Out of the cage

Chapter 736 Chapter 17.12 Flying to Fight

The veteran general Zheng Li of the Central Army Corps of the Osima Kingdom was reading the sky empire information obtained by the merchant group in the battle hall like the captain's room.

In the noble circle of Osima, the nobles are now sighing and discussing: the peasant uprising army, which was not noticed at first, directly penetrated the Thunderbolt alliance's defense line,

The aristocratic generals of the Osima Kingdom are still unwilling to believe that the huge difference between the Iron Star army and the old Sky Empire army comes from changes. They believe that this is a conspiracy secretly participated by other powerful countries on the mainland.

After watching the rise of "Enma", Zhengli absolutely did not believe that he was a humble person, otherwise he could have such a strategic perspective?

Zhengli: If it wasn't an illegitimate child from an imperial noble family, then it could only have been chosen by the gods.

However, on the mainland, in the four bloody battle positions in the east, the temple forces on both sides have blessed their strength.

If one of the gods really blessed the generals of one of the countries to break through this line of defense, then the other gods would also bless their own generals to balance the world.

…Under the order of the gods, the outstanding heroes in the world often appear as "double stars" and "three stars", unless someone is too strong. …

Buzzing, Iron Star cruising fighter jets appeared in the sky, and these fighter jets were always surrounded by land armored cruisers of the Kingdom of Osima.

The steaming army of the Kingdom of Osima had to spread out its radar surface like a cauldron and aim its rocket anti-aircraft warheads at the sky.

Due to physical conditions, the speed of its fighter jets can never break through the speed of 200 meters per second.

And the load is unable to carry a warhead exceeding 500 kilograms, which makes it unable to challenge land reloading units. Even in the air, the main force of the air force has been replaced by airships for a long time.

The cruising fighter jets on the Iron Star side did not launch ground bombing, and always adhered to "air superiority" to suppress the airships of the Kingdom of Osima taking off on the battlefield. The Kingdom of Osima can only maintain a pure army attack.

General "Golden Hand" looked at the Iron Star plane flying outside the window, and recalled that Kaidi City was 150 kilometers away on the map.

…Winter is here, and for many it’s a threshold…

The anti-tunneling material properties of internal combustion high-speed engines make it difficult for Wanlun Continental's working fluid engine to develop to the point where it is like a turbofan engine in the 21st century.

Iron Star is still studying the air force. Even if the air force in this world cannot pose an effective threat to the land corps, the air supremacy still needs to be seized.

In war, you must have "housekeeping skills", use these housekeeping skills to gain an asymmetric advantage, and keep the gap with the enemy at all times. And remember: the enemy will come after you.

One of Enma's current advantages is its intelligence advantage. Its own "see-through drone" can stare at the enemy, and its own ground troops are better than the enemy in terms of initiative and reconnaissance. If the enemy's attack is completely suppressed in the air scouting. So that's the strategic advantage.

…Three hundred kilometers away from the Osima Central Army Corps, rows of pipes on both sides of Iron Star’s airship are emitting white hot air…

The three-ton fighter plane steadily approached the airship painted with a huge iron star symbol.

This type of airship does not need arresting cables, and the airship fans on both sides gather the airflow at the tail to form a stable wind tunnel, which can make the aircraft hover, hook it to the mechanical arm inside the airship, and then drag it into the belly of the airship.

This 300-meter-long airship, like a hippocampus pregnant, released six planes and then brought them back. These planes were three-ton twin-propeller fighters carrying anti-aircraft rockets. Great against the air, but very weak against the ground. It is almost impossible to penetrate the armor of active vehicles.

Enma: But we are the country of the sky, and the air force is not good, so why talk about "sky"?

There are 3,700 medium-sized fighters in active service in Sky Empire.

Especially in the place of Swan City, there are more than 300 backups in the nearby warehouse. If the sky empire can make good use of these fighters, it may not be able to bring great pressure to the expansion of the Agricultural Youth Association in rural areas.

The past system in Sky Empire could not support a large group of full-time pilots,

This is the formation of aircraft dispatched by the sky empire at one time in the past wars. Its organization is insufficient, so it cannot play a strategic role, such as attacking cities and destroying warships.

This is even less valued by the masters in the imperial system, so the aircraft formation is becoming more and more sparse, and only a few can be sent at a time as consumables for investigation.

Even in the southern recovery area, it was used as a team for the "Kamikaze" wave.

Ludis has such a "kamikaze" under his command, and that's because Ludis promised to climb up in the new regime after making great contributions, not because the aircraft formation itself has a lot to do. The group of air forces fought with the risk of "not killing them, killing them in vain", and they were all sure that they could be replaced by an official like the captain of the gendarmerie.

There is a fable that says: The pig envies the cow for being praised, plowing the land hard, and providing milk for feeding. It feels that it also provides leather, sausage and ribs, so the words it receives are all cheap.

The ox told it that he provided credit during his lifetime, and all your credit is after death.

A model of employment in the industrial age: When the person in the position is a consumable in the eyes of some managers, then this position is basically ignored and there will be no development. Only when the people in this position are stable for a long time can this position be respected and have a bright future.

Enma's positioning for the Air Force is not a consumable.

In the entire Iron Star combat system, the Air Force must always ensure its own control over the "air information rights".

Therefore, the combat mission of the Air Force is to ensure that the enemy cannot obtain battlefield information from the air. Enma's "see-through drone" skill can be replaced under this system.

Now it is precisely because the Air Force undertakes this important task that its status as a military member flying light aircraft in the air truly belongs to the middle ranks of the Iron Star Legion.

…A group's overall arrangement of personnel in a certain function can reveal the group's attitude in this regard. …

For a position, one must be a real middle-level member of the group in order to be able to progress. Otherwise, let's see Master Wei, when he can't win his brother, he chooses to lie flat.

The past flying squadrons in Sky Empire are hard to describe.

These fighters that pull the diesel engine to start, or just lie in the warehouse and eat ashes to make do, take off into the air to fight. Plopping black smoke, people thought it was a tractor. What? Engine life? As long as the engine is happy, there is no such thing as a lifespan. Just load some metal scraps directly to ensure the stability of the engine.

The planes started on the ground are all hung with various ribbons, and like Indian parade tanks, they are placed on the altar for worship and start. As for the pilot? flying skills? , mech pleasure is more effective than flying skill.

In this "steam multi-turret era", the air forces of various countries are so overstaffed.

After the establishment of Iron Star, there was a systematic management of air power

Even in non-wartime, it is used for surveying and mapping, and to spread insect repellent drugs on farmland. There is also a formal professional force maintaining it.

In the air brigades in various regions, all mechanical parts are kept clean and lubricated during maintenance. As for abnormal noise-related faults during operation, they are also manually eliminated.

There is a phenomenon of "idealism" in multi-dimensional general films. Common sense is determined by everyone.

When you don't pay attention, the "mechanical spirit" stored in the concept will naturally fill in the part you didn't try your best. But if you use your heart, there will be your reflection in the etheric realm.

...There is no "machine god" in the world, but people's superstition of "common sense". …

The Wanlun Continent is still in the steam age. Due to the instability of many "energy tunneling" constants, high-speed aircraft (Gundam). And the floating fleet has not yet appeared.

To advance to a new era, people in the world need to understand the new concept of "aircraft", stabilize the energy tunneling constant, and stabilize materials, so that jet engines and air friction thermal barriers can be solved.

All in all, it still depends on people.

In Iron Star, as the first batch of pilots began to be loyal to their positions, the basic physics of the "working fluid engine" has been slowly changing.

Their fighter planes have been faster and faster in the past two years, and the pressure value of the internal engine can be higher. In theory, the technology can be developed in a large scale. If the results are gradually achieved in the war, then the reflection of information will be formed in the ether world , Under the continuous cognition of one generation or two, the aero-engine material technology can be loosened, and then a large air transport aircraft equipped with rapid-fire guns will be released.

Of course, if a hero is ejected, the speed will be faster.

Note: At present, the gods will not allow the Wanlun Continent to advance to the next era so quickly, because the gods have not yet decided the winner because of the tug-of-war in the direction of technology.

Take Wanlun Continent as an example. If the "origin" who created the industrial godhead really chose a random route to enter the next era, it would be too uncertain for the gods.

The gods of this plane will lose their grasp of the fate of mortals in this world, which in turn will allow Wei Keng's 'sharp blade' to obtain more materials to enter glory.

…the gods have set up roadblocks for the future in some places. …

Back to the current battlefield, when Iron Star's air formation suppressed the perspective of General "Golden Touch". Iron Star's light mechanized units had penetrated the eastern flank of Osima's central group.

A light armored unit of about 50 tons, although fuel-intensive, moves at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, which is faster than a land cruiser at 30 kilometers per hour. When the Osima Legion was still walking along the railway.

Eight light mechanical units formed a wing, and they were deployed on the flanks at the same time.

Orr is the commander of such a mechanical wing. His wing consists of four tanks, one self-propelled artillery, and five armored vehicles covered with thin steel plates that can only defend against rifle fire.

...In Iron Star's humble plan, someone related to Enma is swimming in this situation. …

On the top of the mountain, Ouer looked at the Osima Armored Group, which was billowing in the distance with steam and white smoke. He was very itchy and wanted to make a shot, but he chose to expand the electromagnetic coordinate axis and began to appreciate the mountains and rivers on the projected sand table.

Behind him, a group of soldiers spread out the metal aluminum foil, and then unfolded the five-meter-high electromagnet shelf. When all this was done, Orr put on his helmet and communicated with his own air force.

Half an hour later, Orr looked at the flickering of the electromagnetic light ball, and praised deeply: "The battle has begun!"

...the war broke the "perfect" order established by some superiors...

In the City of Wind Whispers, on the bank of the blue river, in the hall of silver lamps, religious priests dressed in white are kneeling on a high platform piled up with gears and torsion bars, praying to the Lord of Melt, in any outbreak During the steel conflict, the priests were very busy, dragging out the high-precision equipment from the warehouse to replace the components.

The older the device core is, the more stable it is!

For example, if a gear has been in operation for more than a hundred years, and it always plays an important role in important links and is remembered by people, then the metal lattice of this gear will become more and more perfect. In the same way, some optical equipment, the longer they are used, can reach the precision of optical equipment for advanced spy satellites in the 21st century.

The mechanical priests remodeled the equipment components that have been hidden in the warehouse for hundreds of years into new equipment, which has the atmosphere of scientific and technological archaeology.

Now. The high priest of Osima, Sikel, looked at the 20-meter-high sphere in front of him, which was a complex mechanical sphere as a whole. The mechanical sphere will print out a piece of paper every four hours. This piece of paper follows the seismic waves of the earth and reflects the comparison of the positions of the enemy and the enemy (limited to super equipment such as Land Cruisers.)

When the latest paper full of pinholes was printed out, Priest Xikel stared blankly,

...The gods can see the whole situation, but they are in the "mystery", they can't convey the information to the mortal generals in real time...

December 9th, four o'clock in the afternoon.

In Linkeyuan, with the white light flashing, Enma led two troops, a total of twenty-four units, and appeared directly on the flank of Osima. This battle is going all out, not just Wei Keng himself , and even brought two heroes, An Jiexin and Bess.

Twenty minutes later, An Jiexin rushed directly to the tail of the Osima Corps, and with a fiery "acid bomb", it penetrated the "Ballista Siege Cannon" (250 tons) of the Osima Kingdom. stage, firing even more incendiary rockets), the entire vehicle was corroded, liquid fuel was shot out, and a raging fire ignited.

General Zhengli activated the "ramming state" (skill: can accelerate the gear and power system of the chariot by 300%), and his four-legged 600-ton chariot immediately raced to a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, as if Running over like a terrifying mechanical spider,

Immediately, a large number of near misses appeared around An Jiexin's chariot, and the entire steel shield was battered by the sputtered shrapnel, and she herself felt the shaking of the gunfire in the cockpit.

Of course, after that, An Jiexin activated the floating state, and floated out of the battlefield at a higher speed per hour, leaving the firepower range of Osima's troops.

Osima's Golden Hand General, on the other hand, watched the enemy hero unit who was only three kilometers away from him in the last step, and just escaped.

Zhengli can recognize that the "floating aircraft" belongs to the hero unit of Iron Star, because the mechanical concept field of the hero unit is too complicated, and his ultimate move "Mechanical Dissolution" cannot take effect on it.

...Enma brought enough troops that the conquest is not now on the rail lines...

After An Jiexin's surprise attack, he not only seduced the artillery positions outside the Osima Legion, but also disrupted the formation of the Land Cruiser.

On the rear side, Iron Star's side also began to prepare for a counterattack. Rows of "shooter" chariots raised 200mm caliber long-barreled artillery.

The raised barrel, the target of the first round of salvo, is the "ramming state" super chariot where Zhengli is located.

...Super teleportation skills, which created Iron Star's troop advantage locally on the battlefield. …

Enma looked very seriously at the "eighth-level target" locked by various artillery vehicles in the strong attack halo. This is the second time that Iron Star has dealt with high-level hero units. Even if the eighth-level target is not considered a skill, the amount of information stored in the ether world is twice that of the target below the sixth level, so it has extremely high defense and HP.

boom boom boom

The first round of concentrated fire was directly aimed at General Zhengli's large mechanical spider vehicle. During the collision of steel and steel, flames shot out from the metal shell of the mechanical spider, and the mechanical feet also made a trembling sound of creaking and creaking. Among them, the mechanical phantom of the expedition vehicle was also turbulent in the flames.

Zhengli realized that his position was not good, the entire corps was a long snake formation, and there was a chaotic traffic jam in the middle, which prevented the "head" from supporting the "tail"

And at this moment, there was a creak, and he felt that his machine suddenly stepped on the "swamp"

This is Bass releasing the "mud" skill, which is the special "soil softening bullet".

This kind of warhead allows heavy machinery to track, and the ground on which the mechanical feet step is very soft, directly causing it to be temporarily unable to move.

On the spot, Zhengli ordered the rear missile vehicle troops to release an electromagnetic field disperse bomb on himself. The muddy ground that had been soaked in water returned to hard frozen soil. His car pulled out its mechanical legs on the sunken ground and continued to move forward.

Just as he left with his front foot, the second batch of twenty 500-kilogram shells fell down again. Striking the halo, one of the cannonballs directly penetrated the mechanical leg of his chariot, which caused the two-meter-thick mechanical leg to explode into fragments, limped, and dropped sparks.

Zhengli had to retreat to the back

. En Ma was always on guard against his rampage, so the first wave focused on beating him up. Oh, this round of volley, in the ether field, can be judged: "It should be yellow blood."

However, before Wei Keng was happy, the Earth Bear Chariot raised the electromagnetic tower, and released a "repair force field" towards Zhengli's chariot. The cracks on the original mechanical damage on the Land Cruiser are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Repairing itself. The engine that was originally emitting black smoke is like rejuvenating,

Enma saw that the mechanical reflection of the enemy hero's car in the etheric field began to stabilize. Hammering his forehead, he immediately ordered the artillery, and turned to salvo the earth bear that can increase blood.

sleep, good night,

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