Out of the cage

Chapter 733 Chapter 17.09 (Part 2)

Enma dominates the Iron Star struggle strategy, not limited to the "Sky Kingdom"

In this war, the Anglos still have cards, and they still want to interfere. The confrontation is long-term, but Enma will let the battle proceed at a pace that is beneficial to one's own side.

With all the inside and outside perspectives attracted, Iron Star started its first external battle.

An Jiexin is in the canyon area on the western border of Iron Star, interspersed strategically. Her mechanized troops are using thermal energy rays to quickly cut through the trees in front of them, opening up forest roads, and thousands of troops in charge of security have already stationed on the commanding heights. .

The Xilor Grand Canyon was the junction of the Elven Empire and the northern troll forces seven thousand years ago. There are many ancient ruins here.

Now here is an "impossible" road between the kingdom of Osimar and the empire of the sky. The "impossible" here is that businessmen are speaking from an economic point of view.

In the newly excavated mountain tunnel, An Jiexin, who was tasked with interspersing, was looking at the terrain.

In An Jiexin's team, one of Wei Keng's "new arrivals" was "opening the way" on the mountain road.

Wei Keng, who is an engineer, installed oxygen cinder explosives at fixed excavation sites. This explosive is very safe, and only the circuit can be ignited.

But since he started to fight against the gods, Wei Keng in this world has endured the harvest of the god of death almost every day.

One, two, three, all low-probability events are released against the Wei Keng group. In these worlds, Weikeng Group will never believe in luck, but only do comprehensive protection. Avoid accidents of any kind.

After tens of thousands of holes were drilled, engineer Wei Keng rang the switch.

With the loud crackling noise, puffs of smoke were ejected from the mountain, but then the entire mountain collapsed like tofu, and millions of tons of the mountain tilted into the canyon, completely blocking the road here, and completely using the form of seismic waves, Informed the Thunderbolt Alliance that the war is coming.

Iron Star's new fifty-seventh regiment, with a total of 3,700 people, was stationed on the collapsed mountain rock and began to build a firm fortress, and behind them was a fast-moving tracked armored vehicle.

...Because the Anglos are not reconciled to failure, and other countries that are preparing to gather the Thunderbolt Alliance continue to interfere, Iron Star can only fight out...

Enma: "Since the Thunderbolt Alliance has made no secret of its intention to interfere with Iron Star's uprising, and after its early intervention has been contained, it is still unrepentant, then the flames of war will be fought."

On the front line, An Jiexin's corps had charged into Osima's line of defense and penetrated into the forest. A new fierce battle has begun.

At this time, in the high dimension, the system has already counted the battle damage of Wei Keng's second wave of descending clusters on each plane, and after passing it to the Haotu Time and Space Center of the main world, it caused a violent shock.

After Qin Xiaohan got the first-line data of Bai Linglu, he immediately took the space-time shuttle system and arrived at the periphery of the multidimensional area.

When she raised her head, she saw that two concepts from Wei Keng about "Industrial Godhead" and "New Forging Blade" were shining brightly on the "information layer" of the multidimensional plane.

And the gods also began to hold a meeting on "standardized management of traversers" in response to Wei Keng's walking alone.

A total of more than 30,000 members participated in the meeting, most of them were Shangqing after the 28th century, but they still felt unclear about the situation in the multiverse.

"Industrial God", this is a high-ranking godhead. For today's high-ranking officials, this is an unattainable "wealth" in the plane universe. But now, such "wealth" can't bridge the contradiction, so that the "king" of one's own side points out the "sharp blade" to fight against all the new gods on the technological side of the multiverse, making it difficult for them to understand.

As a bystander, can't find a reason to fight? It is impossible to talk about entering the arena, and there is no point of intervention to solve the war between the planes.

As for the dispute between Qin Xiaohan and other Haotu kings, the new generation Shangqing didn't understand either, they just knew the name "Wei Keng" that stirred up the situation.

He Chongyun, who used to ride the lifting platform with Wei Keng, watched the intensified conceptual exchange of fire on the multidimensional plane, and couldn't help sighing: Is this king begging for death?

Another female Shangqing, He Qiuye: "The model of this king does not seem to be suitable for traveling across the multiverse planes, so there is a deviation from the mainstream model over there in terms of consciousness and cognition."

The Shangqings have used all the reasons they can imagine to speculate on this battle of gods that took place in the multiverse. But they feel that it has nothing to do with them, and even according to the interests they already know, if there is a loss of consciousness in this battle of gods, the space left for these new generation of high officials will be even wider.

At this stage, under the framework of "technology, industry, and machinery", concepts such as gods have been fully filled, just like in the 21st century, chip and automobile patents are fully filled and cannot be bypassed.

And it is impossible to build the foundation from scratch, we can only hope that after an "accident" to completely reshuffle the cards.

Of course, Wei Keng's strength at this time lies in the fact that, today, he can develop new essential concepts based on the foundation.

...At the meeting place, the meeting situation dominated by the liberals is becoming more and more unfavorable to Wei Keng. …

On the side of the Overseer Committee, the Bailinglu team has been restricted to a certain extent.

At present, there are very few traversers in the pastoral age. Qin Tianfang is one, Wei Keng is another, and the rest are mostly newborn consciousnesses after rebirth.

[This is equivalent to the ancient civilization, which has continued until now, and the history of writing is not so severe. Oh, there is only one in the East. Other civilizations on the earth developed to excess prosperity and then were destroyed, such as ancient Egypt, the Darius Empire, Assyria, and ancient Tianzhu. Many modern facilities have been developed on the upper floors, such as public baths and sewers. like, and then disappeared]

Wei Keng was a tenacious existence, but the supervisors saw that the "entire multi-dimensional plane" was now being rejected, and they all doubted whether Wei Keng could survive this test this time.

At the meeting, even the Dahe system began to look down on Wei Keng's action because it was too "radical".

Wang Fanfan questioned Bai Linglu: "This is, you provided him with a plan?" Her tone was not kind

Bai Linglu smiled and didn't want to answer,

Qin Xiaohan explained to Wang Binfen at this time: "Bai should have reminded him that the strategy he is adopting now is because of rebellion, and some arrangements after the Second World War (Main World 2685-2710) three centuries ago. , with a rebellious heart"

Wang Binfan glanced at Qin Xiaohan who was helping to cover up: "In short, we can't let him be so independent. He can either become a god in that world, or leave."

Wei Keng is now mobilizing consciousness from "Pandora", "Shenzhou" and "Dark Plane" on a large scale, and the total amount has already made the statistics of the main world feel incredible.

Wang Binfen: "There is no doubt that Wei Keng is the most powerful in terms of statistics, but he can't just throw himself into the multiverse and compete with the order of mainstream gods." (This is actually Qin Tianfang's attitude)

Bai Linglu retorted slowly at this time: "Tell me, what is the best solution now?"

Wang Fanfen sensed Bai Linglu's irresponsible attitude, and her eyes were sharp: "Then I will make the decision for you, cut off his other supports, and only support him as a god as the ultimate goal."

Bai Linglu: "And then, he became the god there, and then he served as an internal response to achieve your goals in the fourth plane war that you initiated?" Bai Linglu pointed out the plan of Qin Tianfang's faction.

Wang Funfen: "Bai Linglu, I'm discussing something with you."

Bai Linglu wanted to say something, but suddenly received a message, and signaled to Qin Xiaohan to wait. Take a newsletter. However, when she received the communication and heard something, her expression froze, and then she smiled wryly.

Qin Xiaohan looked at the other party in the communication and confirmed that it was from a multidimensional plane, that is, Wei Keng was calling.

What else did Wang Binfan want to ask, Bai Linglu saw off the guests.

Only Qin Xiaohan was left in the space.

Qin Xiaohan took a breath and said calmly: "A large amount of his consciousness was forcibly fixed in that area as the individual died."

Bai Linglu: "Well, that quantum state solidification area..."

Qin Xiaohan had a sad face: "Yes, the wall of unbelievers. He is filling it..." - this is impossible to fill, the conceptual information of the gods is just an information dam that blocks the "soul escape", preventing all All conceptual information on the plane is lost.

Bai Linglu looked at the indecisive Qin Xiaohan: "Do you know what he just said to me?"

Qin Xiaohan paused slightly, she wanted to know, but Wei Keng didn't tell her, which made her feel a little sour.

Bai Linglu said inexplicably with a trace of complexity: "Wang Funfun threatened me to make him a god, but he immediately promised me that he would make me a god."

Qin Xiaohan's expression froze, as if envious, because behind such a promise was the emotional support of being together day and night.

But Bai Linglu sighed in a resonant tone: "He is buying me. For so many years, he has always begged me when there is a disagreement in the direction. Now, heh, he has carried out the "interest binding" that he thinks is safer. Certainly"…"

Bai Linglu was annoyed at Wei Keng's "seeking stability", this kind of "seeking stability" was nothing more than outsiders, but he still didn't trust her so much.

sleep, the rest of the day

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