Out of the cage

Chapter 66 Chapter 2.23 The Second Arrival

Pandora May 10, 139, Pearl River, in the three-story central office building.

Sun Xiangyang is holding a work organization meeting, he said: "This year's work focus, steel, food..."

On the wall, a climbing scarab (spotted beetle) fell down with a slap, and hit the microphone. There was a slap, and the beetle ended its life without even shaking its legs.

At this time, everyone raised their heads as if feeling something.


On the timeline of this world, only ten days have passed since Wei Keng was sent off. In the past ten days, when Sun Xiangyang and other humans were in a hurry to accept various tasks and were at a loss what to do.

Within three hours before Wei Keng arrived at the Pandora plane. They felt a familiar (life field) reverberation, re-fluctuating in the dozens of fields that Wei Keng left ten days ago.

Narrator: Although Wei Keng has only spent seven years in this plane, he has laid a very useful foundation for the main world. The main world has traversed many times on the basis of Wei Keng's crossings, although he has not yet found " Ways to completely conquer the planet", but a very deep study of the physical patterns of this world.

For example, when the world’s Pandora’s field first descended on the southern border of America, the field energy density was so strong that there appeared the phenomenon of self-replication of the determined explorers.

But now, this time Wei Keng returned to this point in time and took advantage of this phenomenon.

When Wei Keng came this time, the intensity of life radiation in Pandora in this world was extremely strong! In the case that the information enthalpy transmitted across the plane is less than one-thousandth of the previous situation, the number of Wei Keng can be copied more.

Keyword 1: copy more.

Under the operation of a certain supervisor, 5633 individuals came to Wei Keng at once! (An unsatisfied voice of a supervisor surnamed Bai: "If you don't copy it yourself, I will copy it for you.")

Keyword 2: The consumption is less than one-thousandth.

The total consumption of Wei Keng's shuttle this time is equivalent to the information enthalpy consumed by the exploration team of 5 or 6 people, and the rest is copied by using the life phenomenon of Pandora's life field.

Such low consumption means that Wei Keng can be normalized in this world. (A Qing-level traveler surnamed Luo: "In the future, I will go home often, um, come here often to have a look, this is your plane.")


Wei Keng's arrival, for himself and many observers in the main world, was a scientific process, even with the nonsense caused by the collision of the attitudes of the inspector and the traverser.

However, for the entire Pandora world on this timeline! Wei Keng's arrival was by no means so ordinary.

Ten days ago, the radiation of Wei Keng's life field disappeared, and the radiation field of the newly formed human community here in Guangdong suddenly collapsed.

A few people are temporarily selected as new nodes. If there is no accident, they who insist on maintaining the operation of the new Pearl River society will have super recovery and the ability to communicate with other people's hearts in two months to resist the surrounding counterattack gene community.

But all of the seemingly attenuated human beings in the Pearl River are like the tide on the beach ebbing before the tsunami, waiting for a bigger wave.

Wei Keng, who had disappeared for ten days, re-gathered a large amount of carbon-based life information in the Pandora field, and the cluster that made the entire Yadong region feel domineering came again.

The total amount of life radiation is larger, and the melody has changed.

If it is said that when Wei Keng left before, the radiation of life in this world was like a jagged knife, cutting all the natural ecological life systems around to pieces,

And now, Wei Keng after his re-arrival is like a heavy hammer! Bring the crushing shock to life in this world!

Let me talk about the human beings in the Pearl River area first, because the genes are the same as Wei Keng, so the impact is minimal, they just feel the inexplicable "exploitation", "deep cultivation" and "look up" after Wei Keng arrived. The feeling of "starry sky".

But what about other beings in this world?

There are a total of ten places where Wei Keng returned in groups. The first landing point was only 500 meters away from the hall where Sun Xiangyang had a meeting. At the moment of landing, the moss that had grown on the walls in the past ten days suddenly looked like frost.

The radiation of Wei Keng's life spread like a tyrannical shock wave,

Within a range of 400 meters, all microorganisms in the soil were sterilized almost instantly, and half of them died!

At a distance of one thousand meters, insects such as mosquitoes and spiders all fell instantly.

With a radius of five kilometers, the small rodents collectively fell into a daze, and the neurons in their brains apparently fell into chaos. This state of buddhism lasted for three hours, which caused 70% of them to be in a daze. The nutritional supply was insufficient, and he was starved to death.

The same is true for the cats in the residence, who fell into a state of sluggishness, and fell over when touched lightly. Of course, they are supported by humans in the city, and after the daze is over, they will gather at the fish stall to ask for food.

As for the trees and herbs of this world? Their life state is a little stronger than the anti-interference ability of animals, but there are some animal amino acids in the leaves.

The Pearl River Agricultural Center is three kilometers away from the fifth landing point of Wei Keng.

The big radish soaked in the pond has been wilted for ten days. Ten days later, he completely lost his ability to move and turned into a real plant-based creature.

The methane bacteria in the biochemical reactor died in an instant, but the surviving marsh bacteria quickly reproduced and filled the reactor, but the frequency band of their decomposition and radiation life was more suitable for Wei Keng's cells than before. This is survival of the fittest.

Vitality is energy too!

When 5633 Wei Keng were born, the scale of energy condensed in the Pandora field impacted those species with genes different from their own! Like ten neutron bombs.

In addition to the above-mentioned beings, there is another special witness, that is, the priest from Yucheng, Long Ximin.


Go back to Wei Keng first. There are a total of ten descending points, distributed in many places in the Pearl River complex. Currently telepathic communication is normal, but has just returned from one to the public.

Wei Keng has not yet realized the problem of his time travel, but after walking out of each time travel node, he reported the number to each other in the language of consciousness!

Two minutes later, defender Keng was stunned. The number of people present this time is 5633. Counted three times in a row, and then checked with the crew of Yuanhua 834, and finally confirmed that it was not that I made a mistake in counting, but that I really had so many.

Wei Keng: "System, explain the situation."

On the space platform, Bai Linglu responded with a full sense of "intellectuality": "During the shuttle process, there are differences in the state of consciousness, just as the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: 'One cannot step into the same river twice' , the last time you entered the Pandora era is different from the current you entering the Pandora era, and your state is a polydivided state, not the consciousness loaded in a single body. Therefore, your state of this shuttle is 5633. "

Wei Keng paused, and felt that what the system said made sense, but felt that something was wrong.

Now that I have to work, I don't have time to discuss philosophy with this supervisor.


He just came back, and the newcomer Wei Keng couldn't accept the job he had left in the Zhujing District last time.

When he left, 1510 Wei Keng had some professional skills in each of his brains.

Now, 5633 Wei Keng, who just came back from Shenzhou, were dizzy with the memory of the "Laser General" brought about by the time-space assassination a few hours ago.

Now to accept the dismantling work of chemical engineering, metal smelting, mechanical processing, and relic mechanical equipment on the Pandora plane, it is necessary to connect with the empirical thinking that I saved in the dimension chip when I left.

At the time of departure, I was 1510. After one or two nights of sleep, the 2,400 splits that traveled this time were successfully inserted (in memory) into their work situations, and began to enter various positions to take over the work.

As for the rest! It doesn't appear to be doing nothing.

Wei Keng: "It's time to plan some new projects."


Four hours after arriving, on the ship Yuanhua 834,

Wei Keng communicated with Jueming Plane, and in the face of the condolences sent by the organization there, he showed "fearless xx feelings" as usual.

After Wei Keng finished his response, he began to transfer all kinds of steel rolling equipment and advanced special steel production technology collected by the system for himself through the tape device.

Wei Keng has always owed him the help from the Jue Ming Plane, so he specifically asked: "To provide some technical information to make up for the comrades over there."

It's just that Wei Keng didn't realize for the time being that even if he didn't give these technical materials, the forces on the various timelines on the Jue Ming plane would provide them. So in the eyes of the main world, the act of sending the information to Jueming Plane by myself (Wei Keng) is actually letting people fall on me (Wei Keng). It's not that I'm paying back favors.

Of course, Wei Keng will not be 'unaware' forever.


Pandora May 12, 139.

Those who should go to the fields, those who should make steel, those who should build roads, and those who should fight with the remnants of the city-state, continue to preach the righteousness of unified cutting, trying to wake up more insensitive people.

And a natural saint who came from the north——Long Ximin. This is an unavoidable problem in this shuttle.

On the day Wei Keng left, she arrived in the Pearl River area. With magical magic, it can make fruits ripen, flowers bloom, save the lives of the injured, and of course talk to animals. In the eyes of the local aborigines, this beautiful and perfect girl is like the god of Luoshui.

Of course, in other timelines, in the eyes of many traversers, although Long Ximin looks flawless, he is a proper node creature! Coming from the weird human gene community in Yucheng, this is an invasion.

On dozens of timelines, many traversers tried to use various means to deal with her.

Because of her good looks, some traversers wanted to subdue her at first. Well, that kind of submission.

Here I want to emphasize that veteran traversers like Luo Hongxing are not so crazy!

Shangqing have a full understanding of this weird plane, and the radiation of life is not strong enough. This "carbon-based reactor" in the past is looking for death!

She is not a purely human existence like Wei Keng. In addition to human genes, she is also linked to a large number of other biological genes.

But it seems that the timeline created by Wei Keng does not have a sense of originality and weirdness, which makes some traversers who come here for the first time feel overconfident in the face of the good situation here.

For example, in the timeline at the beginning, among the non-commissioned officers led by a certain Shangqing, there was a sergeant named He Kongxiang who wanted to give it a try, make a breakthrough, and maybe be able to pass it on all at once, like the martial arts world. Same, sudden rise.

After a series of love strategies, I finally almost got the "heart" of the target, or aroused his "heart of devouring". You must know that the individuals in the genetic community of Longximin are very realistic about mating, just like spiders and praying mantises. If male individuals who are not strong enough try to get close, then it is definitely not that they will have the idea of ​​leaving offspring. But "swallow".

As a result, the scene was extremely tragic. After the copulation, the reproductive organs quickly merged into this beautiful node organism, and all the blood vessels in the bodies of both parties were connected.

At the most terrible time, this Sergeant He deliberately avoided other teammates for this matter, and at the same time set the highest level of personal privacy and blocked the system.

As a result, when the recorder on the system side issued a life-threatening alarm, Shangqing, the leader of the team, discovered the situation of this moth, and urgently activated a temporary time-travel to save the idiot.

Of course, in the standard of time travel, the shadow of fear in his memory cannot be dispelled after several missions, which is a severe trauma in consciousness.

This is one of the more serious (most speechless) incidents of personnel loss in the process of exploring the Pandora plane after Wei Keng left, but it can also be regarded as a clear proof case for those who come to the plane later: special-looking The good-looking Long Ximin cannot be fucked.


In the following multiple timelines, the traversers tried to expel Long Ximin. However, due to the possible charm effect, humans in the Desperate Plane and Pandora Plane may not obey such a strategy.

Oh, there are very few chances of successful expulsion. Only when it is determined that no one is there, suddenly take out a gun and shoot at it. Guns can't kill her, but they can severely damage her and leave the human settlement.

But now? Wei Keng is here.

When Master Wei came again, the shattering power of life radiation directly damaged her nerve node effect severely, and the life state in her body was unprecedentedly humanized. She has become a weak woman in these two or three days.


In the luxuriant grass, accompanied by Lin, biochemical reactor, in Sanatorium No. 101,

When an individual from Wei Keng walked into her ward, Long Ximin opened his eyes. When he saw Wei Keng for the first time, his eyes seemed to suck Wei Keng in.

In the small room, after Wei Keng saw this "girl" for the first time, although he was prepared, he was stunned.

It has icy muscles and bones, and it even exudes a very pleasant smell.

However, after taking a look, Wei Keng lowered his head, moved a chair and sat down three steps away.

The experience brought from the 21st century tells Wei Keng that this kind of beautiful evildoer who can set off a trend of "plastic surgery templates" is just a matter of thinking about it. If the idea can appear in reality, there is definitely a problem, and it is not me. Daydreaming, that is, encountering a fairy jump.

Leaning against the window (this is mainly to use the light from the window from behind to cover up your possible improper gaze),

Wei Keng crossed his legs, picked up the notebook, and took out the pen on his chest, asking while recording: "Where did it come from, Yucheng on the Yangtze River in the north?"——These are the information provided by the system.

In the past few days, Long Ximin has witnessed the deployment of Wei Keng's group, maintaining order in the streets, repairing steam locomotives, and investigating the city's sewer system. There are Master Wei in these positions.

Long Ximin looked at Wei Keng who was talking to him, and said with a smile: "Your life is very vigorous, the highest in Binhai. I am a life from Yucheng. I~" She held her heart, and then danced slightly towards Wei Keng Said: "Wish to inherit the white rainbow~"

Wei Keng, who pretended not to understand what she said, frowned, "Fusion people, right?"

Long Ximin frowned slightly: "That's a superficial name for old humans. An existence like you shouldn't call me that."

Wei Keng showed disapproval, but he didn't say something like "You don't know that a double-digit fusion person died in my hands?" Instead, he continued to salute: "Is there anything important you came here? "

Long Ximin stared at Wei Keng, slowly lifted the quilt, got out of bed and said, "Together we benefit."

Wei Keng paused, staring at her, with three points of wariness in his heart, but her slender legs under the wide hospital gown, and her feet like white lotus root, made Master Wei Keng feel a little dazzling, but he soon found out Recover clearness in the spiritual language discussion of the self cluster.

Internal communication of the Weikeng cluster: For those who come to preach like this, the first sentence is "I will spread xx for you", even if the fighter planes bomb the city, you can still say that I am helping you get the right path. so. Be careful, don't be tricked by this pink skull. "

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