Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 103 He Seems To Have Different Ideas About The Special Team!

Chapter 103: He seems to have different ideas about special teams!

"The first stage of assessment starts now! Your number is 023!"

"Successfully arrived at the target location under the pursuit of the special team!"

"Time limit: 72 hours!"

"The timer has started!"

The portable terminal on the wrist scribbled a few words, and then fell completely silent.

On the terminal, there is only one coordinate point position,

It should be the target location that needs to be reached in the first stage.

Chen Ming took a look, it was about a hundred kilometers away!

In other words, within 72 hours, running more than 100 kilometers is the standard configuration of the task!

It doesn't sound too far away, but actually, it's in the mountains!

No food, no water, no weapons, just run with one pair of legs!

And, there's a heavily armed Special Forces team chasing after you!

"What is the test in the first stage?"

"Physical fitness? Reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance? Escape ability? Survival in the wild?...."

Chen Ming also seriously speculated about the purpose of the first stage assessment,

However, nothing was figured out!

The only certainty is that,

The people that Guoan wants this time must be all-around, able to fight, run, carry, and perform international missions!

And each stage has different assessment content!

"The number should be determined according to the number of people who participated in the assessment, as if I was the last one to come?"

"In other words, there are a total of 23 people selected to participate in the assessment this time?"

"How many will be left in the end?"

Chen Ming walked into the forest while thinking,

From the moment I got off the plane, everything was mysterious,


"Forget it! Don't want to!"

"Anyway, as long as you pass, at least you can't embarrass Nanyun Province!"

Just at this time, the system selection prompt appeared again.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is undergoing a special assessment!"

"The selection method is on!"

【Option 1】: Follow the assessment process and become one of the final passers!

[Option 2]: There is no requirement! Pass the assessment in the way of a policeman! If you pass all the assessments, you will be rewarded: [Intermediate Police Pack]!

Note: This reward will be issued after the task is completed, the current progress: 0%!

Hearing the sound of the system, Chen Ming smiled silently,

Do you even need to think about it?

What rules are not stipulated! It must be passed in the way of policemen!

And the reward this time is not a single reward,

It's a comprehensive gift package, and it's still an intermediate level!

It seems that in the eyes of the system, he, a fierce policeman, has been upgraded to the level of a middle-level thick policeman!

However, a little different from before, this time the rewards are only issued after passing all the assessments.

This made him look forward to it!

"Pass the test in the way of the police?"

"Then what is the way of the policeman..."

Chen Ming thought for a moment, then slapped himself lightly on the face,

"Bah! What a fool!"

"I am a policeman, the method I want to use is not the method of a policeman?"

pondered for a while,

Chen Ming turned his head and glanced at the forest behind him, and smiled,

"I heard that there is a special team chasing after the house?"

Also in this silent mountain forest,

There are 22 other people running wildly in various places!

They are all top talents selected from various provinces and cities in the Dragon Kingdom, and they are even guys who have already reached the top in a certain field!

With the hope and honor of the provinces, come to participate in this national security assessment!

at this time,

These people are also running towards the target more than 100 kilometers away.

They go stealthily along mountain streams,

Or jump quickly between the rocks.

Or, choose to temporarily hide yourself and wait until dark before starting to act!

without exception,

Behind each of them, there is a heavily armed special team closely following behind.

These special teams are fully armed.

Bring sophisticated instruments, plenty of water and food, and even special vehicles that can assist you on the mountain roads!

As for the people who participated in the assessment, there was nothing in the poor two hundred.

Not only to not be caught up by these special teams, but also to find food to replenish physical strength at all times!

almost at the beginning,

The assessment has entered the most severe stage.

in the mountains,

A contestant who covered his whole body with stinky mud,

Carefully crawling beside a small stream, after waiting for a long time,

I moved my body slightly to take a sip of water,

But at this time,

A drone suddenly appeared from nowhere.

The moment I heard the slight sound of the drone,

This contestant jumped straight out of the mud,

No longer caring about drinking water, just let go of your legs and run away.

"Trough... can't you let me drink saliva?"

Like this chase, hide, escape situation,

It is everywhere in the silent mountain forest.

And at this time on Chen Ming's side,

About two kilometers behind him,

A special team of 12 people is waiting quietly,

Until the captain of the special team, an order came from the headset.

"Number 023, has entered the site."

"Mission activated! Use all means to track and investigate No. 023 and complete the hunt!"

same instruction,

It also rang in the ears of the captains of the other 22 special teams.

For these special teams,

This is a real wild capture operation.

Can use all weapons, all auxiliary equipment, unlimited ways.

The only goal is to chase people! Catch people!

Once you catch up and catch the opponent, it will represent the victory of the special team!

For them, this is also a kind of assessment!

So, doomed,

Every special team will do their best!

The special team in front of me has been waiting here for a long time,

Because the target they captured was the last one to enter and exit the venue!

And now,

The captain who had been waiting a little impatiently, when he heard the arrest order came,

A playful smile appeared on his face for a moment,

"let's start."

"Touch the position of 023 first."

With the captain's voice,

11 special soldiers stood up silently,

Maintaining a tight formation began to move fast, and the two drones also quietly lifted off.

two kilometers away,

Chen Ming stood on a rock with a piece of weed in his mouth, staring at the forest behind him,

The two drones were flying close to the treetops at low altitude, and their bearings were heading towards him.

It is known that the special team responsible for hunting him has also begun to act.

watched for a while,

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly,

Then he turned around and went into the woods without looking back.

hidden in the rear headquarters,

On dozens of display screens, various screens appear interspersed,

And a huge satellite map,

On the map, there are red and blue light spots.

Red represents the special teams responsible for the pursuit one by one, and blue represents the contestants.

In front of these screens,

Dozens of monitors are recording all the information on the screen at any time!

After the colonel looked around the screen for a while, he came to Mr. Li.

"Old Li, all the special teams have already started to attack.

"The instruction given to them is not to restrict any means, as long as they can catch people."

After speaking,

The colonel hesitated,

"Old Li, the difficulty of the first stage is so high, I'm afraid there won't be many people left in the end..."

The colonel looked at Mr. Li,

This assessment was planned by the old man in front of him, and he was only responsible for implementing the plan.

Therefore, he knows all the content of the assessment,

There are three stages in total, each of which will focus on different assessment directions.

But also because of knowing all the processes,

So even he felt a little hesitant,

This kind of assessment can no longer be said to be difficult, it is simply at the level of hell!

Not to mention these selected elites,

Even the top players in Guoan may not be guaranteed to pass!

Go through all the processes,

Very likely, in the end there will not be a few people left!

But Mr. Li, who sits in command, still has that faint smile on his face,

His eyes were also on the running contestants on the screen, but he was too old to see clearly.

"Zi Heng, how many years have you been with me?"

Elder Li smiled and asked another question,

The colonel named Ziheng was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect the old man to ask this question suddenly,

But without even thinking about it, he blurted out.

"I have been in Guoan for 8 years, and I have been with you for 5 years."

"Five years...so fast."

Mr. Li sighed, then asked again,

"Then tell me, in the past five years, how many times has the Dragon Kingdom been sneaked into the country by elite teams from other countries?"

"How many children did they sacrifice when they went abroad to carry out missions in Guoanli?"

The colonel was silent for a while, and then reported a few numbers with difficulty.

"9 entry deportations."

"17 overseas missions."

"Accumulated sacrifices, B2 people!"

hearing the number,

Old Li's eyes dimmed,

He was just asking,

He remembers every mission and every sacrificed soldier better than anyone else.

"The 32 people are all good boys from our Guoan..."

"There are also those tasks inside and outside the country, which can't be said on the surface, but they have never stopped secretly."

"There are too many guys in the world who don't want to see our Dragon Kingdom rise! So they came here to disgust us!"

The colonel listened quietly, he couldn't talk about this kind of topic.

Mr. Li paused for a moment, on his old face,

Suddenly there was a ray of bright light.

"The more disgusting the enemy is, the more ruthless we will be!"

"On the bright side, there are fighters from our Dragon Kingdom!"

"But those bad things in the dark must be carried by our national security! We must carry it steadily!"

"So, Guoan needs a group of good players, who can really fight and carry."

"490 I just want to gather the strength of the entire Dragon Kingdom to single out those people, whether inside or outside the country, as long as anyone dares to reach out, I will definitely chop off their dog's paw!"

Speaking of which,

This sixtieth old man suddenly had a domineering look on his body,

even the colonel saw

I was shocked.

But this arrogance soon disappeared,

The old man regained his gentle look, and said with some emotion,

"I am old, and the future national security will be dominated by young people like you.

"Let's do it, protect the Dragon Kingdom."

The colonel's eyes were slightly red, and he nodded solemnly,

He knew that Mr. Li, the first group of bigwigs in Guoan,

The heavy burden on their shoulders is being handed over to them bit by bit.

very heavy,

But like Mr. Li said, you must hold on!

So he also knows,

This national security assessment is very likely to produce a group of Dragon Kingdom's strongest fighters, who are also guards!

Mr. Li's meaning is obvious,

Difficult, that is difficult!

Even in the end, if there is no one left, that's okay!

But as long as it can stay, it must be the strongest!

After a while of silence,

Mr. Li seemed to be focusing his attention on this assessment again.

asked with a smile,

"By the way, how is that little guy named Chen Ming?"

The colonel turned his head and glanced at the big screen, and said calmly,

"The special team chasing him is the strongest one."

"He didn't choose to move forward at the first time, as if he left traces on purpose and was going around in circles with the special team.

"I suspect...he may have other ideas about the Special Forces...."

This is what he discovered early on,

Something is wrong!

After other people entered the field, when they found that they were being followed by special fighters, they would evacuate immediately and try their best to get rid of them.

But Chen Ming is different,

From the satellite monitoring map,

He seemed to have waited there on purpose for a while, and then deliberately left traces for the special team behind him to track down!

From the point of view of the route,

It is even more obvious that they are deliberately leading the special team around in circles!

"For the time being, I can't see what he wants to do."

The colonel said helplessly,

Probably from the beginning of the test, number 023, it has already exceeded his prediction.

Elder Li didn't ask any further questions, he just glanced at the time, closed his eyes and said,

it's getting dark. "

"The most intense time is coming soon."

"Wait and see what that little guy wants to do.


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