Out of the cage

Chapter 691 Chapter 16.16 (Part 1) Jumping Gold Coins

Ma Jieke's only distant heir died after inheriting the inheritance. After receiving a large sum of money suddenly, this kid went on a rampage for two days. In the end, in Henglai's manor, he became insane and lit a fire. By the time people extinguished the manor, he had been burned into a blackened skeleton. Since then, no one in the family has been spared.

The mystic who came to investigate deciphered the sudden disaster of the big businessman, and determined that it was the two ghosts raised by Ma Jack, a wealthy businessman. These two ghosts who assisted his wealth and luck, in the end, It turned into a devil that aggravated his "greed" and "anger", directly tore his spirit piece by piece, and devoured him alive.

The two devils also completed all this out of fear, and after controlling the personnel related to this catastrophe to self-destruct in various ways, they also came to an end. One by one gold coins turned into scary beetles surrounding the two little devils, and then melted in the raging fire. Finally, the gold coins turned into huge instruments of torture in the ether world, swallowing the two devils directly. The two devils had no time at all. If you escape, you will be destroyed.

Because in terms of "concept", the ominous gold coin at this time has been endowed with even more terrifying information.

...a spark can be very small, but it falls on the firewood ~ the future is limitless...

Enma's "unintentional move" began to lead to the contradictions that are bound by the orders in this world, which in turn caused great chaos. And what Enma showed earlier was in the "order" department.

Enma (axis): "Don't judge me by order and chaos, I have my goals."

The concept of everything in the world has an opposite. When the Agricultural Youth Association integrated the rural economy around the big cities, the countryside began to compete with the factories for labor in the process of exchanging goods with the cities. The production and sales personnel of small commodities are better treated than the sweatshops in the empire. (This is relative order) In these industrial productions represented by Majack, the "relative chaos" caused by exploitation becomes extremely clear.

After Ma Jack's complete death, in the hearts of many, many people in the entire eastern part of the Sky Empire: the ominous gold coin not only represents Ma Jack's retribution, but also represents the fate that exploiters like Ma Jack should have.

Those two devils originally only wanted to harvest Ma Jack's soul, so they never wanted to be caught in this changing situation.

When the ominous gold coins grow stronger, the ghosts will also bear the price.

After Mikael left, Enma looked at the ruins of the Majack factory, the mourning souls on the execution platform of golden thorns in the ether world, and wisps of black air, like Medusa's hair-losing snakes, spreading to The sky pollutes towards the whole world,

After taking a deep breath, Enma said, "None of my business."

The ominous gold coins also exceeded Enma's previous expectations:

If spiritual field items such as "ups and downs" are only in Majack's sweatshop alone, and then affect a double-digit number of people, the degree of "violence" will gradually decrease.

But is there only one Majack in the world who does evil? Or has Majack's stripping and sucking behavior been criticized by other factory owners? It is even said that the factory owners think Ma Jack is "normal", and even sympathize with Ma Jack's end.

So this flame that only burned one boat originally, because in this era, the iron chain of all the upper-class people in the Sky Empire began to spread, and it happened that the Sky Empire was on the "window" of national decline.

Enma: "So the atmosphere is ignited."

When Ma Jack was still alive, the ominous gold coin had already reached the level of A-level weird items. This item was enough to destroy a clan, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. And if it reaches a higher level, it can induce the collapse of a country.

...In the main world, everything is a coincidence. In the multiple planes where everything leaves traces, everything is possible...

Such a monster appears! Quite rare, only experienced a coincidence to achieve similar achievements.

For example, the fuse that allowed Louis XVI to go to the guillotine was a queen necklace. And that necklace was not the queen's at all, but bought by someone pretending to be the queen, which made the public feel the extravagance of the royal family. This led to a total explosion.

If the event in the main world happened in the multiverse, this necklace would be a "legendary" monster.

The ominous gold coin is now developing towards legend.

When Ma Jack burned to death. Enma is going to reclaim the "bad omen gold coin" to prevent it from being picked up by irrelevant people and causing tragedy.

However, this "ominous gold coin" obviously has self-awareness. When the gold coin sensed the "existence that created it", this ominous gold coin immediately jumped down from Majack's skeleton, and then fell from the ashes-covered space. Rolled away among the broken bricks and waste tiles.

When Enma rushed to the scene, he could no longer feel any information about the "Ominous Gold Coin". It mysteriously disappeared.

En Ma put out the compass in front of the ruins, counted with his fingers, and then sighed: "This thing has already become fine, as long as the breath is not exhausted, no one can take it away."

...gold coins will have a long life, because everyone's greed will provide the impetus to "spread"...

Five days later, at the other end of York City, this thing was discovered by two children in ragged clothes.

One of the stronger children knocked out his good friend with a punch and left with gold coins. However, this child owed a large amount of money at home, so after taking it home, he was sent to debt collectors before he was warmed up. After being taken away, the debt collector beat the child's ears with a stick and made him deaf. The gold coin started a new journey.

A month later, in a factory in another city, red flea plague broke out due to too close agglomeration. The factory owner wearing glasses did not want to expand the losses. Holding the newly arrived gold coins in his hand, he blew a sigh of relief. , While making a decision, he announced the isolation of the entire factory. And try to force the "lid off" and continue as if nothing happened

As a result, dozens of days of blockade left dozens of people dying. It aroused the panic of the crowd.

In the middle of the night that day, the workers pushed over the wall and escaped, and then were suppressed by the military police who came, causing a tragedy. Immediately afterwards, the riot, led by a certain retired military officer, turned into a large-scale strike throughout the city.

The factory owner who likes to have nothing to do, and plays with gold coins in front of people, was blocked upstairs by the furious strikers. As the logs hit the wall, the factory owner fell to his death from the 15-meter-high tower , and the gold coin is nowhere to be found.

Six days later, the gold coin was quietly laid in a box full of gold coins along with the taxes collected by the imperial tax officer, and drove towards the capital of the empire.

Its path, like a hissing fuse, rushed to the biggest powder keg.

... "Ding ding dong dong" the gold coin made a crisp sound with blood on it...

As the creator of the ominous gold coin, although Enma can't accurately grasp the trajectory of the ominous gold coin, the incidents caused by this thing are the first time to sense the outbreak of various "events", and there are "bad omen gold coins" in the information field associated.

Wei Keng: Now this "bomb" of spiritual pollution has exploded all the seemingly calm but hidden "thunder fires" in the imperial society. The inferiority of "skills" are all exposed.

On the system side, Bai Linglu happened to connect with Wei Keng in this timeline, and asked, "What's the matter, are you feeling sentimental about this world?"

Bai Linglu came to inform Wei Keng that the "gods" now expect Wei Keng to arrive in the world. Bai Linglu reminded that the Goddess of Finance was connected in series.

Wei Keng: "Well, there are too many ghosts here. It reminds me that when I was on the main plane, I watched some cartoons with profound thoughts."

Bai Linglu: "Oh, what kind of children's cult, let's talk about it."

Wei Keng sneered, and then said: "The seven types of people have encountered the seven restraints of the evil forces.

People with great ability use money to create traps;

Those who are good at listening to and observing the outside world will use unhealthy tendencies to confuse your perception;

For those who are unyielding, I will wear small shoes for you to trap your steps;

Enthusiasm is like fire, so use a big pot of rice to consume your enthusiasm;

People with big stomachs and enough tolerance, then seep into the sewage to stink you;

High enough, not wanting to cause trouble, will still bring you a small tail, and then put on a big hat.

And holding a public weapon to punish all evil, then there is always a way for moths to take advantage of loopholes.

Speaking of this, Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu who was running the search engine and frantically looking up the cartoon, and said to her: "Perhaps only by experiencing all the setbacks can we be immortal."

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