Out of the cage

Chapter 97 Chapter 3.18

In September 2216 of Qin Tongli's reign, when the battle against sons and fathers started, they were very nervous. No one went smoothly.

In the early stage, the two sides formed an extremely short-lived state of anxious balance.

When the Shenzhou Plateau successfully landed on the west side of the Central-South Subcontinent, it quickly curbed the rampant momentum of the Sunshine North Expedition

From various angles, this way of using troops is miraculous! In the case of inferior numbers, technology and armaments, it was like picking lightly with a toothpick, taking Rangoon, and hitting the gate of life, so that a large part of Sunrise's power could not be pulled back to the west. Greatly reduce the pressure on Yunnan

But such a victory, the Shenjing side lightly skipped it in the report of the battle situation, as if the southern front, where dozens of mechanized infantry divisions fought fiercely, was a secondary battlefield!

Perhaps, in the eyes of Shen Jing, that is really secondary. ——Because of the repeated ignorance before the war, now he echoes the seriousness of this place and praises the plugger, wouldn't it make the world feel stupid!


In the South China Sea to the east, China's three major navies are still battered.

On the surface of the sea, minesweepers with awning boats come out of the harbor and continuously release floating sonars. However, on average, about six lotus detectors are released, and they will be locked by the passing dragonfly scouts, and then the tengu roars away. However, the high-speed naval guns will also fall, destroying the awning boat in multiple water jets.

Here we can see a technical gap. After discovering the enemy, the dragonfly scouts of Sunrise need the support of Tengu to conduct precise navigation for the artillery fire of the general battleship. Otherwise, salvos will be required to ensure the probability of hitting. During the battle, the battle cruiser Prince Wu Mourning was detected by the sky-eye sentinel, and the first shot was able to strike accurately.

Although, this may be the difference between the land target and the sea target, one with terrain correction and one without terrain correction, but more importantly, there is a gap in performance between the sky eye sentinel produced by Luoshui and the dragonfly scout

The data transmission capability of the Sky Eye system is more powerful, and it can confirm data with satellites in low orbit. Then send it back to the battleship, so that the electromagnetic cannon can hit the lock damage.


Back to the present, the most painful thing for the naval forces of several major ports in the southeastern provinces of China is the current Shengyang automatic mine.

China has a large navy, and its underwater forces are mainly submarines of more than 5,000 tons. Such large submarines are designed to deal with the New World Navy in the Eastern Ocean, and they are also representatives of ocean-going strategies. But the ocean strategy must have a premise, there is no problem at home.

Otherwise, Wei Keng remembered that in his previous life, the pickles originally planned an ambitious ocean-going ship, but after suffering from the loss of frigates and tanks, he finally returned to the direction of the offshore fleet honestly.

There is a wide continental shelf in the waters near Shenzhou. The water depth in these areas does not exceed tens of meters, and they are all within the range of small submarines. It is absent.

At the moment, we can only use the 200-ton awning boat and the 5,000-ton Jimeng destroyer to clear these mines. However, due to the narrow range of activities, they are always bombarded by the battleship Shengyang, and the activities are extremely difficult.

The battle lasted for two days, and the Shenzhou Navy was still unable to break through the waters outside the port normally.


On September 9, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shenjing, the whole city is open

The new cabinet collectively arrived at the Ministry of War to watch the great battle. In the past two days, the cabinet has unanimously approved the punishment plan for Sheng Yang. One after another ballistic missiles were launched towards the Kyoto area of ​​the rising sun, but when they entered the sky over the Ridge Islands, they were intercepted by blue nano-ray masks. During the process, the cover spreads the kinetic energy transmitted by the explosion to the surroundings, and visible air waves spread along the outside of the cover.

Ballistic strikes had no effect. Under the satellite's illumination, whenever ballistic missile swarms rushed over, all of Shengyang's strategic bases shone with blue protection.

Shenjing's plan to quickly beat Nizi went bankrupt.


And what about the navy group in the east?

Guan Yiyan connected to the interface of the Fujian-Guangzhou Naval Commander, and reprimanded him: "Your surname is Tang, the fleet I allocate funds to you every year to build is just dawdling now."

Although Mr. Tang was wronged, he still stuck to his plan after being scolded.

He sent the photo. The time was 12:23 noon yesterday. In the bus area, when the Shenzhou Minguang Navy and the third formation composed of Jimeng destroyers were about to break into the ocean, the No. 033 ship was 400 meters away from the side. A small submarine with a length of 40 meters sprang out. The submarine used the cavitation mode in the front section to reduce drag, and crashed straight into the middle of the Jimeng ship at a speed of 60 meters per second. The entire Jimeng ship was severely damaged on the spot, and the keel was broken. , fell into the ocean.

Tang Zongbing: "Our navy must break through the blockade with a complete battle formation, otherwise, it will be severely damaged by enemy ships after going to sea."

Guan Yiyan: "Then hurry up and clear the mines, let others lay so many mines at the door, now you have as many excuses as the mines."

Tang Zongbing: "This subordinate has neglected his duty."


After scolding a few generals, Guan Yiyan walked to the overall strategic map of the Eastern Ocean, and next to this map was the entire cabinet standing by.

The East Coast is now flashing alert across the board. And the senior elders of the Advisory Council in these areas are extremely panicked,

Economically, the Dongzhe Consortium, which had been severely damaged in the economic war just now, could no longer bear the impact of such a war. They used all their political power in a desperate struggle and asked the Ministry of War to mobilize troops. Guard the coast. The four Qinglong floating battleships had to be transferred to the east coast under pressure, and the mechanized corps was also stationed here.

Guan Yiyan couldn't help but glance to the southwest now! He knew that it was actually where reinforcements were most needed. just~

After seeing Guan Yiyan, the cabinet members said, "Master Shangshu, you see that the situation in the east is very dangerous. We must take the initiative to attack from the northern peninsula."

Guan Yiyan glanced at him and said, "It's a major military matter. The staff of the Ministry of War is currently formulating a counterattack plan. You don't need to worry about it."

This Guan Yiyan wanted to continue walking to the southwest position on the sand table a few meters away. He knew that as long as the rising sun troops in the central and southern subcontinent were defeated, the rising sun's strategy would not improve. Especially now that Wei Keng has landed on the west bank, disrupting the progress of Shengyang's army in Central South, and he only needs to make a plan to land in the "Chancheng" (south of ancient Jiaozhi) area, and advance east and west with Wei Keng. It's a solid victory

But when he walked halfway, he was blocked by Ge Lao.

Elder Ge: "Ditao (character), the southeast is the foundation of the country's wealth. It has been traumatized in the past few years, and there can no longer be any mistakes."

The implication is that it does not support the support of Wei Keng in the Central South Subcontinent, so the Pojun Jinjia (which is considered to be the only heavy unit that can block the ghost king), and the heavy mecha infantry like Xunlei Tiangang, are all taken by the southeast. Buckle up.

Guan Yiyan took a breath: "The southwest direction is the key to the overall situation."

Old Xinge: "The use of troops in Xinluo County is the solution. Even, um (glared by Guan Yiyan, without naming) they have already gone to the front line. As for the situation in the southwest, it can still be sustained, as long as It should be rewarded, rewarded, punished, punished, retreated and cut, and it can be maintained for the time being."

This is not to give support, but also to order reprimand. In the crisis of this country, this guy wants to take the opportunity to fight among the parties.

Guan Yiyan narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man: "I authorized General Wei, oh, now Governor Wei is in charge of the entire southwest, and he has the sole discretion to judge major matters of war. Shenjing has delegated power, and it is inappropriate to interfere at this time. "

The elder of Xinge paused for a few seconds, acquiesced to the result, and then said: "Renheng (Wei Keng's word) is in charge, naturally there is no problem."

Guan Yiyan said: "There is a serious shortage of troops in the Southwest. Over the past few years, Shengyang has sent no less than five million tons of industrial nanomaterials in the South Li area. Their layout is now."

Xin Ge’s old expression of worrying about the country and the people: “Ditao! The war in the south has not yet reached the point of anxiety. You need to know that this time is not that time, and the water is hard to recover!”

[It's hard to get over the water! The new members of the cabinet now have a unified conclusion that Wei Keng can no longer delegate power. 】

Guan Yiyan looked at these princes, and Wei Keng's words couldn't help ringing in his mind: "In the eyes of other people in the court, you are also my accomplice." These words are buzzing in my ears now, and I can't sleep for days The accumulated exhaustion suddenly surged up, and the eyes were dim for a while. Feeling that the world was spinning, he quickly helped the adjutant beside him to stabilize his body.

Guan Yiyan: "Today, the water that cannot be submerged and cannot be harvested, but what is the iron accumulated in Kyushu?"


At the southern foot of the Roof of the World, in the command post, Wei Keng received words of encouragement from the Ministry of War.

A quick glance at the email puts it in the "Not Important" file. Continue to pay attention to the frontier battle reports.

The staff department on the side has just submitted the information of the guerrillas. In the South-Central Subcontinent region, there are some Western Economic Federations left in the cargo and breeding department, and they have begun to use the perfect organization to transfer materials on the spot and organize local resistance teams during wartime. Even just now, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, a bridge was successfully blasted down, causing the fifteen-meter-tall, red-painted ghost king to fall into the valley when he crossed the bridge.

From the picture taken on the mobile phone to confirm the battle achievements, the ghost king fell along with the board bridge, the lower body buffer of the mech reached the limit, and broke on the spot, and the escape cabin inside popped out urgently. I don’t know what happened to the people inside, but, then The guy should feel very excited.

Regarding the opening of the front line behind the enemy lines and how to arrange the spontaneously organized guerrillas, the staff of the Shenzhou Warriors has never paid much attention to it. They think that the front is justified, and they think that the harassment behind the enemy lines is a small matter, and they can't kill many soldiers of the opponent. But Wei Keng confirmed the plan before the battle.

In the plan: confirm that there are our own combat units behind the enemy, and dispatch equipment and technical personnel. On the basis of the original command system of local personnel, a branch was established to directly match the various credit levels of the pacesetter regiment's front-line operations. For this kind of battle behind enemy lines, material, honor, and even welfare arrangements within the establishment will be carried out in the future.

But now the staff officers were just overjoyed by the news, and when they saw the lip-service award from the Ministry of War, their hearts turned cold and their faces were filled with indignation.

"The national traitor is in the court!" Someone cursed angrily.

As a warrior, I saw a large number of corps being transferred to the east coast to guard the properties of those wealthy chaebols, but turned a deaf ear to the real fierce battle on the battlefield. It's really smoke from the seven orifices.

Of course, if the celebrities in the Manchu Dynasty are all fools, the people with lofty ideals can only acquiesce in reality, but what? Now there just happens to be a "comparison object", who is also a prominent family of the country and was born in a family. But conduct, there is a world of difference.

Wei Keng stared at Silla in the northeast corner of the Shenzhou map.

Objectively speaking, Guochao decided to make a breakthrough here without any problem. After all, across the sea is the mainland of Sunshine. Starting from the peninsula, even a speedboat carrying far fire can hit the non-industrial area of ​​Shengyang. but! —— Use good generals here.

Since the Sui Dynasty, the use of troops in the Koryo region by the Chinese dynasties has been either a big victory or a big defeat. The upper and lower limits are amazing.

At present, according to the information Wei Keng obtained from other timelines, Shenzhou's dispatch of troops in Silla would be "sloppy and arrogant". Because they thought it was an absolute advantage, the people in Shenjing seemed to regard this place as a place for military exploits.

No, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It is said that the royal family put a "female sword fairy" into the battlefield to verify their combat power. But the commander in the area was ordered to "use it carefully, and don't worry about any troubles. (Because it is related to the royal family, it seems to be a certain princess. Oh, of course these are gossip.)

Good guy, whether this "Sword Immortal" who integrated the technical line of the "Jie Hongzi" of China is really that strong is not a question, but at least this is not a correct attitude of a military strategist.

There was a sneer on Wei Keng's face for a moment, but it disappeared in an instant. He turned his head and calmly suppressed the inappropriate emotions in the staff department, and said calmly: "Don't think about anything else, the situation in front of you has not yet deviated from our plan. (Wei Keng's current selection plan is to choose the situation where the country is unwilling to support and fight the battle in the Central South Subcontinent.)

But just when Wei Keng pulled him back, a communication from the plateau area came,

Opening the interface, Mr. Bai appeared: "Wei Qing, how is your situation?" He is now waiting for a Qinglong command ship. Layers of silver, in the window on the side of the command cabin, you can see the extended short wings of the Qinglong battleship, so bright that you want to make people dance in the square.

Wei Keng paused: "Right now, it's okay. I'm still sure to win a few moderate victories within three days."

Mr. Bai was silent for a long time: "My side is also ready to go south."

Wei Keng smiled: "Do you have an order from Shenjing?"

The general was speechless.

Wei Keng: "This time, it's me first. You wait on the sidelines. The longer you wait, the more high-level weapons you will receive from Shenjing. Take over when necessary. Me , I have offended too many people, it is annoying." Speaking of this, he raised his fist.

Wei Keng stared at the fist and said, "I know I'm going to hit a wall, but I still have to hit it. Because I'm stupid (stunned), the people behind me don't have to be like me."

Bai Zongbing looked at Wei Keng and said solemnly: "I wish the general victorious."

Wei Keng laughed loudly: "Changsheng? Don't plant this flag, heh, well, hang it up, as my back, you have to do your own thing."


The perspective comes to the enemy side.

On the Central South Subcontinent, the area that was originally a mountain peak suddenly opened the gate, and the Ghost King Mecha came out from the 20-meter-high iron gate.

On the tenth day of the war, Shengyang's heavy factory was finally upgraded and began to complete the manufacture of heavy mecha weapons.

In a fortress base, Tianxi Kenji with a bandage on his head looked at the map of the Central South Subcontinent, and made sure that his heavy weapons left the factory. It seems that the brow is stretched a little.

[As for the injury on Xianzhi's head, how did it come about? On September 9th, the guerrillas blew up the bridge, causing the suspected experimental red ghost king to fall into the valley. Well, he was the one sitting in that special machine at that time! He almost burped the fart of this rising sun general. 】

Now the Shenjing side is extremely anxious about the progress of this war, but why not the Shengyang side? The original plan was to quickly win the Central and South Subcontinent. But the general in the plateau area quickly intervened in the battlefield at a speed far beyond imagination. Let the planned situation turn into a quagmire from the beginning.

Xianzhi, who was bleeding head and blood, still had a twitching look on his mouth, but he was already suspicious and a little timid in his heart.

At the beginning of the surprise attack on the southern Xinjiang subcontinent, Shengyang's Tengu was caught by Phoenix fighters as soon as it took off, and the subsequent landing operations on the western front caused the mecha infantry division he deployed in the west to lose the signal. Finally, when the signal returned, the two mechanized regiments had been wiped out. It also made him feel helpless when he recalled the timeline before the change of history, "The Allied Army Corps rushed into Edo Bay, and the cherry blossoms of the Imperial Kingdom withered".

But fortunately, there was intelligence from within Shenzhou from the base camp, and it was determined that Shenzhou would not give any reinforcements to the Southwest in the short term, which restored his morale to win.

Faced with the fact that the strength of the Shenzhou troops on the northern front was obviously less than that of his own side, Kenji hesitated again and again, and decided to turn to the offensive again, temporarily shrinking the strength of his own machine infantry that suppressed the Shenzhou landing troops in the Yangon area, and defending on the second line, allowing the northern front forces to Strong, the power to crush the front line of Nanguan in Shenzhou Town

He raised his head and ordered to the non-commissioned officers under his command: "After the powerful ghost king's heavy armor arrives at the front line, immediately continue to implement the northward breakthrough operation plan, and there must be no mistakes."


When the corps on the northern line of the central and southern subcontinent of Shengyang was mechanical again, and the Ghost King Mecha Heavy Division appeared, it was immediately detected by the Sky Eye detection aircraft group.

Regarding the Tianyan sentinel group, thousands of them have been lost in the current battlefield, but due to the sufficient reserves before the war, the loss is small, and the assembly factories in Guizhou, Banzhou and other places are still producing continuously.

Wei Keng looked at the front of the screen, these super giants with "powerful eyes" appeared, bit a piece of lotus paste mooncake, and nodded: "The devil finally released the main force."

Now Wei Keng's name for Shengyang as a "ghost" has basically spread, and it is easy to explain. Shengyang people like to draw ghost flags to show their force.

The staff department is just now coordinating the deployment of the rear corps and how to cooperate with the backbone team of Banzhou, front-line support, personnel evacuation and other complex tasks. Because the pressure on the northern front is already enormous, and the armor strength of Shengyang is several times that of its own side. It is necessary to retreat and use space to pull in exchange for low losses.

Wei Keng said at this time: "The first line, give up completely, the fifth regiment, and the sixth regiment, pretend to retreat, and bring in the Shengyang army. Here.

Wei Keng's pen drew a circle in a certain place, that is, the stage of multiple valley areas, and prepared to deploy eight regiments with three times the strength to eat the most elite heavy armored regiment that has emerged from Shengyang.


Chasing and chasing is a matter of great learning. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, this point was highlighted in the well-known Cao GUI debates left behind.

"The Qi division was defeated. The general galloped away. He said: 'It is not possible.' Looking at the pattern, Deng Shi looked at it and said: 'It is possible.' So he chased the Qi division."

Why is Cao GUI so cautious? Entering the original enemy-controlled area for pursuit, one is that it is difficult to control one's own formation, and the other is that the enemy can calmly judge which part of the chasing army is the assault department on the way back, and then lay an ambush and kill it directly.

On the other hand, due to the narrow terrain and lack of strategic depth in the village battles on Ri Lie Island, such tactics are rarely used, and it is often won by a sudden wave of pigs.


On September 23, Shengyang's South Expeditionary Corps immediately launched a fierce attack after confirming the "main force" of the front of the Shenzhou Corps.

The Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the 17th and 23rd Divisions of Shengyang took the lead, relying on forty ghost kings to resist damage in front, chasing and killing the "Defeated Army of Shenzhou" for fifty kilometers.

The 18-meter-high ghost king belongs to T3 technology. It emits destruction beams from both eyes along the way. The light armored vehicle was swept along the way, and the shell smoked and melted quickly. After accelerating the charge, the thick arms swung up, and the concrete bunker was directly smashed and collapsed.

Throughout the 24 days, Shengyang maintained a fierce attack.

The mighty and unusual battlefield performance of the ghost king mech made Pu Pian, who is half a head shorter than the Shenzhou people, experience the feeling of bullying the enemy by relying on "big".

The two divisions pursued all the way and destroyed thirty Zhurong main battle tanks and hundreds of Limbo tanks in Shenzhou. They also saw a large number of anti-explosion energy shields and other weapons discarded by the iron guards.

At noon on the 25th, the commander of the ghost king division was still complacent, standing on the shoulder of a certain ghost king, holding a family samurai sword in one hand, and a captured Han sword in the other, gesticulating "Starburst Airflow Slash" Let the war record be sent to the rear for publicity.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Shengyang pig assault regiment suffered a blow.

First, the front suddenly encountered heavy shelling. A large number of artillery seemed to be scattered in all directions, and they were destroyed at once. Shengyang's light armored vehicle force

Immediately afterwards, a force suddenly appeared from the rear. Machine guns and artillery shells scattered Shengyang's team, and then machine guns and armored forces entered the center of the road to deploy positions, cutting off the back of Shengyang, which was too prominent.


Wei Keng, who sits in the digital command center, directly commanded a large number of drones wirelessly, and sent a message to the front: "Five hours, I want to see the dumplings being swallowed."

Wei Keng's tone became more and more excited, and he and the fisherman caught a big carp weighing more than 50 catties on the riverside.

The officers and men under Wei Keng's command communicated in an aggressive tone during the communication.

Those corps that had pretended to be retreating stabilized and fought back bravely, and made jokes, "I told you to chase after your ass so arrogantly. If you are a grandpa, I can't beat you to death?"

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