Out of the cage

Chapter 96 Chapter 3.17 Betrayal

In the East China Sea, Shengyang's fleet quietly entered the Eastern Ocean and launched its formation. Under the water, small spear submarines quietly lurked near various ports in China and planted timed mines.

Allowing Shengyang to develop the navy is a strategic mistake made by Shenzhou for decades. This is the suzerain country's long-term contempt for the tributary country. At the same time, the aristocratic family behind the Donglin faction of the national dynasty is too involved in the interests of maritime trade, and has long weakened and downplayed the development of potential threats to the sea.

In order to fight against the Northern Ocean Alliance of the Thai and Western countries, these Chinese scholar-bureaucrats who were eating vegetarian food put forward the so-called slogan of "increasing influence on the ocean". Even "supporting the development of the tributary navy" is regarded as one of the indicators for achieving political achievements. Fortunately, the China-native money holders behind the Su-Shanghai United Laboratories and Fenghou Heavy Industries Group, they cling to the core technology of shipbuilding, and their underwear is very safe.

Meat eaters are despicable, they only care about whether they are up to the standard of continuing to eat meat, how can they seriously care about whether things are done realistically. ——In the main world, there is a book "The Appearance of Officialdom" which is very realistic.

[Wei Keng can't help but remember the satirical poem from his previous life: "Put in the black ones, don't worry about the black ones, try to be in line with the outside, let the ideas move forward and follow the trend. 】

When a country's maritime strategy begins to develop independently, it will have conflicts with all nearby maritime forces.

The bald eagles in the main world did a pretty good job, castrating Sun Haizi directly into an anti-submarine brigade, without any independent combat capabilities. This may be the experience gained by the Onsa people when they confronted the Netherlands, Spain and other maritime powers.

In Shenzhou, there is no such experience. Therefore, when staring at the Luocha people in the northwest, the entire court was unaware of the tumor on the elbow and armpit, and even regarded the rising sun as a shield to balance the power of the New World.


Even at eight o'clock in the morning on September 6, 2216 in the Qin Tongli calendar.

When Shengyang's navy suddenly opened fire on the Shenzhou navy accompanying him, the upper echelon of Shenzhou didn't know anything about it until the phone rang half an hour later, and Shengyang sent the letter of war to the office of the Ministry of Rites of Shenzhou just before the fire. .

Guan Yiyan of the Ministry of War was furious.

The reason for the rage was not only that this tributary country was so shameless, but also because he was ashamed that he had ignored the tip from the southwest for various reasons the previous month. At that time, I was forced by the environment in Shenjing to think that it was just Wei Keng setting off smoke bombs.

So now he doesn't even know how to give orders to Wei Keng, so he can only take a chance and let the Chinese generals in the Central and South Subcontinent region fight up and stabilize the situation!

seconds later

Guan Yiyan opened the interface in front of him and ordered to the secretary office who was guarding the line: "Contact me with Chen Zongbing, I want to know the situation there."

But the situation was worse than he thought, and the military connection in southern Yunnan was busy at this time. The military communication system in the western territory of Shenzhou was destroyed.

Five minutes later, military intelligence personnel turned on the message broadcast on the civilian network.

Just in Guangnan Prefecture. In the cities and towns of Shenzhou, one after another "buses" rampaged into the local power plants and traffic stations. These warriors from the rising sun, flying the flag of Onimusha, rushed into the buildings.

And near the local government office building, laser soldiers (tank killers) who suddenly emerged from the ground held beam energy weapons and opened fire on the security forces who came. The headhunters of the public security yamen, who only had pistols and weapons, were defeated in less than a stick of incense when faced with a light yellow beam that could cut through steel plates.

Guan Yiyan turned off the bad news: "I want our people, where are they?"

The minister of the military department in charge of the southern military situation was a little incoherent: "Sir, Chen Zongbing, he, the last message sent by all their strongholds fifteen minutes ago was attacked by ghost banner soldiers transported by hidden bulletproof military vehicles."

[Several corps of Shenzhou in Southeast Asia, except for South Vietnam, the Champa area is a slightly regular army, and the other areas are light corps that suppress the local chieftains. 】

At this time, another servant received a message, stood up quickly, came to Guan Yiyan's side and whispered: "My lord, General Wei Keng sent a battle message."

Guan Yiyan paused for a moment, then tried his best to straighten his posture: "Go."


The military interface was opened, and Wei Keng stood in front of several groups of suspended combat interfaces, and these interfaces showed that the preparation forces activated in the plateau area were starting at this moment, and the staff members near each interface were communicating nervously with microphones.

Guan Yiyan can see through a screen: on the land battle mobilization interface, the corps is already on standby at the station, ready to go south, while on the big screen air battle interface directly in front, there are the Phoenix fighters and the rising sun's tengu The mecha cluster has been encountered. And the air combat instructor of Shenzhou has sent a first-hand first-person perspective picture.

Guan Yiyan couldn't help but be attracted by the firefight interface in the air,

Judging from the scene, it seems that the phoenix fighter is flying in the sky, quickly swooping down to effectively attack the Tengu cluster. He subconsciously wanted to enlarge the interface, but these combat command interfaces were on Wei Keng's side.

Wei Keng seemed to be dispatching air power, and when he received a call from China Unicom, it took five seconds before he stood up,

After kicking his chest, Wei Keng said, "Sima, the battle is urgent. I'll briefly report the current situation, and then you can ask about the key points."

When the war started, no one had enough time, but compared with the orderly situation on Wei Keng's side, Guan Yiyan still couldn't help feeling that the Shenzhou Center on his side was a mess.

Wei Keng turned on the interface of the general war situation on the Central South Subcontinent of the large projector in front of him. After the interface is laid flat, the terrain is displayed three-dimensionally and becomes a sand table. On this subcontinent connected to the equator in the south, it is divided into three types of areas: red, yellow and blue.

In the frontier yellow zone, there are areas where electronic scouts are constantly detecting the enemy's situation. In this area, there is a mechanized infantry regiment in ambush by Shengyang. Meanwhile the dotted line represents the assault in the sky.

The air assault was obviously prepared in advance in the current situation. A large number of air combat drones and Phoenix air superiority fighters that took off from the electromagnetic catapult airport on the plateau cut off the attacking tengu group.

Otherwise, relying on the mobility of the Tengu to quickly insert into the Southwest China region, directly parachute at key positions, and use machine guns to destroy them, it will not only paralyze the mobilization of troops in the Dian Prefecture, but even military disasters in Shu.

But now they were all intercepted by Phoenix fighter planes, which made Shengyang's original complete air-to-ground raid system limping half of its legs.

But so be it, some nanostructures glowing green on the ground are being deployed, some smart missile towers (VX defense turrets) have been deployed. Many areas have become no-air zones in China.


Right now, although Wei Keng had predicted Shengyang's troop deployment and strategic motives before, he did not mention this matter for the sake of his boss.

After the report, Wei Keng said, "Our frontier fortress has been burned and plundered by Japanese pirates. Our regiment hopes to enter the area immediately to fight."

Guan Yiyan stood up, turned his back to Wei Keng, and paced back and forth in front of the map twice.

Now what he, the big Sima, has to do is to let the Wei Keng Legion rush to help.

This is the only solution for Shenjing to stabilize the situation in the southwest at present, but it still cannot be so easy when agreeing.

In the end, he knocked on the table, his tone was sentimental, but his eyes were reminiscent of the past with unclear meaning: "Wei Keng, eighteen years ago, you were the one who rushed to rescue Yi Bohai first!"

Wei Keng responded blankly to the question of the superior who seemed to be caring but actually interrogated: "It's all thanks to the support from the back line of the Ministry of War."

Guan Yiyan's tone was soft, but he pinched the penholder with his fingers and said with emotion: "At that time, you made great achievements, and the state owed you."

Wei Keng was not too polite, and immediately replied: "The country has never been in the wrong. It is the people and the non-commissioned officers who are in the country. But right now, this has nothing to do with the military affairs like the fire."

When Wei Keng's tone suddenly increased, Guan Yiyan was slightly taken aback, his posture suddenly weakened, and Guan Yiyan couldn't help realizing again that the person in front of him was the copper pea who "can't be an official, and won't shrink his head".

Guan Yiyan glanced at Wei Keng. Among the many generals, he was the only one who could teach in reverse.

Guan Yiyan said some open-hearted words slightly: "If you make great achievements again?" Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for five seconds, and then: "How should Guochao reward you?"

Guan Yiyan didn't know if it was his own delusion, there seemed to be a trace of contempt and disdain in Wei Keng's eyes, or "treat him like dirt".

Wei Keng: "The national fortress is in danger. If you have other considerations, you can call other generals to come." Wei Keng clicked on the map of the plateau, which is the regiment of General Bai.

Guan Yiyan looked at the map that Wei Keng clicked on, and his facial muscles twitched slightly. Now that the army on the southern front is on fire, Shenzhou has no choice but Wei Keng, a seasoned general.

Guan Yiyan said: "Now, Wei Keng is appointed as the governor of Shenzhou Guangnan, and he will take charge of all the military affairs of the eight states of Guangnan."

However, Wei Keng: "Accept the order" but he did not retreat.

Wei Keng: "One more thing, please let me restrain the Bai Zongbing on the plateau."

Guan Yiyan stared at Wei Keng, and his tone became hard again: "Let's discuss this matter again."

Wei Keng paused every word: "If ~Shangguan~ is not at ease, you can send another secret message. Now in this battle, I must ask him to provide me with the necessary backup in the rear."

Guan Yiyan narrowed his eyes and thought of something: "You mean, Bai Kun is also your accomplice."

Wei Keng forced a blunt smile on his face: "In the eyes of the court officials in Shenjing, you are also my accomplice, so please do your best and encourage me."

yes? Wei Keng is a thorn in the throat of some people. If these people gain the upper hand one day, the party related to Wei must be killed by mistake.


In the third hour of Shengyang's attack, Wei Keng gained full military power in the Southwest.

Preemptive strike tactics, followed by strategic strikes against the enemy's backline, while the frontiers must steadily occupy traffic points and carefully determine the enemy's position. Because the enemy is still quiet, and our frontier intelligence is limited, it is impossible to have everything under control. To start first, we must deal with the "back arrows" in the fog of the battlefield.

It is different when attacking later. The entire Shengyang regiment is on the bright side, while Wei Keng's regiment is in the dark. When its key node is just activated, launching an attack can make its advancing front change. It was a mess.

It's like falling a person. If he squats and stands, he may not fall down, but if he runs and stretches out a leg directly, he will fall down.

The same is true for the current actions against Shengyang in Southeast Asia.

After the huge mobile corps was activated, hundreds of Phoenix fighters appeared suddenly, hugged the regiment, and fought against the Tengu swarms that were originally divided to perform tasks.

And then, when the ground corps began to maneuver, a large number of missiles began to shoot at the buildings that Sun had built with nanobots in the area. Dozens of mecha infantry regiments in Shengyang had been preparing for a large-scale combat operation, but suffered a large number of unforeseen accidents.

In the military headquarters, Wei Keng looked at the situation at the front and confirmed that the first batch of strikes were quite successful. In the multiple sets of pictures captured by the sky-eye probe, a large number of Shengyang troops faced the chaos of the front road, in order not to block the front road. It was served in a pot and had to be scattered. This left time for the Plateau Corps to land on the western coastline, which is the original Siam area.

The landing operation is code-named "Looking Back"

[The corps from the plateau area has crossed the Himalayas through a vacuum tunnel, and quickly assembled on the west side of the Central South Subcontinent through the civilian ship transportation system. 】

Wei Keng nodded, the next step should be...

When Wei Keng turned around and looked at the subordinates behind him, he suddenly felt that their expressions seemed too tense. Can't help asking: "What's the matter, don't you talk anymore?"

These people seemed to be waiting for Wei Keng's statement. Seeing Wei Keng's question, they recommended a representative to respond with their eyes.

Zhao Luochi: "Captain, the enemy's latest intelligence has been compiled. The enemy, the enemy's strength far exceeds our previous estimate, about six times ours."

He frantically clicked on the map. The number of Shengyang Mechanized Infantry Divisions has been counted on it. At this stage, thirty-two mechanized infantry divisions have been found, and there are also a large number of aviation regiments. According to Wei Keng's forecast of heavy-duty units , This war is extremely difficult to fight, but now China seems to have put the pressure directly on the Southwest, and has no intention of following up to fully mobilize support for the Central and South Subcontinent Theater.

Wei Keng patted the staff officer who was older than himself: "Be urgent and nervous before fighting, consider every detail to minimize losses, and don't be so cautious when fighting, follow the drill step by step, keep your eyes on the The key to the sudden change of the battlefield is to be courageous. Be bold! Don’t think about the outside of the battlefield, but always think about how to give the opponent a ruthless attack.”

Speaking of this, Wei Keng stepped forward, stretched out his hand and squeezed the corner of his mouth: "Come on, smile a little, and get angry. Yes, yes, that's it, go to work."


On the Tianzhu Ocean, Guan Shiyuan also received a call from Frontier, his father asked him to return to the Strait of Malacca and enter the Southern Ocean.

However, after thinking about it for a while, he connected Wei Keng's communication first.

Wei Keng was naturally very happy, and ordered to guard the East China Sea area of ​​​​Tianzhuyang. Pay attention to setting up the anti-submarine network. Guan Zongbing paused for a moment, when there was a conflict between Wei Keng's strategic statement and Shendu's order. In the end, he chose to obey his old boss.

This led to the landing operations on the west coast of Siam.

On September 18, on the surface of the sea, the eight war patrols of the Prince of Wu Mourning arrived at the predetermined position, and in the calm sea of ​​the Tianzhu Ocean, the barrels were raised uniformly to the east. This has the tendency to sharpen the knife and rush towards the pigs and sheep.

And a hundred kilometers to the east is the coastline of Siam. A large number of sky-eye sentry machines clustered in three network lines, directly sweeping across the coastline of Siam. Although they were directly shot down by the emitted energy arrows when passing through some buildings, the rest of the Sky Eye Sentinel Group still precisely locked these positions.

It took only fifteen minutes for these mass-produced smart drones to complete the enemy situation reconnaissance. The angle of view turns back to the sea surface, and the battlecruiser Prince Wu Mourning, like a city of iron in the waves, opens the eyes like a beast, and the energy storage tower is already filled with electromagnetic light of full energy.

After the frontier sky eye cluster locked on 140 targets on the coastline with a width of 850 kilometers, the data link returned to the main flagship.

Guan Shiyuan, the navy chief, kept staring at the timetable in the last five minutes before the start of the Yangon landing battle, without blinking his eyes.

He personally gave the general strike order.

["Coordination, cooperation of sea, land and air, firepower is the most tense when our actions are most needed, and we need to be safe most. We should fight preemptively, so that the enemy is in a hurry, and there is no time to stop our actions. This is a tactic." ——As early as the Plateau Soldier During training in the district, Guan Shiyuan took Wei Keng's emphasis very seriously. 】

On the frontier land, as the electromagnetic artillery shells fell, the Shengyang troops who were originally deployed in the defense line had not yet stabilized the foreign city they had just captured, and were beaten to the ground by the precise and fierce firepower.

By the time these tank killers and energy archers got up from the dusty ground and prepared to fight back, it was already half an hour later, and the landing on the coastline had been completed.

Shengyang's troops have just arrived here, and before they have time to defend the coastline, they will face an armored group composed of batches of Zhu Rong tanks and subsequent Limbo chariots.

At this southernmost landing point, it is divided into three arrows, each with only fifty Zhurong tanks, and the subsequent armored infantry regiment.

An hour after the landing battle, everything was like plowing the ground and sweeping holes. The places that encountered stubborn resistance did not exceed double digits. The most intense place was a Buddhist temple complex on the southwest side of Yangon.


Scene: In the Thai-style golden-roofed Buddhist temple building, the warriors of the rising sun have occupied the place, piled up sandbags, and hung the Onimusha flag of the solar eclipse on all the buildings.

The energy beam of the tank killer continuously shoots anti-armor beams from the exits of some buildings, hindering the advance of the armored troops in front.

near the troop. Long Yanbing, with his waist hooked, commanded the mechanical dog, rushing forward to suppress it with firepower.

"Team 82, clear the warhead." An infantryman wearing a front-line combat mech gave an order to the rear team in the battle zone displayed in the eyepiece of his left eye.

A group of people 50 meters behind Long Yanbing's fire suppression point shared the frontier perspective in the information-based eyepiece, compared their own observation positions and said: "Received, the forty-third area, the sixth quadrant, the coordinates ..."

They picked up the disposable rocket launcher, and as the flames flickered from the fiberglass structure, a weapon with a cloud-explosive charge entered the window of the target building with flames and a little white smoke at its tail, and the entire building was like a black explosion. The rice cracker pot opened, and there was a muffled "bang", and then the building suddenly fell silent.

The armored troops advanced smoothly. On the three not-so-wide streets, four or five Limbo chariots ran down and entered the building, firing at other buildings one by one. During their information sharing, each building was captured Empty, then occupy, all can be seen. The battle lasted for half an hour, and all the remnants in the Buddhist temple were wiped out.


Thousands of miles away, on the electronic sand table in the staff headquarters in the Himalayas, the west coast of the Central South Subcontinent was placed, with three ring dragon logos (main divisions).

Among them, the one on the southernmost side (the bottom of the map) even enters the land from the sea area on the west side with the most vivid logo of the ring dragon. Supporting cutting-edge first-hand screen

Interface 1: Multiple beachhead amphibious landing ships have docked, and tanks and armored vehicles entered the inland from the occupied area in a column.

Interface 2: The port area has been taken, and the container logistics materials have been delivered to trucks by forklifts, and then delivered to Oh Railway Station. As the armored vehicles conquer the next transportation hub, these materials will be delivered simultaneously.

After confirming the situation, Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief: "With Yangon in hand, we can guide them (the generals of Shengyang) to eat a pot here."

Wei Keng pointed the laser pointer at the two areas of the Central South Subcontinent sand table. On the map, when the Shenzhou army resisted layer upon layer on the front and retreated in an orderly manner, there was a tendency to pull back from the side.

I'm going to sleep in tomorrow, so I'm posting first. My hen works hard, don't stress it out.

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