Out of the cage

Chapter 692 Chapter 16.16 (Part 2) The Destruction of the Empire

In October 3229 of the Fire Emblem calendar, that is, fifteen days after the Sky Empire launched a new round of "offensive" campaign operations, as the "breakthrough" on all fronts was good, when the rear court received news and raised their glasses to celebrate, the battle was in a hurry. Turn down.

In the city of Rota, the soldiers of the Sky Empire, carrying rifles and dragging supplies, rushed to the front position with difficulty. Everyone knew that this was climbing from a trench to a trench further ahead, so the morale was not very high, but the people were listless. , was quickly brought into the "melting pot of panic" by the new situation.

Directly ahead, a large amount of black smoke appeared, and in the black smoke, the iconic diamond-shaped land cruiser of the Anglo Empire emerged.

The design structure of these diamond-shaped tanks is similar to that of the Grand Nomad tanks of World War I. It's just thirty meters long and eight meters high. There is a dual-mounted main turret on the top, and four machine gun auxiliary turrets. The weight tonnage is 400 tons, which is a proper land cruiser level.

Its tracks are on both sides of the car body, and its design does not have the torsion bar suspension of modern tanks. If it is placed on the earth, the tank will vibrate when encountering uneven roads. This kind of vibration will cause bumps and collisions, which will make the machine extremely unstable. This is the world of Arcana.

When Wei Keng was on the Arcane plane last time, the technology developed the part of "forming an air cushion at the bottom to allow the heavy armor to move quickly". At this time, the bottom of these diamond-shaped tanks is filled with white steam, which condenses and does not disperse at the bottom of the car body, just like a balloon. When these diamond-shaped behemoths drive through the trenches, the air pressure restraint system in these chassis forms an "airbag of force field film" Provides a landing cushion for this Land Cruiser.

At this time, the angle of view came to the battlefield, where the Sky Empire had just occupied the trench, and the white helmets of the soldiers in the trench were shaking like duckweed in the ditch.

The recruits who came here for the first time in Sky Empire stretched out their heads and watched the huge monster that caused the ground tremble to press towards them, as if they were crawling in the middle of the train tracks, feeling the roar of the steam train.

The veterans scolded the recruits to cover their ears quickly.

Sure enough, at a distance of 500 meters from the trench, the rows of chariots hitting the trench uttered a super loud horn roar, and a full 180 decibels of sound swept across the front, which can be called It's a sonic weapon.

Some Sky Empire soldiers in the trenches fainted without having time to put on their helmets.

These land cruisers, which were emitting white gas, covered the soldiers and rushed to the front of the Sky Empire's position at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. The firefight began.

One by one artillery groups of the Empire of the Sky deployed 150mm anti-tank guns hastily in places lacking the protection of earth pit barriers.

The 20-person artillery team hurriedly used mechanical crowbars and other tools to turn the heavy cannon body around together, and finally fired a shot, and a ricochet occurred two kilometers away.

The land cruisers turned around at this time, and the three land cruisers turned their huge 200mm gun barrels, aimed at the direction of resistance and fired a salvo of fire. With the firing of the heavy artillery, the artillery on the Sky Empire's side became became parts.

At this time, everyone can see that Anglo's attack group has a total of 28 units, including 14 diamond-shaped tanks, followed by a large mechanical spider, and two 350mm long-barreled mechanical heavy guns with four tracks. .

This is a heavily mechanized unit led by a hero.

When the frontlines of the two sides confronted millions of troops and fought trench warfare, only such a mechanized unit group led by a hero could complete the assault mission.

These clusters are not composed of hundreds of combat vehicles like on Earth, but a dozen super-heavy units in front of each other.

Because the development direction of land warfare in the Austrian era is similar to the naval warfare system. The situation in naval warfare is that small gunboats cannot sink battleships (excluding torpedoes), and the situation in land warfare is also the same at this time. .

…Under the bombardment of the giant cannon, the soil on the ground spewed into the sky like seawater blasting…

On the mechanical spider, on the Anglo side, Aoluo (the hero unit) looked at the base of the sky empire ahead and the biplane fighters approaching in the distance. He whispered: "Then let's start."

He raised his hand, and a high-pressure energy bubble appeared in front of the mechanical spider. This energy bubble began to grow, and after reaching three meters, it turned into light waves and spread into its own position.

His skill is called "Battle Cry", and as the name suggests, it can increase attack power. That is to say, the energy of the nuclear power reactor is tunneled into all ammunition, increasing the energy of chemical bonds in the ammunition, and the killing damage of all high-explosive ammunition is increased by 7% to 18%.

Boom boom boom, fiery red explosion clouds burst out over the empire's position, and when the propeller plane flew into the sky, it was greeted by hundreds of rockets.

On the back of the thousand-ton mechanical giant spider, rows of launch tubes, like fan blades, loaded rockets in turn, and together with the anti-aircraft guns of the tanks on the ground, formed a dense barrage.

This scene of heavy steel impacting like a hill is far from what the "regional peasant rebellion" can understand.

Due to the tunneling of high-temperature particles, normal aero-engine materials cannot be found on the Wanlun Continent, so it is difficult to increase the size of aircraft vehicles...

Although, more than a dozen propeller attack planes scrambled into the air by the Sky Empire kept firing at the roofs of these ground steel monsters with 30mm cannons. Their attacks penetrated a number of turrets, but failed to stop the armored formation led by the heroic unit of the Anglos.

In fact, in the contemporary air force, only heavily armed airships can effectively kill ground heavy armored units. Whether it is a one-ton rocket gliding missile or a 100mm cannon for self-defense, these heavy airships can sweep up ground units.

However, Sky Empire's reloaded airship lacks the resources to build an air reaction shield, and is afraid of aircraft carrying small rockets. At present, the commander dare not put it on the front line.

two hours after the fight

Ao Luo successfully defeated the defenders of Rota City, and ignored these scattered troops, but notified the rear infantry troops to come to receive them. And he himself continued to intersperse.

Judging from the strategic map of the Thunderbolt Alliance at this time, the combat troops led by fifteen heroes, including Ao Luo, formed iron tongs and came to divide and encircle the empire. The empire's previous offensive advance front suddenly fell apart, and hundreds of thousands of troops also walked out of the trenches during the advance, and are now falling into danger.

Such a counterattack by the Thunderbolt Alliance is the last fighting potential to completely defeat the Eastern Sky Empire.

This kind of playing cards seems to be the crushing of the skills of the generals, but like the Battle of Changping, it is a gap in national strength.

When the army accounts for 3% of the population, it is in a state of low consumption, and when it accounts for 7% of the total population, it is in a state of high consumption.

This consumption is all-round.

In the "total war" of an incompletely reformed empire, there will be a huge amount of corruption and loss in the process of urging the increase of industrial output value, agricultural output value, and various transportation links due to insufficient organizational power.

...A big country can fight against a small country, and it can be used to hurt others, while an emerging country can fight an old country, which is a war of attrition...

The Empire of the Sky couldn't sustain it. The continuous wars had removed a large number of males from the countryside, causing the countryside to become unbalanced. Some estate owners started large-scale mergers, driving the population into urban factories.

Therefore, in the past two years, the Agricultural Youth Association has begun to flood from the central area to large areas of the empire.

Since the imperial city let go of the "large-scale fighting" in the north, it has not been dealt with.

In the year from October 28 to October 29, the Nongqing Army expanded from five towns in the north all the way to the south, reaching 84 towns. From the beginning, there were only more than two thousand people, and it grew to ten Thousands of people, oh, just like this, in the imperial city, it is still defined as "village fighting".

The first reason is that the Nongqing Army still pays food. Reason 2: Big cities have no time to suppress bandits.

A small number of city officers and their relatives in the countryside suppressed the bandits together. As a result, they brought heavy tanks and advanced weapons and were mortared by agricultural vehicles of the Nongqing Army. After spending several months in the countryside, the delivery of these equipment was delayed. Had to end the bandit suppression and declare success.

And once the heavy equipment of the Land Cruiser was sent to the front line by the train, the Nongqing Army counterattacked the farm owners who participated in the suppression of the bandits, and told them with facts that they went to the city to rescue the soldiers. ".

In fact, from the perspective of material collection, Enma alleviated the material shortage of the empire.

The expansion of the Nongqing Army has completed agricultural production to a certain extent, and stabilized food prices in the process of maintaining transactions with the imperial army.

Of course, the empire is too empty, just like the traditional Chinese medicine "seeking supplements from other sources to maintain balance", just like a person who smokes opium, his physique is too weak, no matter how he seeks supplements, it is useless.

Enma has supplemented the "material supply chain" of the empire's rural areas, but this "medicine" is highly toxic to other "organs" of the empire if it is used.

The Youth Association competed for manpower and maintained supplies to the empire, which damaged the empire's conscription system in rural and rural areas. And the empire had to increase the conscription to the city.

However, the bureaucrats in the imperial court didn't know the reason why the conscription officers of the generals of the empire "seldom conscripted in the cities" in the past.

Unlike the lower Liba people in rural areas, they are honest and honest, come from scattered villages, and have good obedience. People in the city gather together. When encountering injustice during conscription, it is easier to connect together.

After the "good news" of the frontier's defeat came, the unruly people in the city knew about the empire's trick of "hiding defeat into victory". With the implementation of a new round of conscription in the empire, various places in the city were full of flames.

Strikes and assassinations by revolutionaries emerged one after another.

Sky Empire needed a victory, so it had to be passively offensive strategically and be calculated.

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