Out of the cage

Chapter 693 Chapter 16.17 Heroes

At the end of 3229, Enma was approaching 20 years old. At this time, his body was about to reach its peak state, and he began to prepare for the locking of body functions. This locking means that all cell vitality is locked at this stage except for the core nervous system of the brain.

Under the current rules of arcane magic, after becoming a hero, its theoretical lifespan can reach thousands of years, which is not weaker than that of the ancient arcane era. But in practice it is far from the theoretical ideal.

Today's arcane system is composed of industrial concepts, fueled by the will of the people, and the heroes form ether "machines", and perform supernatural recovery and blessing in the center of this "machine". Compared with the cultivation of arcane spiritual power in the past, this is the crushing of the mortal body by the mechanical power of the excavator.

The ancient mystical law system is still the power of one person (self-employed spiritual meditation), and it is impossible to compete with the morale of the people of a country.

No matter how profound the concept engraved in one person's mental power is, it cannot be compared with the concept output by a whole country's industrial products in the human mind (food eaten by people, muscle output, which can't consume more than gasoline combustion, industrial gears, hydraulic pressure, and lever output power).

In today's confrontation, only heroes can confront heroes. The ancient mystics changed the overall situation by leveraging a few people. The modern state apparatus has mobilized the spirit of all people, which is much grander than the ancient Austrian law.

In the era of swords and magic, spellcasting is always a battle for the few.

in the caster's circle

1: A more aboveboard method, taking the elemental magician as an example, including creating flashes on the battlefield, blizzards, creating conditions for the knight team to kill generals,

2: A darker example, soul attack, such as the soul exchange of the king and the beggar. Of course, in the era of ancient Austrian law, the soul of the lord had no defense. That was impossible. Every territory had priests and temples, and the gods stared at their own lambs. How could the mystic be so foolish.

In today's war, a hero is the core of a country's industrial concept, and a vigorous torch fueled by a country's people's hearts. One person is linked to the concept and people's hearts of a country.

When any traditional curse method is aimed at heroes, it is equivalent to targeting the Haoran country, and then directly targeting the gods. Like moths to a flame.

To put it in the East, the hero and the fate of the country are related, and no one can do anything to him. (Until King Zhou of Shang Dynasty was exhausted, no gods could assassinate him)

Narration: If there is a "foreigner" who can really shake a country at the level of luck, either he is the son of luck "born in response to disaster", or he is "checking the secrets of heaven" to act on the basis of the number of days.

…the hero is like the pilot of a "spiritual machine," but the parts age and the fuel gets muddy. …

Now, in a world like Wanlun Continent, all industrial wars will shake the "national power".

Theoretically, a hero is not old, but if the national morale linked to the hero is frustrated in war or economically, then the hero will also be affected. Get sick, get old.

Therefore, today's heroes are in the same fate as the country. A country's strong period is often only a few decades, so the hero's youth stage lasts for a few decades at most. Maybe a hundred years. Once the hero whose thoughts and times are linked is frustrated and starts to be conservative, he enters middle age.

Middle-aged heroes continued to guard the country for hundreds of years. Of course, as it continues to decline for hundreds of years, it will be gray-haired, retaining only the ability to lead the army for the last time.

Therefore, at this time, although a large number of heroes have been accumulated in the Wanlun Continent and between the two major alliances over thousands of years, the heroes who are fighting and leading battles at this time do not have a lifespan of more than two hundred years.

Of course, defeat also means that the concepts linked to heroes are rusted and people's hearts are aging.

It can be said that the generals of various countries in the industrial age are more conscientious than in the ancient Austrian law era, and basically none of them are stupid! But even so, the opponents in this era are also stronger.

…Agricultural production in the North has begun to recover on a large scale…

At this time, Enma has begun to become a hero.

Although not close to any industrial smelting furnace, the Agricultural Youth Association led the production in the countryside, standardizing each one, and generating concepts along with it.

Although Enma does not have the long-standing historical origins of families in big cities as the initial capital of society, it has grasped the current situation, and the current situation has begun to create heroes. With more and more results brought by strong actions, more and more people's hearts have begun Condensed on Enma.

In the ether world, the "concept" linked to Enma is a new thing with strong vitality. Because more and more people believe that the continuous morale is like fuel, which is poured into the "concept" derived by Enma to promote the operation of this mental machine. As a result, Enma has magical skills in "education" and "military technology insight".

So Enma at this time is naturally a youthful spirit now. The figure is capable and the eyes are full of vitality.

If Enma raises his eyebrows, even if he doesn't make a sound, he will become the focus on the street, in the library, or in any public place.

At this time, the charm has been capped, replaced by various spiritual radiations that enhance the charm. Can make followers trust in a series of actions.

...Enma is crawling in the countryside, and at this time the thunderclouds in the city are beginning to gather...

On October 25th, with the defeat of the frontline army of the Sky Empire, Marshal Kasheli of the empire chose to kill himself with bullets after gathering his troops. The death of this general represented the demise of the only remaining tenth-level heroes in the empire. The pillars of the empire have fallen.

In the imperial army, there was also turmoil, and the revolutionaries began to infiltrate the imperial army extensively, spreading ideas that were not conducive to the empire (motivation). Those imperial dissidents who had been in prison escaped the monitoring of the imperial military police and found the generals in the empire who were most interested in changing the disadvantageous situation of the empire.

During this period of time, Enma was no longer in the inner circle of revolutionaries, and many revolutionaries had already left prison.

The main attention of the revolutionaries during this period has been concentrated on those forces in the empire that have military power.

They in various prisons can also go in and meet Comrade Zeng through their own network. In the eyes of these big shots who are preparing to revolt, the "postman" has withdrawn from their circle at this stage.

Just like Mr. Adolf, after establishing the "D Guards", he gradually got rid of the "stormtroopers" on the streets, and the current Sky Empire revolutionaries, after gradually becoming a dragon, will also pursue the "upper route".

Regarding this kind of thing, Enma complained: "What the hell, isn't it an upgrade novel in the ancient times? When you start, you will meet the help of the local family lady. After entering the dynasty, you will make friends with the princess of the dynasty, and then after advancing to the heaven, Will make a goddess."

Of course, Enma has always understood that the revolutionary party "advances with the times" (like the new and dislike the old).

Because he always understood, Master Wei never sold all his wealth to these urbanites.

…We are comrades in anti-imperialism, and we are rivals in the line. …

In the northern base area, batches of blast furnaces made of red bricks were billowing smoke. These 30-meter red brick blast furnaces were connected by steel bridges. Workers in heat-insulating suits looked at the churning molten steel below.

The volume of these steel furnaces is only 2,000 cubic meters. Compared with the large industrial steel furnaces of 5,000 cubic meters in big cities today, they are at least three generations behind. Each generation of steelmaking is an industrial innovation for hundreds of years.

The production here is full of soot and smoke, and it is far inferior to the city's ceramic-covered, occasionally with some slightly smoky steel factories. The output and processing of basic industrial raw materials here are at least ten times the cost of industrial furnaces in cities.

It is theoretically useless to build this steel factory, and most of the steel can already be obtained from trade in the city. Even the most common steel in the city has a larger supply than the steel produced by these red brick blast furnaces, and the cost is much lower.

Many small machinery factories run by the Youth Agricultural Association now also use urban steel.

But Enma still kept the factory with a production team of at least 5,000 people and pushed forward.

Wei Keng: Because keeping this factory is to grow the "industrial will" of the organization born out of the Youth Agricultural Association. This is not to talk about "lose or not" from the perspective of "industry and output value". It is about whether the organization based on the mud legs of the countryside will have the ambition to overcome the endless dangers of the industrial chain in the next "industrial long march" since then.

…Enma: I’d rather people wait for equipment than equipment wait for people…

Looking at the crimson molten iron, Enma finished testing the furnace. Begin to follow the steps of steel production, and check whether the production record notes of the workers meet the specifications for each link department. At the same time, review the archives of the "Meeting Minutes of Workers' Spontaneous Production Technology Summary".

En Ma assured the people on the side: "Sooner or later, we will have more advanced steel production equipment, but before all this comes, we would rather people wait for equipment than equipment, and now we must understand the general process of the entire industrial furnace. "

After Enma left the factory, in the abrasive tool, with the injection of iron flow, the mold opened, and a red steel five-pointed star was processed from heat treatment. This iron star hung high on the top of the steel factory. And when this iron star appeared, a shining point appeared in this world.

At the same time, in the multiverse, the original sliding industrial godhead suddenly stagnated, but then it was difficult to approach this direction. As if its original position was occupied by something,

Such a sudden change made the communication of the gods in the original pantheon who were leading the destiny start to be "surprised".

...Wei Keng has gone beyond the scope of the industrial godhead, which is beyond the bounds...

Wei Keng, as the "big will" who descended from the main world to the multiple planes, could not have the same thinking this time as the last time. If I don't follow past experience, then I'm "overstepping" these gods' labeling of Wei Keng based on "experience".

what is god So first we need to define what a person is.

Man is an organic information group, after a long evolution, it has formed an existence that can carry complex consciousness phenomena. In the physical sense, consciousness is the quantum activity in the thinking information of electrical signals.

Humans in the main world have arrived in this world, where electrons, protons, magnetic fields, photons, and the "quantum fields" of all substances can store complex and orderly information just like the carbon-based structure of the main world.

After the information is condensed into concepts, it will be as stable as the body. The spread concept of the main world traverser has become a god, but it is still a human being in essence, but it exists in a different form.

God is a life based on "thinking concepts with many minds".

Narrator: On a certain surface, after ten years of hard work, Grandpa Wei, whose knife skills are close to that of a national treasure chef, made "Wensi Tofu", and muttered: "It's nothing special."

On the Pantheon, the Goddess of Finance (Li Yishuang's subject of will here) seems to be the first to feel Wei Keng's natural hostility.

She filed a complaint against the Space-Time Administration! Complaints that his behavior has seriously disrupted the multidimensional win-win balance.

Her series of fault-finding speeches undoubtedly limit the "Wei Keng Industrial Godhead".

The electronic gods on her side: Even if Wei Keng takes the leadership, many divine powers will be delegated to the assistant gods. Use the epochs as "industry" to get rid of the punishment of the position.

In short, Mr. Wei is not compatible with a series of gods such as "public opinion (media)" and "finance". No matter which plane Mr. Wei travels in, he will put on layers of shackles when he encounters these "guys".

Master Wei's cultural dyeing is like this. You must know that in ancient China, priority was given to curbing businessmen and cracking down on demons to confuse the public.

The four-character idiom "No profiteering, no business" summarizes the characteristic of "capitalism pursues profit by any means".

In this plane, if Master Wei really wins the Godhead of Industry, he will also bind the Goddess of Finance with a rope.

However, the words of the goddess of finance did arouse the support of many other industrial gods, especially a series of gods represented by electricity and internal combustion engines. They all believed that the industrial gods should be restricted.

...Although Wei Keng looks like a man, he has always been a loner in the power system...

In the god system infiltrated with modern concepts in the main world, among the three high-level gods of "technology, machinery, and industry", the "industrial" god is the only one that does not directly belong to the "god".

The reason is that "industry" has been out of this plane for a long time. In these eras, the main world is a modern conceptual deity that emerged in multiple planes after the era of great traversal. The replacement of the old gods was not a smooth transition, but a long battle of gods.

Wei Keng understands this: "They all feel that they have credit for it"

In this battle of "new and old" gods, the old gods were able to mobilize the "concepts" they controlled on the plane of the agricultural age to affect the climate and destroy the agricultural output in the areas controlled by the new gods.

It is conceivable that it is extremely difficult for these gods from the main world to spread their beliefs.

Various species, such as ogres, elves, and centaurs, these races favored by the old gods, also stubbornly put the concepts of "science, machinery, and industry" under their original belief concepts. This is also an extremely frustrating path for the new gods.

And Xinshen has only achieved strength so far, and has not been able to achieve complete victory.

A large number of concepts of the old gods can only be explained precisely and cannot be erased. (A precise explanation is to remove the mystery and start to restrict.)

Wei Keng concluded: Regardless of the new gods or the old gods, they are all information creatures that rely on some concepts that can be called "truth" for long-term existence.

In multiple planes, as long as there are intelligent species to "think and understand" the world they are in. Then there will continue to be information to supplement these "truths"

Therefore, the traversers from the main world cannot destroy the old gods, just like the earth, even if humans use nuclear weapons to wash the land, they cannot eliminate the remaining seeds on the island, and the natural world will recover again in spring.

...The choice of the previous generation of traversers was "if you can't beat it, just join"...

Therefore, many new gods now have such an attitude towards the return of the "God of Industry". There are two points in summary.

1: They were all killed in the long confrontation between the gods. Although Wei Keng created the industrial godhead at the beginning, the gods believe that most of the details of the world system were completed by them (forced by Sainz to sign The co-progress agreement, and the subsequent great karma secret method), now that Wei Keng consciously comes to pick peaches, it is naturally unbalanced.

2: The war of gods is still going on, and the old gods are still fighting back. Especially in the interstellar era.

The godhead of the god of magic has been transformed into "Tzeentch", and some gods of life have been transformed into "Nurgle", bit by bit corroding the light of "modern scientific rationality". Don't worry about this.

...The "uneasy" in the power field is the worry that one's own interests will be damaged...

Prompted by the god of finance, many gods still have some unspeakable thoughts. That is Godhead Substitution!

Since ancient times, the lower gods have successfully counterattacked the upper gods. For example, the illegitimate son of the machine, the god of forging, successfully counterattacked the "forging god" believed by the dwarves in the old god system!

The "Forging God" took advantage of the "Forging God"'s excessive consumption in the battle of gods, and took the opportunity to replace it. (The background of this war of gods is: in various industrialized planes, dwarf blacksmiths are squeezed out of jobs by industrial steel mills.)

Of course, now that he has just arrived in this world, will the "God of Industry" who is still "weak" lose his godhead because of disqualification?

With the shock of the "industrial godhead" in the universe, and the "precedent" of previous success, some gods have the idea of ​​​​replacing them.

Of course, the top gods (kings) in the universe understand that Wei Keng may postpone the intersection with "Industry", but it is absolutely impossible for the godhead to be replaced. As for "persuading" Wei Keng to put his thoughts within the framework of their (those subordinate gods) ideas?

Micah who is in charge of fate: "Hey, you guys don't know how stubborn (axis) this guy is."

Only "different roots" can replace it, for example, forging was born out of the ancient god flame (Vulcan). Forging is born out of machinery. The roots of the two are different, but the priesthood can replace each other, and they have the possibility of competing together

Wei Keng himself created all the root concepts of "industry" back then. In the past few eras after Wei Keng left, this group of freshmen couldn't replace them, and they all went astray.

They couldn't get rid of Wei Keng's "concept of cooperation" and recreated the concept of industry from the concept of "industrial capital".

In fact, in the past few centuries in the main world, the high-level traversers who dared to throw off Wei Keng's concept of basic industry at the beginning, among the gods of order in the new era, could not even touch the realm of the lower gods.

...On the multi-dimensional plane, the concept of possession is closer to the source, and it can see farther...

When the gods in the pantheon forced the palace. Oghma watched quietly from a higher position.

At this moment, he was watching Wei Keng's consciousness, the concept of "Iron Star" ignited in thousands of planes. It seems that there is something to worry about.

How strong is Wei Keng? During the third war between the planes, Wei Keng was on an expedition, so there is no definite number! But those planes that Wei Keng expeditioned to and cultivated deeply were the most difficult areas.

Back then, Wei Keng was arranged by Qin Tianfang to work in the handicraft industry. "Industry, science, and machinery" were under knowledge.

After Qin Tianfang snooped, in the rules of multiple planes, in the territory of the Eastern system next door, after the Dahe series created the "Day of Heaven", it constructed many big concepts such as "Six Paths of Reincarnation" and "Transformation of Yin and Yang". That is an existence on the same level as "knowledge".

Oghma: "Could it be that he (Wei Keng) doesn't want this industrial godhead?"

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