearly recorded by the system. And after sorting out, it became a complete set of materials. In other words, Wei Keng can make this laser technology faster and more powerful.

But now, what Wei Keng cares about is not this issue, but! Where is the upcoming space-time assassination positioned? Prepare yourself carefully.

However, the system has also been arranged, and the risk in the new plan is reduced again, and even the traversers of the main world are not allowed to contact the time-space vortex of the downstream "correctors" at all.

When the wave of time and space on the other side is approaching, immediately shuttle away from this plane! Wait until the space-time fluctuation energy is exhausted and come back again.

Faced with the new concepts thrown out by the system again, Wei Keng is like an old man born in the 1960s who worked hard to learn how to chat on WeChat, keeping pace with the times. Of course, new things are not difficult. The things created by the Space-Time Administration are becoming more and more foolish to users.

Wei Keng: "The space-time fluctuations are exhausted?"

The system displayed a somewhat rusty multifunctional knife in Wei Keng's mind. Wei Keng paused, and immediately touched his waist. The knife was in his waist, and it was very new.

The system explains that the downstream "corrector" takes this substance (knife) as a time clue, and according to the time experience of this substance, flows back to a certain point and finds a certain person.

Wei Keng: "So, after I travel through, I take this knife away, and they will have no coordinates."

System: "It can be understood in this way." - Wei Keng thinks that there may be some details in this system that have not been explained.


Qin Tongli July 7, 2203, 7:00 am.

On the plateau, somewhere, in a space-time shuttle site preset by the main world in advance, Wei Keng slowly walked into this cracked area and disappeared temporarily.

And four hours later, in a nearby city, a group of people from the lower reaches of time and space arrived here.

The group was very confused for a few hours after arriving here. However, after fifteen hours of confusion, they disappeared on this time and space. But that's not all for them.

After the time-space backtracking, the complete destruction of the space-time material coordinates has not been completed. On the original timeline, the space-time energy will continue to search for coordinates. And this continuous search is fatal to the space-time changers.

After the first search was fruitless, these people returned to the beginning of time again, found another location, stayed for fifteen hours, and disappeared from this timeline again.

Then, everything went back to the beginning of time.

Over and over again, over and over again, these people realize that they have had an accident.

Human beings have been accompanied by accidents since entering the industrial age. The operating machinery will be strangled if it is strayed into it, and the iron and steel smelting furnace is fed improperly. If it is not operated properly, it will be transpired to death.

After hundreds of shuttles, these shuttlers who want to revise history have lost their original purpose.

They were desperate, frantically watching the reincarnation again and again, praying to God to save them, and finally committed suicide with a gun in despair, but everything returned to the original point. In the end, it seemed that the carbon-based brain recorded too much entropy-increasing information, and began to be silent and sluggish. Watching the rotation of time and space again and again, I finally lost myself. As time and space rotated for an unknown number of times, the repetition time became shorter and shorter, and the consciousness began to dull, and finally as the space-time vortex calmed down, they disappeared.

This is the most terrible death, because the time of death is infinite.


Wei Keng didn't know the tragic fate of the time-space assassins after he avoided the space-time assassins. Oh, but even if you know, you may have a little pity, but you will never sympathize.

The biggest lesson of the main world in the 21st century is: "Their standard for a better future for the world is to destroy your species. Do you discuss civilization and morality with them? Then empathize?"

Wei Keng once again passed through the sea of ​​stars, and the current shuttle flow is more prosperous than before, with many, many more stars. Of course, compared to the last shuttle, there seems to be a batch of stardust that is brighter and stands out in the sea of ​​stars. It's just that Wei Keng doesn't know what he looks like in this sea of ​​stars.

Wei Keng: "Should be, it's still mid-stream, um, mid-stream."

The system interface in front of him began to flicker. Wei Keng took a look at the supervisor surnamed Bai who had sent him a lot of emails, and said angrily, "What's the rush, ah, I just came here when I was free."

Wei Keng: "System, connect to the Pandora plane shuttle channel."

System: "It has helped you lock the channel. This target area is a high-risk, carbon-based information quantum supertransmission plane. Your current rank is corporal, and the bottom line for exploring this plane is sergeant. Please confirm again."

Wei Keng: "Huh?" Hearing about the "high-risk plane", he just wanted to reconsider.

System: "Sorry, your information has not been updated synchronously with the system. This is our mistake, and it has been resolved now. You have a level A priority in this plane and are opening the space-time channel for you."

Wei Keng: "..." The large amount of command information jumping on this interface contains a lot of symbols such as "special", "key", "key exploration, matching", etc., and the original "high risk" red mark has become a golden "special" for". Before Wei Keng could continue to respond, the system quickly made arrangements.


At this time, among the surrounding stars, it seemed that they had also heard relevant information, and the stars, large and small, temporarily gave up a considerable area.

In the space ripples, a large number of measurement markings pointing towards the center of the collapsed area appeared!

Such an arrangement during the shuttle allows Wei Keng to deploy more plane pointers when traveling, which is often used in the shuttle at certain precise time points.

In fact, Wei Keng didn't notice the outer area, and the other traversers were very surprised to see that the space-time administration of the main world had marked out so many distance measurement points for this time travel, and they couldn't help but watch curiously.

A non-commissioned officer's node is leading the newcomers, and the distance measurement point that was originally lined up was temporarily requisitioned by Wei Keng's shuttle mission. The non-commissioned officer who led the team stopped the team urgently, waiting for Wei Keng's shuttle to end.

Rookie 1 asked: "Well, why do we have to avoid it, that non-commissioned officer's rank is not high?"

The non-commissioned officer Wang Qianyue who led the team looked at the public information: "This is a special mission. They are going to a high-risk plane. Of course, they are the priority."

Newcomer 2: "The high-risk plane, isn't the plane war over?"

Another newcomer: "Didn't you read the training rules for crossing? In the war of planes, the historical bottom line and the responsibilities of all parties are planned for the near and near planes. Developed physical areas with high-risk physical phenomena."

The first newcomer at the beginning said half-jokingly: "The high-risk plane is not a mission shuttle led by Shangqing. With his brightness level, is he going through the back door?"

These generation of shuttlers recruited after the war have undergone stricter selection. Compared with Wei Keng who entered the first game of traveling as a second-generation traveler before the war, the difficulty of their assessment is equivalent to that of the 21st century. A first-class university. The proud son of heaven is a little proud, and when he is proud, he is more suspicious.

Wang Qianyue: "Shut up."

Although the non-commissioned officer couldn't see Wei Keng's information, the information on the plane that Wei Keng shuttled through was very clear: "A total of four Shangqings have explored, two of them were injured, and the rate of serious damage to consciousness in subsequent non-commissioned officers' explorations is 100%. Seventy percent, ordinary non-commissioned officers are now strictly prohibited from entering."

Wang Qianyue: "Warning to all of you! Don't talk nonsense if you are irresponsible, and this time, make a demerit and deduct the crossing point."


As the space ripples in the surrounding area converged, Wei Keng reached the edge of the Pandora plane with a sense of falling.

In front of the arrival position, I finally confirmed that the time point of my arrival was exactly the same as the end of the last time.

So, in the duration of this mission, 300 days are filled in. This number of days happens to be the shortest task during the mission shuttle, and of course it can be extended freely.

In the space interface bubble, Bai Linglu, who had been waiting so hard, finally waited for his favorite traveler.

At present, she has dealt with dozens of new travelers on the timeline, just as she determined intuitively at the beginning, other travelers always have incompatibility when exploring this plane. In the Pandora plane data archive records, it seems that there is a lack of a summary of Wei Keng's certain element, which is extremely important.

When Wei Keng confirmed the plane mission, Bai Linglu's raised eyelashes hadn't flickered yet. She looked down at the mission duration that Wei Keng had filled in, and a cold frost suddenly appeared on her beautiful face that was originally happy.

A few seconds later, she immediately flipped to another numerical value box, stretched the scale of information enthalpy that she could adjust to the maximum, gritted her teeth and said, "Let me fish for you, fish for me!"

The system reminded Bai Linglu: "The consumption of information enthalpy delivered to individual traversers must not exceed one-third of the total information enthalpy. You must reserve enough information enthalpy to exchange for supplies for Sergeant Wei Keng."

Bai Linglu: "Understood!"

Then Bai Linglu added: "Hehe, if you leave him the exchange authority, he probably won't use it. He will use the information reserved by Luo Shangqing's space gate. —— This old man."


Wei Keng slowly opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the original self that was all the same turned into a kaleidoscope in an instant, and many different perspectives, sounds, and feelings appeared, and then,

After the initial unified induction ended, every Wei Keng turned into a single perspective again, looking at each other——others were looking at each other.

Tomorrow, there will be a supporting role played by a book friend.

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