Out of the cage

Chapter 732 Chapter 17.09 (Part 1) Booming

On October 29, the Anglo battleship formation was still breaking the ice in the waves, and a 20-unit rescue regiment of the Anglo was still a few hours away from the northern port.

But here in Ronggang Tower City, Lance really couldn't stand it anymore.

Iron Star's tunnel excavation has compressed Lance's armored vehicle troops into a narrow area of ​​20 square kilometers.

Lance stood on his turret and looked around. This is the ground mouse's bunny tactics, digging day and night, compressing his own position, and then the mortar bombardment continued, trapping his powerful land armored fleet.

In these continuous tunnels, there are a large number of heavy armored wreckages. These crooked wreckages are all left by the Lance Legion's vehicles when they broke through.

Lance's heavy armored army was indeed able to penetrate several layers of tunnels, but then the formation could not remain intact at all. Enma will find an opportunity to counter-outflank with land armored forces.

And Iron Star's army also dug caves in the tunnels, and "explosives" were reserved in these one-person-high caves.

The defending army in the tunnel immediately arranged three or four hundred kilograms of explosives in the cave after confirming that the several hundred-ton Anglo tanks were coming.

When Lance's chariot drove over, he encountered this kind of self-explosive "small bomb" that was carried by a wire-controlled crawler car many times. The Anglo commanders encountered this kind of "non-martial arts" thing, just like in the age of knights, knight lords cursed farmers holding poisoned crossbows.

However, no matter how angry the Anglos are, they cannot learn such tactics.

Tunnel blasting tactics require a very heroic fighting team.

When Iron Star's tunnel corps quickly retreated the debugged blasting motorcycle into the cave in ten seconds.

When returning to the tunnel, immediately pull down the cement door in the hiding tunnel

Closing the cave in this way will prevent hundreds of kilograms of explosives from detonating outside and taking him away.

And afterwards, I still have to rely on my friendly troops to dig quickly to rescue myself,

During such an operation, if one move is not careful, one will die.

Such a tactic of absolutely entrusting life and death to teammates is impossible to exist on a large scale in the feudal businessman's indifferent society, but now, the Iron Star soldiers who are guaranteed to complete the mission in the tunnels, their feelings are not strong. will be ignored.

...War is fought by people, and some things can only be accomplished when the "team organization" is achieved. …

During this war, the Anglos learned the physical rules of "energy-concentrating blasting", when hundreds of kilograms of explosives are sunken, and the metal blocks are gathered into a penetrating jet of absolute kinetic energy.

Even a super-heavy tank can't resist this "super face-smacking". Whether it is a heavy infantry-level 300-ton tank or a knight-level 600-ton tank, it is like a can that has been pierced by a nail gun. There was a sound of collapse, and then smoke popped out from the various hatches of the armored vehicle, and then the mechanical running track was still inertial, but the inside was completely dizzy.

A total of eight Lance heavy armor units died in this kind of tunnel assassination. These wreckages are located on the ground like large stones, telling the wonderful technology in this war.

...The summer days in the Northland are getting shorter and shorter. The sun will not rise, but it will set...

This tunnel alone had already crushed the Lance Corps to death. On October 30, with the arrival of the main force of the Iron Star Army, layers of armored forces several times larger than the Anglo Intervention Army had been assembled.

At this moment, Lance tried to use negotiations to solve the problem. In the negotiations, as a prince, he tried to ask the other party to command the commander and untie the encirclement. On behalf of Anglo, he could recognize the legitimacy of the Northern Rebel Army.

After hearing this answer, Enma immediately asked people to write it down, and then released the so-called "peace conditions" proposed by the besieged Anglo army.

The arrogant attitude of the Anglo-besieged army aroused the iron star soldiers to gear up, and the various participating troops were very enthusiastic about annihilating the Anglo intervention forces.

In the agricultural newspaper, the postman: The enemy is stubborn, still does not give up, carves us up, demands reparations, squeezes our delusion. In this case, teach this prince a thorough lesson.

On November 1st, the frost spread all over the earth, and the sun rose in the east. "Who is in charge of the ups and downs" on the earth?

In the east where the sun shines, the rebel army's heavy armored vehicles began to attack the Lance Corps in this direction.

The mountain giant tank top is at the front, and it is equipped with ice armor.

This kind of meat shield land armor of Iron Star greatly reduced the lethality of Anglo shells in the face of shelling, and batches of howitzers rained down on the Lance Corps along the charge trajectory.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the battle lasted for an hour, and the Anglian front line armor force was completely defeated.

At this time, in the direction of the south, the Iron Star side attack troops rushed in.

Lina's chariot drove into the center of the battlefield from the sloped tunnel. Facing the Anglo group reunited four kilometers away, she launched the oxygen tank group launch. With this wave of projection, the flame storm was behind the Lance position. burn up.

Following a flash of light, the six missile vehicles in the back row of Anglo gathered together, just in time to be licked by the fiery storm.

These missile vehicles with only the cannon left after firing the missiles were unable to die, but the surface was completely melted, the barrel was burned and bent, and the outer armor shell was burnt.

On these missile vehicles, thousands of people from the Anglo Legion were directly burned to death. The sound of howling caused a huge negative effect, directly shaking Commander Lance's will to fight.

Although the military commander was sitting in the metal cabin of his land armored ship, the hand holding the breakfast coffee cup was shaking.

Finally, at 10:13 am.

Lance, who was only two days away from being rescued by the Anglo-New Intervention Army, announced his surrender. The entire establishment of the White Wing Knights, a 600-year-old regiment established by Anglo, was wiped out.

The number of Northern Iron Stars participating in the war is eight times that of Anglo.

At this time, more than 200,000 soldiers on the battlefield cheered and rushed to the surrendered Anglo chariots. Under the warm winter sun, they boarded these captured armored chariots. In the ether world, the surviving On the concept field of these fifteen chariots, Anglo's glory began to fade.

…A war that can make a world-class army disappear will change the pattern of the world. …

On November 1st, the battle ended, and the violent shock spread to the whole world.

In the Downing Mansion, the Anglo Prime Minister John put away his playful smile, and solemnly declared that he would punish the Sky Empire's rebel army thoroughly, and that he would send more troops until the alliance's enemies were completely punished. A look of "you pissed me off, and I'm going to make it hard for you".

And prepared, in Taihe Harbor, held a joint review ceremony. (emphasizing that Anglo power is still not to be underestimated)

As for the sky empire, the new parliamentary government of the empire, the regent had to admit that "the situation is not good".

On the one hand, he tried to continue to negotiate peace with the outside world and maintain the stability of the empire.

However, some of the reformists in the Yujing Port in the south, in the name of the elders of the revolution, demanded that the Northern Agricultural Youth Association gather troops to "take care of the overall situation".

Of course, the response given by the Agricultural Youth Association was that on the 10th, the heavy armored troops went south, cutting off the connection between Swan City and the Empire, and then the Corps directly attacked Swan City.

The Swan City Imperial Army restored the governor, relying on the dog legs to maintain the reign of terror. He didn't have the determination to protect the city at all, and immediately retreated and fled after preaching the brave declaration of "we must fight to the end".

The Iron Star Agricultural District Brigade blocked the "brave" governor outside the city.

On November 11, the former imperial governor of Swan City was brought back to Swan City. Of course, he was not staying in the Governor's Mansion, but a prison.

Iron Star's cadres have uncovered countless crimes from his governor's mansion, and along with the discovery of the transactions of some big figures in the empire, and even his contacts with moderate factions among certain party members have also been made public.

The governor did not die, but was temporarily imprisoned due to his meritorious service in reporting. What's more, some people in the empire now want him to die, so the revolutionary forces can't let him die.

And the gang of ruffians and thugs who followed him to commit crimes during the year and claimed to be masters in the city were put up with signs, and after the trial, they were shot and executed amidst the angry accusations of the city residents on the city's central street.

The postman wrote: The de-imitation of Swan City corresponds to the recovery of other cities in the empire. The two are completely different. This is to bring to justice those who were ultimately responsible for the tragedy at that time, instead of talking about peace with them hypocritically. Now no matter which group wants to blur this bottom line, it is all reactionary and unpopular.

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