Out of the cage

Chapter 737 Chapter 17.13

All of Enma's skills, combined with the Iron Star Corps under his command, have excellent fire-focusing capabilities,

When the two door-like covers on the platform painted with white circles in the middle of Osima's "Earth Bear" class land cruiser were opened, an electromagnetic tower with a diameter of three meters rose slowly.

Enma corrected his tactics in time, focusing a round of fire and busy sending out the "repair force field" chariot.

Enma: Give all the hatred to the nanny.

As for the second round of shells, they were replaced with "rust thermal bombs" with dispersive properties, which are specially designed to deal with magnetic field repair.

Iron Star's sudden and dense bullet raindrops gathered towards the Earth Bear, which was shining with blue light.

Among them, the suspension armor on the outside of No. 1 Earth Bear only blocked and deflected three shells, the fourth shell hit the electromagnetic repair tower, and the fifth and sixth heavy shells set it on fire.

After the sixteenth minute of the battle, the seventh direct initiation entered the interior, and the 700-ton Earth Bear Level 3 superheavy unit was killed by a salvo. Huge flames and thick black smoke can be seen dozens of kilometers away.

After half an hour of firefighting, two of the 15 ships of the Osima Corps were destroyed on the spot. The already existing disparity in strength has become even greater.

Enma's highest level "Group Hit Probability Increase" skill is fully displayed in team battles.

The Earth Bears on the battlefield were severely injured one by one, losing their ability to move, or were directly reduced to black and tarnished metal wreckage.

...The battle is developing in a direction that is unfavorable for the Osima people, and morale begins to collapse. As a general, Zheng Li must do something...

Dian Jinshou, Zhengli recovered almost the armor of the shell after an hour. He had no choice but to join the battlefield and began to look for combat troops that could provide reinforcements.

Yes, he's locked on to an Energy Breaker.

On Zhengli's four-legged land cruiser, the four mechanical legs squat down slightly, like a squatting dung beetle.

The square cover at the rear of this land cruiser was opened, and a three-meter-long super-heavy warhead flew into the sky. This palm that fell from the sky spanned 20 kilometers, and swooped down to the ground in a state of precise guidance, letting the energy The destroyer deployed three energy shields in the sky, but nothing stopped them at all.

En Ma could see clearly that the amount of information in this thing in the ether world was huge, enough to melt any steel.

Enma made a decisive decision and asked the No. 12 energy destroyer battleship to abandon the battleship, but it was too late.

Um, as this molten warhead sank into one's own steel land cruiser, the entire tank melted, and the soldiers inside melted like they were submerged in molten steel. After the hot molten steel lasted for thirty seconds, the temperature immediately disappeared and turned into a puddle of powder.

...None of the "heroes" above level six in the industrial age were simple. …

Enma sensed that no one in that convoy had left, and confirmed that all the combatants on the No. 12 ship had died. Wei Keng also fired a real fire at this.

The 200-ton "rocket launcher" behind Iron Star began to project, and groups of warheads also emitted long smoke and smashed towards Zhengli. The electromagnetic flicker caused its chariot to slow down, causing its speed to drop to 30%.

However, the "Vine"-level missile vehicle (300 tons) in the back row of Osima also projects a "magnetic fluid warhead", which purifies the residual electromagnetic effect. Both sides carry negative buffs and warheads that remove negative buffs

The "status" of Zhengli's 600-ton mechanical spider is like a broken light bulb, changing repeatedly from flash to flash. Various magnetic pulses, as well as flashes of condensed matter, exploded alternately on the chariot shell.

Of course, Enma also knew that time was running out now, once Zhengli returned to the battle queue and got a round of force field repair, then this round of attack would be wasted again.

Enma mobilized the peripheral light armored reserves.

Ten kilometers away, Iron Star's self-propelled artillery vehicle, which was optically hidden on the periphery, began to raise the barrel and fired five bursts of salvos swinging from top to bottom.

These "light warheads" landed on the original long front line of the Osima Kingdom. The "missile system" land frigate that was about to move towards the rear suddenly appeared a huge dust cloud with the falling steel hail.

On the marching railway line, in the eight-meter-wide heavy armored train, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Osima who were jumping off the chariot were also bloody and bloody from shrapnel. The Osimar land cruiser lost its infantry cover capability.

Twenty minutes later, the Iron Star Legion began to approach,

The Iron Star heavy shell projectile also began to smash a ton of shells to the rear, and one shell landed in the center of the Osima side train.

The super-heavy warhead immediately penetrated the train and exploded at the bottom. The 120kg explosive warhead inside the one-ton heavy shell sent the eight-meter-wide train up three meters, and then the car body derailed. The carriage of the derailed train continued to slide forward, and turned into a "Z" shape, blocking the road

The essence of land warfare is impact, not mutual bombardment at sea. The cooperation of lightweight mechanical units and engineers can play a decisive role in critical moments of confrontation.

...Iron Star's mechanized infantry is currently the best tactical implementer on the Wanlun Continent. …

Behind the Iron Star, a new round of steel hail (150 mm caliber artillery) suppressed these "land frigates" and won ten minutes of charge time for the mechanized infantry at the front.

On the Iron Star side, the armored group, more than forty 50-ton assault light tanks, and the motorized light infantry equipped with "air-cushion suspension" quickly reacted sporadically against Osima's "light artillery" (70 to 90 mm caliber) firepower, quickly approaching the core formation of the Land Cruiser.

This is a tactic that the Iron Star Legion has repeatedly pondered over in several major battles. After using precise firepower at all levels to suppress the attention of all parties, then make good use of the enemy's omissions, time differences, and gaps in space to carry out close-range blasting. .

Forty-four light-armored tanks from the Iron Star side charged and assaulted the flanks of Osima's troops. The first wave of six chariots that rushed forward were destroyed by the 80mm anti-aircraft secondary artillery of the "Dianjin", but they were subsequently levied. The spherical turrets on the armored vehicle in the shape of a mechanical dung beetle were destroyed by armor-piercing shells.

Relying on their small size and fast speed, most of Iron Star's chariots penetrated to the side and successfully suppressed the "Golden Secondary Gun" with armor-piercing shells.

The storm commandos who jumped off the chariot had already been modified with steam armor, and a steam backpack was steaming hotly on the back, and began to support the pulley flyboard under their feet and began to penetrate.

These Iron Star commandos came to the "Dianjin" land battleship that needed to be looked up, and hung the explosive package on the thigh of this mechanical chariot. As the explosive package was attached to the metal clockwork and the clock ticked, With a bang, flames exploded on this leg, and the Golden Point broke.

The 20-meter-high land battleship where Zhengli was located knelt down on the ground like a horse being tripped over. After the thigh was blasted, mechanical steel cables came down from the chassis of the Dianjin immediately, ready to evacuate.

In the Dianjin, General Zhengli looked out the window at the "Storm Commando" who quickly evacuated.

The general was silent, because when the light armored troops approached, he already felt the crisis.

On the Osima side, the land cruiser could have suppressed the main artillery firepower of the "Light Armored Commando", but they were all suppressed by the Iron Star troop's artillery fire at the same time.

The old general was sure: Commander Iron Star has a super coordinating ability, creating a gap stage for his own defense.

...No matter how powerful a fortress is, there will be times when the corners are dug, and no matter how powerful the armored force is, it needs infantry cover. …

Fifteen minutes later, when the storm commando had just evacuated, and the Dianjin was far from repairing the broken mechanical leg, a new round of shelling came over.

Six heavy artillery shells of 500 kilograms penetrated the armor plate of the Dianjin one after another. The explosive warheads set off a large piece of metal distortion on the armor plate and gaps in the steel plates. Even after the explosion, these steel plates tried to close together like life.

On Iron Star's side, An Jiexin, who came to attack again, drove the spaceship. After approaching two kilometers, he stopped and unfolded the mechanical legs. The front end of the spaceship slowly protruded. gun. As the red circle in An Jiexin's perspective shrunk to a point, a fiery torrent directly penetrated the "Dianjin" which was already full of cracks.

The fiery flames directly penetrated most of the cabin of the "Dianjin", and after the fiery burning ended, a large amount of toxic substances in the cabin had already caused 40% of the battleship damage of the "Dianjin".

After a successful blow, An Jiexin put away the artillery of her battleship, "bang bang..." After firing a large number of smoke shielding bombs, she immediately deployed the mechanical wings, relying on the chassis rocket jet to quickly lift off, and left the original place .

The "Dianjin" was annihilated after the second hour and forty-seven minutes of the battle, and His Excellency General Zhengli was forced to abandon the battleship. And this land battleship is the flagship of the Osima Eastward Expedition Corps.

The troops of the Osima Kingdom temporarily lost their leader, and the dispatch along the railway line was already chaotic, but now it has changed from a long snake formation to a caterpillar broken into three sections.

The troops of Iron Star's great migration began with the prefix T, and they went hand in hand to attack the First Legion that came to support the Kingdom of Osima,

…This is the largest battle of armor in fifty years. …

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Iron Star ended the war. At the cost of destroying one "Energy Destroyer" land cruiser and four "Projector" land fireships, all 15 ships including the Dianjin were wiped out. land battleship. Twenty-five locomotive skins and strategic materials for six locomotives were seized. Thirteen thousand people including General Zhengli were captured.

The strategic mobile force urgently sent to the front line by the Kingdom of Osima was completely wiped out.

After the war, the liquid metal repair fluid was injected into each tank along with the mechanical arm of the field support vehicle. Under the injection of ether field information, these liquid metals showed a highly intelligent effect, quickly repairing the iron star. force.

After the restoration, the main force was divided into two groups, one led by An Jiexin, three "Cheetah" class land cruisers drove eight large wheels with a diameter of three meters, and all light mechanized troops to escort the prisoners back to Kaidi City.

The Enma Group, on the other hand, carried the last ammunition and supplies, and went straight to the north! Time is precious. This is Beth's army's "soldier's risky move" and delaying it.

Now the upper echelons of Osima are worried about their capital after the big defeat, and are preparing to fight a "war to defend the capital". , then maneuver again soon.

Narrator: The combat force of Bess is very dangerous. It is based on the fact that there are outstanding people in the capital of Osima. In fact, Wei Keng will look up to his opponent most of the time. The gang of nobles were not nervous about defending the capital, but panicked, discussing moving the capital, and all strategic mobile forces prioritized the safety of these big men, and did not dare to bet against Enma's strategy to cut off Enma's road.

...The angle of view came to the international arena, Osima started to fight, and Anglo has already projected and interfered with the power of "opening the bow and no turning back"...

In the first half of December, Wei Keng broke through the defense. Behind the sky, the Anglos hastily launched a new round of intervention.

The Iron Star North Line is also facing strategic threats. During the first intervention, the defense tower facilities built by the "Fusion Steel Tower City" on the Lance retreat road are now being attacked by the second wave of intervention forces.

And on December 9th, that is, dozens of hours after Enma wiped out Osima's "Golden Hands" corps, the defense line composed of eight defensive towers had already dispatched heavy artillery and airships from Anglia. During the firepower bombardment of the army, it turned into a smoking ruin. Iron Star paid the price of 3,000 casualties and was delayed for a full ten days.

The second defensive battle of Fusteel Tower City is inevitable. During the period when Anglo continued to deter Fusteel Tower City from the south, the light armored troops were also ready to harass and delay the attack at any time.

...The current situation of the uprising is linked to the entire Northern Continent...

Enma is heading north, trying to cut off Anglo's follow-up supply in the fish mouth port of Osima. As long as this is cut off, Anglo will not be able to interfere with Iron Star.

(Narrator: Just like in the ancient industrial age of the main world, the battle for the founding of the country in the Eastern Civilization Northeast Asia on the island, no longer solve the problem on the island, the option of America can 'directly infiltrate the Dongsan Industrial Zone', the option In the case of others, others will take the initiative. Since the western border has continued to instigate rebellion decades later, don’t think that the other party has a conscience and will not use "evil tricks")

Like a huge clockwise revolving door.

It seems that Anglo turned around quickly, first went south to Fusteel Tower City, and then mobilized the imperial conservative forces in the Sky Empire to force the Iron Star Corps to withdraw its troops.

The Enma troop group was fast enough to go north and cut off. Yuzui Port, an important Anglo-port transshipment base, made Anglo-Bohai Fleet and the Intervention Armed Forces a solitary force.

...Iron Star is now alone to challenge the three northern empires of the Wanlun Continent...

On December 10, the Enma Corps approached the city, Yuzui Port, the northern port of Oxima. Before the follow-up infantry regiment arrived, the shelling mode was turned on.

Heavy artillery shells fell into the outer fortress of the port, causing the entire port to ring nervously.

But it didn't wait for the port defenders to recover. In other words, the sudden fall of the shells caused panic in the port guard regiment, which has been mainly smuggling for the past two years.

Neither the Anglo troops stationed here nor the local officials of Osima thought that war would break out here one day. Now I am suddenly suffering and don't know how to deal with it.

All in all, the Anglo defenders here are not well-trained, so that there are no combat readiness personnel on duty for the anti-aircraft guns in some large warehouses.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Iron Star low-altitude dive fighter jets broke into the city from the east, and precisely dropped 50kg-level thermite bombs one after another, and these warheads fell into the warehouses in the port that lacked guards.

These 40-meter-high large buildings, within 20 minutes of smoking from the top, no one reacted, and finally the warehouse was burned through and a raging fire was ignited.

After the investigation, those who wanted to fight the fire found that the water pressure in the pool was not enough, and the personnel who started the steam press were all transferred to the front defense tower to carry out their work.

Of course, there is another saying that there is a large deficit in the warehouse, so the burning of the fire was deliberately ignored by the warehouse management

…In the Kingdom of Osima, it threatened the interests of Anglo and detonated the crisis of imperial rule on the entire continent. Later historians felt that this battle was particularly chaotic...

On December 11th, in this Iron Star anti-interspersed occupation of Osima, Iron Star reinforcements arrived at Osima, and five infantry regiments crossed the line of defense from the Sky Empire in chariots, accompanied by three "Mountain Giant" logistics vehicles. Support ships arrived with siege weapons.

The defense of Yuzui Harbor is in jeopardy

Enma was also observing the city while planning a strong plan.

After Iron Star's airship completed the work of laying mines at sea, An Jiexing, the person in charge of this aspect, reported to Enma: The entire city defenders have no awareness of going out of the city to fight.

The map of Yuzui Port was unfolded during the collective discussion hosted by Enma, and the coordinates of the navigation channels were accurately indicated. And now the temporary weather observation station has given the arrival time of the next wave of cold wave.

A series of islands along its northern line produce large amounts of floating sea ice in November. However, there is only a molten volcano on the sea surface of Yuzui Port, forming a safe channel that is not frozen.

Now, after Iron Star pulled out a series of defensive fronts on the outer line, Iron Star blocked all the lines of communication on land and sea here.

An Jiexin's ground-effect aircraft "laid eggs" on the sea surface, and magnetic mines broke into the sea water one by one, completing the tactical requirement of blocking the wave sea.

Since then, although the Anglo has not lost the port, the entire port has not been able to function,

In the eastern part of the Bohai region, the Anglo intervention forces that landed in the northern part of Iron Star are now trapped in the ice sea.

…the unbreakable alliance between Anglo and Osima rises to the challenge. …

Next, it depends on whether the internal political groups of each country are united and whether they compete with each other strategically.

During the period at the end of 3232 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, Iron Star's stance of besieging and annihilating heavy military groups one after another on the mainland caused the entire continent to tremble.

Whether it is Osima or Anglo, there are still a large number of heavy armies on the vast land, but these cannot be easily mobilized, because the sky empire is not the only enemy on the mainland.

Furthermore, when the traditional land power country was still in a feudal state, the local legions were all connected with local interests.

That is to say, it is similar to the state of Guan Ning's iron cavalry. In the late Ming and late Ming Dynasties, the elite troops that consumed hundreds of thousands of taels of Ming each year had industries in the local area and could not be transferred to Guan.

The same is true for the Kingdom of Osima, and now it is facing a very complicated problem.

Iron Star broke through the famous "reinforced concrete fortress line of defense" on the east side of the mainland, and was severely weakened in the subsequent encirclement and annihilation battle. The heavy armor force sent by the capital of Fengyu King showed its strategic determination to fight Anglo. It caused great confusion for other forces in the Osima Kingdom to "join this war".

What about this ally, do you want to save it? Well, it should be saved, but there is no need to be so active.

Even if the Kingdom of Osima defeated Iron Star, it was still difficult to interfere with the situation in the sky empire, and it was impossible to ask for compensation. Therefore, in the international bond market, Osima's new round of war bonds is like waste paper.

For the calculating Anglos, instead of spending money to save old allies, it is better to make the corpses of old allies more resistant to bullets.

With Iron Star so powerful, Anglo politicians also have the idea of ​​​​"wait a minute".

... Enma's mobile warfare has greatly made traditional empires such as Anglo and Osima unsuitable, and the situation is no longer what it used to be. …

What, three years ago, why did everyone work together to fight against the sky empire and continue to fight for a hundred years? Because Sky Empire wanted to flatten the entire line of defense, trying to defeat the entire Thunderbolt Alliance, and demanded compensation. The purpose is to harm the common interests of Thunderbolt Alliance, of course everyone can fight.

Moreover, three years ago, Sky Empire could not fight the strategic encirclement and annihilation war of "cutting off one finger".

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