Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 104 He Did It On Purpose! He Wanted To Destroy The Family!

Chapter 104: He did it on purpose! He wanted to destroy the family!

The night gradually enveloped the mountains and forests,

For general operations,

Because of the limited vision at night, it is inconvenient to move around,

Therefore, at night, they generally choose to hibernate.

But for this test,

Contestants naturally know the limitations of night action, so they will choose to march crazily under the cover of night!

And the special team responsible for the hunt naturally knew that the contestants would take the opportunity to run wild at night!

So the night, which was not conducive to action,

Instead, it became the most intense time of the battle!

One side runs fiercely, and the Japanese side pursues fiercely!

At this time is,

in a swamp,

A contestant who intentionally soaked all his clothes in the water,

Taking advantage of the cover of night, running wildly in the swamp,

The purpose of soaking the clothes is to reduce the heat emitted from the body so as not to be captured by the instrument.

And he chose to move forward in the swamp because it was difficult to move in the swamp,

The formation of those special teams behind him is not easy to pull away! Can't cover him!

The drone behind is still circling,

Two drones, now only one remains,

One of them was sneaked up by him before.

It was equivalent to stabbing a special team in the eye.

But the current situation still does not allow him to breathe a sigh of relief,

Because the special squad that was hunting him was chomping on the back of his ass.


When running across a small puddle, he slides a shovel,

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he picked up a small fish in the puddle, didn't care how to clean it, and directly took a big bite.

Supplemented with rare energy.

But before the fish was finished, he had to change the direction of running quickly,

on the left front of his course,

Impressively, he saw two special soldiers chasing after him,

It can be vaguely seen that the two special fighters surrounding them all have instruments on their faces.


"It's amazing to have night vision goggles..."

"Can this keep up with me?"

The contestant gave a wry smile, not daring to keep his energy,

The speed is instantly increased by a large section, and it is specially run to the place where the aquatic plants are luxuriant.


A muffled gunshot rang out,

The contestants stood there in a daze, looking at the white smoke rising from their chests.

That's proof of being hit by a bullet.

Being hit means failure.

Seven or eight special soldiers quickly surrounded him, took off their equipment, sat down beside him, and gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"Amazing! I almost missed you!"

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, it's finally over."

And this contestant looked at the sniper rifle in the hand of one of the special soldiers,

Showing a smile worse than crying,

"Damn...you still have snipers!"

"Let no one live!"

The special soldier with the sniper rifle smiled a little embarrassedly.

"There's no way...we also received orders to die.

"You must be caught."

"Brother, understand, I'll treat you to a drink after a while!"


The unfortunately caught contestant could only sigh helplessly,

It's okay to be fully armed, even a sniper is equipped,

Who can stand this kind of test?

In fact, it is not far from the elimination site,

Another fierce chase is also going on,

A somewhat petite figure jumps nimbly between the dark mountains and forests,

The speed of travel is actually not very fast, but the route of travel is extremely strange.

Every time I landed, I almost adjusted my body in different directions.

After running for some distance,

The contestant suddenly became short, and the cat landed in a small bush,

He quickly dug it up on the ground with his hands, and soon, a small piece of unknown rhizome with soil came out.

After wiping it casually, I quickly stuffed the root into my mouth and chewed it.

Even when replenishing food, his eyes were still watching the surroundings with extreme vigilance,

Then at a certain moment,

He seems to have noticed something,

Without the slightest hesitation, the stagnant figure rushed forward in an instant,

When he ran up a small slope in the forest, he suddenly turned left without warning,

After a few jumps, there was no trace at all.

Not long after the contestant disappeared, several special fighters appeared at the place where he stayed just now.

Looking at the remaining half of the rhizome on the ground,

One of the Special Forces started calling for the captain.

"Captain, ran away again, didn't block~||."

"This guy's physical strength and speed are not very fast, but his observation skills are amazing, and he is very cunning!"

"The previous encirclement still didn't cover him."

After the report, the special soldier hung up the communication and waved to several other companions around him,

"The captain has already changed and is watching over there, let's replenish our strength first."

A few special soldiers sat on the ground silently, took out the supplies on their bodies and began to gorge.

Not only those contestants were tired, but these special fighters were also exhausted.

The high-intensity chase that lasted most of the night exhausted everyone's physical strength.

And in order to block that cunning contestant just now, they have carried out three chases and interceptions this night.

But no success.

Every time when I was about to close the net, I was keenly noticed by that guy,

Then he got out from the opening that was not yet closed.

"Hey! They are all amazing!"

"However, the group is not interested. M

The soldiers of the special operations team were also thoroughly inspired to fight!

Thirty kilometers to the east,

Chen Ming quietly squatted on the trunk of a tree,

Listen carefully to the gunshots in the nearby forest.

Since night came,

The gunshots in the mountains and forests became more obvious.

He knew that meant a hot chase everywhere.

Generally speaking,

Unless it is the confidence that one hit will hit,

Otherwise, the pursuing special team would not be able to shoot easily.

In this forest, there is no one who is not a monster-level guy,

Once the shot is missed, the gunshot will completely reveal the position,

The contestants will immediately change their routes, or instantly distance themselves and leave.

"The special team has guns, equipment and supplies, and we guys have no hair on our bodies.

"It's really hard work!"

Chen Ming squatted on the tree and watched for a while,

gaze through the night,

Faintly aware of the special team that had been chasing him from behind, several people had already touched him first.

"Come, come, come!"

There was a gleam of joy on his face,

Then quietly jumped down from the tree trunk,

Deliberately stepped on a few slight footprints on the ground, and then ran forward,

After running a certain distance, jump on the tree trunk and squat again!

After adjusting his breathing, he quietly hid himself.

And behind him, under the tree where he stayed earlier,

First, the jungles on both sides trembled slightly, and then two special soldiers appeared quietly like ghosts.

One of the special soldiers squatted down and touched the footprints on the ground, and said in a low voice,

"It's very fresh, and the footprints don't last for a few minutes."

"It should be not far ahead."

But another special soldier suddenly said hesitantly,

"Do you feel that something is wrong?"

The special soldier who spoke before nodded slightly,

"I have felt something is wrong for a long time, from the beginning to the present."

"Every time we're close to losing track of that guy, then we see some residual trail.

"I always feel like he is deliberately leading us somewhere..."

"Under this high-intensity chase, do you think there is anyone else who can take the initiative to sneak us?"

The other special soldier is also full of disbelief,

"I do not know....."

"Anyway, we should be the ones arresting people."

The two soldiers were silent for a while, and then one of them turned on the communicator and began to report,

"Captain, I'm a lone wolf, and I found traces of that guy again."

"It should be less than a kilometer directly in front of us, but I feel something is wrong."

"The mouse and I will continue to follow, and the second echelon can get closer to us to prevent accidents.

After reporting,

He gestured to his companion,

The two special soldiers started to run silently,

Soon, on another bush, I found several hung branches.

It should be caused by someone running fast.

And on Chen Ming's side,

He has stopped in an area full of huge boulders and mixed trees,

Glancing at the complicated terrain around him, he finally nodded in satisfaction,

"Yeah, this place is really nice!"

"Great for ambushes!"

"Stop running! That's it!"

this time,

Instead of running on the ground, he jumped directly onto a boulder,

Then flipped onto another stone and jumped a few more times,

Finally squatted on a tall tree trunk, quietly sat on it and waited quietly,

From the beginning, he didn't intend to let the special team behind him chase him all the time.

More than one hundred kilometers!

If he keeps running and someone keeps chasing him,

Are you bothered?

So his first goal is not to run first at all,

Instead, he was going to backhand the special team behind him first.

If other people know his plan, they will probably pop their eyes out!

What is the first stage?

It's physical fitness! It's escape! It's concealment...

Didn't test ambush?

Even an ambush!

That one guy ambushed the entire Special Forces team with his bare hands?

"What is he doing?"

In the rear headquarters,

Through a hidden camera, the Colonel clearly saw Chen Ming catting the Lord of the Leaves on a tall tree trunk.

like a statue!

And on the map, the red dot representing the special team is rapidly approaching there.

"From the very beginning, 023's actions were a little strange."

"Judging from his speed, he should be able to distance himself from the chasing special team.

"Also, he obviously has the ability not to leave traces of investigation, but he deliberately leaves flaws from time to time.

"So now he suddenly hides there and doesn't move, I don't know what's going on!"

The data officer who is responsible for monitoring and analyzing all of Chen Ming's performance explained,

now he

I don’t even know what to write in the on-the-spot action analysis record,

Because of 023's impromptu behavior, he was a little confused.

The colonel stood under the screen with his arms folded, pondered for a moment, and ordered,

.Switch several other hidden cameras to see the geographic environment where 023 is located.


The data officer quickly called up the surrounding environment images, and the two began to study them carefully.

"There are many boulders in this area, and there are huge trees mixed in, so it forms a very complicated terrain.

"Basically, there is no way to encircle it. After all, it is almost difficult for two special fighters to march together at the same time."

"So, even if 023 is discovered here, he should be able to escape easily."

The data officer subconsciously analyzed Chen Ming's environment,

But the Colonel still frowned and shook his head,

"No! It's still a little bit wrong!"

He subconsciously thought,

If you are on this kind of terrain, the night vision goggles on the special team have other equipment,

It will be completely ineffective because of the occlusion of boulders and trees on complex terrain.

So, what convenience can it bring to that guy?

run away?

its not right!

With his speed, even if he doesn't need such terrain, he can still run out!

"Hiss...what the hell is he trying to do?"

The colonel was a little confused,

In fact, it's not because of anything else, mainly because during this assessment,

The point is that the contestants have to rush more than 100 kilometers to reach the target in three days while ensuring that they will not be chased by the special team!

So when he was thinking, he subconsciously only thought about the benefits of Chen Ming doing this to get rid of the special team's pursuit!

Who would have thought,

Chen Ming had no intention of running away at all!

It's not that the colonel's thinking is too limited,

It is true that Chen Ming's idea is a bit out of line!

And at this time,

Li Lao didn't know when he was attracted by the movement here,

Standing there leisurely and looking at the screen sent back in real time,

Then suddenly he laughed twice.

"Interesting, interesting..."

"Haha, I haven't seen such an interesting little guy for a long time!"

The colonel turned his head and asked suspiciously,

(Zhao Wangzhao) "Mr. Li, what are you laughing at? How interesting..."

Mr. Li narrowed his eyes with a smile, as if he was really happy,

First he turned his head and glanced at the colonel, then said leisurely,

"This guy...is deliberately leading the special team to this special terrain."

"If I'm not mistaken, the little guy didn't think about how to run from the very beginning.

"He's thinking about..."

"How can we wipe out this special team chasing him!"


Mr. Li laughed a few times as he spoke,

The colonel, who completely ignored him, opened his mouth in a daze.

"Destroy the special team... group first?"


"I really dare to think..."

on the trunk,

Chen Ming is like an owl,

The eyes are wide open, and the ears are always listening to the movement around,

[Guilty Perception] is also turned on at any time, and if there is only a light spot within a hundred meters, it means that the fish he wants to catch has arrived.

In the middle of the night, there are two things that threaten him the most in the special team.

One is a night vision device, including two drones with night vision.

Another one, of course!

And in this terrain,

There are boulders and giant trees all over, leaving only a complex labyrinth of narrow passages.

Therefore, the field of vision of the special team's night vision device will be greatly restricted, and the weapon cannot quickly lock him.

Moreover, the complex terrain can also prevent him from being dumped by several special fighters when he makes a move!

Anyway, it is definitely an excellent terrain that can turn round and hit people!

I waited like this for ten minutes,

Chen Ming pushed aside a leaf in front of him,

looking down slightly,

Just in time to see two special soldiers quietly appearing directly below!

He grinned happily,

"Hey...here we come!"

"Eat Lao Tzu and fell to the land with a thousand catties!".

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